Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Final Fantasy 7. I do not make any money from this story.

Pairings: Cloud/Harry

Rating/Warnings: M cos I know it will go to that at some point swearing is going to be in here and there will be lemons later ^^ but they will be posted on AO3 ^^

(ME) ok I am onto another story ^^ some plots want to be written now and on the poll I placed many of you wanted to read this so here it is ^^ this Prologue is short I know but it's only to show how it all started ^^ plus I have never been good at starting a story though I am better than I was a few years ago lol but hopeful you all enjoy ^^ I didn't places as much detail here as they will slowly come later ^^ I don't like giving all my secrets away at once. A big thank you to my beta Aeronell Shadren for editing this for me ^^ ENJOY!

(Mother Gaia)

'Mother Magic'



Dead… yeah you read right ^^


Hogwarts, a school that was for learning and a place where witches and wizards learned the magic of their ancestors, a place where children make friends or enemies for life, where they had fun learning about the world they lived in.

Its peaceful green lands and large lake surrounded the school with tranquillity, and to one side of the castle was a forest filled with uncountable wonders and dangers. It had been there since it was built, and provided its own protection to the school.

Now, all gone.

The once beautiful ground was stained and torn, the glistening lake turned red, and the life-filled forest burned to ash.

The once proud and strong castle now lay in ruin, her stone walls blackened by fire and stained with the blood of those that once walked its halls. It had fallen into death and despair, caused by a war that had been going on for more than two generations.

A war that was now over.

But the price for its end came to be too high. For only one was left alive among the carnage, and unnoticed to him, he was under the gaze of the one who gave him his power. Her eyes were filled with tears at the suffering of one of her favourite children.

Down below, one Harry James Potter lied on the bloody ground, the war was over and Voldemort was gone for good, never to rise again..

But it was too much, too high a cost. All those during the battle had fallen, and the end of it was almost...pointless. Harry slowly sat up and looked around him, the bodies of his loved ones, of everyone he had ever cared about. Gone, their bodies mixed in with the enemy. There were so many, you couldn't even tell them apart.

Out of all this death and destruction he was the only one that remained.

'But not for long,' he thought, pressing a hand to his injured side, he had been hit by cutting curse and there was no way for him to heal it, not that he wanted to. Harry had lost so much and just didn't want to carry on alone. So he let the blood flow through his fingers.

There was no point going on when everyone was gone, he had saved the world and now it was time to join with his loved ones.

"I'm coming guys, it won't be long now." Harry painfully whispered. Dropping back onto the bloody grass, he looked up at the clear sky.

"Is that really what you wish my son?" A voice called from across the breeze.

"What!?" Harry shouted in shock, turning his head to where the voice had come from. He saw something that shocked him to his very core.

A woman. She was standing not far from him, but she was no mortal or being that he had ever read about or seen. Her hair was long and flowed down her back to waist, its silver colouring seeming to reflect the sun's rays. It glistened like stars, and her skin was white as snow, there wasn't a single blemish marring it.

What captivated him was her face, it looked like it had been carved by the gods, its beauty almost blinding him. Even as she gazed at his broken body with great sadness in her eyes, he could not look away from her eyes. They captivated Harry the most, for they had no pupils or whites, they were like looking into night sky on a clear night, little stars twinkling from afar.

"Fate has pushed you too far and will pay for it, my son." She said angrily, her blessed child had been through too much, it was never meant to end like this. Fate had gone too far by playing with one of her children and she would be punished for this.

"Who?" he asked in confusion. He didn't know what was going on, maybe he had died already, and this was the angel that was going to take him home.

"I am the one you have all called Mother Magic, my son. It saddens me to see you so hurt, my child." She said sadly, walking towards him till she was but a step away.

Harry used what energy he had left to get to his knees, pushing himself up into a standing position. It took all his strength to stand, but he would not disrespect the being who gave him his gift. With that in mind he slowly bowed to her.

