Youthful Times
...::Sally POV::...
A small fraction of light shined through the curtains that were hanging poorly from their mounts. Upon instinct, I raised my hand and used it to block out the sunlight that has annoyingly awoken me from my serene slumber filled with pleasant dreams of happiness.
I didn't want to wake up but I forced my eye open to survey my surrounding. Instantly I was met with brown. I frowned as I lifted my hand, gingerly moving my curly brown strands out of view and tucked it behind my ear as I rolled onto my back and weakly sat up.
I winced as I sat up, an unfamiliar pain pressing down on me between my legs. My head feels as though it is being assaulted by a hammer. A cool breeze brushed against my body, instantly making me shiver as I instinctively wrap my arms around my body only to find that my skin is entirely bare. I look down and realise that I am completely naked.
Holy shit!
I instinctively pick up the thin sheet that was covering me and realise why I am sore between my legs because I noticed the red stain on the light blue sheets. I close my eyes and try to recall what exactly happened last night but my memory is so fuzzy. I feel a shift next to me and I instinctively know that someone is lying next to me.
I look up and survey my surrounding, taking in all of the posters and books on the shelves and then my eyes landed on the large cabinet of trophies and medals and instantly, my eyes widened when I saw the large certificate in a large frame, the name written in bold and clear for all eyes to see.
To say my eyes widened marginally is an understatement, heck the were the size of silly cartoon characters get when they get scared. this cant be happening, this seriously cant be happening. It can't be real, it just can't.
I finally decide that it is time to see if it is true, did I really lose my virginity to my crush, the captain of the swim team, and high school senior (getting ready to graduate by the way), Poseidon Olympia.
I turn my head and feel my cheeks heating up as I stare at the handsome face of the person who owns this room. His strong chiselled jaw, his perfect plump rosy lips, his dishevelled, wild black hair that hide his crisp beautiful sea green eyes that made my heart flutter. I couldn't help myself as I reached out and brushed my finger gingerly against his sun kissed tanned cheek, enjoying the pleasant feel of his perfect cheek bone.
His skin was so smooth, it was baby soft and I loved it. I just decided to enjoy the moment as I lay back down and stared at his perfect face, just waiting for his eyes to flutter open. I so badly wanted to run my hand through his hair but I didn't want to wake him up.
That's when the questions hit.
What would he say? Was last night an accident or was it intentional?
What did this mean for him? Was it nothing more than a one night stand, no, no, no. Poseidon Olympia is one of the most loyal people in the entire school. It's like his fatal flaw is his loyalty to everyone, if he does something like this, it means something is serious.
I didn't want to stay and find out so I carefully climbed out and searched around for my clothes, finding them strewn out all over the place. As I got dressed, I caught myself looking in the mirror and noticed all the distinct bruises on my skin. Wait, not bruises, hickeys I think is what they are called. I moved my long brown curls out from behind and split it so that it hung on both sides of my face, successfully covering all of the hickeys I was given.
Putting on my clothes which consisted of a long skirt and a simple white blouse along with my undergarments, I picked up my shoes and bag and tip toed out of the room, sneaking down the stairs and I carefully found my round to the back door, and I back tracked my way home, wandering what I was going to do when I go to school on Monday.
Heck, would Poseidon even remember what transpired between us last night. I don't remember but I know it happened because I am no longer an innocent virgin girl. I honestly wish I could have stayed to talk to Poseidon but I don't think I could face the inevitable rejection that I would be faced with when he woke up.
It would have broken my frail heart to be rejected by him after I gave him a piece of my soul, a piece of me that I wished that I still had but at the same time I didn't regret it for a second. Hopefully, I can remember how last night happened so that maybe I can find peace when I have to face him again but little did I know that what happened last night would change my life forever.
A/N:- Hey guys, I have been playing around with this idea for a while, and I thought I would make a prequel for it before I start publishing the other one. Tell me what you guys think, to see if I should continue this or not, cause if not, then I will post the main one. So please, review and give me your opinion this.
I have always wanted to do a Percy/Sally/Poseidon family fic, so this is the build up for it. Again, let me know what you think, so I can see if this is worth continuing or not.