Beca Mitchell used to love Tuesday's. They were always her favorite day because she usually ended Bella's practice a little bit early in order to get home to her two beautiful girlfriends. Aubrey was a third year law student and Chloe was a third year medical student and coincidentally, Tuesday's happened to be their lightest homework nights. Needless to say, relaxation time for the three of them all together was difficult to come by and Beca was extremely excited.

On this particular Tuesday, Beca was particularly excited. All day she had been looking forward to their pre-planned pizza/cuddling session that would hopefully lead to mind-blowing sex, despite Aubrey's insistence that she needed to get to sleep early and Chloe's half-hearted protests about a proper 8 hour sleep cycle. The short brunette smiled as the butterflies infiltrated her stomach at the thought of the ginger and blonde. Since they'd started dating promptly after nationals of her freshman year, Beca had truly never been happier. Of course she'd been tentative at first, she'd never been someone to let others into her heart before but it was even more daunting when she considered Chloe and Aubrey were already part of an established relationship of 2 years. Slowly, the tattooed girl had let herself fall for the two and they caught her every step of the way. Currently, the senior was leading the Bella's through the choreography session of practice to prepare for worlds.

"Beca come on you know we haven't done cardio all week, we need a break," Fat Amy whined at the captain.

"Yeah if we don't stop soon I'm not going to have enough energy for sex later and that's just not an option," Stacy said seriously. Beca laughed at the girl's antics and nodded.

"Okay, I'll do you one better, I'm cutting practice short. Rest up, practice again tomorrow at 9," she announced.

"Yes!" Emily squealed, as she started to dance around. Cynthia Rose just shook her head in disappointment and Fat Amy coughed loudly "legacy"

Beca quickly trotted over to her cell phone, anxious to read the cute texts her girlfriends had undoubtedly sent her during practice. She unlocked her phone to 9 missed calls, 4 from Chloe and 5 from Aubrey as well as 11 text messages. Panic started to well up in her chest. What had happened? Were her girls okay? The blue-eyed girl quickly opened the imessages.

Aubrey: Beca I know you're in Bella's rehearsal right now but an urgent matter has come up. Please call me as soon as you get this.

Aubrey: Seriously Beca I need you to call me ASAP

Aubrey: CALL ME

Aubrey: Beca please call me right now

Aubrey: Beca!

Chloe: Hey baby, please call me or Aubrey as soon as you can. It's super important, k? I love you

Chloe: Becs it's super important that you call us ASAP

Chloe: Beca you're starting to scare me, usually you stop for a water break before now, is everything okay?

Chloe: Please call me

Aubrey: Beca Mitchell if you don't call me in the next 10 minutes I'm coming back to campus and I'm dragging your ass back to the apartment.

Chloe: Beca it's so important that you call as soon as you can.

The small girl was shocked by all the urgent messages and missed calls; she immediately dialed Chloe's number and pressed the phone to her ear as she stumbled to get her practice stuff together.

Chloe picked up on the first ring

"Beca! Finally we've been calling you for hours!" Chloe's voice cracked, she sounded on the verge of tears.

"Chloe what's wrong? What happened?" Beca questioned urgently, existing the auditorium after a hasty goodbye to the Bellas.

"Is that Beca?" Aubrey shouted in the background.

"It's okay Becs calm down. You're on speaker now and Aubrey's here." Chloe soothed, controlling her own voice after hearing how upset her shorter girlfriend sounded.

"Tell me what's wrong," Beca pleaded, already beginning her walk back to their shared apartment complex.

"What took you so long to call? I get that you had rehearsal but Jesus Christ Beca it's been almost 3 hours," Aubrey berated her, the stress creeping into her voice.

"I know, I didn't take any water breaks because I knew I planned on ending it early so I could be there early for our date tonight. How was I supposed to know there would be an emergency?" Beca snapped, already irritated with Aubrey's shortness with her. How was she to know that this would be the day for her girlfriend's to have an emergency.

"Aubrey save it. Beca please just come home, we're sitting in the living room there's something we need to talk to you about," Chloe said, quickly defusing the argument about to start between her blonde and brunette girlfriends.

Beca's heart sank into her chest. Her greatest fear in the relationship was that there would come a day when Chloe and Aubrey decided that they didn't need her anymore and could be happier with just each other. She always knew it was a possibility and it crushed her heart each time she considered it.

