I don't own Merlin sadly. It belongs to the BBC.
This is a birthday story for a fantastic friend of mine, more my sister than friend. It will have four chapters. A chapter a day. I hope you like your birthday story Forevercullen x. Love you! xx
Summary: After five years of marriage with Arthur owning his own bakery and Merlin sorting all the money and bills out, Merlin starts to miss his husband as the blond spends more time at the bakery than he does with him, feeling lonely Merlin hatches a plan to get his husbands attention once again.
Warning: Malexmale. AU. Rated M to be safe for swear words and a bit of violence
I apologise in advance for any mistakes I may have made :D
Merlin woke up shivering, he moved over to cuddle up to Arthur only to find himself alone in bed, he looked over his shoulder and looked at the clock to see it had just gone five in the morning. "Not again." he moaned.
He got out of bed and threw the duvet around him and padded over to the window and looked down the street at the end of the road and saw the shop with lights on and a figure walking about before standing still. He sighed.
When Arthur announced he was opening his own bakery Merlin couldn't have been more pleased for him as he was living his dream, doing what he always wanted to do, his father Uther disapproved as he wanted him to go into the company but Arthur wanted to make it on his own, start from scratch and rise to the top and that is just what he did.
When he bought the premises Uther still believed it would fail and gave it six months, Ygraine angry at Uther behaving like that surprised Arthur when she turned up at the shop with a mop and bucket and asked where she could start.
It was now five years later and Arthur's bakery, called, Pendragon's Pastries, was the busiest place ever, Arthur would be in his shop before six in the morning baking up a storm ready for when he opened and it stayed busy until he shut at eight at night.
Arthur didn't just make pastries he made cakes, pies, bread, rolls, he did ready made sandwiches, he would get orders for sandwiches and a cake or pie and he would deliver them to those who had night shifts before going home, he wouldn't get home until after nine it was a long day but Arthur loved them.
Merlin didn't work as he kept their home and he would see Arthur during the day as he would go to him, have lunch with him but lately Arthur didn't have time as he was on about opening a second bakery which to Merlin meant more time in not seeing Arthur.
The phone ringing made Merlin jump and walk away from the window. "Hello?"
"I see you Merlin, what are you doing out of bed?"
"I was cold, thought I would snuggle up to my husband, when I found myself alone in bed I knew you would be in the kitchen, I just hoped it was our kitchen and not the one in your shop, at least the former meant you would be coming back to bed."
"I'm sorry love I would be but I have a wedding to do, she wants a five tier wedding cake and small individual cupcakes."
"That's okay."
"Why don't you get yourself back to bed."
"No, I am awake now, besides I can get things done as I will be busy today."
"Yeah I was thinking of getting a job."
"Job? You have one Merlin, keeping the house and shopping for food."
"I can do that also."
Arthur laughed. "Merlin you haven't had a job in years it will seem funny going out to work for you."
"I will be getting a job today Arthur."
"Why? We don't need the money."
"It isn't about money it is about company as I no longer have it at home. Arthur why can't you hire people to bake and you can do less hours?"
"I prefer to do all the baking myself Merlin. I will wish you luck for today but I still don't see the point. Why don't you go out and buy yourself something?"
Merlin walked back over to the window and saw more lights turned on in Arthur's shop, looking across the way he saw the building that used to be a book shop. It had been up for sale for a few months. "Maybe I will." he said with a smile on his face, idea coming to mind.
"Great, you enjoy your day love, will I see you later? I miss you so much."
"And I you. I will pop over later. Love you."
"Love you too beautiful."
Merlin smiled and put the phone back. He decided since he was up there was no point in getting back into bed, he started his cleaning for the day and was finished just before nine, he text Arthur and told him to save him a breakfast roll and will be there in twenty minutes before going in the shower.
Arthur looked up when he heard his shop door open and saw Merlin trying to squeeze past the people who had formed a queue, apologising as he did. Arthur stepped forwards and took Merlin in his arms directing him into the kitchen. "I got your text, the best breakfast roll for the best husband."
"There are two."
"I know, one is for me. I thought we could eat together for a change, it has been a while." he said with a small smile. "I have time, things have just gone in the oven and these eclairs over there I am just waiting for the chocolate to cool so I have time."
Merlin smiled and walked over to Arthur and sat on his knee. "In that case I will eat mine on your knee, cuddle up to you, I am getting now what I missed out on this morning."
Arthur laughed and kissed Merlin on his neck before they both started to eat their breakfast, Merlin with a smile on his face as he couldn't remember last time he shared a breakfast with Arthur.
When they had finished Merlin watched as Arthur took things from the oven and placed more in before calling out to those serving in the shop, they hurried in and collected what Arthur had just baked and the chocolate eclairs.
"Running low on anything?"
"White chocolate chip cookies and cheese sticks." Sefa said quietly before hurrying back to the front of the shop.
"Those cheese sticks go like mad it is unbelieveable." Arthur said as he set out to make more things. "So were you serious this morning?"
"About what?"
"A job Merlin."
