Hey, guys! It has been a while~! Yuuki is back~! Sorry for my lack of postage, but I will be taking another temporary leave due to school and personal issues~! I am finishing this trilogy, and I hope you are just as excited as I was completing this story~! This is the final, so I will not be making any more UtaPri with this same story line; however, I will still be creating fanfictions with this pairing~! Thanks~!

"Welcome home, Tokiya. Did you get everything that you needed?" Otoya asked. Tokiya smiled gladly, raising the bag of groceries in his hand.

"Do you want some dinner?" Tokiya smirked. Otoya giggled in delight and lunged into Tokiya's warm embrace. While Tokiya was cooking dinner, he told Otoya to take a shower before dinner. Tokiya smiled as he made every preparation for their dinner. Once Otoya had finished taking his bath, he ventured to the dining room, where he saw so much food!

"Wow, Tokiya! You made all of this for me?" Otoya smiled like a little puppy.

"Well I stopped by the store, and there was a ton of produce on sale, so I kind of went overboard." Tokiya replied. Without saying a word, they both dug in. Tokiya took so much time making dinner for Otoya, and by the look on Otoya's face, he knew that all of the time was worth it. As the time passed, Tokiya began to tremble.

"Tokiya, what's the matter? You seem a little concerned. Is there something wrong?" Otoya asked Tokiya with misgiving eyes. Tokiya stood up and walked over to his lover. Otoya was fearful so much so, he stood up. "Did I do something wrong?" Otoya asked with perplexity. Tokiya held his hands, and he smiled deeply into his eyes before getting down on one knee.

"Otoya, for as long as I have known you, you have always been there for me. From the time I got into school, to now, and I want you to know that in all that time, I have never been able to part with you. Even when my father tried to drive us apart, you stayed by my side, and you stopped me from becoming someone I didn't want to be. That's why I want you to hear me when I say this. I have tried thinking, imagining a world without you, but you know what, every time I did, all I could think about, was you. There was no way that I could ever live in a world without you. So, Otoya Ittoki as I stand here today, will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?" Tokiya replied.

Otoya was stunned. Tokiya had pulled out those heartwarming words followed by a pair of rings that looked exactly the same on the surface, but once he got a closer look at it, he faintly saw the words "the song that saved me" and "my brand new melody" engraved into the rings. Otoya's tears overflowed, and he dropped to his knees. Tokiya hung his head before feeling the rush of a sudden embrace. Tokiya opened his eyes wider, seeing his lover's hands caressing his neck. Trying to speak, he realized that his lips were sealed shut by his partner's own. Once Otoya let go, he said only six words, "I was yours to begin with."

There you have it folks~! That is the end~! I do realize that the format for the ending is not the same as my normal style, but I believe that this is the right way to end the story~! 3 If you have any questions or suggestions about this series, or even the other pieces, please review~! They are always welcome~! Also, if you want to request a fanfiction, you can always PM me~! Thanks again~!