Status: Open | Closed
Matingclan is a clan where breeding is allowed
and very much encouraged, at the age of 10 moons
an apprentice is stripped of his or her virginity by
their mentor, or leader and is then required to have
sex with a toy. They are also taught the usual
ways of the warrior, only with a changed
warrior code. Cats are allowed to lure
other clan cats into the clan, where they
either become warriors, slaves, or toys.
Kits are also allowed to have sex, and
rape is not out of the question either.
The ranks
Leader - The leader of the clan, allowed to
have sex with whoever they please.
Deputy - Successor of the leader, allowed to do
whatever they please.
Medicine cat - A medicine cat is allowed to have sex, but only
with the sex so they dont risk becoming pregnant.
Head warrior - These three cats watch over the warriors and
are higher ranked than them, though not by much. They are allowed
to do as they please, and are usually toms.
Warriors - They hunt and fight for the clan, and have kits. They're
allowed to have sex with anyone with or without consent.
Apprentices - Training to be warriors or toys. Have the same
privileges as warriors.
Kits - They're allowed to choose what path they'd like at
6 moons, to either become a warrior or toy. Though the
unlucky ones become slaves.
Toys - Toys are cats who enjoy sex so much
that they make it their whole life, usually dominant
they go after any cat and are usually seen with the
Slaves - These are the lowest cats, able to be messed
with and abused as much as they want. Even killing them
is allowed, though usually they're used as sex toys for
the toys and warriors.
The cats
Leader - Jet
Jet is a large black tom who prefers
she-cats, usually tight ones, and especially
apprentices who have not yet lost their virginity.
Slave: Alistair
Apprentice: Lark
Deputy -
Snake - A large dark brown tom with yellow eyes. Prefers to
be dominant.
Medicine cat- Soot
Soot is a murky brown she-cat with light spotting on
her muzzle and back, and a light cream chest and paws.
Mate: None
Slave: None:
Apprentice: Dawn
Med. App - Dawn - A dark grey she-cat with a white underbelly and golden-yellow eyes. Prefers she-cats
Head-warriors -
Breeze - A large brown-an-white tabby tom with green eyes. Easily angered.
Jack - A huge brown tom with a large cock and dark green eyes. Aggressive and dominant of his slave. Owner of Lynx
Warriors -
Sage - A pretty brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Amber - A tiny, sweet white she-cat with black dots under her amber eyes. Still a virgin!
Petal - A ginger she-cat with a cream belly and gold eyes. Enjoys to lick her pussy in public.
Lark - A stunning black tuxedo she-cat with golden eyes. Virgin. Apprentice of Jet.
Snowdrop - (soon to be) A small, virgin she-cat with fluffy white fur and a purple collar w/ a bell.
Queens -
Cherry - An impulsive ginger tabby with beautiful blue eyes. Rank: Toy
Nagi - A small russian blue, ex kitty pet. She tends to keep quiet.
Storm - A large gray tabby tom with white feet, dark stripes, and pale green eyes.
Aspen - A white tom with green eyes.
Moon - A small, virgin, black she-cat with amber eyes and a fluffy white tail.
Reed - A light tabby tom with blue eyes.
Sparrow - A tiny brown tom with black markings and blue eyes.
Toys -
Cherry- (details in the Queens section)
Willow - A golden brown she-cat with amber eyes. Enjoys hard core sex.
Fox - An approachable white she cat with amber eyes, black paws, a red tail with a black tip and red tips on her ears. Prefers she-cats.
Alistiar - a small silver she-cat with blue eyes and darker stripes and markings. Owned by Jet.
Shadow - A kind black tom with amber eyes and a fluffy tail. Currently unowned.
Lynx - A small and quiet brown dappled she-cat with bright blue eyes and a white tailtip. Owned by Jack.
How to join
Fill out the following form
Character's name:
Gender and sexuality:
Desired rank:
Quick description ( a picture would also be nice!)
Perferance in cat: (tom, she-cat, ect)
Fetishes/likes: (optional)
Would I be allowed to write about him/her?: (yes or no)
Would you like to tryout for: (Med app, deputy, or head warrior?)
A bit of a backstory:
Character's name: Lark
Gender and sexuality: Pansexual, female.
Desired rank: Apprentice.
Quick description: Lark is a small, stunning black she-cat with gold eyes.
Personality: Shes pretty calm and collected, though a little nervous about
the ways of her clan. Lark tends to keep a bright personality up, though.
Perferance in cat: Tom, though at times she-cats.
Fetishes/likes: Unknown as of yet.
Would I be allowed to write about him/her?: Yep!
Would you like to tryout for: No, but she'll become a warrior soon!
A bit of a backstory: Lark was born into Matingclan by two unknown cats,
and quickly grew into a happy go lucky she-cat who wished to become a warrior.