A translation of Исполнитель желаний by Depressive Maniac.

Alright, so I was following this story for /quite/ some time and after (quite frequent) bursts of excitement to my friends whenever it was updated, I decided that it would be interesting to translate this fanfic. It's huge. It's really huge okay. It picks up somewhere after chapter 10 or something like that. I got permission for translation and publishing so all good there.

Okay so these two lovely people helped me to edit after my brain was fried from actual translation
rotted-strawberries on tumblr - Lbae (Deathlylover here)
beyond-the-case oh tumblr- kira

the names are there just in case I address them in later notes you know who i am speaking about lmao.


"Shini-" Ryuzaki's voice broke off, and changed to a muted whisper, "-gami…"

Light, as if everything turned into slow motion film, saw how the teaspoon, just a moment ago held with stubborn fingers, slowly fell to the floor. The body of his main enemy lost the capability to hold itself upright and started to tilt to the side. Overtaken by a sudden impulse, Light lunged forward and caught Ryuzaki's body in the air, not letting it hit the floor. The pain in that shoulder, the shoulder which took the fall of two bodies on itself, spread in a sharp wave across his body. But Light's mind didn't pay it any attention. He was looking into the eyes of his opponent, surprised and still not realizing that this was it—it had finally happened! The main goal had been accomplished. The enemy was defeated and his heart was counting out its last beats.

In Ryuzaki's eyes were loss and pain, which slowly changed into understanding and quiet sadness. He laid so comfortably in Light's arms, that it seemed like he came to terms with the unavoidable and was ready to leave this world in the arms of his best friend… friend? No, you can't fool Ryuzaki. And he didn't come to terms with anything. He was staring at him, trying in the last second to solve where he went wrong, where he made the unforgivable mistake. Light felt like even at that moment, L was calculating the percentage of Light being Kira. Certainly by that point it was at a hundred percent.

'My victory. My full and unquestionable victory!' The sudden realization of that fact made Light rejoice. He triumphed. He had won. Light couldn't hold back a smirk. He nearly felt the actual taste of victory. The wonderful, heady taste…

Ryuzaki saw his smirk. Managed to see it with the dimming consciousness. In the huge sad eyes moved a veil of disappointment…but in that same moment his sight turned matte, unseeing, directed into eternity. His time was up. Eyelids, adorned with long black eyelashes, started to slowly close, giving eternal rest to the restless, always carving new puzzles soul.

That's when Light felt it. Felt, like as if stabbed by a sharp needle of understanding, that something horrible, irreversible was happening. Something awful that he wouldn't be able to fix. He felt it literally with every fiber of his being, how the warming light dies and he is being enveloped in a dark, ice cold wave of loneliness. That loneliness that was his trusty companion throughout his whole life. His coldness and alienation from everyone. From the whole world. Emptiness. Emptiness which he suddenly stopped feeling the first time he heard L. Only at that moment did the God of the New World realize that he was losing the only soulmate he ever had. The only person with whom he could feel alive. His only worthy opponent, who he happily got by getting into this deadly game. The best conversationalist. The one with whom he lived chained to for so long, that being near was something that was normal and to be expected. The one who caused curiosity with his mere existence, quiet, calm voice, weird habits and unexpected conclusions.

Smothering wave of pain and gentleness covered Light. With a part of his consciousness the delayed surprise of how little Ryuzaki actually weights, comes. How nice it is to hold him in his arms and look at his face, which is framed by black strands of stubborn hair. And… Kira's face turned into a frozen mask, with a victorious smirk on his lips and the horror of realization in his eyes.

Ryuzaki's eyes are closed now. Kira's palm felt the last beat of L's heart under his ribs, which were easily felt on his bony body. With his last breath escaping him and his lips gently parted, L could almost have been sleeping, it seemed.

"Ryuzaki, no!" Light's scream seemed alien to him. "Ryuzaki, breathe, breathe, do you hear me?!"

Light filled his lungs with air and pressed his lips against Ryuzaki's, breathing out. Quickly rising, Light's body knowing what and how to do it. Light's courses on emergency first response, which, like everything else the best student of Japan, passed with flying colors, taken long ago were finally used. Palm on the chest, a little bit above the solar plexus, other on top of it, rhythmic presses—one, two, three… Breathe in again, press his lips to the pale, bluish lips, give some oxygen to the collapsed lungs, press again—one, two, three.

"Come on, Ryuzaki!" Light performed CPR on his sworn enemy, trying to bring back the one who he dreamed to put to death. "Breathe, I am begging you, breathe!"

He didn't notice the chaos happening around him. Slowly all the present there understood what happened. Screams of "Ryuzaki, what's wrong with you?" and "What happened?" changed to "Kira! We are next!" from Matsuda and "Someone, call the ambulance!" from the Chief. Light did the CPR, not noticing how slowly the silence overcame the room.

The air, so he could breathe for himself, was catastrophically lacking and his vision kept going black for brief flashes. His mind was buzzing with unconnected and seemingly mad thoughts. Ryuzaki's pale face, bluish lips, and splayed out black strands… No, Light wasn't going to give up. If Ryuzaki couldn't breathe himself, he'd breathe for him. For as long as it was needed. And a bit more. Light wouldn't let death take L, wouldn't let it win and make L leave him.

"Don't you dare leave, Ryuzaki! I won't let you!" The scream bounced off the walls.

"Light… That's enough." Soichiro's hand lowered on Light's shoulder. "I am afraid he is beyond help now."

"Don't touch me!" Light threw his father's hand off, his voice breaking. "Don't you dare distract me!"

Light didn't notice the tears. Angry tears, tears of despair. At that moment he didn't think about Kira, the new world, or about his burning desire to come out a winner from the deadly game of two geniuses and see the death of the defeated enemy. He was fighting death itself and trying to save something new that was born in Light's soul in the last moments of the detective's life. Something that would leave forever if he stopped even for a second.

"Breathe! Damn it…" Another exhalation into other's lips. Light hit on Ryuzaki's chest in the area of the heart, risking to break the ribs. But it didn't really matter for Ryuzaki at that moment, whether or not he had all of his ribs.

"Fucking genius, breathe!" The voice was breaking with little sobs of despair. "Breathe, breathe, breathe!" Another breath and more blows...