Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story.

They all belong to their rightful owner: Craig Bartlett.

Title: "Boring"

Summary: "You're bored with her, aren't you?" the strange girl asked me. I wanted to tell her that Lila was perfect for me. I had fought for her attention for years and now she was finally my girlfriend, but it felt like I was still trying to win her heart. Something was missing and that something could be this excitement I felt whenever I looked in the blue eyes of this strange girl.

Author's 1st note: So! I… don't think I have much to say for the first author's note as much as this is probably not going to be a very long story as such. It does have potential to be very long though so I'll see how much I can come up with. Frankly, right now, this chapter is all I have already planned out and that makes me nervous because I usually have a long ass note with ideas for the story before I start writing it, but I couldn't contain myself with this first chapter xD Oh, and the chapter is a hint to P!nk's song "Boring" so… yeah xD

[Please notify me if you notice any grammar mistakes. This isn't my first language, so there's bound to be mistakes.]

Chapter 1: "Curiosity"

"And it's as easy as that. Do you understand now, Lila?" I asked the red-haired girl next to me.

"Yes, I believe I do. Thank you ever so much, Arnold. You're a wonderful teacher." Lila told me as she fiddled with one of her braids. She was smiling brightly as she grabbed her pencil and started writing in her notebook, occasionally looking at the math formula I had just explained to her.

I rested my chin in my hand as I gazed at her. Lila was absolutely beautiful in every single way. She had soft red hair, big lovely hazel eyes and her face was adorned with the cutest freckles. She was sweet, funny and a perfect lady to everyone. She was everything I wanted in a girl and she was finally my girlfriend. I'd had a crush on Lila ever since she entered our class in 4th grade. We had tried dating for about a week back then, but we were young and didn't really know what we wanted so we ended it.

Now, seven years later, I was still completely smitten with this perfect girl and after countless tries to get her to like me back, she had finally agreed to go out with me. Everyone in our class was so happy for us when we told them and we sorta became the official sweetheart mascots of our class. It was pretty embarrassing if you thought about it, but I was just so happy to finally be with Lila.

Lila suddenly looked up at me through her long eyelashes. "Um… would you please not stare at me, Arnold? You're making me feel ever so self-conscious." She told me shyly.

I shook my head and felt myself blush. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, Lila. I didn't mean to stare." I said meekly and scratched my neck. "You just look so cute when you're all focused like that."

Lila smiled at my words and looked down in her notebook shyly. I could feel my heart pick up its pace as I leaned closer to her. When she looked at me again though, she pulled away from me. I flinched and leaned back.

"A-Arnold, not in public…" Lila said and put her hand in front of her mouth as if trying to protect it.

"Public?" I repeated and looked around in the library. "No one is around."

"St-Still, anyone could walk by any second…" Lila insisted and looked around.

Her behavior was perhaps a little paranoid, but I smiled apologetically at her anyway. "I'm sorry, Lila. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Thank you." she said and looked up at the clock. "Oh! I'm going to be late for my ballet lesson! I have to go. Thank you so much for the help, Arnold. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

Lila had packed her things into a bag as she had talked so she was jogging away before I could even reply. "Bye, Lila." I said anyway, hoping she had heard me despite the fact that I had to whisper because we were in a library. I leaned back in the chair and sighed, already missing Lila's presence.

"You should dump her like a bad habit."

I flinched violently at the sudden voice and I looked around frantically. I looked between the bookshelves and noticed something that wasn't the floor. I stood up from the table, walked around the bookshelf and looked down. A blonde girl was sitting on the floor with one leg bent and a book resting on her lap. Her blonde hair was tied into pigtails and she wore a pink bow. A loose white tank top with pink graffiti was hanging lazily down her shoulders and went to her hips. A pair of faded, blue jeans filled with rips and cuts covered her legs, and something told me they were simply worn down and she wasn't just followed the trend of wearing ripped jeans. I couldn't help but think that she was the complete opposite of Lila.

"Excuse me?" I said to the girl who was looking in her book as if she had been doing that this entire time, but it was clearly her who had made the comment. I wanted to give her a chance to take her words back, but she didn't even look at me.

"You're clearly bored with her so I said you should dump her." the girl explained and turned the page in her book. How could she still be reading while talking to me like that?

"Excuse me, but I don't even know you." I said in annoyance. Who did she think she was? She didn't know me and I was pretty sure she didn't know Lila either. Why did she even care?

