A/N: Yea, I know my last chapter was short and I'm sorry but I wrote it at 5AM. That said, from now on each chapter shall be enough bits and pieces from each school year until probably 5th year. I have big plans for this story but I have to know, should I continue it? I know I'm not that good at writing, especially with that first chapter, but do any of you actually like it? *le sigh* Anyway, this story will be going mostly along with cannon, except for the characters and the 3rd & 5th year. Also, if you want a sneak peak of what I'm thinking of for future slash chapters, PM me with questions about it like "When do you think they'll get together?" "How will they get together?" etc.

Warnings: None.

October 31st, 1991

"Terry! Come on, wakey wakey!" Harry shook his roommate so hard he nearly fell from the bed.

"Harry…" The boy groaned. "It's too early." Terry grumbled.

"Filch and I used to get up at seven A.M. every day, I'm sure you'll live." Harry huffed, rolling his eyes at the Irish boy.

"Yea, well, I don't see why we have to be up this early."

"You and I both know that BWL" -As the Ravenclaws referred to Brandon, so as not to confuse the twins by calling Brandon by his last name- "will be making today into a holiday. I just want to try to eat in peace, so will you wake up Michael while I go get dressed?" Harry gave the brunette the puppy-dog eyes that always worked on Filch.

"Ugh, fine, but you so owe me one." To this, Harry grinned.

"I know. Thanks!" Harry called, heading towards the bathroom.

"Hey, Harry?" Terry called and Harry turned.

"Yea, mate?"

"I really hate your brother." Terry chuckled while Harry merely smiled.

"I do, too."

Turning, Harry collected his things and took a quick shower. After dressing, Harry was unsurprised to meet Terry and Michael just outside the door.

"Miss me?" He teased and Michael glared while Terry smirked.

"But of course, love!" Terry said dramatically, hugging Harry in fake desperation. "Tis' my love for you that burns brighter than all the stars in the universe; how could I possibly be parted from you for even a second?" Harry laughed and Michael even cracked a smile.

"Okay," Harry said, shrugging the brunette off awkwardly. "We definitely need a drama club. Maybe you should talk to Dumbledore about it?" He chuckled.

"Eh, maybe. I think Hogwarts isn't ready for me." Terry puffed his chest out and Harry and Michael laughed.

"Terry, I think you already know that this school has one big ego, I don't think it's big enough for another." Michael said.

"He's right." Harry echoed and Michael huffed.

The rest of the walk to the Great Hall was silent. Michael was pouting, Terry was tired and trying to stay awake, but Harry was thinking. Michael had hated him from the moment he spoke to Terry the first day of classes. Harry knew it was probably just jealousy, but sometimes Michael's cutting glare hurt almost as much as Brandon's. The young Boy-Who-Lived had made it his purpose to show that he hated Harry, simultaneously falling out of favor with many, though he still was surrounded by fans. The most amusing part was that his brother tried everything to get attention from teachers and students alike, however the amusement had begun to fade as time went on and Brandon got worse. Today, Harry knew, would be quite the spectacle if Brandon had anything to do with it.

As they entered the Great Hall, Harry caught sight of Filch at the Professors table and smiled at him, receiving a small smile back.

"Hey Terry, pass me the eggs." Harry said, sitting down.

"We have potions first, right?" Terry asked, handing the eggs to Harry.

"Yes, though I think classes will be cut short today." Michael replied as Harry groaned.

"Bloody Snape, I swear he's going to fail me for fun."

"Who wouldn't?" Michael sniggered and Harry huffed.

"Michael, leave Harry alone. Did you see Mandy last night?" Terry asked.

"No, and she is not my girlfriend." Michael scowled and Terry giggled.

"But she loves you." Terry's giggles turned to full out laughter and Harry joined him softly.

"Terry, please. She's driving me crazy." Michael said desperately.

"No, but really, she's crazy. Do you think we should tell Professor Flitwick?" Harry asked calmly.

"No, you can handle it, can't you?" Terry asked.

"Yea, I'll be fine." Michael sighed and began on his cereal.

They ate for a little while longer, but when they heard the distant chatter of BWL's little group, they knew they had to run for it. Ducking into a broom closet, they listened to the inane chatter of the passersby.

"-So then, there I was, all alone with the darkest man alive (well not for long.) He raised his wand and shouted the killing curse, but I didn't even blink. I wasn't scared of him at all; all the guy actually is, is a coward."

"Oh, wow, you're so brave." A girl, Lavender Brown, sighed dreamily.

After the chatter faded, they left the broom closet and Michael stared in the direction the group went.