"I – yeah okay," Beca answered awkwardly, her voice now void of any emotions.

"Becs it's not what you're thinking, don't do that. Don't shut down," Chloe pleaded, recognizing the emotional withdrawal in her girlfriend's voice.

Aubrey's voice softened "I'm sorry Beca, I'm just really stressed out and I need to tell you what's going on. It's okay baby, we're all okay."

"Yeah, I'll be there soon," Beca cleared her throat, completely brushing off their comforting words as a familiar blush crept onto her cheeks. She was embarrassed her girlfriends could read her so easily.

The younger girl quickly turned on her radio and popped in one of her mixes to help her de-stress. Her suspicions were still high and she was totally unsure of what she was walking in to. Beca hated surprises.

She quickly arrived at the apartment and practically sprinted up the stairs. Now out of breath, Beca trudged to their door, unlocked it and stepped into the living room. As promised, Chloe and Aubrey were sitting there looking as beautiful as ever. Chloe stood up immediately; her clear blue eyes quickly found Beca's stormy ones and calmed the younger girl's nerves. The ginger pulled her girlfriend into a hug and whispered "relax, everything is going to be fine," in her ear. Whether it was true or not, it did the trick, most of the tension left Beca's muscles and she melted into Chloe's embrace.

Aubrey cleared her throat quietly.

"Beca please sit down," The law student requested.

Chloe unwrapped herself from around Beca and the brunette looked up and took stock of the older girl. Her blonde hair, usually utter perfection was frazzled and slightly out of place, her bright green eyes held panic and stress and her posture was so perfect the youngest girl was afraid her spine might snap.

"Please tell me what's going on, Bree what happened? Why are you so stressed?" Beca questioned.

Aubrey sighed and shared a look with Chloe, who met her gaze sadly.

"Beca you know about my father. You know what kind of man he is," Aubrey began "He and I had lunch this afternoon and some things came up."

"What kind of things?" Beca questioned immediately picking up on her girlfriend's hesitance.

Again Aubrey shared a pitying look with Chloe, who squeezed her hand for support before turning her full attention on her shorter girlfriend.

"As you know, as far as my father is concerned Chloe is my only girlfriend. He barley accepted the fact that I was in love with one woman, we all know he would disown me for loving two," Aubrey told her, pity forming in her eyes again "He invited me to lunch today because I will be turning 25 soon, which means I will be able to have a full time leadership position at his law firm. The details are fuzzy but eventually he wants me to take over his company."

"Bree that's amazing!" Beca grinned, her pride evident. "Seriously that's so awesome dude!"

The brunette's good spirits dropped quickly as she observed the sadness still taking up residence in both of her girlfriend's eyes. Aubrey looked guilty as hell and refused to look at anything but the floor and Chloe was watching her carefully with her "protective Chloe" look.

Dead air filled the room.

"This is good right? Like this is what you always wanted, isn't it?" Beca questioned Aubrey carefully, looking to Chloe for help. The ginger quietly crossed the room and joined Beca on the couch and taking the smaller girl's hands in her own.

Realizing Aubrey was struggling, Chloe took over for her.

"Baby, it is amazing," The older girl squeezing her hands gently "But of course, her father had some…conditions."

"Conditions?" Beca questioned, confused, "Like what?"

Chloe's eyes filled with tears. If there was one thing she hated more than anything else in the world it was hurting her loved ones. Especially her Beca and her Aubrey and this was going to destroy the young alt girl.

"My father has demanded that before I take my first step to being in control of Posen Enterprises, I need to get married. To Chloe." Aubrey said solemnly, her voice breaking twice.

"I am so, so sorry Beca," The blonde chocked out, feeling nauseous.

Beca's hands dropped from Chloe's immediately. Her blood ran cold and her heart plummeted into her stomach. It was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. She felt two pairs of concerned eyes desperately waiting for any reaction from her.

"Say something please, anything," Chloe begged, her own eyes filling with water at the look of pure devastation on her girlfriend's face.

"What do you want me to say?" Beca said, her voice completely drained. "The loves of my life are marrying each other and leaving me," the brunette chuckled darkly.

