
(6 weeks later)

Reyna and Hylla raced through the confines of the Amazon warehouse, trying to see who was faster. Reyna had already won three times.

"Finally! Something I can beat you at!" Reyna yelled and Kinzie laughed at the two. Reyna noticed Hylla looking at her sadly, but thought nothing of it.

"Rey! Want to go again?" She yelled. Reyna smiled and nodded.

"Yep! I'll beat ya!" Reyna yelled to her, and started to run to the starting line. Hylla ran with her.

"Ready, set, go!" Kinzie yelled at them. Both had started running before Kinzie had ended her sentence. Reyna squealed with delight as she beat Hylla once again.

"Now, something I can beat you at. Let's spar!" Hylla yelled. Reyna took out her daggers and summoned her dogs.

"No dogs allowed!" Hylla added. Reyna pouted. The two sisters walked opposite each other and circled each other for a few seconds. Then Hylla raced towards Reyna and swung her sword. Reyna blocked and went on the offensive.

Five minutes later they were still sparring. Reyna and Hylla's faces were covered in sweat. Reyna flipped one of her daggers and it turned into her sword (courtesy of the Amazons and their awesome spell casters).

Reyna swung her sword and nicked Hylla's shoulder. Hylla's face twisted. Now she was motivated. Hylla let loose a scream and raced forward. She lifted her sword upwards and swung it down. As soon as she got an inch from Reyna's head, Hylla stopped her sword and said, 'Dead'. Reyna's head drooped and she sighed. Kinzie stood by watching in awe.

"Wow. You guys are amazing." She said. "And I've been doing this for decades, so that's a pretty big compliment." Reyna laughed. Hylla looked at Reyna evilly and jumped on top of her.

"Ahh!" Reyna screamed and fell down. "What is wrong with you?" She yelled. Hylla was laughing like a lunatic.

"I think the question is what is wrong with you." Reyna rolled her eyes and Hylla laughed harder. She mock shook her head,

"What am I going to do with you." She said, pretending to be disappointed. Hylla rolled her eyes this time.

"Isn't it meant to be the older one who says that to the younger one?" Hylla laughed as she said it. Reyna looked at her watch. It was 10:49 PM.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to bed." She told her sister and walked upstairs. She got into her really, super comfortable bed and closed her eyes.

When she woke up, she heard Hylla talking to someone.

"But... How will Reyna take it?" Someone whispered.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. She'll probably even join with me." Reyna was shocked. Hylla was going to join the Amazons? Reyna had wanted to go to Camp Jupiter, and train against legionnaires. It looked like Hylla liked it better here.

"How do you know? What if she decides to go to the camp?" The girl, who Reyna now recognised as Kinzie.

"I know her. If I don't go she won't want to either." Well, looks like you don't know me as well as you thought then. Reyna thought and shifted in place. Hylla and Kinzie stopped talking and looked up to Reyna's bunk.

"Are you sure she's still asleep?" Kinzie asked and Hylla nodded.

"She's never awake this early." Reyna checked her glow in the dark watch. 7:32. Hylla was right. She was rarely up at this time. Reyna thought over their conversation and didn't know how long it had been, until Hylla threw a pillow over her face and started hitting her with it.

"Wake up! We have training today." Reyna sighed. When was Hylla planning to tell her? Reyna didn't know, so she decided to ask.

"When were you planning to tell me?" Hylla looked at her confusedly, and Reyna explained. "This morning. You were talking to Kinzie. When were you planning to tell me?" Hylla sighed.

"I don't know, when the time was right. So... are you going to stay with me?" Hylla asked hopefully.

"No. I have plans. Looks like you don't know me as well as you thought." She said, spitefully at the end as she thought about how easily Hylla had assumed that she would stay.

"When are you planning on joining?" Reyna asked at. The same time as Hylla asked,

"When are you planning on leaving?" The sisters looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm thinking the end of this week." Hylla answered. Reyna didn't ask why that day.

"Okay, then I'll leave the day after." Reyna said, dreading the day she would leave.

That day came all too soon. It was the day after Hylla had joined. There had been a huge feast to celebrate her joining, and Hylla had gone from table to table talking to people. Reyna had barely gotten to talk to her sister the last full day they would be together.

Reyna looked down at her shoes as Hylla fussed over her, asking if she had packed everything.

"Yes! I packed everything." Reyna said, pretending to be exasperated but secretly she really liked Hylla fussing over her like this.

"Oh, you know you love it." Hylla said.

When the time had come for her to leave, the Amazons all gathered around the entrance and waved and some cried.

Hylla walked up to her, and gave her a hug, which made the situation suddenly seem more real. Reyna squeezed Hylla a and cried on her shoulder.

"Bye Hylla." Reyna's voice broke. "Promise-Promise to see each other soon?" Hylla crossed her heart and she started to cry too.

Reyna turned away, not being able to bear the sight of any more crying Amazons (since when did Amazons cry?) and went on her way.

This is my shortest chapter yet. I had slight writers block at the start, as originally it was just going to be the first three chapters and then I just added this part in for so reason. One more chapter to go and I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad.

Review please!