

[Phone mail]


Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live

Not Love At First Sight

"I'm sorry! It's not like what you're think. You're a great person. But...I don't think we are suitable together."

"Today has been a great day. But I'm not sure whether it's going to work on us."

[I'm sorry. I'm canceling the date.]

Hah...I wonder if I had been a bad person in my past lifetime. Everything I worked for will go to the drain if I don't hook up with someone right now. I flipped my phone after reading a mail from so-called my suppose-to-be-a-date. That was the ninety nine person who had been rejecting me. Sighed, I reached a cup of coffee in front of me and swiftly drank it while watching the panorama inside and outside the cafe.

This was a busy world I've been living in. Everyone is on their own pace. The buzzing noise and the honking of cars, everything mixed. The passerby walking on the streets, whether in rush or not. This is normal.


The coffee inside the glass cup swirled as the vibration of my phone set off. Instead of grabbing that, I pick my coffee and finished it up. The liquid went down in one big gulped.

"I guess the lunchtime is over." Placing the money on the table, not forgetting some tips, I walked out of the cafe. Since my workplace is only a stone throw away, I don't even bother to take my car with me. Being swarmed in the sea of people, I slowly reached in front of tall and huge building. My company.

Or...should I said not just yet.

"Ah, Boss! How did it went?" Someone suddenly appeared right in front of me. A girl with a bob haircut. Her hair is strange to my eye. I still can't distinguish whether it's a green or brown. Anyway, she's my assistant, Koizumi Hanayo. She usually manage all my schedule, arranging the meetings and whatever important need to be done for this company. It's not right to call her a loyal servant, maybe a family? Our relationship would be considered close as she sometimes would delivered my father messages and I really confined to her about some of the matters, such as the recently task. My father can be impossible.

"Not quite as we expected, Hanayo. We run out of time." I defeatedly flopped to my chair. Gazing at the paperwork on the mahogany desk, I sighed inwardly.

"D-Don't give up. W-We still has a week. I already has the next target." Hanayo fiddled the documents in her hand. Her distressed face clearly state that whatever she wanted for me to see wasn't with her.

"Wait here. It must be in my office." The girl practically running to her workstation.

"It's not like I had anywhere to go anyway. Might as well read all of these paperwork." Picking up the document from my desk, I spent my time reading it while waiting for my assistant to be back.

Now, I think I haven't introduce myself. Sorry about that.

I'm Ayase Eli. 23 years old girl with a very pretty and long golden tresses as my treasure. Usually I tied it in ponytail, so just be happy if you simply saw me let it out freely. Beautiful things shouldn't have any complaints. I'm graduated with my business degree in hand. It was predictable since I eventually will own this company. Yes, Ayase Corporation. It has been for many generation now and this time it's my time to run it.

If that could be any simpler.

Apparently, my father had these crazy idea. I wonder how mom handle him. Or can she married him. I'm sorry, I think I started to bubble about him again. That always be the case.

About dad's idea, I found it to be ridiculous. I'm a prodigy. I'm excellent in almost everything. So, running this company had been my one and only dream. I've been helping my father with this company since I finished highschool. Not long after my college graduation, my father passed his position to me. Though it was momentary but I put all my energy like it was my real position. As I getting comfortable with this situation, my father had proposition. A, a terrifying one.

Two months ago,


"Hanayo, Your voice are loud." It was surprising I didn't startle, probably I was immune to it already. And here I was sitting on my chair, tapping my index on the desk. My blue eyes hadn't lift off from the document that was in my other hand.

"A-Ah! I'm sorry! But you might want to relax while reading this." Stopping all the activity I was doing, my azure orbs simply cast a suspicious look as my assistant sat at the coffee table just across where I was. In her hand, there was a large brown envelope. It always wasn't a good news I presume and there's fidgeting Hanayo to confirm it.

"It's my dad, right?" She nodded. Pushing myself off the comfortable chair, I make way to the coffee table. As soon as I sat on the sofa, Hanayo handed the envelope. Its been torn open, showing that she had read it. I looked at her then back to the envelope. Hesitantly, I pulled the sheets of paper and carefully scan its content.