Aubrey and Chloe gasped

"No, no no it's not like that!" Aubrey promised, sobs working their way out of her throat.

"Becs, please listen to us. We love you. We're in love with you. So, so much. No one has decided anything yet. We're just telling you what's happening so we can make a decision together. No one is leaving you," Chloe swore, passion filling her baby blue eyes.

Beca remained silent and dropped her head into her hands, defeated. Both girls watched her shoulders slump. Chloe scooted closer to her girlfriend, seeing her shake with silent sobs and tears she knew her closed off girlfriend would never let fall. Beca flinched away when she felt Chloe's arm on her own and scowled at the ground much like Aubrey had before. Chloe quickly pulled her onto her lap and tightly wrapped the brunette in a warm embrace. Immediately the younger girl resisted, trying to free herself from her girlfriend's arms but before she could wiggle free Aubrey joined her other side, protectively wrapping her arms around both of her girlfriends.

"Let go of me, I'm fine," Beca huffed, her lie clear as day.

"I need you to understand that no one is leaving you. Not me, not Chloe. Ever." Aubrey promised the brunette and ignoring her declaration.

"I can't deal with this right now. I'm exhausted," Beca deflected, still struggling to free herself from the embrace.

"Becs please, talk to us," Chloe pleaded.

"I need to think," Beca told them quietly. "Please just…give me some room to think."

Aubrey locked eyes with Chloe, silently telling her girlfriend to give Beca the space she needed. Aubrey understood better than anyone Beca's need to process things alone. She understood that her stormy-eyed girlfriend was emotionally stunted and probably extremely overwhelmed right now. She wanted to convey to Beca that she was there for her, but respected her need for space. Of course the blonde wanted more than anything access to the thoughts in her girlfriend's mind but she knew that if she pushed her, Beca would shut both her and Chloe out entirely.

The former Bellas captains nodded, releasing Beca from their embrace but studying her closely. The brunette got up and quickly slipped into the shower. The graduate students heard the door lock and the sound of running water.

Aubrey sighed sadly, looking distressed. "What are we going to do Chlo?"

"Bree we'll get this figured out. We always do." The ginger replied, wrapping her girlfriend of almost 5 years in a hug and massaging her shoulders.

"Did you see her face?" Aubrey whispered brokenly.

Chloe's heart sank too, the guilt overwhelming her at the thought of her Beca in the shower crying alone.

"What if this pushes her away? You know how s-she is Chloe, she'll close up and I can't lose her," Aubrey cried, sobs escaping her chest.

"Shhh, Bree you're okay. We're okay. We're gonna get her through this. We're going to make sure she understands that we're just as in love with her as we are with each other. Babe everything is going to be okay. You have to trust that our love is strong enough for anything. Even this," Chloe told her quietly, rubbing slow circles on her back comfortingly.

"I love you so much Chloe. Beca completes us and I feel so horrible for how this is happening but marrying you would make me the happiest woman alive. I'm so lucky to be in love with you and Beca," Aubrey chocked out, trying to regain her composure.

Chloe smiled softly, her stunning eyes full of love as she captured Aubrey's lips with her own.

"Ditto," the ginger winked back.

Aubrey let out a tiny laugh and a hiccup as her tears dried up and she calmed down.

"We should probably order something for dinner; maybe try to coax Becs into eating with us. I'm sure she has questions," Chloe said softly.

Aubrey nodded and smiled softly "you're right. I'll call for pizza, she loves pizza."

Chloe went to change into more comfortable clothes than her scrubs from her shift at the hospital, she'd been so stressed out about breaking the news Beca that she found herself unable to do anything but pace in the living room. The ginger sighed as she let some of the anxiety seep from her body. She knew that watching her and Aubrey get married would bring out Beca's greatest insecurities that she and Aubrey had been trying their best to heal. She honestly felt terrible, on one hand of course she wanted to marry Aubrey, but only if Beca was somehow in the marriage as well and with Mr. and Mrs. Posen having any part of their lives made that impossible. Her heart truly broke for her girlfriend and Chloe vowed to spend all her time trying to fix things. There had to be a way to save both of her girlfriends without causing their amazing, flawless, unmatchable relationship to fall apart.

There just had to be.

So far it's just a one-shot but if people like it and want me to continue I will! Thanks so much for reading and I love feedback!
