Hey guys! I know I said that this was a one-shot, but I got so many reviews saying they wanted me to continue on. So this is a two-shot. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed this story so far. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Trust me, I do not own The Outsiders.

Four years later: Darry's P.O.V.

My fiance and I entered the convenient store, looking for some relief from the hot summer.

We located the water bottles quickly and went up to the cashier to pay. Only when I saw them, did I stop and stared wide-eyed.

Ponyboy and Sodapop.

Sodapop was behind the counter, scanning a magazine and Ponyboy was, of course, reading a book, also behind the counter.

I inwardly slapped myself. The DX, was where we stopped. How Could I of been so ignorant. Though I had thought they wouldv'e moved on by now. With it being four years and all.(I know I never made it to where Soda drops out, but I still think he wouldv'e worked there anyway.)

Gosh though, they looked so grown up.

Soda, being twenty-one, looked more muscular than he did before. His hair seemed even more wheat-gold, if that was possible. His smile was the same, when he smiled you couldn't help but smile too.

Pony though, takes the cake. He was taller than Soda, maybe even me. His hair was shorter than I last saw, with no grease. His physique was similar though, since then.

They looked so happy together, I didn't want to go up and ruin it by reminding them all I put them through. Yet, my fiance, Beth, asked,'' What's wrong Darry, you ok?''

'' N-nothing, let's pay and go.'' I stated.

Maybe they won't reconize me. There's a slight chance that's possible. It was all in vain though, when Ponyboy looked up and gasped. ''Darry?'' he whispered, as though he couldn't believe I was there.

This caused Sodapop to look up and gasp also. He just stared at me blankly, not expressing any emotion.

When I stepped up to place the bottles down on the counter, Pony jumped over same counter and tackled me with a hug.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around my baby brother, and patted his back.

''Oh Darry we thought we would never see you again! Thank God!'' he was shaking, his eyes filled with tears. All I did was smile down at him, it's all I could think to do.

Soda, through all this, remained motionless behind the counter. He seemed to be occupied with his fingernails.

This is the complete opposite, usually Soda is the happy one and Pony is the angry one.

I willed my mouth to speak,'' Hey Soda.''

He looked at me then, with such pain in his eyes. Pain I caused. I had to look away, I couldn't stand to see that.

So instead I asked Pony,'' So, what's happened in the past years?''

''Well,'' he began,'' ever since we got into that boy's home we've been doing what we usally do. We both went to school, they were very strict about school, and I made the top of my class! Though Soda is a different story. Then after he gratuated, he continued his job here, then he got an apartment not far from here. After that he went to the courthouse and appplied to be my gaurdian and he won! The boy's home wasn't all that bad but I just couldn't take much more of it. So I decided to get a job here as well to help pay for college and I go to Oklahoma State this coming fall!''

''That's great Pony, I'm so happy for you!''

''Sure you are,'' I heard Soda mumble.

I took a deep breath, then turned to face him. '' Look Soda, I know you're mad at me, as you should be , but you have to understand...''

''Understand? You abandoned us years ago and you want me to understand! Do you know all the trouble I went through to give us a better life? While you went to college, and lived your dream, and, what, is that your fiance right there?'' he gestered to Beth.

She was standing behind me, with a look of confusion on her face. I never told her about my brothers. '' Leave her out of this!'' I said.

'' How could you of been so selfish Darry? We needed you more than ever, yet you left us in the dirt to fend for ourselves. It was like a big slap in the face, with Mom and Dad dead, then you giving us up for your own needs. That was the cherry on the cake.''

I couldn't help it, I burst,'' I couldn't do it Soda! I am not Dad. I just couldn't give up my dreams so I could adopt you two! I love you two more than anything, and I couldn't give you a life where we barely make ends meet. Or we have to flippin' beg for money if we wanna do someting special. I am weak. I admit it. It was a scum-bag move to make, and for that I'm sorry. I just ask you to forgive me. You can blame me for everything, I don't care. Just please, forgive me.''

I never opened up like that before, Soda knows it too. For his face softened, and he sighed.

'' Look Darry. For a long time I was angry with you. Oh so angry! I told myself that we didn't need you. We could make it on our own. But we still need you, more than ever.''

'' I know, I know. And I'm here now. I got accepted in the NFL, but this time, I will give it up to take care of you guys. I've got a college degree, I can find a well- paying job.''

The younger brothers were shocked to hear this,'' Darry that's great!'' the youngest said,'' You don't need to give it up for us. You also have your fiance you need to support.''

Darry looked at Beth,'' I'm sorry I never told you about them, but would you forgive me and take them in?''

She looked at the two boys for the longest time, then after consideration, agreed.

Soda gawked at the two,'' Really, we've been taking care of ourselves for years. You do not need to do this!''

Yes Soda, I do,'' Darry stated with desperation,'' I abandoned you before, now I'll never let you two go.''

With that, the Curtis brothers all gathered into a group hug. This was a gesture of forgiveness and love. They could never be seperated again. They were together. They held on to eachother till the moon came up and the coyotes howled.

Ok, so y'all asked for a semi-happy ending and I provided. I hope it doesn't sound too cheesy and that it was worse than the first chapter. Anyway, liked I said before, thanks for everyone who liked this story and I did promise y'all a cookie! So, here's your cookie! Sorry it's not real. If you review again, I'll give you a piece of chocolate cake, provided by the Curtis brothers themselves! Haha. Thanks for reading:-)