This is a rewrite of 'Inconvenient', I hope you enjoy!
I do not own Pokemon, but if I did this would happen:
Better Than Never
-Ash's POV-
"Pika Pi." Pikachu stared at his owner in seriousness, it was late in the afternoon and the electric mouse was starting to get cold.
"Yeah, you're right Pikachu, we should head back now," came the reply from the equally exhausted Pokémon master. Ash picked up his empty Pokeballs and summoned his Pokémon back inside, placing the balls on his belt.
Ash was now 16, finally deciding to return home to Pallet Town 3 months ago. He spends most of his days training his Pokémon or helping out Professor Oak in the lab, it's not a very exciting life but he finds it tolerable.
Ash sighed in contentment, taking in the scenery as he and Pikachu walk back to Pallet Town. Not many people had recognised him when he first returned home; he didn't look like his old 10 year old self. He had filled out quite nicely, his muscles becoming more defined and toned. He grew a lot taller, and his hair grew longer; it now sweeps onto his face instead of entirely staying upright.
Ash was humming along to one of his favourite tunes when he heard a low voice in the distant.
The voice came again, "Umbreon, Shadow Ball!" Umbreon? The teen furrowed his eyebrows, not many people had an Umbreon. Ash started walking towards the voice, he picked up the pace into a jog; he only knew one person with an Umbreon.
"Umbreon, again! More power this time!" The raven-haired male followed the voice as if it was his lifeline. He pushed aside some shrubbery, opening up to a clearing.
A bloodcurdling screech filled the air, "Umbreeeeon!" The last thing Ash saw was a ball of black and purple aura material fly towards him, and the faint cry of his childhood friend.
"Ash? Ash, wake up!" A cold liquid was felt on the boys' face, waking him from his subconscious. His eyes slid open, only to reveal a very serious Gary Oak.
"G-Gary?... What are you?.." Ash tried to sit up as he could feel his head sitting in water.
"We didn't know that anyone knew this spot, Umbreon and I were training." Gary sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair, looking very distraught. "Neither of us saw you there; you got hit by one of Umbreon's shadow balls. I'm really sorry, Ash."
The raven-haired male took in his surroundings, Geez, I see why Gary come's here. It's beautiful. Ash looked down at the ground he was sitting on; he was on a river bank.
"Why are you wet?" Ash cocked his head in confusion; Gary blushed and sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
"Well, you were knocked out; someone had to hold your head while Umbreon splashed water on your face." Ash blushed at the realisation; he tried steering the conversation elsewhere
"So, why are you back in town?"
"I have something to tell gramps," he looked everywhere besides at Ash, "that is if he doesn't know already."
"What do you mean? You're not hitched are you?" Ash gave a little laugh and shoved Gary; it was not secret on how attractive the auburn-haired teen had become. Like Ash, he had become taller; he now towers above his companion. His hair is flatter and falls into his face, his trademark long-sleeved purple shirt has been traded in for a tight purple short sleeved shirt. His ying yang necklace has become shorter and sits just between his collarbones.
"Oh I wish, Ashy boy!" Gary smirked back at the younger teen, enjoying their conversation.
"Don't call me that," he bopped the auburn-haired male on the head. "What do you mean you wish? Is the infamous Gary Oak, player and all round heartbreaker, ready to settle down and have a family? All at the wise age of 16?" Ash smirked at his friend.
"Have you forgotten, Ash, I'm 17?" He smirked back, "and no, not yet. I haven't found the right guy anyway."
"Guy?" The younger was very taken aback, he's gay?
"Yes, Ash. Didn't you know? I'm gay." Gary looked nervous but tried to lighten the mood, "the infamous, player and all round heart breaker, is gay." Ash let off a little laugh at that, smiling ever so slightly.
"I know what gay is, Gary." The younger challenged, nudging the auburn-haired male.
"Oh, really? I didn't think your simple mind could grasp it." Gary shot back, flashing his trade mark smirk. Ash blushed and slugged him on the head again, rolling his eyes. The elders smirk grew, locking eyes with his childhood friend. "It's getting late, Ashy-boy," The auburn-haired male stood up, he gingerly held his hand out for Ash. The latter blushed and placed his hands in the others, Gary pulled him upright. Their hands lingered together for a spilt second, before being pulled apart. "Come, I'll walk you home."
The two boys talked the whole way back into Pallet Town, catching up on everything that they've missed over the years. They were so wrapped up in their conversation they didn't even realise that they had arrived at Delia's house. "Mime Mime," called Mr Mime, greeting the two boys. This shook them both into reality, but before they could acknowledge the Pokémon Delia called out to them.
"Gary Oak, is that you? " She was smiling profusely, happy to see the young Oak finally returning home. Delia put down her gardening tools, took off her gloves and made her way over to the two boys.
"Mrs Ketchum! Looking beautiful as always," he said sweetly, giving her a quick hug.
She slapped him on the shoulder, "oh you know not to call me that! You really have grown up; you're becoming a real catch!" Gary smiled at her compliment, very pleased that she's just how he remembered her to be.
