A.N. Alright so this is the first Cinderella story I've ever written! I saw the new 2015 Disney version and this idea popped into my head! I don't own anything except my OC! I am going off the movie but there will be a few differences! Please review and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

Alice never really meant for any of this to happen. She only wanted her dear friend to have a wonderful life, away from the work and toil they had been thrust into. She wasn't supposed to fall in love. Ella was the one meant for happy endings, not Alice.

Alice, a servant girl in Ella's household, had never spoken to the lady of the house until just before she had passed away. When she did, it was so the woman could ask her to watch over her daughter Ella. "She has a kind heart but I fear it might be lost to this cruel world. Help her stay young and innocent, Alice. She needs a friend like you." When Alice had asked what she meant, the woman's only answer was to cup her cheek and smile sweetly before speaking. "You are beautiful inside and out. You do not shy away from hard work. Instead you roll up your sleeve and jump straight into the fray. My daughter is kind, teach her courage. She's going to need it."

Like the good girl she was, Alice nodded before dipping into a curtsey and leaving the room. Ella and her father went in right after, to say their final goodbyes. Later that evening, much to everyone's sorrow, the Lady of the house passed away. Alice rocked Ella, only a few years younger than herself, as she cried her heart out to the night. A few tears dripped down Alice's face but she couldn't bring herself to really cry as she hadn't really known Ella's mother.

Years passed and Alice watched as Ella grew into a beautiful young woman, not noticing how she herself had changed in the process. Her brown hair, once kept above her shoulders, was allowed to grow out and twist into luscious curls. Her green eyes were surrounded by a border of long eyelashes that could capture any man's attention if she would ever look at them. She was of slim build, almost too skinny as she missed many meals because she was too busy working. Ella was her dearest friend and Alice spent a great deal of time with her, causing the servants to think of Alice as a handmaiden more than a normal servant.

Ella loved Alice dearly and so that was the first person she told of her father's decision to remarry. "Do you think she will be nice? Her daughters, do you think they'll like me?" Alice smiled and hugged Ella tightly, careful not to get the younger girl's dress dirty. "I cannot promise they will be nice, and I cannot promise everyone in the world will like you Ella. However, if they bring happiness into this household it will be welcome. If not, then I suppose we will have to do our best to bring our own happiness." The two young women hugged again before Ella skittered off through the house to meet her new stepmother and stepsisters.

A week later, Lady Tremaine finally spoke to the dark haired servant girl that was always seen cleaning and working. "What is your name girl?" Turning to facing the woman, Alice curtsied before giving her name then stood tall and proud. "Well Alice, I like the way you work. Every time I see you, you're always cleaning something to perfection yet you never seem to be dirty. It is nice to see a servant doing as they are meant." Alice's muscles locked into place in shock. Then she remembered her manners and what the cook had told her when she started working here. "Madam forgive me. I was always told that a servant should never disturb the family she works for. We are not to be seen or heard. I shall do better in the future to avoid disturbing your peace."

Alice knew she had a bad habit of singing to herself when she worked and she wondered how often she sang mindlessly, failing to notice someone else in the room. However, the Lady waved away Alice's words before saying she didn't mind listening to a sweet voice singing. "You may sing all you like, perhaps my daughters will pick up some of your talent. I only ask that you continue your hard work, I do like the way this backwater looks when it has been properly cleaned." Alice curtsied again gratefully before excusing herself to continue her chores. Lady Tremaine is one strange creature. Alice shook her head as those words filled them and continued outside to brush down the family horses.