"Doesn't really matter if you know me or not. I can still see that this Lila girl is too boring for you… even though I could only hear you." The blonde girl continued while her eyes kept scanning the words in the book. I looked at the cover and my eyes widened at the title. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. I had never read it obviously, but I knew it was written in the 14th century and was considered one of the most challenging books to read because of the language.

"Are you… reading the translated version of that book?" I asked.

"No, this is Shakespearean."

My eyes went wide and my chin practically dropped to the floor. "Do you understand it?" I asked in utter shock. I could barely understand most of the books we were assigned in high school, never mind something from the 14th century. I wasn't stupid, not at all, but most people my age could not read Shakespearean if their lives depended on it. Clearly this girl hadn't gotten that message.

The girl kept looking at the book, but I could see her eyebrows knit together. "Why would I read something I can't understand?" she asked in complete bafflement. "That would be like trying to speak Japanese with Phoebe."

I didn't know who Phoebe was, but I didn't really care in that moment. "That's really impressive."

The girl shrugged. "I don't think it is, all you have to do is focus really…" she insisted which annoyed me. She made me feel like an idiot so I decided that she was just trying to be humble. "By the way, nice segue from your boring girlfriend, Football Head."

Football Head? I thought and felt the annoyance in me rise. "She's not boring!" I said a little too loudly and was hushed by the librarian whom I couldn't even see. "Lila's sweet, smart and funny."

"No arguments there. I overheard her telling this joke about not smelling a cow. It was hi-hi-hilarious." She said with little to no emotion in her voice, but I could still detect the seething sarcasm.

I knew exactly what joke she was talking about, Lila had been telling it since the 4th grade. "Ok, so maybe her jokes are getting a little old sometimes. Big deal. She's still smart."

"So smart that you had to explain her how a polynomial works." The girl pointed out.

"We can't all know everything." I argued. "She's the nicest girl I know."

"Oh, yeah, because real sweethearts uses their boyfriends to help them with their homework only to leave them behind without even a thank you kiss on their wide heads."

"She's shy about such things, ok?" I said, ignoring the comment about my head. "Which I actually think is pretty cute."

"Is that why you're twitching in frustration?" the girl asked with a smirk. "Got any other arguments why this girl isn't a complete bore?"

"She's not a bore!" I defended. "I feel safe with her, ok?"

"Oh, sure. Because feeling safe is so exhilarating." She said. I was about to argue back, but she continued talking. "Wait, I'm going to guess. Your life is a total chaos, your family's screwed up, you have no idea what you want to do with your life and this Lila girl is basically the one thing in your life that is consistent. So you're dating her because it's nice to be with a girl who has got it all together, is reliable and transparent as hell?"

"Where… Where do you even get this from? You don't know me and I bet you don't know Lila either!"

"I guess I'm not completely off though since your football-shaped head is getting red with anger." She said with a smirk.

"I am getting angry with you because you're interfering with something that's none of your business. Why do you even care?"

The girl hummed thoughtfully. "Probably because… of the same reasons humans study animals. We already know all the important stuff, but it's fun to see one particular rat make the same mistake over and over again." She explained with an arrogant tone in her voice.

I was completely taken aback. What was wrong with this girl? "Why am I even discussing this with a stranger?" I wondered aloud. "What do I care what you think?"

"You don't." the girl said matter-of-factly. "You're trying to convince yourself through me, but it's not going well so far."

I made a sound as if I was about to say something, but I changed my mind. "How can you be so sure that you're right about all this?" I asked instead and crossed my arms. She turned her back to me and put the book back in the shelf. I wondered if she had actually finished reading it or if she was going to come back to finish it later.

"I'm not, but like you said I don't really care and like I said, I'm only guessing." She answered and stood up, still with her back turned to me. "That being said, my gut is usually right about these things. Trust me, you're gonna be bored off your ass with that girl in a month, Football Head."

I watched as the blonde girl left the library in a few quick strides. I listened as the door closed somewhat loudly, but it didn't come as a surprise. This blonde girl didn't seem to be the quiet or polite type after all so why would she bother closing a door gently? I groaned in disbelief at the conversation I just had. I leaned against the bookshelf, biting on my lip in frustration. What an infuriating girl. What kind of person drops bombs like that on strangers anyway?

I looked at the book she had put on the shelf and grabbed it. I opened it and scanned the first page, realizing that she hadn't been lying; she had in fact been reading it in Shakespearean. I shook my head in confusion and put it in its place before I went back to the table Lila and I had been using earlier and started packing my things. Once I had finished, I left the library to meet with some of the boys from my class. I had told them I'd meet them at Slausen's once Lila and I were finished with our study date.