"Yes. I can't sit at home all day I am going barmy I need to get out see different faces."
"Work here, at least then we can see each other."
"Can I work in here and bake with you?"
"Merlin you can't bake."
"How do you know, I am always cooking."
"Cooking yes, baking is different."
"No thank you. I will look elsewhere."
"There is no need to, if you work out front you are seeing different people."
"No. I will find something. I will leave you to get on."
Merlin turned and gave Arthur a reassuring smile. "It's fine Arthur." he said as he hugged the blond. "Don't work too hard, love you." with a final kiss Merlin left Arthur to get on with what he was best at. Baking up a storm.
Stepping out of Arthur's bakery he looked at the place across the way that used to be a book shop. He looked up and saw the for sale sign, typing in the number in his phone and saving it he scrolled down his phone book and pressed call as he made his way back up home.
"Hey Freya how are you?"
"Ugh, still job hunting, you know some look at your application form, get your hopes up by giving you and interview only to tell you they are looking for someone with more experience, I mean, one: How can I get experience if I don't get given a chance and two: Why get my hopes up with an interview if I am not what you are looking for in the first place."
"I know, that does piss you off, I mean those who interview had to start somewhere and they were given a chance."
"I know! So what's up Merlin?"
"Have you got time to pop over to mine and Arthur's?"
"Yeah, I am on the bus now, instead of getting off at my stop I will just stay on until it drops me off near yours."
"Great. See you in a bit."
Twenty minutes later Merlin answered the door and let Freya in. "Cup of tea?"
"Oh please." she said as she sat down.
Once the hot drinks were made and Merlin sat down and joined Freya, she started to talk. "What is it you want to talk about then Merlin?"
"A job."
"You got a job?"
"And you as well, if you will help and want one."
"Of course I do, doing what?"
"Opening a bakery, I will be in the back baking and I need people out front serving."
"I can do that! Oh is Arthur opening a second place."
"He is on about it but no this is me, I hardly see him anymore Freya, you know this morning was the first time in weeks we have actually sat down and eaten together. I mean on the off chance he does come home early he is on about his bakery. Don't get me wrong I am more than happy that he is finally living his dream but in our vows he said I was his only dream. I am getting moved aside."
Freya moved over and hugged Merlin. "So you are opening your own bakery so it gives you something to do during the day and keep you busy?"
"Yes. Do you know that place across from Arthur's that used to be a book shop?"
"It is up for sale. I have rang those selling it and I have a meeting with them this afternoon, if all goes well by evening the place will be mine, Arthur did say this morning that I should buy myself something and we have more than enough money. Arthur won't know as I handle all the bills. I know it is sneaky."
"Merlin you are opening a bakery opposite Arthur's you will take some of his customers."
"He still won't be losing money though. All Arthur talks about now is cakes and pastries and pies, this way I am just giving him a few more to talk about."
Freya looked at Merlin. "I'm in."
Lancelot had just finished serving someone when he looked out of the bakery window and saw the for sale sign come down across the way and a 'sold' sign go up. "Arthur."
Arthur walked out of the kitchen, "yeah?"
"That old book shop across the way, its been bought."
Arthur looked up and saw the sold sign being put up. "I wonder what it will be this time? Hey if it is a shop of some sort I can tell Merlin about it, he said he wants a job, new shop they will need workers won't they."
The next morning Arthur woke up and looked at the time, twenty minutes to five, he turned over to give Merlin a kiss before getting out of bed to find the space next to him empty. "Merlin?"
He got out of bed and after taking care of himself and washing in the bathroom he searched the house calling out for Merlin and only got silence as an answer. He walked into the kitchen and stopped when he saw a note on the kitchen table. Picking it up he started to read.
Morning Arthur, no doubt you have got up and searched the house calling out for me. I wanted to wait up to tell you last night but I had to go to bed early. I got a job! And I start this morning, it is long hours but that's fine, it is getting me out of the house like I wanted, have a good day at work Arthur, I love you. xx Merlin xx
"What sort of job starts before five in the morning?" he asked himself before realising he always started work for then.
Freya looked around as Merlin unlocked his new place. "I am not so sure about this."
"Relax Freya, he won't recognise me." Merlin assured his friend who like him was wearing old baggy clothes as they had a lot of cleaning out to do before they could start buying equipment.
Freya looked up the road and saw Arthur walking towards them. "He is coming!"
Merlin hurried in the shop and took a wig out of the carrier bag he bought and then put a hat on his head. "Just watch Freya, I will even talk to him and he won't know it is me." he said as he handed Freya a sweeping brush and started to sweep up outside.
When Merlin saw Arthur unlock his door he spoke in a deep voice. "Mornin' to ya!"
Arthur turned and saw a man across the way in front of the old bookstore waving at him with a woman by his side. "Yes." was all Arthur said before going into his bakery and closing the door behind him.
Merlin laughed and placed his arm over Freya's shoulders. "See? Didn't even know it was me. Now lets get some cleaning done."
What do you think?
Chapter Two up tomorrow :D
Review? x