"Bloody hell, I think he might be worse than you." Michael goggled, but Harry just shrugged.

"Come on, guys. Stop having a moment and let's get to class." Terry huffed.

"But we'll be early and I need to go get my transfiguration homework." Michael whined.

"You guys go, I'm going to go find Filch." Terry and Michael stared at him weirdly before shaking their heads.

"We'll see you later, Harry." Terry grinned.

"See you." Harry replied, walking to Filch's quarters.

"Hey, are you in there, Filch?" Harry said, knocking loudly. The door opened unceremoniously and Filch grinned at him.

"I was wondering if you'd come. Come on in, Harry."

Harry sat down and chuckled when Mrs. Norris climbed on his lap, purring and nuzzling his hand. "I think someone missed me."

"Meow." The cat called lazily while Filch shook his head.

"Bloody cat…so, what's on your mind, Harry? I know you didn't just come to say 'Hello.'"

"Actually, I did. Also, I wanted to know if I could still spend Christmas with you." Harry shuffled his feet some but not enough to jostle Mrs. Norris.

"Christmas is a while away, Harry, but you know I'll always be here for you." His words made Harry relax and smile.

"Yea, but this year is different."

"Not by much." Filch chuckled.

"Well," Harry sighed. "I better get to class but I'll talk to you either tonight or tomorrow."

"That is fine, Harry. Have fun." Harry snorted.


He rejoined his friends and the classes flew by. As they were walking to the Great Hall for dinner, there was suddenly a girl in their way.

"Mandy." Michael said, giving Terry a look that pleaded for help.

"Hey Mikey, have you been avoiding me all day?" The chubby girl crossed her arms.

"For Merlin's sake, woman! Of course I bloody have. We are not dating!" Mandy stared for a moment before her eyes grew wet and she pushed past them.

"Congratulations, you made a girl cry." Harry huffed.

"Oh, shut up." The boy glared, stalking towards the Great Hall. Harry and Terry looked at each other before quickly following.

"Look, I didn't mean to make you mad, but you were a bit harsh with her." Harry said tiredly.

"Yea, I know, it's just that…Merlin knows I don't want to date her and she's trying to force me to." Michael sighed and Terry clapped him on the shoulder.

"Listen, mate, she's not so bad. Maybe you should give her a chance."

"Maybe." There was a few moments of silence between them as they fixed their plates and began eating.

"So, did you see-" Terry started, but was quickly interrupted.

"TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Just thought you should know…" Quirrell promptly passed out as the students started freaking out.

"Everyone, calm down!" The headmaster shouted as the hall grew silent. "Prefects are to lead their house to the Common Rooms and stay there until further instruction." Immediately, the hall came alive with movement and Harry, Michael and Terry quickly hurried after their house before Harry stopped cold.

"Guys, what about Mandy?" The others stopped, too.

"Where is she?" Terry asked.

"I don't know, let's ask her friends." Harry said, running after the Patil twins. "Hey, have you guys seen Mandy?" The twins glared at him.

"Yea, after you guys made her cry, she went to the bathroom near Snape's classroom." One twin answered.

"Thanks." Harry said turning back to Michael and Terry. "We need to go get her before the troll does." Harry stated and the others nodded.

Hurrying down to the dungeons, Harry cast some spells to detect if the troll was near and, seeing that it wasn't, he and the others treaded with caution. Finally making it to the girls' bathroom, there was a scream and the sound of things shattering. Not thinking, Terry busted into the bathroom, nearly hitting the troll. Harry pulled him back quickly while Michael assessed the situation.

There, sitting under a sink and scared half to death, lay Mandy. Above her there was a large, greenish mountain troll and was raising its large, wooden club to smash the sink Mandy was under.

"No!" Harry cried, wand forward. "Stupefy!" the troll froze but started falling forward. Adrenaline burning through him, he cast the only other thing he could think of. "Wingardium Leviosa!" And just like that, the troll was floating mid-air. Unfortunately, the troll was too heavy to lift alone.

"Terry, go help her up. Michael, cast the charm and hold it with me or I swear I'm going to drop the thing." Harry got out through gritted teeth.

Terry ran over to Mandy and had to pick the injured girl up while Harry and Michael barely maintained the charm on the extremely heavy troll. With the girl out of the way, Harry and Michael counted to three before dropping the spell and letting it thump to the floor loudly, calling attention to them.

"Well, well, well, three young Ravenclaws not following orders." Snape's voice made them jump and Harry was quick to notice the other professors behind him.

"Severus, leave them alone. Now, what happened here?" Professor McGonagall stepped forward while Snape glared at her. Behind them, Quirrell was shaking badly.