On my way there, my conversation with the blonde girl kept repeated in my mind. I didn't for one second believe that she was right. How could I be bored with a girl who was so sweet and popular? Lila and I were similar in so many ways so I decided to just forget the blonde's words. What made her such an expert anyway?

"Hey, man! What took you so long?" Gerald asked me as I sat down next to him and the boys.

"How can you ask that? He was with Lila, they were probably hooking up behind a bookshelf." Sid joked.

"Miss Lila would never do something like that." Stinky insisted. "She's too much of a lady."

"You only thought of that because you're a pervert, Stinky." Harold insisted with his usual grin. He was one to talk; he was a bit of a pervert himself. Though no one could beat Sid of course.

"But did you have fun?" Eugene asked with his usual innocent smile.

"Yeah, Lila's fun to be around." I answered with a smile, but when I remembered the blonde girl I frowned.

"Are you sure that's how you feel?" Gerald asked me and I looked at him in confusion. "You look pissed somehow."

"Oh, that's not because of Lila. I just met this girl in the library and - - "

"Dude!" Sid interrupted. "Don't tell me you're cheating on Lila?"

"No!" I shouted loudly and earned the attention of everyone in the ice cream parlor. I apologized quickly and turned back to the boys. "It's nothing like that. When Lila left, this girl started saying really weird things to me."

"What kind of weird?" Harold asked.

"She started saying things like how I was bored with Lila."

"How can anyone be bored with Miss Lila?" Stinky asked in confusion and scratched his head.

"That's what I said too."

"Why did she say that?" Gerald asked with a curious look in his eyes.

"I don't know," I responded. "she just kept going on about how I was only dating Lila because she was safe or something."

"Do you know this girl?"

"I've never talked to her before in my life! I don't even know her name."

"Then why did she tell you that?" Harold asked.

I shrugged. "I really don't know… She was really weird too. She didn't even look at me once while we talked, she just kept reading The Canterbury Tales."

"The Canterbury Tales?" Eugene repeated with big eyes.

"What's The Canterbury Tales?" Harold asked in confusion.

"It's a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century. Most people can't understand half of them." Gerald answered. "She was reading the translated version, right?"

I shook my head which caused Eugene to gasp. "That is unbelievably impressive. She must be really smart!" he said with big, wondrous eyes.

"Maybe, but she was really arrogant. She basically said she didn't understand why others have such a hard time understanding it…" I replied, frowning as I remembered her words. "She insisted all you have to do is focus."

"No way is it that easy!" Gerald said. He was clearly just as offended as I had been.

"What an interesting girl…" Eugene muttered. I would have thought Eugene was getting a crush on this girl if it wasn't because he was gay. He wasn't completely out in the open though since he was a rather weak boy. He feared getting beaten up because of his sexuality, but we as his friends knew that he was gay of course. "Did you catch her name?"

I shook my head. "She doesn't know my name either… She kept calling me Football Head." I said with a frown.

"Football Head!" Harold repeated and laughed loudly. Sid and Stinky joined him while Eugene and Gerald tried to keep their laughter down to a minimum, but I could hear them snickering. "That's perfect! Man, I wanna meet that girl!"

"Well, you're gonna have to find her yourself. I hope I'll never see her again." I replied and started fiddling with the cup of coffee Gerald had ordered for me before I got here.

"What did she look like?" Sid asked curiously.

"Uh, she had blonde hair… which she had tied into pigtails." I started.

"Try kinky." Sid said with a smirk. We all looked at him as if he was insane. "Seriously, think about it! Why do you think school girls in porn movies always have pigtails? That's not a coincidence."

"So you're calling her a slut?" Gerald asked.

"No, I'm saying I think it's hot that a girl our age would have her hair in pigtails. Gives me something to grab unto." Sid said with a laugh.

I shivered at the image. "I doubt this girl would let you do that to her. Something tells me she has too much pride."

"A dominatrix is just fine too." Sid argued.

I shook my head, giving up on getting Sid's mind out of the gutter. I had never succeeded doing that before after all. "And she was wearing worn-down jeans and a white top with graffiti on it. Oh, and she was wearing a pink bow in her hair too." I continued and frowned when I remembered the bow. Somehow that bow had seemed so out of place on her. Not because it looked bad, in a way it was kind of cute, but maybe that was exactly why it seemed out of place.

