Harry walked forward to sit on the chair and the hat was lowered less than an inch


Harry stood to the silent room and walked over to the table the other Slytherin's had gone to. He sat on the very end. Away from everyone. He sighed and looked up at the Head Table they were almost all gaping at him. His tired eyes met black one's then he looked down at the plate . His shoulder length hair fell to hid his face.

When the food appeared he slowly ate he was starving. When it was over he followed the other Slytherin's to the Common Room and listened to his Head speak before following the other first years to the hospital wing A lot of people were waiting.

"We'll start with Mr. Potter shall we?" the medi witch beamed. "Just go back there and get changed. "

The Medi witch had screamed and fainted upon seeing his badly scared body and his auto mail right leg and left arm. He sat their on the bed and blinked. He couldn't make expressions if he wanted to his face was paralyzed and had been since he was 4.

"Harry?" His head neeled in front of him. "Can you tell me what happened to you and why you have metal limbs?"

"Auto-Mail." Harry replied, "They call it Auto-Mail. Latest in Muggle technology. " Harry took a few strained breaths. "HE.." He pointed at the Headmaster. "and my relatives did this to me. He used some kinda curse or somethin' back when I was little and cut my leg off 'cuse I wasn' learnin' how to handle pain fast enough fer him. Said I had to be trained an' I'd get better trainin once I got here. Then saw him give uncle a bundle of money and say I needed more discipline and a strong hand. That he could do anything they wanted to me as long as the didn't kill me." The boy stared into those deep black eyes and couldn't lie like he had planed. " I lost my arm in a car accident when I was four. Can't feel my face it's frozen like this... cant see outta my left eye at all... are you gonna help me, sir?"

"Yes. " Severus Snape breathed. " Of course , little one."

Harry blinked as Severus healed his scars with a cream or balm. The other Slytherin's were staring or trying not. Harry frowned as drops were put in his eyes.

"Calm, child. " Severus whispered, " This will correct your eyesight. No more glasses." Harry nodded, and allowed it. He liked that Prof. Snape was explaining what he was doing. " Okay, that should take care of that now this balm should be applied to your face once every third day and should un paralyze your face. "

"Thank you, sir." Harry replied, when he returned from putting his robes back on , "and there is no need for you to apologize for the Nurse. I get reactions like that all the time when people see that I am not whole."

He reached in his satchel and pulled out a book to read as the other Slytherin's got their check ups.

"Do you like charms?" A small prof. asked, " Yer mum did."

Harry did not respond.

Severus wondered why. The boy had spoken to him after all.

"Excuse me?" Harry looked up and closed his book looking at the blond. "My name is Draco Malfoy." Harry shook the offered hand. "I was wondering if it's not too personal how does that auto-mail stuff work?"

"It's fused with my nerves." Harry replied, " That's how I can move my arm and leg. It needs to be mantanced once every four months and hurts like hell when it's fused to said nerves. "

"Muggles can do stuff like that?"

"Yes, " Harry shrugged, " It is surprising what they can do without the use of magic. " Harry rotated his left shoulder. " It is also hard on the body. Anyway, what class are you looking forward to?"


"Yes, I'm rather curious about Potions myself." Harry agreed, " Though I must say History of Magic seems rather..."

"It isn't." Draco cut in. "My father says if you want to learn History of Magic learn on your own because the ghost that teaches it only talks about Goblin Wars."

"Thank you for the information." Harry replied returning to his book. "I would have expected your father to teach you better manors it is considered rude to interrupt someone when they are talking. Good evening, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco Malfoy clenched his teeth and doubled his fists.

"Excuse me, child." Harry looked up at Severus. " Have you read all your books?"

"Yes, sir." Harry replied, "I have a photographic memory. So it's all in my head and I can never forget it I just thought to do some review before classes. I understand you are the Potions Master?" A nod. "May I ask a few questions about preparing ingredients?"

Severus cocked a smirk.

"Please do, child."

So Harry was off asking tons of questions.

"How did he not end up in Ravenclaw?" Pansy asked, as they walked back toward the dungeons. " He wants to know everything."

"He's awfully polite for an abused child." McGonagall said to the other teachers. She dabbed her eyes walking behind them she suddenly grabbed Harry in a hug. "I'm so sorry, child! I'll do whatever I can to make sure you never have to go back to those awful people!"

Harry got free but stared up at her. He blinked at her.

" Excuse me, Madame. " Harry said, "But ... do you know me?"

"I taught your parents, child." She said kindly. "Maybe this will help."

She turned into a tabby cat.