{Hello, my daughter. How had you been? We here are having fun in Russia. Oh! Arisa says hey. Okay, to cut it straight, I want to talk about the company with you. I know I had you in my place for awhile now and I think it was time for me to step down for good. That's why Elichika, I'm giving my position as the CEO of Ayase Corporation to you.}

"Finally! Hanayo, this is a great news. My dream that seems so far away has finally come to me." Unable to contain my excitement, I started to do some funny dance. Twirled around inside the room, my assistant interrupted my happiness.

"E-Eli-chan! You might want to read it until the last word before you could feel something about it." She said hesitantly.

"Eeh~I bet the rest is just a nuisance." I pouted a bit, protesting.

"Because it's nuisance you have to read it, Eli-chan." Hanayo handed back the letter to me. I, of course, reluctantly accepted it. I merely going to simply scan it. But, somehow my lapis lazuli started to focus at some parts of the letter. I'd gone through it for several times. My brain had problem processing...or rather accepting all the words been written in it. No doubt, this is father's letter. Sweat kept on glisten on my head every single minute passing as I stuck at the same spot.

"I HAVE TO DO WHAT?!" My face went to horror version as I finally able to voice my shock.

"I'm sure you're clearly understand what had been written in this. However, I need your explanation in this part." Hanayo snatched the letter and pointed to some part. She tried to give me a stern gaze behind those lens she had been wearing. Trust me, it never works. Just to satisfy her need, I glanced at the word she's pointing at.

{Oh! Before I'm going to give that title to you, Elichika, did you remembered our talk about your love life? You said you've a girlfriend when I was pestering about that. But you never introduce her to us. So, I thought in order for you to inherit the company, you has to be married. Don't worry, you still has two months before we come back after spending vacation in Russia. I'm excited to see your wife, Elichika. See you later in next two months my daughter.

Love Papachika.}


Annoyingly, I kept crushing the paper until it turned into a beautiful, nice shape of tennis ball and tossed it to the bin. I wasn't hardly missed.

"W-What was about your girlfriend anyway? I never heard it before." Hanayo asked as her hand went into the previous brown envelope.

"Never heard because it never happened." I calmly sat on the sofa, looking at my assistant who had wore a confused look. I can see she pulled out more bundle of sheets from the envelope. Right now, I could care less.

"Dad had been pestered it for months. And one day I just told him I had one and he stopped question it ever since. Now I think it backfired. I always amaze how he can use it in whatever way, at whenever time." Although I said my father is a bit cynical, I admit he is my role model in life.

"Talking about amazement, he really outdid us." Hanayo handed the sheets that she had pulled out earlier. Apparently, it was a contract dad made in order for him to give the company to me with condition I has to be married. This contract was a prove he had been thinking thoroughly about the matter. All I need to do was signed it and fulfilled the condition.

And that's the problem.


"Mhmm...Hanayo?" Still in sleeping mode, one of my eyes open to see who had been nudging me. Obviously it was my assistant since no one allow to enter in my room without making an appointment first except for Hanayo.

"Eli-chan! If you that tired, please go home and take some rest." My timid assistant tried to advice me. Being stubborn and serious as I am, I refused.

"No. I'd fell asleep. Times already been wasted. You can go first. I finish these by today." Stretching my body side to side, I picked up the pen and started working on the papers.

"Uuu...There's no winning against you. By the way, here. Sorry I took longer time to find it. My office kinda in a mess." Hanayo rubbed her neck while giving me a thick, purplish file. I knew what is it without even looking inside it. Well I saw what in it for ninety nine times already.

"I wonder why you've been helping me in these. It was my problem to begin with. I mean, you even arrange these meeting with the girls for me." I forgot to mention that my father knew I needed a woman in my life and not the opposite gender. Why and did it bother him I'm going for the same sex, you ask? Funny, he gladly accept since I'm a special case.