"A bow?" Sid repeated. "That proves it; she belongs in a schoolgirl porn."

"She does not!" I insisted. "She's too much of a know-it-all."

"Oh, Pornstar Punishment then." Sid corrected himself and snickered dirtily.

"That's it. I'm leaving." I declared and stood up from the couch, but Gerald grabbed me and pulled me back. "Can we at least change the subject?"

"Fine. How's it going with Lila?" Sid asked and I knew what he was asking about.

"We're having fun." I said and realized my mistake as soon as the dirty grin spread on Sid's face. "We're just hanging out right now! We only started dating a week ago, what's wrong with you?"

"You've been in love with her since 4th grade! There's no way you haven't imagined boinking her right?" Harold asked.

The question created a lump in my throat. I was 16-years-old, of course sex was on my mind, but if I had to be honest, Lila had yet to enter an actual sexual fantasy. Somehow, I felt dirty imagining her like that. She seemed too sweet, too innocent, too much like an actual angel… it was like imagining having sex with a child. Of course, I couldn't tell my friends that. I myself had a hard time accepting the fact that while I adored Lila, there was a part of me that was uncomfortable with the thought of doing anything more with her than kissing. Maybe I had been in the friend zone for so long that it felt weird even to me.

"Arnold, are you alright?" Stinky suddenly asked and waved his hand in front of my eyes.

I flinched and looked up at the boys again. "Oh, sorry. I spaced out for a moment." I admitted and they all, except for Eugene, smirked dirtily at me.

"I know what you were thinking." Harold said in a singsong voice.

"That's it. I'm seriously leaving this time." I declared and stood up. This time they didn't try to stop me and simply continued laughing. I threw some money in Gerald's way to pay for the coffee he had bought me and then left Slausen's. I sighed as I looked into the sky, imagining some clouds forming together into Lila's face. I smiled at the image before continuing down the street and my way home to Sunset Arms.

"You sure you wouldn't rather come with me to the arcade?" Gerald asked me on the phone.

I smiled. "Nah, Lila asked me to pick her up after her ballet lesson. I'm a little early though so I guess I'll finally get the chance to see her in action." I replied.

"And you're sure you wouldn't rather go play games?"

"Come on, Gerald."

"I'm just saying." Gerald said and snickered. "See ya' tomorrow, man."

"See you." I replied and hung up. I looked up at the dance studio in front me that with the big sign saying Les Cygnes Gracieux. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I knew this was the address Lila had given me. I walked inside and followed the music until I reached a room. I wondered if I should knock, but thought that might be more of a disturbance than if I just walked in. I opened the door gently and closed it silently behind me.

I was inside a big room with mirrors on every wall. The floor was made of pale wood and the dancers were twirling around on it. I stayed out of their way as I looked for Lila. When I saw her, she noticed me as well and smiled. She continued dancing as she cocked her head to the side. I walked in that direction and sat down on the floor. I looked at Lila in awe. She was so graceful and pretty in her movements. She looked like she was made for ballet. My eyes traveled to the other dancers and I noticed that there was only two guys here. Not a big surprise all things considered.

"Make room for Helga now." The teacher said with a thick Russian accent. She looked pretty uptight, with her dark blonde hair that was tied into a bun so tight that the skin of her face seemed to be pulled back as well. The dancers moved to their designated places, which caused a particular girl to be in the middle of everyone. My eyes widened at the way she was moving. Unlike Lila, she wasn't as elegant. Her movements seemed angry, but passionate. The teacher was smiling as she looked at her so I assumed she was supposed to dance like that.

I felt mesmerized as I looked at the blonde dancer. There was something undeniably dark about the way she was dancing. I wasn't good at reading between the lines or understand things that were never clarified, but somehow I knew that this girl was playing the role of either a villain or someone who was at a crossroad. Perhaps even both.

The music ended dramatically and the girl named Helga dropped to the ground in what looked like despair. Once the room was silent, the teacher gave a clap. "Marvelous, Helga. Simply marvelous. Take five, everyone. Helga, you come over here." She said. Helga moved her legs to her chest and jumped unto her feet. It was definitely not a ballet move, but it had seemed so easy when she did it.

"Arnold!" I heard Lila's voice say giddily and I saw her skip towards me. She sat down next to me and I almost gave her a kiss, but reminded myself that other people were here. "You're early."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just couldn't wait." I said with a big smile and looked back at the dancers who were all stretching while chatting with each other. "Are you sure it's ok that you're talking to me?"

