Wedding and Coronation

Several months later, the day of Lenora and Aster's wedding came on a beautiful spring day.

The sun was shining, the skies were blue and clear, the trees and grass were lush and green and there was every manner of blooming flower everywhere.

Much had occurred in Berk. Berk had recovered from Drago's attack. They had rebuilt what had been destroyed and even made some grand improvement. There wasn't a single trace of the black Bewilderbeast's ice now. Free of Drago's abuse and control, his armored dragons were settling in well along with the rest of Berk's new dragons from the ice cavern. Toothless was being respected and obeyed as the new Alpha. Everyone had a newfound respect and admiration for Lenora. And best of all, Val was settling in well again on Berk.

It had taken a few days for everyone to wrap their heads around it, but thankfully it hadn't taken long for everyone on Berk to accept that Val had returned and was there to stay. Val was welcomed back with open arms as she'd been greatly missed over the last seventeen years and Val was glad to be back. Especially since she had both her adopted family of dragons and her old human one united together. Stoick and Val had renewed their wedding vows and Val was living in the Chief's house again. There had yet to be a day when Lenora didn't come home to them dancing and kissing together as they made up for lost time.

At that moment, Lenora was in her room preparing for the wedding ceremony with Val's help. Val had helped Lenora dress and prepare her hair and place on her jewelry. Lenora tried, but she was finding it hard to stay still as she was ready to burst with excitement. It wouldn't be long before the ceremony and she was longing to see Aster. Tradition dictated that the groom not see the bride before the wedding ceremony, so they'd been parted since yesterday.

"My sweet light, hold still!" said Val, as she placed the diadem on Lenora's head. Val was dressed in her best clothes for wedding. "Honestly, you're as fidgety as a hatchling!"

"I can't help it. I've been dreaming about marrying Aster my entire life and now that it's finally going to happen, I can't contain myself. Besides, were you any different before you married Dad?" teased Lenora.

"I was worse," admitted Val, as she blushed. "But your father was even worse off if you can believe it. He was so impatient, he nearly broke a wall with his hammer!"

Lenora could easily imagine Stoick doing that, so she burst out laughing and Val did the same.

Val smiled softly as she ran her hand through Lenora's silky brown waves and then she touched her daughter's face.

"You look so beautiful," she murmured. "Aster's going to be rendered speechless when he sees you, just like your father did with me."

"I certainly hope so," said Lenora. She covered her mother's hand with her own, relishing in the love she felt from Val's touch. "I still can't believe it's happening. I used to think it was just a dream, that he and I would be together like this." Sometimes Lenora still felt that it was a dream. She'd always loved Aster and knowing that he loved her too made her feel complete. They'd had quite the wild flight together, but it was worth it.

"Well, now it's coming true," said Val.

There was a knock on the door and then Stoick came in, dressed in his finest clothes for the wedding. He was followed by Toothless, who was looked excitedly and eagerly wagging his tail while making happy noises.

"It's time, Lenora," said Stoick, smiling. "You look stunning. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Daddy, thanks," said Lenora. She picked up her bouquet of red and white flowers and then took her father's hand as he led her out of the house.


The wedding ceremony was taking place in the main center of Berk.

It had been beautiful decorated with polished gold and silver ornaments courtesy of Trader Johann, there was an archway covered in Lenora's favorite flowers. There were chairs for all of Berk's human residents which was a feat in itself, and every single dragon on Berk was watching either from the sides or from the rooftops and perches.

In one corner were Berk's finest musicians prepping their instruments and in another was a table with wedding presents stacked as high as the sky. Down the aisle in between the wedding seats was a lovely white and silver rug used for wedding ceremonies that had been handed down in Aster's family for generations.

On one side of the archway stood Aster's parents, who were very proud of their son. In the center of the archway stood Gobber and Gothi, both dressed in their best attire and looking excited about the ceremony. Gobber had even polished his best hook, making it so shiny he could see his reflection in it. Gobber was going to be the one performing the ceremony that would forever unite Lenora and Aster in marriage and afterwards, Gothi would be the one to pass the mantle of tribe leaders to Lenora and Aster, as per the ancient custom.

Beside them, Aster stood with his blond hair combed back and wearing his best dark blue and gold robes for the wedding. He was also wrangling his hands in nervousness.

"Laddie, what're you so nervous about? Relax," said Gobber. "Smile. This is a happy day."

"I know, I know, and I am happy." Nothing could make Aster happier than marrying Lenora. He'd been waiting a long time for this day, to finally be with the woman that he loved forever as husband and wife. "I'm just a little anxious. Lenora is the most beautiful, amazing woman I'll ever know. I can't help but feel that I'm not worthy of her."

Gobber chuckled. "Lad, let me tell you a little secret: love has nothing to do with worth. Lenora loves you because she sees something special in you, just as you do with her. You two are a match made in heaven. So, quit your fussing and smile. You're worse than Stoick was on his first wedding day all those years ago! I'll you all about it later."

Aster became significantly cheered up and no longer felt nervous. He quickly straightened himself up and smiled when the music began playing. It was time for the wedding to begin.

