Summary: This SpideyNova Week challenge is crossovers. Here we see a bit of fluff from a universe where Sam and Peter live in a world inhabited with creatures called pokemon. Some people use pokemon to fight, some people study them, and to others they're best friends!

author's note: wow this went so anime so fast, uh, sorry for how anime this is, kinda super OOCness with Peter, oops. Have some random silly SpideyNova fluff for crossover week. Also all errors are mine, un beta'd. Sorry! (also the title is from the Unova opening theme song if you aren't a pokemon fan, fyi.)

Chapter 1: Ready for Battle, Brave and Bold

"Oh, big brother, look how pretty!" Kaelynn said as she watched an Illumise flit out of a nearby tree to join fellow Illumise and a few scattered Volbeat in the night sky. The bug pokemon were glowing brightly, enjoying the pleasant weather. Sam smiled down at his little sister, happy that he could take her to see something so special as the once a year gathering of the firefly pokemon.

"Yeah, they're really neat, huh Kae?" Sam asked.

"Breon, umbreee," the blue ringed Umbreon said as she rolled onto her back and poked at Sam, her dark coat sparkling under the flickering light.

"Not as neat as you, of course, Nova," Sam said, laughing as he scratched her belly. She thumped her fluffy tail in lazy bliss. Kaeylnn giggled.

"You're so spoiled, Nova," she said, reaching over to scratch the fox like pokemon behind her ears.

"Eon, um," Nova said, purring at the attention.

Kaelynn turned back to watch the firefly pokemon dancing and flitting about the forest. Nova cracked one eye open and pouted at the loss of ear scratches.

"DEERLING!" cried out a male deerling, resplendent in his summer coat, crackling with electricity as he charged wildly at Nova. Sam scrambled up, getting tackled before he could call out a counter move.

"Oh my gosh, Deerling, no! Stop that! Those aren't Volbeats!" shouted a young, brunette scientist, covered in bug pokemon catching gear. He stopped to catch his breath, then held out a pokeball, "Deerling return!"

Kaelynn and Nova poked at the now slightly charred Sam with sticks. He twitched.

"Owwwww," he groaned.

"I am so sorry about Deerling! He was super excited to help me with my studies and got a little bit carried away!" he said, dropping to his knees next to Sam. Accidentally dropping his bug catching supplies, spilling scores of pokeballs and premier balls everywhere as his bucket spilled over and landed on Sam's head, "Oh my gosh, please forgive me! I'm so sorry!"

Kaelynn shared a look with Nova, Nova shrugged. The scientist grabbed Sam by the shoulders and shook him back and forth. Sam flopped about bonelessly, bucket rattling on his head.

"Please forgive me!" he screamed, tears running dramatically down his face.

"Oh, don't worry about Sam none, mister, he takes worse hits all the time," Kaelynn said brightly.

"Umbreon," Nova added, nodding sagely. Kaelynn stuck out her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Kaelynn, by the way, and this here is Nova!" Kaelynn said, smiling.

"H-hi Kaelynn, I'm Peter and ohmygoshisthatashineyUmbreon?!" Peter said, dropping Sam and leaping over his body to land, crouching, next to Nova.

"Ow!" Sam said as he landed with a thud-clunk. He sat up, glaring at Nova as she rolled around and batted at Peter's fingers.

"How did such a Buckethead like you get such an awesome pokemon?" Peter asked.

"It is pretty surprising, big brother is such a space cadet!" Kaelynn said, giggling.

Sam stood up and smacked Peter with the bucket. Peter fell over, twitching.

"Don't call me that!" Sam yelled, vein throbbing on his forehead in irritation. "It's your stupid bucket, anyways!"

Peter leapt up then fell down at Sam's feet in a bow of apology.

"I know! It was all my fault! Please forgive me, Sam!" Peter said, weeping tears of apology. Sam blushed and backed away from Peter's over dramatic display.

"H-hey…" Sam started to say, before Peter leapt up and clung awkwardly to Sam's chest, eyes wide. Sam waved his arms about in surprise and staggered back, the tips of his ears turning red in embarrassment.

"Please let me buy you coffee in apology," Peter said earnestly. Kaelynn squeed and picked up Nova.

"Wh-what?" Sam managed to get out, staring back at Peter in surprise.

"Stupid, stupid," Peter said to himself, smacking his head with his fist, then standing up to his full height he gazed deeply into Sam's eyes and said, "Please let me buy you dinner in apology for Deerling hitting you with Wild Charge, and please accept my offer of coffee in apology for my clumsy self dropping a bucket on your head."

"Uh.." Sam said in response. Kaelynn jumped up and down in excitement.

"He means yes! Of course he'll go on a date with you!" she shrieked, twirling around with Nova. Nova sighed in resignation.

"Will you stop doing that, Kae!" Sam said, jerking back, blush returned in full force. Smiling, Peter gathered up his things.

"OK, great! I'll meet you tomorrow at the cafe for lunch!" Peter said, waving as he ran deeper into the forest.

Sam turned to glare at Kaelynn. Nova was clearly dizzy from the exuberant spinning.

"Kae, you can't keep setting me up with every random person we meet! Come on!" Sam pleaded.

"But big brother, didn't you recognize him? That's Professor Parker! It isn't everyday you get to go on a date with a real, live pokemon professor!" Kaelynn said as she finished twirling and cuddled Nova up under her chin. Her eyes glazed over as she started daydreaming.

"Kaelynn…" Sam said in exasperation. He shared a much suffering look of resignation with Nova, "It isn't a date."

"Breon," Nova replied. Kaelynn humming happily, lost in her daydream.

"It isn't! It's just lunch, and a coffee. With some jerk that can't even control a Deerling!" Sam said, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing irritably.

"Umbreon," Nova said reprovingly. Sam scowled up at the night sky, watching the Illumise and Volbeat in the distance.

"Whatever," he said, dropping down to sit cross legged on the ground next to Kaelynn, "Hey squirt, are you gonna actually watch these fireflies or are you too busy goofing off?"

Kaelynn came out of her daydream with a squeal of happiness. Then turned a very serious face to Sam.

"Big brother this is a once in a lifetime chance, you better not mess this one up!" Kaelynn said, looming over Sam and glaring daggers. Nova baring her fangs to back Kaelynn up. Sam cowered back from their combined threats.

"I-I'm not gonna mess it up, I promise!" Sam cried out. Kaelynn smiled sweetly and laid down next to him, looking up at the night sky.

"OK!" she chirped in response. Sam sighed and flopped back against the grassy ground. Sulking.

Nova crawled out of Kaelynns grasp and curled up on Sam's chest.

"It's not a date, though," he muttered under his breath.

"Umbreon," Nova responded.

Sam stuck out his tongue and resumed his sulk.