On a Bloody Trail

-A Kekkai Sensen Fanfiction

Chapter 1: Just another "Normal" Day

The morning sun shone down on Jerusalem's Lot and its awe-inspiringly varied population of Humans and Beyondians on their way to work or just someplace. A most disharmonious mingling of chatter, car-horns and the occasional screeches and shouts gave Jerusalem's Lot its everyday homely feeling and while for a few citizens this was but a hellish nightmare from which they had yet to recover, for the rest, this was home.

Leonard Watch is a unique character who belongs to neither category instead stuck somewhere in between where he's still trying to accept this gruesome reality that is this megalopolis while trying to live his life normally.

"One large burger, and a medium Coke, please." He ordered as a normal person would adding a wide smile as he squinted at the blonde-haired waitress who smiled back at him while nodding briskly.

"Be right back with your order…!" She replied tearing off the page from her notepad and walking off to the back of the Diner.

Dianne's Diner was one of those places where Leo could feel at home and was his first place in the morning where he would grab a bite and then head on.

Vivian was back shortly and in her hand was a tray with Leo's order on it.

"So, what's up…?" she asked leaning forward on the counter as Leo thanked her and went for his burger. "You're up early today. Somewhere special you're going…?"

"What… Who me…?" Leo answered before he took a bite out of the burger. "No, well Mr. Klaus called me up in the morning and said he wanted meet me as soon as possible, that's all."

The diner door burst open as a lean, tall man dressed in white trousers and wearing a white jacket strutted in and walked up to where Leo was sitting.

"Hey dumbass, the boss called us in early, ya'know…?" Zapp was as lively as ever. "Come on."

"Hey Zapp, what's the…" Leo turned and saw Zapp's face bandaged. "Did you try to…?"

"Ah shut up…! It's just a scratch. Now get your ass off that seat and let's go…!"

Something was off. Leo could sense a hint of agitation in Zapp's voice, something he'd only sensed very rarely in the past. He decided not to argue any further.

"O-Okay. Vivian, pack the Coke, please. I gotta go…!"

The cool wind was bracing as Leo weaved through the traffic, his Lambretta seeming like an ant passing between rocks. Zapp sat quiet behind him, something he never used to do.

"So… wanna tell me what's up…?" Leo enquired but Zapp did not answer.

Is it that serious? Leo wondered. I'd better get there faster.

He revved the engine making the scooter go faster. If something had Zapp worried, then it sure as hell was something big.

The Libra HQ had this air of solemnity around it which seemed to have been broken only by the entrance of Leo and Zapp both of whom had worried looks on their faces.

Klaus Von Reinhertz was at his usual place behind his desk where he usually sat reviewing case-files or playing Prosfair on his machine. To his right stood Dr. Steven who looked out the window, his back towards the room and Gilbert stood at his usual place near the sofa situated towards the center of the room. K.K. was seated on one of the sofas, her back towards the two.

At the far end, near the bookcase stood Zed, the merman and Zapp's fellow disciple.

"Mr. Klaus, I came here as soon as… wait…" Leo stopped as soon as he noticed what about the room was off. Chain Sumeragi, the invisible werewolf and one of the core members was missing.

"Where's Miss Chain…?"

There was a brief silence.

"Leo," Klaus pushed back his chair and stood up, "We have a big problem."

"P-Problem…?" Leo was worried now.

"To put it simply, Miss Chain is missing." Steven answered any doubts still lingering as he finally turned around to face Leo.

"What… How…? I mean, what happened to her…?" Leo further enquired. This was serious, none of their members had gone missing in the past.

"We're still trying to gather all the information regarding the circumstances of her disappearance.

"Lucky" Abrams is on it and we should be having a substantial amount of information any minute now." Klaus informed them. "I want everyone to hang around till I start with the briefing."

The room returned to as it was before Leo and Zapp came in.

Concern clear on his face, Leo turned around to find Zapp still standing there, his face red with frustration.

I understand what he must be feeling, Leo thought. Even if these two hate their guts, they're still team-mates.

"So that's what you were worried about all morning." Leo spoke in a low voice.

"Hm…?" Zapp looked at him.

"You were worried about Chain-san, right…?" Leo asked him. "I am sure she's fine."

Before Zapp could answer, an outlandish blue head with a texture so clear one might mistake it for pudding and with antennas on the forehead thrust itself in the space between the two.

"Actually," Zed began in his near-monotonous voice. "Last night, during one of his many pointless engagements with a woman he'd picked up from the street, it appears he was unsuccessful in pleasing her, a first if you ask me."

"Hey Zed, you idiot-"

"As a result, she insulted his manhood calling it nothing more but an immature cucumber that can never bloom. Zapp here was drunk and he is not a good drinker, he insulted the woman back and so he took a beating from that woman and then cried to me on the phone for hours when I finally had to call Mr. Steven. I believe he sorted it out."

"It's true." Steven called out from his end of the room as K.K. let out a crowing laughter that filled the hall within minutes.

"I'LL KILL YA, ZED…! YA HEAR ME….?! You're fried tuna, you retard….! Who said you could spew that out here…?" Zapp went into a rage and started chasing after Zed who was faster and the two started running circles around the room screaming at each other.

Leo sighed. This was just another normal day for him.