Chapter 4

Logan cried as Gabriella picked him up from his car seat. Her aunt and uncle's car already situated on the driveway of her house. She groaned quietly as she settled the baby in her arms. "Mommy just wants to be at home with no visitors." She told the boy as she shut the car door, Troy coming up behind her to guide her into the house.

Everyone was sat in the living room when they came through. Gabriella's Aunt and Uncle twisting in their seats to try and glimpse at the baby boy nestled within his mothers arms. Troy gave Gabriella a gentle push towards them, as her mother rose from her seat, "Sit here Gabi," she said. "Do you and Troy want a drink?" They both nodded as she rushed off towards the kitchen.

Gabriella sat down, and gently laid Logan across her lap. He looked around, and brought up his hand to suck on his fingers. "Come on beautiful boy," Gabi cooed at him, "Let's get you outta that suit, because it's just a fashion crisis." Troy chuckled, as he came and sat beside Gabriella on the arm rest of the chair.

She took the coat off Logan and handed it to Troy, who put it inside the diaper bag before he came and sat by Gabriella again.

"How are Lucille and Jack?" Gabi's grandfather asked. Gabi looked over at him and smiled, "They're good. McKenna got to meet Logan too. So we've had a busy morning." The baby in Gabriella's arms squeaked a yawn before his eyes fluttered shut. "Isn't that right sweetpea?" She cooed.

"He's gorgeous Gabriella, sweetheart." Her aunt Penny commented, as Gabriella stood, and made her way towards the bassinet to lay the baby down. "Thanks Aunt Penny." Gabi said as she laid Logan down and tucked the blue blanket around him. He stirred a little before he laid peacefully asleep. "Do we get a cuddle then?" Penny demanded and Gabriella rolled her eyes. "When he's woken up and been fed, yes." She replied bluntly as she came and sat back down.

Penny sighed heavily and Maria came back in with the drinks for Troy and Gabriella. "Here you go guys." She said as she handed them each a cup. "I've booked a table for lunch, at around 1." She told them. "Is that Okay."

Troy took a sip of his drink, savouring the warm liquid flowing down his throat. "Should be fine yeah. We can feed Logan before or after lunch, depending on when he wakes, I mean we can always just take a bottle out with us."

"That's good." Maria replied as she went and looked into the bassinet. "Aww look at him all snuggled up asleep." She cooed as Gabriella yawned and leant into Troy who was now sat beside her.

Troy put his drink down and pulled his girlfriend into his lap. "Get some rest Brie," he muttered into her ear. "The doctor said when he is sleeping, you should try get some too." Gabriella yawned again and rubbed her eyes. "Go get some rest sweetheart," Maria said watching the couple. "We can watch Logan and Troy will be here too." Gabriella nodded and stood off Troy's lap as she slowly made her way upstairs, Troy following behind.

"Poor Girl," Gabi's grandmother said, "She looks exausted." Maria sat down where the couple had been sat as she replied. "I think it's just from the long night of his birth. From what Gabi was saying Troy got up most of last night, so that she could sleep." Gabriella's grandfather laughed. "That boy is a godsend. Alex would have loved him." Maria laughed. "Yeah, he absolutely would have done."

Half an Hour Later

Troy was still upstairs with Gabriella, whilst the adults downstairs were in a light chatter. Penny got up to peer in at a still sleeping Logan. "Maria!" She called to her sister who was washing up in the kitchen. "Can I pick Logan up?" There was a short pause before Maria replied. "Not if he's asleep," she replied before she muttered to herself (cause he screams bloody murder and I don't want Gabi waking) "but you can if he's awake." Penny sighed, and looked at the sleeping boy again. 'Only I know your asleep, and if anyone asks your fell asleep in my arms again.' She thought to herself as she ignored Maria and reached into the bassinet to lift the boy into her arms.

