AN: I'M ALIVE! Took too long for me to do this. However, I did forget what this chapter was suppose to be and ended up writing a chapter that did not fit the original idea. Alright, here we go!
Max fidgeted in her sleep. Lapping her lips, Max warmed up her mind to get ready to fully wake up. Once she felt comfortable, she went to open her eyes. However, her eyes were met with darkness. She reached a hand for her face, but a foreign grasp stopped her.
"Miss, you mustn't. I've worked so hard for wrap over your eyes, made especially for you." A freakish voice told to her. Something like a Peter Lorre parody.
"C-Clyde? What did you do? Where is Kate and her sisters?" Max asked.
"Heh. You looked so peaceful when you slept. Almost like... an angel." The voice said. Max felt her heart beat faster.
"Clyde, this isn't funny." Max said, shaky.
"Quite the heavy sleeper, you are. That wrap was easier to put on you than I thought." The voice commented.
"Clyde, stop this crap and tell me where we are." Max said, slightly freaked.
"This 'Clyde' will... not be joining us, my dear." The voice told Max, making Max feel colder.
"Where did you take me?" Max asked, sounding defeated. She heard a squeaking noise and sensed the person with her come within centimeters of her face.
"Your worst nightmare, my dear." The voice said, suddenly sinister. Max felt hands, surprisingly soft, creep up her cheeks and under the wrap covering her eyes. The thumbs caressed her cheeks quickly before joining the rest of the fingers under the wrap. In a sudden move, the wrap was removed and Max was blinded by the bright sunlight. As her eyes adjusted, she was met with a view of a place worse than hell.
"Secondary. School." The voice said. Max turned to the voice. It was just Clyde, looking like a buffoon; wacky face and wild hair. Relieved, Max looked behind them to see no one in the back.
"Where's Kate?" Max asked, more calm now.
"Dropped them off at their house. Seriously though, you are one heavy sleep." Clyde said in his normal voice. Max stretched a bit and looked around the area they were in. It appeared to be the entrance of a school. Looking harder, she noticed a sign: Blackwell Academy.
"What is this place and why are we here?" Max asked.
"Blackwell Academy. Black Academy is a boarding school located in the Pacific Northwest, specifically in the state of Oregon. The grades that can attend are grades 9 through 12. The school mascot was voted, by the students and faculty, to be the famous cryptozoological being Bigfoot. The reason behind this decision among both staff and students was because of... memes." Clyde rattled off as if he read it on a website or something.
"Thanks for that little bit of info. Now, why are we here?" Max said before Clyde could spout some more useless facts about this sad excuse of a center of learning.
"Well, Dana did invite you to see her practice cheerleading, right?" Clyde asked.
"And this is where it is?" Max asked.
"Yup. Arcadia Park is the nickname to the place where all the athletic fields are located. American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Lacrosse, Track and Field, anything that can be played here happens here." Clyde answered. Max nodded.
"You said football, twice." Max said.
"Well, the football I grew up with involved using your damn feet with the ball." Clyde replied.
"Bit of a stickler about the names?" Max pondered.
"Can't really same much considering my preferred position was between the sticks, so I did use my hands a lot. I will say my record for keepie-uppies was like 69 or 70." Clyde said.
"Anyway, get the move on. The practice will start any minute now." Clyde told Max, unlocking the doors and handing her a brown bag. Max removed her seatbelt, took the stuff and set a foot out the station wagon before realizing something.
"You aren't going to accompany me to see some potentially hot chicks doing God knows what for however long it takes?" Max asked looking back.
"I was going to get you something nice for lunch, considering you just can't storm their cafeteria because you're not a student. But, if that is how you want to be..." Clyde said.
"Hold on, forgot something." Clyde said, reaching in the back and giving Max a large sombrero.
"Alright, now get out before I think of getting you a kid's meal." Clyde said, to which Max rushed out with her stuff from Clyde.
Max walked to the "park" and spotted some bleachers. Walking up them, she settled herself in the middle of the middle set of bleachers. Not too high, not too low. She placed the large sombrero on her head, pondering how ridiculous she must look.
"Man, I must look ridiculous." Max thought to herself. Opening her bag, she discovered a half-gallon of water, a sandwich, two cookies, and a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. Max took a swig of the water and a bite of the sandwich.
"D'uh, hey Clyde, make me a sammich." Max said to herself in a faux stupid voice. She smiled to herself at her grade a humor. As she enjoyed her possible brunch, a group of girls got on the track. First three, then five, and then 17.
The eighteenth girl, a familiar, tall, athletic brunette, emerged finally after a minute or so.
"Alright, ladies. It's just a regular practice today. I don't have to tell you all what we have to do." The familiar brunette said to the group, her tone very telling that she was uninterested in her current situation. After that, the girls started to stretch and eventually line up rank and file, three people deep. The brunette walked to the left of the huge group. Looking around, the brunette spotted Max on the bleachers. She started to squint and Max did the same back. It was Dana. Dana smirked and looked back to the group.
"Ready?!" Dana asked. She then blew into a whistle and the girls started running in unison. Once they hit the half way mark of the lap, Dana started to scream.
"Come on, Bigfoots, make that pass!"
"Fight on, Blackwell, kick their ass!" The girls replied. Max dropped her chip as she heard that.
"Looks like Dana's cheer captain while I'm sitting on the bleachers." Max thought to herself. Dana continued her call and response schtick for three more laps. Max particularly liked these three.