He had no clue if this was all a figment of his imagination but he felt like he was standing in front of his mother, and she deserved only the utmost respect.

"Why are you here?" he asked politely. His turned his face to the bloodstained ground, he felt like he was unworthy of looking at her.

A hand appeared before his eyes and he watched it as it reach towards his chin. She tilted his face up and up till he was standing once more, the pain and aches he had felt faded and no longer bothered him.

"Do not bow to me my child, I am here to offer you another chance at life my son. Somewhere you will find happiness and love, as well as family" she spoke, her tone loving as she brushed silken fingers over his cheek.

"But the others, I don't deserve to live for failing them all!" Harry cried, tears running down his face as the pain of all those he lost overwhelmed him.

"What has happened here cannot be undone, they are at peace and one day shall be reborn." She explained kindly.

"Why can't I join them?" Harry begged her. He wanted to rest so badly, so he could see his family again, so he didn't have to be alone.

"Because they do not want you to die my son. Listen and you will hear them." Her eyes glowed and a mist appeared around them blocking the carnage from view.

Harry closed his eyes and listened like she asked. At first all he could hear was the wind, but as that faded into the background he frowned as he heard what sound like whispers but as the time passed they got louder. In his mind's eyes faces of his friends and family appeared.

Live Harry… 'Hermione'

Don't die mate… 'Ron'

Live on Harry! you can do it… 'Neville'

I did not die so you could come and ruin my peaceful afterlife Mr Potter… 'Snape'

This could be your next great adventure my boy… 'Headmaster'

Live son and know we will always love you… 'Dad…'

I love you Harry, I want you to live happily, plus I want grandkids… 'Mum'


What I want grandkids…

You can do this cub… 'Remus'

Prank this new world Prongslet… 'Sirius'

Tears sprang from Harry's eyes as his friends and family's words washed over him with the wind. Their words caused a great ach inside his heart as they asked him not to join them yet but to live on and keep going. It was hard but for them, he would do anything.

"Ok. For..for them I will live." Harry said, holding in sobs of despair.

Mother Magic smiled at her son before nodding, raising her hand she waved it over Harry. He felt his wound heal and all the acts and pains disappear.

"I will be sending you to live on a world where my sister rules. You will become a child to both of us. But for you to live in happiness, my child, you will have no memories of this place."

"But…." Harry broke off. He didn't know what to think, it was all so confusing with everything happening at once. But to lose the memories of his home and loved ones, it broke his heart and he didn't want to do it.

"It is the only way." she said softly. "You would go mad if you had all your memories."

Harry was about to say no when the voice of his mother stopped him.

Do it Harry! You've fought so much for this world, you deserve a happy ending. Even though you won't remember us, we'll still be in your heart. Plus we'll be watching over you after all, I want grandkids.


Harry blushed at the last part of his mother's words and nearly laughed as his dad and the others yelled out her name. Taking a deep breath he nodded his head and said. "Ok what do I have to do?"

Mother magic smile and started to glow before she raised her hand once more and snapped her fingers. With a flash Harry was gone and in his place was a small light sphere.

"Take care of our son my sister." she spoke out loud, and inside her mind she saw the light green glow of her sister's life force.

I will my sister, for he is the child of us both. He has a great destiny in front of him but he will not be alone in his journey. The words faded from Mother Magic's mind before the green glow disappeared, taking her child with it.

And with that, she dissipated.


Harry felt like he was floating in darkness, his mind and body at peace. He left like he was in the embrace of his mother. Inside his mind he could hear whisper and though he could only barely make them out, he could sense their emotions. It was joyful but underneath that there was a deep pain that made Harry sad.

'Who are you?' he thought groggily,

He felt a flutter of happiness rush through him before a calmness took its places, and then words appeared in his mind like someone was writing them out,

I am the Planet, dear Harry. They called me Gaia, I am you're new mother, my sister speaks highly of you.'

'What? I don't understand?' Harry thought back, confusion clouding his mind,

Do not worry, I will look out for you young one but I wont be able to speak like this to you for long. Just know you are now one of my children, there is another but she will not know of you for some time.

