Disclaimer: I do not own Free!

Cross-posted from my tumblr. Inspired by a hardcore SouMako shipper with her random musings and it was a first attempt. I hope you enjoy reading it~

Tachibana Makoto, the tall giant that has a heart of gold. Liked by many because of his radiant smile and people flocked around him; cats included, of course. His droopy green eyes, combined with his calm and gentle nature soothes those around him.

He is like a manifestation of an angel, they say.

Yamazaki Sousuke couldn't agree more. His cerulean orbs trailed after Makoto's figure who bent down to pick up the stray cat he had fed every single morning at the steep flight of stairs. His pair of strong arms cradled the small creature with such delicacy, making the cat mew with delight. He chuckled softly, whispering a quiet 'good morning' and lightly kisses it's head before putting it down and rushed towards the direction of his school.

Sousuke licked his lips, wishing to know how would a kiss with the angel tasted like.

"Hey, you."

"Huh?" Makoto roused from his crouched position to face the direction of the voice that called out to him.

He comes to face with the new captain of the Samezuka Academy swim club who stood not to far away from his initial position. His eyes lit up in recognition and a wide smile is plastered on his face. "Yamazaki-kun!"

However, soon after his cheerful expression was replaced with a baffled one. "What are you doing here at this time?"

True, it is Saturday morning after all. What business does he even have here? Sousuke could only avert his gaze from Makoto, replying smoothly, "Came here to pick up Rin. He's probably loitering around here to meet his friend."

It was not entirely the truth, but it sure ain't a lie when he said that he's here to drag Rin back to Samezuka. It's just a half-assed reason he used to get a chance to talk to Makoto.

"Oh, I see. Thank you for taking care of Rin. I'm sure he's a handful but he is a good person," Makoto bowed gratefully.

In the midst of the polite exchange, Sousuke approached Makoto with wistful steps. Perhaps his expression was too serious and the frown on his face was unmistakably scary to the weak-hearted angel to comprehend. Makoto even took a step-back and flinched when he came to realise that Sousuke is taller than him by a few inches.

They both stood at a breadths away, bodies centimetres apart from each other. Makoto tensed and could only bit his lip in anxiety as Sousuke leaned towards him, their noses almost touching.

He kissed Makoto softly, feeling his lips quivering from astonishment and his green eyes shone with bewilderment. How sudden that it may be, Makoto did not pushed Sousuke away nor did he broke off the kiss.

It was only a light brush but Sousuke pressed his lips harder against Makoto when the green-eyed angel showed no hint of repulsion or disgust on his face. Sousuke's tongue brushed Makoto's lower lip, nibbling it gently before pulling away almost hesitantly.

"Wh-what…?" Makoto stammered, barely could even form comprehensible aftermath of the kiss had brought him into a dazed state. His fair complexion turned red and unconsciously, he brought his hand up to touch his lips.

Amidst his confusion, Sousuke brought his face near Makoto's ear, whispering in a sensual manner, "Be careful, Tachibana. I might just eat you up one day if you don't watch your back."

With that, Sousuke walked off leaving Makoto stranded alone on the deserted street. But he turned around to give Makoto an audacious smile, "By the way, it was delicious. Thank you for the food."

This time, he did not turn back but Yamazaki Sousuke knew that Makoto's face was burning up from embarrassment and it made him resented himself from thinking such impure thoughts.

'Corrupting an angel like him must've been my biggest sin ever…'