Aster's jaw dropped and his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when he laid eyes on his bride as she walked down the aisle on Stoick's arm. Lenora always looked beautiful to Aster—how could she not with her emerald green eyes and stunning smile?—but there were no words to describe how incredibly beautiful she looked in that moment on their wedding day.

Stoick and Val took their places on the bride's side of the archway.

Lenora smiled at Aster as she took her place across from him. "You look so handsome."

"And you look absolutely magnificent," said Aster, as he took her hand into his.

Gobber then began the ceremony. "Ladies, gentleman and dragons of Berk, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Lenora Horrendous Haddock the Third and Aster Finn Hofferson, in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and there is not to be entered into lightly, but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this, these two person now come to be joined. Is it your wish, Aster, to take this woman to be your wife?"

"It is," said Aster.

"Is it your wish, Lenora, to take this man to be your husband?"

"It is," said Lenora.

Gobber held out their wedding rings in his hand. "Then as you exchange your rings, exchange your vows."

Lenora went first and placed Aster's ring on his finger. "Aster, from the moment I first saw you, I have loved you always. You are the most handsome, the kindest, strongest and bravest man I've ever known. You've always treated me with respect and in my darkest hours, you were a light of hope. The years we've spent together have been some of the best years of my life. And if I can make you as happy as you've made me in the years to come, then my life will be complete. Wherever you are, that's my home."

Aster had tears in his eyes as he spoke next and placed Lenora's ring on her finger. "Lenora, to me you have always been the most beautiful, talented, and compassionate young woman. You taught me to never give up, how to be brave and do what was right even when no one else agreed with you. You sacrificed yourself for me. I don't know if any gesture of love I can come up with will ever compare, but I swear to you now, that come what may I will love you for forever and a day, and I will never leave your side."

Lenora's eyes were glistening with happy tears of her own as Gobber finished the ceremony.

"By the power vested in by the island of Berk, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," said Gobber, proudly.

Aster cupped Lenora's face in his hands and they share a tender kiss as Lenora tossed her bouquet over her shoulder. Ruffnut caught it and squealed in delight as she curled up next to Eret with a dreamy look in her eyes. Aster and Lenora knelt down to Goth's level as the old medicine woman dipped her fingers into red paint and then marked their foreheads with the mark of Chief and Chieftess.

"I present to you, your new Chieftess and Chief!" declared Stoick, proudly.

As Lenora and Aster turned to face the crowd, all of Berk cheered and applauded. Toothless gave a command and then the biggest dragons on Berk all blew out fire at the sky at the same time and it exploded, causing a grand firework effect in the air.

"Long live the Chieftess! Long live the Chief!" chanted the villagers. "Long live the Chieftess! Long live the Chief!"

All the dragons roared in agreement.


Following the wedding ceremony came a fantastic party of feasting, dancing and song.

It lasted until sunset, at which point Lenora and Aster prepared to leave on their honeymoon. They were going to "their" island and would be there with Brightscales and Toothless for two weeks to enjoy some special, romantic quality time together before beginning their lives as Chieftess and Chief of Berk.

All of Berk was there to see them off. Each of the dragons promised to Toothless that they would protect Berk while he was gone and wished him a good time. The people of Berk all offered wishes of good luck to the newlyweds. Aster's parents remarked on how proud they were. Snotlout promised to annihilate Aster if he didn't treat Lenora like a queen before he and Aster smiled and shook hands. Gobber offered his blessings. And then just before Lenora and Aster left, Stoick and Val's turn came.

"Congratulations, my sweet light. Have a safe journey," said Val. "I love you."

"I will, Mama," said Lenora. "I love you too."

Stoick hugged Lenora. "I'll see you in two weeks, then?"

"Two weeks," promised Lenora. She kissed her father's cheek. "I love you, Daddy. Thank you, for everything." She was so grateful to have a father like Stoick in her life. She didn't know where she'd be without him.

"I love you too, Nora," said Stoick. He glanced at Toothless. "Toothless, you look after them both, you hear?"

Toothless purred and nodded as he wrapped his tail around Lenora, causing her to smile as she rubbed Toothless' ears.

"And Aster, welcome to the family…son," said Stoick. "You take care."

Aster smiled as he wrapped an arm around Lenora's shoulders. "Thank you, Stoick."

Toothless even gave his mark of approval by licking Aster's cheek and nuzzling his hand.

Lenora chuckled. That's my family. And she wouldn't trade them for the world.

After loading up their luggage onto Brightscales, Lenora and Aster got onto Toothless' back and waved good-bye as they flew away to their honeymoon destination.

The village of Berk.

There were times when it got trampled and busted and once in a while, covered in ice but it was Lenora's home. It was everyone's home. Those who attacked Berk were relentless and crazy. But those who stopped them were even more so. Berk's residents may have been small in number, but they stood for something bigger than anything the world could pit against them. They were the voice of peace and bit by bit, they would change the world because they had something no one else did. Most places had armies and armadas, but Berk had their dragons.