"Why, yes. Ever so much. I will just stretch while talking with you." Lila said and went into a perfect split. She leaned over her left leg and grabbed her foot with both of her hands. "Did you like our dance?"

"Yes, I was really shocked. What ballet is it?"

"Princess Tutu." Lila said with an excited grin. "I'm going to be Princess Tutu."

"So you're the main character?" I asked with a big smile.

"Well… both yes and no." Lila replied uncertainly, but the smile never left her face as she leaned over her right leg. "Princess Tutu is the heroine, but Princess Kraehe is a much more difficult role to play."


"Kraehe." Lila corrected in a giggle. "Princess Kraehe is the villainess. Her dances are much more difficult than Princess Tutu. I could never do what Helga is doing."

"Helga? That was the girl who was dancing alone before, right?"

"Yes," Lila answered and looked towards her teacher. "Mademoiselle Pavlova had no doubt in her mind that Helga was perfect as Princess Kraehe. Not only is she an ever so magnificent dancer, she also has the ability to look graceful during the more ruthless dances."

"Ruthless? What's the story?"

"Oh, it's ever so difficult to explain quickly, but…" Lila said and seemed to think about the simplest way to explain the plot to me. "Princess Tutu is in love with a Prince Mytho who has lost his heart so she is trying to restore it, but Princess Kraehe is also in love with him so and as long as he doesn't have his heart, she knows he won't leave her because without a heart he doesn't care who he is with and Kraehe believes Mytho will prefer Tutu. Then there is Fakir who is in love with Tutu and so, he helps her trying to restore Mytho's heart, but as they slowly restore Mytho's heart, Tutu realizes that she has fallen in love with Fakir. Mytho finally gets his heart back and it turns out that he loves Kraehe despite the darkness in her heart. Happy ending."

I blinked. "That… was kind of confusing."

Lila giggled. "I told you it was ever so hard to explain. There's a lot more to the story naturally, but those were the most important points." She said before the teacher grabbed her attention.

"Alright, ladies and Justin and Matt. Let's take it from Lila and Helga's final pas de deux." Mademoiselle Pavlova said and clapped a couple of times.

"That's my cue." Lila said as if apologizing for leaving me. She stood up and walked gracefully to the middle of the floor where Helga was already waiting for her. Both girls readjusted their buns before standing across each other on each side of the floor. I flinched when the dark music started. I recognized it even though ballet wasn't one of my hobbies. Lila had made me listen to some ballet music from time to time and I recognized this as the Nutcracker March, but it was much darker somehow. It sounded genuinely scary.

My eyes immediately went to Helga. She was bent like a doll that needed someone to straighten it and she moved edgily to the music. Opposite Lila who was moving swiftly, but still gracefully to the music. I watched the pas de deux in complete awe, comparing the two characters to each other. Even without knowing the plot, it was obvious that Lila's character was the good one while Helga played the villain. She wasn't just dancing the part, her face twisted into malicious grins from time to time and she seemed to get so into character that she actually gave me goosebumps.

The pas de deux ended with Lila on the floor, defeated by Helga who had a foot on her back. Her stare was cold and heart, but there was a sadness in it and I was astounded once more by her acting skills. The music died and everyone clapped, me included. The teacher praised the girls to the skies before declaring that the day was over and everyone could go home. Lila told me she would be back in a couple of minutes once she had changed and followed the girls out of the room.

I stayed behind, noticing that Helga didn't follow the others. With a smile, I approached her. "Hi. Helga, right?" I asked and she looked halfway at me in surprise. "I just wanted to say that your dancing… it was really amazing. I don't really know much about ballet, but the way you danced was really good. I actually understood the story somehow and that's saying something."

I laughed a bit shyly, wondering if she thought I was weird. She looked at the floor, smiling, but there was something gleeful about it. "You don't recognize me, do you?" she asked.

I frowned, looking her over. "Have we met before?" I asked in confusion.

The girl snorted. "I guess it's not that surprising. We did only talk for like two minutes and I never looked at you." She said as she untied her bun, letting her long blonde hair fall down to her hips. I watched in awe as she grabbed her hair in two hands. She turned to look at me properly, showing me the pigtails she had just made. "Remember me now?"