Ash sighed happily at the way his mom and Gary had always gotten along well, he let the tiniest of smiles play on his lips. "Come in, come in. Dinners almost ready, will you be joining us Gary?"
Ash looked at him hopefully, but the auburn-haired boy waved his hand in submission. "Oh no, I can't tonight, Delia. I have to meet gramps, we have something to discuss; but maybe I could stop by after dinner?" He's going to tell him tonight? Well I guess there's no better time than the present.
"Oh yes of course you can, we would be happy to have you." She sincerely told the teen, smiling up at him. He nodded at her, a silent thank you. "Well I really should be checking dinner," Delia said while checking her wrist watch, "I'll see you tonight, Gary. It was good seeing you again after all these years." She embraced him once again before scooting off inside, Mr Mime in tow.
"Thank you for walking me home," the younger blushed, trying to avoid all eye contact.
"Any time, Ashy-Boy. It's getting pretty late though, I really should be going," Gary said almost reluctantly. "I had a really good afternoon; I'll be seeing you later." He cooed, flashing his smirk. The older of the two had a certain glint in his eye, one which Ash only just saw. "Until next time," Gary tipped his imaginary hat and strolled away, smiling to himself.
Ash laid in his bed, stuffed from the feast Delia had had prepared. He thought thoroughly about his afternoon with Gary, a small smile playing on his lips from the memory. Wow… I really can't believe that Gary is gay. It's surprising to say the least; when they were younger the older of the two always seemed to have girls falling at his feet. Well I guess you CAN have too much of a good thing. Nether the less, it was still a surprise.
Pikachu nuzzled his face into one of Ash's hands; the little electric mouse could sense the deep thought his owner was in. "Pika Pi," purred Pikachu trying to summon any attention.
This caused the raven-haired male to rouse from his dream like state, "Oh Pikachu." The Pokémon leapt up on his human's chest and licked his face, happy that Ash was 'awake'. "Hey, Pikachu, don't worry I was just thinking," Ash started laughing as he was attacked by his friend.
"Ash! Gary's here!" Called Delia from downstairs, Ash's heart skipped a beat. The latter gently pushed Pikachu off of his lap and made his way downstairs.
"Did ya miss me, Ashy-Boy?" The smirk was plastered on his beautiful face.
"Hardly," a coy smile played on the raven-haired males face. "How'd go with Professor Oak?" He asked, only just remembering that Gary was telling him tonight.
"Complicated," the brunet sighed sadly.
"Ash offer poor Gary a drink, where are your manners?" Delia scolded playfully but seriously, she stifled a yawn. "I really must be heading off to bed; I'll see you two boys in the morning. Goodnight, Gary. Goodnight sweetheart," she kissed Ash on the cheek and shuffled off to bed.
The younger blushed in embarrassment, "so uh yeah, do you want a drink?" He walked towards the kitchen, Gary following suit.
"Yes please," Ash took out two glasses and looked inside the fridge.
"We've only got apple juice, is that okay?" He questioned but grabbed the carton out anyway; he still remembered how much the young Oak loved apple juice.
"Yeah of course it's my-"
"Favourite," Ash interjected, "yes I do remember how much you used to drink our apple juice." Gary smiled, happy at the fact that after all these years the raven-haired male still remembered.
Ash poured the two cups of juice and placed the carton back in the fridge, he picked up Gary's drink and handed it to him, missing a few centimetres and accidentally spilling the freshly poured drink all over his childhood friend. The juice soaked his shirt and caused Ash to drop the cup, which to their dismay fell on the ground and shattered. Ash had a look of utter horror on his face, "oh my god Gary I'm so sorry!" The raven-haired male reacted quickly, going to retrieve the dust pan and brush to clean up his mess. He started cleaning up the pieces of broken glass, while the burnet got out some paper towels and started soaking up the spilt apple juice which wasn't on his body. "I'm really sorry, Gary," the younger apologised again, bringing the glass to the trash can and discarding them.
"Ash, seriously it's OK," the brunet reassured him. The mess was thoroughly cleaned, and all the rubbish was thrown away but Gary himself was still a mess. The auburn-haired male chuckled to himself; god Ash had really done it this time. He removed the sticky, wet shirt from his body, walking to the laundry room and throwing the garment in the hamper. Ash stared in awe when Gary walked back in the room, does he have to be so attractive? His muscles were perfect; his body was oh so alluring. "It's not polite to stare, Ashy-Boy," the brunet smirked at his childhood friend.
Ash scratched the back of his hair sheepishly, "I wasn't staring." The younger looked from his body to the males' in front of him, "you do however put my body to shame." Gary snorted, obviously not believing a word Ash had said.
"Ashy-Boy, would it be alright for me to have a quick shower? Apple juice is really sticky."
Ash nodded, previous self-loathing forgotten, "of course you can!" He walked the other teen up to the main bathroom, "I'll be waiting in my room. I'll look for a shirt that you could wear until we wash yours." The younger smiled, being a perfect host.
"Thank you, Ashy," Gary closed the bathroom door, the sound of water running not even a minute later.
