Disclaimer: I basically do not own Digimon.

This story takes place during the first season.

Evil of the Heart
Part 1
The digidestined were walking through a forest in the digiworld with their digimon. There was nothing new. They were just walking, destroying evil digimon, walking...

"Okay, guys, we'll rest here for the night." Tai declared.

"Out here?!" Mimi shrieked. "Out of all the places we could have camped out for the night, you had to choose HERE?!"

Tai groaned. He now had to deal with Mimi and all of her complaints.

During the whole time Mimi was whining, Sora noticed that Izzy was busy doing something on his computer, too preoccupied to pay any attention to Mimi's constant complaining.

"Hey, Izzy, what are you working on?" Sora asked curiously.

Izzy woke up from his trance when he heard Sora talking to him.

"Oh, nothing!" He said nervously. He quickly shut off his laptop.

"It didn't seem like nothing. The way you were in that trance..."

"Oh, come on, Sora!" Izzy interrupted. "You know me, I'm like that all the time!"
Izzy started to laugh, but Sora just looked at him strangely.

"Um... I've got to go. Tell the others I'll be right back." Izzy left nevously. Sora was about to question him, but decided to just leave it.

"I wonder what that was all about..." Sora said aloud.

"About what?" Joe asked, overhearing what she last said.

"About Izzy. He's been acting quite peculiar lately."

"Yeah, I've noticed that too... oh well, it's probably nothing."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's go help get the campsite ready."

"Good idea."

Izzy had walked over to a waterfall. He sat on a large rock to think.

'That was too close! Nice job, Izzy! You almost gave away your plan!' He was so preoccupied, that he didn't even notice T.K. walking over to the waterfall.

"Hey, Izzy! What are you doing over there?" T.K. asked.

Izzy was startled. "Oh, nothing, T.K., just thinking that's all!"

"Oh, about what?"

'Dang! This kid is getting on my nerves!'

"Oh, just stuff, you know..."

T.K. gave him a queer look.

"I'm just thinking about the tags and crests, you know... the mysterious power they contain..."

"Oh... okay Izzy..." T.K. went and washed his hands in the waterfall and went back to the campsite.

'Izzy's sure acting weird...' T.K. thought.

'I'd better act fast, before they find out what I'm really up to!' Izzy then headed back to the campsite.

"Izzy, where have you been?" Tai asked. "We've been waiting for you."

"Sorry, guys. I just needed some time alone."

"Well, never mind, it's time to eat."

They ate and then they slept. Each took turns standing guard, except for the younger ones. When it was Izzy's turn, he started his first mission: Find the right bait. The only question was... who was the bait? Izzy looked at each digidestined and thought about it for a long time and then chose...

"Hey, T.K., T.K.! Wake up!" The younger boy opened his eyes to find Izzy right beside him.

"Uh... Izzy... I don't have guard duty, remember?" T.K. then started to drift off again, but Izzy wouldn't let him.

"Say, T.K., I was wondering..."

"Wondering what?"

"If you would like to help me perform something that is ultimately prodigious?"

"Like what?"

"Oh... it's way beyond complication. However... if you help me... I guarantee you will understand the process of this magnificent sensation."

T.K. did not quite understand everything Izzy was saying, but from what it sounded, Izzy was promising him something really great, something really... incredible...

"Well, T.K.? Do you accept?"

Suddenly, this question came to mind for T.K. "Why me, Izzy? Why didn't you ask Tai, or Matt, or..."

"T.K." Izzy interrupted. "I asked you because I think you deserve a little more respect than what you're given. Why look, they don't even allow you to stand guard at night. Some respect you're given. Hrmph!"

This put T.K. down.

"Well, if I helped you do whatever it is you're planning... would the others show more respect for me?"

"Well, I can guarantee you that if you help me... you won't have the problem of them disrespecting you..."

That was good enough for T.K. All T.K. wanted from the group was their respect.

"I accept." T.K. said boldly.

"Excellent..." Izzy said. A smirk came across his face.

"Well, what do I do?" T.K. asked.

"First, you are going to get up." Izzy said.

"At this time? It's the middle of the night."

"Exactly... now come on!" Izzy pulled T.K. up.

T.K. yawned and rubbed his eyes. Izzy pulled him behind some bushes. He pulled a gadget out of his pocket.

"What is that, Izzy?" T.K. asked with such curious eyes.

"You are about to find out. It's almost time for Joe to stand guard."


"You will see... I am going to wake up Joe now. Stay here."

Izzy ran over to Joe.

"Hey, Joe. It's your turn to stand guard now."

Joe groaned and got up. Izzy snuck back to the bushes.

"Well?" T.K. asked impatiently.

"This gadget can absorb heat and electricity." Izzy stated. "I asked Tentomon to shoot his Super Shocker into this little gadget, and it absorbed all the electricity."

"So now what?" T.K. asked.

"Watch and learn." Izzy pointed the gadget at Joe.

"What are you doing?" T.K. asked, starting to get worried.

"Watch what happens when I press this little red button." Izzy told him. He pressed it and a bolt of electricity shot out of the tiny gadget. It hit Joe right on the spot! He fell to the ground, not moving... not breathing... he was dead.

"Yes! Bull's-eye!" Izzy exclaimed.

T.K. was shocked. He couldn't believe what he just saw. He became very frightened and started to run. However, he tripped on a rock and tumbled down a hill, where he bumped his head on a log. The last thing he saw before he blacked out, was Izzy standing in front of him, smiling evilly...