Harry was greatly confused if he understood correctly he was talking to the planet. But how was something like that possible?

You are an Ancient, Harry, but you must not let others know this. The other is already being watched because of this.

'Why can't I remember anything?'

It was what you... wished for my son. Just know that we... will look out for you,


I grow...weak...stay with the one that…finds you he can…be trusted…when the time comes… know we are…with you…

The words faded from his mind. Harry was confused and upset, what exactly was happening? Before long the feeling of peace and love came over him, and he sighed. 'I might not know what is going on, but I will trust Mother.' Harry thought as he basked in the emotions that were being sent his way.

Suddenly he felt a hand go under his neck and pull him till he was leaning against a hard, chiselled chest.

"Hey wake up! Hey, are you ok? Wake up." A deep voice called out in concern. So Harry opened his eyes. It was hard at first but finally, with a soft moan, he look up to see a large dark skinned man holding him.

"What…what's going on" Harry asked, confused in what was happening. After what happened in his mind he was a little shaken. Though the Planet (or Mother as he thought of her now) was sending calming waves over him, so he didn't panic.

"You alright there?" the man asked, looking down at the fragile boy. He was shocked at seeing those luminous green eyes looking back at him.

"I.. I don't know, I think so, nothing hurts other than my head. Where am I?" Harry asked the stranger. He remembered Mother saying to trust the one that finds him. This must be that man.

He noticed that one of the strangest things about the man was that one of his hands looked like some kind of gun.

"You're in sector 7 slums, ya were lucky I found you before any monsters did." The man said. "What's your name and why you lying out here on your own like that, were you attacked?"

"I… my name is Harry. Harry…" he trailed off confused. He tried to remember the rest of his name, and Mother sent love and joy towards him to calm the approaching panic. He knew that he had, for some reason, had his memories taken away, so he only knew his first name.

"What's wrong?"

"I… I can't remember the rest of my name…or…or how I got here…" Harry said worriedly. He was scared about not knowing his past, but he couldn't tell this nice man the truth of what Mother had said to him. It would most likely lead to him thinking that he was crazy, seeing the glowing words of the Planet inside his head.

"Ya must have hit your head too hard when you were attacked. Damn, well I can't leave you out here on your own." The man said looking around. That was when Harry noticed a large pillar and heaps of junk around them. The strangest thing he saw up above them. It looked to be a metal covering that blocked out the sky, you couldn't even tell if it was night or day.

"I'll take you back to 7th Heaven." The man decided, standing up with Harry in his arms making the boy gasp in surprise at the sudden movement. He couldn't leave a boy like Harry alone, not with him looking so innocent and lost. He would be hurt in minutes.

"But… but I don't even know your name?" Harry said dazed, he knew mother said to trust the one found him, so he would go with him. It would be nice to have a name to place with the face, though.

"Oh, damn it, the names Barret." Barret said as he started to make his way to sector 7 slums.

"Barret." Harry whispered. "Thank you for helping me Barret."

"It's ok, I couldn't leave a little boy like you out here with no clue what's going on, now can I?" he said, if anyone had been looking they would of seen the slight blush that appear on the hard man's cheeks.

Harry smiled up at him as Barret carried him.

It wasn't long before they came to an open gate and made their way inside it, Harry looked around in shocked silence, the place looked homey and even though it was rough, it was obvious that the people who lived here took care of it.

He couldn't know that in a years' time he would be helping to save the world and falling in love.


(ME) well Harry is off on another adventure. Again this will follow the game but with my twisted spin on it ^^ I always like reading stuff like this but sadly there is barely any out there so I thought to write one myself plus it's rare to find slash in this fandom. I hope you enjoyed and please review and let me know what you think as those comments do keep me going in writing, well more like they speed me up if I know there are people waiting for the next update ^^ do I need to add more to this or is it good the way it is even though it's short. Till next time. Bye bye for now ^^