"I told you not to call me that," he muttered. Ash walked into his room, Pikachu was sound asleep on one of his pillows. A small smile played on his lips as he began to search for a shirt for his friend. This was a harder task than first thought, as Ash was a good few inches shorter than Gary. Why am I even helping Gary out? Why am I being nice to him? He was horrible to me; all I did was look up to him. He treated me like I was nothing; could he still think of me as nothing? No, he's nice to me now, he wouldn't think that. Why am I nice to him though, shouldn't I still be mad? It was true; Gary did treat Ash horribly for a few years. They were best friends; well they were until the accident…
Ash was sleeping when Delia woke him and told them that they had to go over to Professor Oak's Lab.
"Why do we have to go?"
"I… I don't know sweetheart, but it's urgent." Ash rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and got out of bed; Delia grabbed her belongings and rushed them both out the door. "Take care of the house, Mr Mime." The mime Pokémon saluted her, giving her the silent promise.
Ash was eager to know what was happening, but his nine year old brain couldn't comprehend the seriousness of the situation.
When they got there only Professor Oak was in the room, "What happened? Where's Gary?" Delia spoke urgently.
Professor Oak's face lowered, his voice was soft and barely audible. "Gary is in his room," he took a deep sad sigh before continuing, "Gary's parents… They got into a car crash. They both were killed instantly."
Delia's face turned pale, her eyes started to tear up. The Ketchum's had been family friends with the Oak's since the dawn of time, "no…" She sobbed.
"So Gary won't ever be able to see them again?" Ash questioned, cocking his head to the side.
"No, Ash," spoke Professor Oak, "Gary won't be able to see his parents again."
-Flashback end-
Ever since that day, Gary treated Ash like dirt; until today.
"Ash what are you thinking about? You look really upset," the brunets' voice sounded very worried, Ash didn't even hear the shower turn off.
"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about the last few years." He threw a shirt at his childhood friend, trying not to gawk at the boys' gorgeous body. Gary frowned but slipped the shirt over his head, it was a very tight fit much to Ash's delight.
"Ash, I'm really sorry for the way I treated you. I was so caught up in everything I didn't realise how much of a douche I was being to you, and when I did it was too late; by that time you hated me too." Gary exhaled loudly, drying his hair off with a towel.
"I never hated you, Gary," they locked eyes, "I just thought you hated me."
"I didn't hate you," the taller male took a few steps forward, evading Ash's personal space. Brown irises stared at green ones, neither of them moved. Gary lent forward and embraced the younger teen, in a very intimate hug. Ash snaked his arms around his friend's waist, pushing their bodies even closer together. "I'm so glad to hear that you didn't hate me," the older male confessed. Ash's heart jumped into his throat, he was so close to Gary. The raven-haired male rested his lips on his friend's shoulder, being careful not to give in to his urges and kiss the boys beautiful skin. They stayed embraced for five minutes, neither of them daring to pull away. "Can-can I stay over tonight?" Gary whispered into the shorter teen's ear, sending jolts of electricity through Ash's veins. The raven-haired male had to stifle a moan, as the breath in his ear felt so good.
"Yes, of course you can." Ash mumbled into his friend's skin. Gary pulled away, as he knew that if he didn't he might jump the younger boy. The younger teen had a look of disappointment on his face as his friend moved away, he was really enjoying himself. Gary traced his fingers over Ash's jaw, cupping his face in his hands.
"Don't make that face, Ashy-Boy," he cooed oh so seductively. Gary quickly realised what he was doing, he withdrew his hands from Ash's face and took a step back. He breathed deeply in, trying to calm his raging hormones. "So, where am I sleeping?"
"Well," Ash took a deep breath too, thoroughly aroused by Gary's pervious actions. "We only really have two beds, so you can either bunk with me or sleep on the couch."
A smirk appeared on the older males face at the mention of them sleeping together, but he knew that he shouldn't. "I'll take the couch, Ashy-Boy, don't want to catch any of those loser germs now do I?"
"Shall we remind you who lost to whom?" The younger playfully retorted, forming his own smirk. He threw a spare pillow at Gary, to which the latter caught without even trying. "You can use the throw blanket on the couch; it should be warm enough seeing as we're not in winter."
The taller male made his way to the door, "Goodnight Ashy, sleep well."
"Goodnight, Gary," Ash smiled happily to himself, soft footsteps could be heard making their way down to the couch. The raven-haired male got dressed into a fresh pair of boxers and a white tank top, crawling in to bed. Sleep soon overtook the teenager's body; even as he slept the smile on his face was still noticeable.
-Gary's POV-
Ugh, why did I have to take it that far? I always take it too god damn far. Gary punched the side of Delia's couch, praying to god that he did not do any damage to it. No I couldn't have just had a nice night, I had to do that. What will he think of me now? That I'm a horny pervert and I flirt with everyone? Ugh! It's him it's always been him… The stressed teen ran his fingers through his hair, tugging it when he got to the end. What am I supposed to do?
TBC, R&R to get the next chapter out faster
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