"Hit hard, Blackwell, hit hard!/Don't give them a damn yard!"
"Put that, put that Bigfoot down!/And they won't gain that fucking ground!"
"Beat up, broken, black and blue!/But the Bigfoots still won't lose!"
After their last lap, the girls broke up and stretched again. Some girls grabbed some water. Ten minutes later, the girls grouped up and started working on... stuff. All Max could tell was cartwheels, towers and throwing girls up and catching them. Some of the impressive stuff were girls flipping around four or five times when thrown, and some girls continuing their flips with a couple backflips like in those kung fu movies. Max nodded and drank her water.
Max watched as the groups switched what they were doing, the ones doing cartwheels and flips went to throwing and vice-versa. After about the same duration, Dana blew her whistle.
"I wish Dana could blow my whistle. Wait, what?" Max thought to herself, which made her confused in the process
"All right, girls. We're gonna practice the half-time entertainment. We'll practice numbers two, six and seven. Stacy, you guys have number six. Melinda, number seven. Rebecca, two. If there are parts that require the color guard or step squad, just focus on your part. Make it happen." Dana told them, and the girls dispersed. Max was about to continue watching these girls, until an unfortunate complication appeared.
"I need to pee." Max thought to herself. Grabbing her stuff, she went towards the school. She spotted an open door and, just as she wondered if it was for the boys or girls, 23 girls walked into the open door from somewhere.
"Well, that answers that." Max thought. Following their lead, Max walked in. However, she was not prepared for what was going on inside.
As she walked in, the girls were in several different levels of undress. Anywhere Max looked, she could see either: breasts in sports bras, breasts with bras slightly off, or plain free as the wind breasts. Regardless of their state, Max was frozen. Eventually, someone noticed the queer girl out in the locker room. Another athletic brunette gave Max a shy smile, turning to face her. To Max's dismay, the girl was baring it all and then some and did not give a damn about it.
"You lost, darling?" The girl asked, hints of southern hospitality in her tone. Max nodded. The brunette leaned against the lockers, arms crossed but not in an effort to cover her assets. She seemed to perk herself up.
"What you looking for, sugar?" She asked, turning up that charm. Max was putty in this girl's hand.
"Bahhhh..." Max opened her mouth, but couldn't make words. Despite Max's brief case of aphasia, brunette sports chick could infer as much.
"There's a toilet in the back. Come on, honey." The girl said, picking up Max and bringing her to the stall, to the confusion of her teammates. Once the door shut and Max was free of her hat and foods, Max regained regular brain function.
"Wowser." Max said. After Max relieved herself, she heard some commotion outside her stall.
"Great, more people." Max thought.
"Hey, Leah! You guys done too?" A voice beamed in the room. It sounded familiar to Max.
"Yeah, about to relax, Dana." The southern voice said.
"Hey, where did you get that stuff?" Dana said. Max silently opened the stall to try and leave unnoticed.
"Some little girl came in looking for the bathroom with this stuff. She's in the stall in the back." Leah said.
"That hat looks familiar. Oh, look. It looks like she's done." Dana said, looking in the direction of the door. Max looked back to see it wide open.
"Damn." Max thought to herself. She made her way to the parallel way that Leah brought her to the stall, but was met with an audience of more girls in various stages of undress.
"Fuck it! Got nothing left." Max said. She walked through the girls, who didn't mind, saying sorry as they moved out of Max's way.
"Hey, there she is." Leah said, stopping Max in her place and getting all eyes on her. Dana's ears perked up, turning to look at Max.
"Max!" Dana said excitedly. Max started to sweat. Dana squeezed through the narrow path made by the girls and hugged Max tightly, giving her a face full of organic whole milk jugs.
"It's so good to see you came!" Dana said, making Max's face red with embarrassment.
"Dana, do you know her?" Leah said, getting near the couple with Max's stuff.
"Met her at the local bakery. Ain't she a cutie?" Dana said, showing her off like a puppy or something similarly small. Leah got closer, getting Max a nice view of impressive man-made land masses.
"I... guess?" Leah said.
"She's alright." A girl added.
"Like a shaggy puppy." Another added.
"Puppy? Can I see? Me, too." More voices added, then the space Max was in got more crowded as she got a free tour of a non-GMO, all organic dairy farm in the locker room.
"I think I could die right now and be totally happy." Max thought.
"Where the fuck is this chick?" Clyde said, looking at his phone.
"It's rare for me to get a farm fresh, non-GMO, all organic BLT and freshly bottled cane sugar soda. If only she knew that." Clyde said to himself. Just then, he got a text. It was from Dana.
"Clyde. U near? Max is her and needs help." The text read.
"In the parking lot by arcadia park." Clyde typed and sent.
"Omw" Dana replied. A few minutes later, Clyde spotted Dana and Leah carrying Max. He waved and opened the hatchback. The girls dropped Max in.
"What happened to her? She looks like she went to Valhalla or something." Clyde said. Leah and Dana smirked.
"Hey, guys! Too close! Oh! Sorry, Max! At least you get to enjoy it! Max?" Dana remembered what happened.
"Something like that. Later, Clyde. Oh, and tell her I appreciate her coming to our practice. She's welcome anytime. The other girls don't mind." Dana said, before waving bye and going off to somewhere. Leah did a little salute, to which Clyde returned and was off. Clyde looked at the back of his station wagon.
"Enjoy the ride, Max. You look like you need it." Clyde said, closing the hatchback and driving off away from the school.