I'm a hermaphrodite. Yes, as I said, a girl with both genitals. Anyway, I don't need to explain myself further. We have some other time to do it. Now, as I prefer the one with boobs, some of them might not actually like me with the complexion I have. But, other are just fine with it. How did I knew? Well, I certainly would assume everyone think of me as a freak, however Hanayo apparently had made a online site to help me in search of my future wife, or so it seems. She had post everything about me including the bonus part. Surprisingly, we got quite amount of applicants on the site and I'd been meeting with some of them. But, as you know, I've never been able to hook up with any of them up to one week. Don't ask why, ninety nine trials have prove that I don't know. And this hundredth person, whoever might be is my only last chance to achieve my dream. Maybe I should bribe her.

Enough of that for now, back to reality, I saw Hanayo face flustered. That only happen when she get embarrassed or embarrassing things to say.

"I-I'm your assistant, Eli-chan. Of course I want to help you. Besides, my boss dream is also my dream." She answered my previous question with her squeaky voice. Sometimes I don't get her.


"Wha-What I want to say is, Eli-chan is very hardworking, so I want to help you in any other way. And being your assistant, I realize that Eli-chan is good at what you do so I want to support you. That is my wish." I could only smile. I'm grateful to have a great assistant.

"Thanks I really appreciate that. Lets do our best." Then, I about to resume my work.

"Ah, Eli-chan! You haven't look at the another candidate. I would like if you can give me an answer right now." Hanayo motioned her hand toward the purple file. My azure orbs glance there for a moment before returned back to see the amethyst ones.

"You may proceed." I knew she only called the respective candidates after I agree to meet them.

"But you haven't look at her yet." Hanayo face scrunched as she whined.

"It won't change anything. I had seen and chose the previous candidates but it didn't work as I hope for. So, it didn't matter for me anymore." I resume my work, ignoring the audible sighed.

"Is it a same cafe?" I nodded.

"During the afternoon?" Nodded again.

"Is tomorrow okay?"

"Sure, and please tell her to find a beautiful rich woman." Playfully grinned, I could see Hanayo face deadpanned. Eventhough I got rejected today, via phone by the way, I'm not wasting my time to wait. I need to meet this other person and wish we could do some agreement.

"You being ambiguous. Anything else." My assistant had finished written down her note and placed by the notebook in her grey blazer pocket.

"Nope. You may leave." The footsteps slowly left, a click from the door state that I was alone in my office. I stretched my neck for a bit. At the same time, my eyes stopped at the familiar file.

'Nope, seeing it won't change a thing.' Without hesitation, I took the file and shoved it in one of the drawers.

The next day,

Here I was, a place where I met a hope and literally got destroyed on the same day, if you want to feel any better, it would last within a week. I'm Ayase Eli, sitting at the corner of my favorite cafe, watching people went in and out of the cafe. What am I doing here?

Well, I'm waiting for a miracle. A goddess to grant my dying wish. Just kidding. As I about to absorb in my own world, I got interrupted. By an angel. Nope, this is not who I'm going to meet. This angel has known as Legendary Maid Minalinsky. Yup, she has quite reputation here. I had to admit her smile is the bright one around here but I swore I had seen her somewhere.

"Here is your black coffee." She smiled before quickly turned and went to another table. That's always be the case whenever I tried to look harder in those amber eyes. Dismissed the thought, I lifted the cup and slowly blew it to cool down. I thought I heard the chime from the door. Ignoring it, I cast my eyes outside the cafe through the window glass. Inhaling the soothe scent of the coffee, I sipped carefully, avoiding my tongue from burning. A moment later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to confirm it, only to crush on some cushy thing. I immediately jerked back as I realized it's the women upper anatomy called breast. My face heated up, red hue concentrated on my cheek. I swore I heard giggles from the woman. As I look up to see, a small smile plastered on her face.

"Are you, might be Ayase Eli?" I examined here for awhile. Her face, her curve, everything and its only darker the shades on my face. So, this is my date for today. She quite a catch if you wanted to know. I don't know what's going to happen after this but I hope it went well. Will she bring me closer or further to my dream?

"Yes. I'm Ayase Eli."

First of all, I want to apologized for those who had read A Knight's Princess, I know I haven't update it for awhile and here I was written a new story. But don't worry I will do that first before returning this back. Anyhow, hope you enjoy the story. I had to write it while it still on my mind.