I stared at the girl, forgetting our conversation. I was completely lost in her light blue eyes that seemed to be shining like diamonds behind her eyelashes. Unlike Lila's, which were gentle, pretty and full of warmth, these eyes were deep and full of mystery. They seemed to be dragging me in, but when I realized who she was, it caused me to take a step back in surprise.

"You?!" I bellowed in shock and my chin almost dropped to the floor.

"Criminy, you should see your face!" Helga said in a laugh and let go of her hair. She held her stomach as she kept laughing. "I never thought I'd see you again. But I guess that's my fault; you were gonna pick Lila up here sooner or later, I guess."

"Bu-But, you said you didn't know her!"

"I never actually said that." Helga argued and stopped laughing. The smile stayed on her face though as she crossed her arms and I couldn't help but notice her blonde hair falling over her shoulders and chest.

"You didn't say that you did know her!"

"Why would I? Would that have changed your mind about what I told you?"


"I figured." Helga said and threw out her arms. She then looked over my shoulder. "Hey, Justin. You ready?"

I turned around and saw one of the boys approaching us. "Sure thing, Helga. Who's your friend?" he asked as he looked at me. "Oh, wait. You're the one who talked to Lila before, right? You Arnold?"

"Y-Yes, I'm Lila's boyfriend." I said and shook his hand.

"Why's your hair loose, Helga?" Justin asked once he had let go of my hair.

"Well, I ran into Arnold the other day and he didn't recognize me with my hair up like that." Helga explained before grabbing the hairband, which she had tied around her wrist when she had loosened her hair. She bent forward and put her hair into a bun again with perfectly skilled hands. Then she leaned back up again. "See ya', Football Head."

I couldn't help but stare at her as she followed Justin to the middle of the dance floor. They nodded at Mademoiselle Pavlova who smiled and turned the music back on. Again, Helga's face twisted into the malicious grin while Justin's face seemed more like that of a doll. Based on what Lila had told me about the story, I figured Justin must have been cast as the role of Mytho, the prince without a heart.

I could feel myself get hypnotized again as Helga danced around Justin in a way that couldn't be anything else but seductive. It seemed so odd, seductive ballet that is, but perhaps I only thought that way because I didn't know much about ballet. Helga was dancing around Justin and he was staring at her with indifferent eyes. She seemed to try so hard to get him to truly love her, but she knew it was in vain because he didn't have a heart to love with. Helga's dancing changed then with the music and became sad. She realized the mistake of choosing a man who could never love her back and despite knowing that Helga was supposed to be the villainess in this story, I felt sad for her.

I heard Lila's voice whisper my name gently and I looked towards her. I tiptoed over to her, still staring at Helga and Justin as I did so. "Why are they still dancing?" I whispered.

"Oh, like I said, Helga's parts are ever so much harder so she has to train for two full hours more than the rest of us."

Two hours?! I screamed inside my head. "W-What about the guy then?" I asked.

"Most of Justin's dances are with Helga since he is playing as Mytho. He only stays behind every other day while Helga is here every day."

"Every single day?" I questioned to which Lila nodded. She nudged at me to make me follow her and I did, but I watched Helga and Justin in the meantime. So Helga was not only a ballerina that was cast in the most difficult role in this particular ballet. In her free time she read Shakespearean novels and thought it was no big deal. Yet she was rude, offensive and a know-it-all. There was definitely more to this girl than I first though and I couldn't help but feel the curiosity soar through me.

Author's 2nd note: So! That was the very first chapter! As you may or may not have noticed, there are references in here so I'll explain them clearly. "Princess Tutu" is actually a Japanese anime that focuses on ballet. The story Lila said the ballet focuses on is not really, truly the story behind "Princess Tutu" as such as it's more how it could be interpreted maybe. Again, there's more to the anime than this ballet piece Les Cygnes Gracieux is going to perform.

Another hint is Mademoiselle Pavlova. She is actually from the episode called "Dance lessons" in the show "Recess". How many of you thought of her when you read that name? xD I just thought it'd be funny to have her being the dance teacher though we probably won't hear much from her in this story as such.

Oh, and as always, if anyone is inspired to draw something (perhaps a cover) for this story go right ahead! But I feel the need to add something this time: Lately, I have experienced that people get genuinely angry with me if I don't choose their drawing and I think that's really unfair because there's usually more than one person - who decides on their own - to draw something based on my stories. I can't very well choose everyone's drawings now can I? So please, if you don't think you can handle me not choosing your drawing, just don't draw for me, ok? I don't want to hurt anyone, but I obviously can't have three different covers for the same story xD