"I-I was here, I had been upset earlier and the boys were worried when I wasn't at dinner. They came looking for me when they heard about the troll. They saved me Professor." Mandy said shakily.

McGonagall eyed the quartet for a long moment, before nodding. "Even though you should have told someone, I admire your courage. Ten points each from Ravenclaw, but thirty more points to Ravenclaw." The four students were gob smacked and Snape seemed to be, too. "Now, to your common rooms." They walked out and when Harry passed Quirrell, he noticed that the man's magic seemed to be off. There were two different signatures, which was weird, but the weirdest part of all was that the second signature was…familiar. Shaking his head at the nonsense, he smiled at Quirrell before he left with his classmates.

"Harry?" Terry asked quietly.


"You don't owe me anymore."

December 25th, 1991

"WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Harry screamed, jumping up and down on Filch's bed.

"Remind me to lock my bedroom door next Christmas." Filch groaned, yawning.

"But where's the fun in that?" Harry giggled, jumping off the bed and dashing to the sitting room where there were more presents than Harry had ever gotten.

Picking them apart he realized each of his friends had given him a present. Gobly, his first friend, had gifted him with a hand-knit sweater. Filch had gifted him with a 200 galleon gift card to Flourish & Blotts. Terry had gotten him a bag of candy and Michael had even bought him a book about Animangi transformations. Mandy and her parents bought Harry a book case for saving her life and being a friend to her.

Overall, Harry was beyond happy with his gifts. He sent thank you letters to his friends and gave Filch a hug.

"You know, for such a bitter old man, you're alright." Harry grinned at the man who just huffed and ruffled Harry's hair.

"Brat. Go get ready and dress warmly, we're going to have a snowball fight." Harry took off into his room and threw his clothes on. If there was anything he loved more than snow, it would have to be something great because snow was Harry's first love. He loved the icy numbness and the sheer beauty of it.

Dressed and ready to go, Harry raced Filch outside and immediately started building a fort once there. When the fort was finished, Harry collected snow balls, knowing Filch was doing the same. Suddenly, something hard, wet, and cold hit his ear.

"Got you!" Filch cried triumphantly.

"Not for long!" Harry yelled back, throwing several snowballs back.

And so the snowball war started, with laughter and cheating. An hour later found Harry and Filch dripping wet and freezing cold.

"Truce?" Filch coughed.

"Truce." Harry said.

Harry cast a drying and warming charm on them both. At Filch's confused glance, Harry rolled his eyes and replied: "I thought you might not want to have to clean up." Filch nodded.

"Thank you, Harry." Harry shrugged.

"Let's just go eat, I'm half starved."

They walked to the Great Hall in content silence, after all it had been a good holiday. The only thing that could make today better is if my family actually loved me, he thought sadly. As much as he hated his family, all he wanted to do was rush to them and beg for forgiveness for whatever he may have done. Why can't I stop loving them, even though they treat me like dirt?

June 23rd, 1991

Well, the latter half of the year had been fun. Fun being a relative word. Apparently the strange magical signature he'd sensed last Halloween was Voldemort's and Voldemort had been possessing Quirrell. Of course, none of this was found out until BWL and his nosey friends had found out about and retrieved the Philosophers Stone. As the story goes, Brandon had snuck there after realizing what the former professor was up to. Then, braving the treacherous obstacles, he made it to the chamber where Voldemort stood, took the stone, and destroyed the Dark Lord. If that was true or not, Harry didn't know, but what he did know was that his brother was found in the chamber by Dumbledore and he was found having pissed himself.

Other than that, it was pretty boring. He mainly spent his time with Terry Boot, Michael Corner, and Mandy Brocklehurst; they were called The Brainy Quartet while his brothers' main group was called The Golden Trio by most. The main three in the trio were Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Brandon Potter. Obviously they were trouble makers, but since Dumbledore let them get away with murder, they were viewed as golden kids.

Golden or not, Harry was thankful to be away from them. The reminder of the life he lost because he didn't defeat the Dark Lord was almost too overwhelming at times. Did he blame Voldemort? No. Did he blame is parents? Yes. Did he blame Dumbledore? Definitely. He wouldn't show it, though. Not until he got to a better place where he could show his contempt.

Sighing, Harry looked out the window. His friends had left for the summer and Draco Malfoy had, for some odd reason, approached him and invited him to Malfoy Manor. Harry had a feeling that Voldemort was behind it but he was curious enough not to be bothered by it. If it had just been Draco trying to be friendly, Harry wondered why he hadn't approached him far earlier. Whatever the reason he was invited, he would go.

Whatever will happen, it would be a chance worth taking.