Hello, very sorry for the wait. I haven't really been feeling this story lately. I hope the chapter is okay. And to the ones who stick with this story, thank you! Xoxo
Sweat coated the young Vikings flushed forehead as his glazed emerald eyes ran over the dark room, he wanted to find something that could help him escape..but even if he did, it wouldn't be of help to him while chained up. So his thoughts than went to the chains that held him in place, his hands and feet no longer had feeling. The chains had left his skin raw, his struggles though the past few days had also helped the chains dig deeper into his ripped flesh.
His back didn't feel much better, if anything he couldn't think of anything but the pain.
His back felt damp with his sweat and blood, and any movement he made only increased the pain that he held from slipping past his trembling lips.
So for now he held still, trying his best to think of away out of this place..
He despised the feeling of hopelessness, the feeling of having to rely on others.
His small hands turned into weak fist as he ran though his head of all the things he could do to try and free himself, which wasn't much. Also, being weak wouldn't help him much even if he somehow did get free.
He decided to try and rest a little, to push the pain far away as he rested his head against his shoulder his hair falling over his face as his eyes slid shut for what seemed to only be a minute before he found himself jumping at the sound of the door banging against the wall.
"wakey wakey!" Came a familiar voice from the door way as he heard the scrapping of shoes on the rock beneath his feet. His eyes fluttered open as he felt his head being lifted by the rough fingers under his chin.
Hiccup could barely focus on the mans face, but with how close he was he could immediately tell it was Savage, one of Alvin's go to man.
He also stuck like rotting food, which made Hiccup want to puke even more then before.
When Savage caught Hiccup's eyes a wide grin spread across his face giving view of his yellow rotting teeth. Hiccup stared back his eyes filled with a fire that had yet to die out.
Yet to Savage he saw a broken boy, a boy who was beaten into silence and would bow down to Alvin's wishes. He was glad at what he saw, he ignored the boys flushed feverish face and eyes and instead focused more on getting the boy to cooperate with Alvin's demands.
So knowing the boy couldn't escape he brought a rusted key from his pocket and unlocked both chains that held Hiccup up, and once they where both released Hiccup hit the stone floor with a yelp.
"Alvin wants to see you boy." Sneered Savage as he snatched Hiccup's arm in a tight grip yanking him to his unsteady feet and pushing him to the door where he tripped over his feet and hit the floor again.
"Pathetic." Laughed the outcast that came to stand above him. "Especially for a son of a chief."
Hiccup heard that to much to feel offended, he already knew he was small and weaker then most Vikings blah, blah..but he didn't let that stop him from trying.
With grinding teeth from the sudden pain from his back and wrist from having to catch himself on his fall, he narrowed his eyes at Savage. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to show me to your pig of a chi-" Before Hiccup could finish he was kicked hard in the stomach making him fall over on his side, he curled up with his arms tightly wrapped around his stomach as he tried to catch his breath that was kicked outta him.
"You'd keep that mouth shut if you knew what was best for ya." Sneered Savage as he circled around the younger Viking. "Alvin doesn't like talkers much, especially smart mouths. I wouldn't be surprised if he had me cut out your tongue."
Hiccup glared up at the man as he was yanked back to his shaky feet. "Move it." He demanded pushing Hiccup along, them both walking out of the dark cell and onto a dim lighted hallway that seemed to go on forever.
They stopped at the biggest steel door and Hiccup recognised it immediately as Alvin's. "He be waiting for you boy." Savage said with a trace of venom in his voice as he pushed the door open and shoved Hiccup in as he came to stand be hind him smirking up at Alvin who was seated with a dark smile of his own.
"Did ya think it over boy?" Asked Alvin who had his fat fingers locked together over his wooden table. "About helping me out that is."
Hiccup narrowed his eyes at the huge Viking before turning his eyes to Savage who came to stand by his side wrapping his long fingers on the back of Hiccup's neck.
Lowering his head and eyes he gave a short nod. "I did." Hiccup answered in a hushed tone.
"Ah! And what is yer answer!"
Hiccup looked up his eyes burning with fire that no one else saw, he figured out his plan of escape, and that was to do what these pigs wanted...
'Gods...be on my side.' Was Hiccup's thoughts as he agreed to help Alvin with whatever it was that he needed...he was also very curious about that ball of his and why he was in it...