"Oh, right." Harry nodded petting her. "I remember you. It's nice to see you again, Madame. " She smiled as she turned back. " and thank you for your promise I would like that very much."

Harry found him in a room with Draco Malfoy.

"Would you mind if I change the colors of my side of the room?"

"No I would not." Draco replied shocked, "May I... uh...watch?"

Harry nodded and pulled out his wand. He began moving his wand around as Severus came in. His side of the room went pitch black. He nodded.

"Wow!" Draco exclaimed. "I mean... that's ..."

"It's alright." Harry sighed getting into his pj boxers. Then sitting on his bed. " I'm sorry about ignoring you. It's just i have to act in a different way in front of the Headmaster." He sighed and rotated his left shoulder again. " Want any color?"

"Uh... I like baby blue and silver ... if it's not too much trouble?"

Harry quickly changed Draco's side of the room. The lay down. He was beginning to feel pain in his auto mail telling him it was time for a check up. He'd have to tell someone. He swore to himself to wait until the pain got worse. He wasn't weak and would not be seen as such. He hissed as he moved his arm around. He got back up to do his work outs. He had to keep in shape and the truth was he didn't sleep much.

Harry followed Draco to breakfast the next morning after his morning work out. Draco had tried to join him but hadn't been able to keep up. Harry had told him he would teach him. While all the other students wore backpacks. Harry only wore his satchel. They sat down and Harry hissed as people tried to close in.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked halfway through breakfast. " You sound like..."

"Too close." Harry growled, "You're too close!"

With that he bolted in to the Entrance Hall to calm down. His breathing eased and his body tried to relax. He looked up jerking away from the hand that touched his shoulder. His wand out. He put it away as he came face to face with Severus.


"They were too close." Harry replied, " I don't like be touched, or ... or closed in on... I don't care for crowds of people... "

"You have panic and anxiety attacks?" Harry nodded, "I see. I will get one of the elder students to get you a map of the secret passages."

"Thank you..." Harry swallowed. " I hope Draco is not mad at me..."

"I am not." Draco walked over, "I'm worried that's all. If you don't want to be crowded we should head to Transfiguration's now while every one else is finishing."

Harry wanted to smile. As he was handed his schedule they went off quickly.

Severus watched the children go with a deep frown on his face he was going to get some answers out of someone about what had really happened to that boy. He was feeling overprotective and didn't know why.

Harry enjoyed his classes that day. He was tired when he entered Potions at the end of the day. He was limping and Severus noticed.

"Are you okay, child?" Harry looked up, they were early to Potions' " child, you are limping?"

"My auto-mail." Harry replied, "I need it looked at. I think I've grown a bit that makes it hard to walk sometimes and my arm hurts... i wasn't goin' to say anything but the person who does the work up is a Squib and I didn't know if they were allowed to come here..."

"Of course, child." Severus nodded, "Write down the name and where I can find this person and I'll get in touch."

"Thank you." Harry sighed rotating his shoulder again. " I appreciate it."

It was two days later Doctor Leland Lee came to look at his auto-mail. Harry happily sat in the Hospital Wing wondering why the hell these people , Aurors, had to be around when he was in the hospital. Draco stared as Harry's leg was removed.

"Oh, Merlin!" Draco cried, "Did that hurt?!"

Harry shrugged as his arm was removed next. He swung on to the bed in a half sitting position he grabbed a book and began reading.

Leland whistled as he worked on the boy's leg.

"You've grown a full two feet, Harry." His Doctor said, with a huge smile. " And you've gained weight. I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks." Harry mumbled, Leland was his doctor in all things. He had revealed that he was a Healer as well as a Doctor a Pure-Blood working in both worlds. Not a Squib as he had let on. Harry had shrugged it off it just meant that he could get his proper check ups. " Prof. said that he wants me on nutrient potions I told him to talk to you."

"We have discussed this." Leland replied, " If he does not get up to weight on his own by Halloween then we will do just that." Severus nodded, thinking the boy needed the help now. " I see the problem, Harry. I will need to start your leg over from scratch. You'll miss a few days of school..."

"I'll bring his homework." Draco offered. " He's really ahead so he wont miss anything."

Harry was reading a potions book he'd gotten from the library as Leland worked and ignored his 11 year old hard on. His body was already going through puberty and he'd been sexually abused since he was little so it was only natural he figured and he always had this reaction around Leland. He sighed and Leland looked over at him with a knowing smile. The man never got upset with him over is reactions.

Harry looked away and made sure no one could see his hard on. He lay his book down to turn the page and then continued reading.