Logan twisted about, before a small cry left his mouth. "Hey buddy," Penny cooed as Logan turned his head and began to cry. Maria emerged from the kitchen, she looked at her sister and rolled her eyes. "Penny I said not to if he was sleeping!" She told her as a soft thud of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

Troy rounded the door frame into the living room, and he glanced at his son, wailing in his girlfriends aunts arms. "What happened?" He asked as he approached Penny and took Logan off her. He raised the small boy to his shoulder, muttering words into his ear in attempt to calm him down, as he rubbed soothingly at his small back.

"He was awake and crying quietly, so I picked him up to comfort him." Penny lied. Troy shook his head, "Don't want to be rude but we have a baby monitor upstairs so he wasn't awake. But I'd like to thank you for waking him up, because now it's going to take a while to calm him." Troy said, annoyed. "Maria, I'll take him upstairs into Gabi's room. I'll stay there, just come and get us when you want to leave." Maria nodded as Troy disappeared upstairs with the crying baby.

"Honestly Penny, you couldn't have waited until the poor child was awake?" Penny just looked at her elder sister. "Troy is now going to have to wake Gabi, which is not what I wanted really, she needs to sleep" Penny just shrugged before she went back to sit on the sofa, beside her husband.

Troy pushed the door to Gabriella's room open. Gabi laid on her side, still curled in the position Troy left her in, when he slithered out from behind her to run downstairs to his still crying Son. "Logan, Bud," Troy cooed as he pressed his lips to the baby's temple.

Logan cried and moved his arms about. His head dropping heavily onto Troy's shoulder. Troy paced for a while, as Logan's cries died down. Once the baby was quiet, Troy pulled him back to see him asleep. Troy smiled and went to set him in the bassinet beside Gabriella's bed.

He was tucking the baby in, as Maria gently knocked on the door and stepped into the room. "I'm so sorry Troy," she apologised. "I told her not to. I didn't think she'd disobey me. Is Gabi okay?" Troy laughed and shook his head, "Maria it's fine, Gabi's still asleep. As you can see, and I was about to come bring him up here anyway because she wanted me to lay with her."

"Oh okay then, I'll let you all get some sleep. I'll come get you in about an hour." Troy smiled. "Thank you Maria." He said as she left the room and he climbed on the bed behind Gabi. She stirred, rolling over and burying her face into Troy's chest before she settled and Troy let out a content sigh, this is what he loved.

Later that day

Troy settled Logan's car seat into the back of the car. The baby boy was awake and sucking gently on his fingers. He looked over at Troy innocently before he smiled through his fingers. "You little monkey," Troy cooed tickling the boys belly as Gabriella came out the front door, wrapping a scarf around her neck. She stopped dead, looking at Troy before she turned back to the house. "His bags in the back babe." Troy said as Maria came out and locked the door.

"Okay cool," Gabriella replied as she opened the back door and got in beside Logan. "In the back?" Troy questioned and Gabi gestured to Maria who was giving directions to her uncle Kieran. "Moms riding with us." She explained as Troy nodded, closing Logan's car door as he got in the front behind the wheel.

Maria appeared in the car a minute later. "I presume you know where you're going?" She asked as Troy turned on the engine and backed out of the drive. "Yeah, I know" he said as Logan squealed from the back, making everyone laugh. "Stop being cute Bud," Gabriella said. "Daddy's trying to drive."

The baby looked over at her, attempting a small grin before he began to kick his legs about, his face screwing up in both confusion and anger. "I know baby," Gabriella said. "But you're going to have to learn the like the car seat." Maria laughed, "he's just like you Gabi." She said as Troy pulled into the restaurant car park. "You hated your car seat."

Gabi gave a small smile as she opened the door and got out of the car, once Troy had parked. She went round to Troy, who was unclipping Logan's car seat, passing it back to her, as she rested it in the crook of her arm. Logan curled up, because of the cold weather and he gave a small whine. "Come on let's get him inside," Troy said linking his fingers with hers as he guided her into the restaurant.

a/n sorry about the short chapter and the long update, I've been very busy. If any of you read little princess, I'm currently writing the new chapter for that so it should be up in a week or two. Thanks for your patience xxxxx