She was absentmindedly scratching the coffin, her ears picking up sharp sounds, the smell gave off a wondrous scent, making her fitfully scratch 'OH GOD!'

Billy, the evil kid smirked. He wanted to make her suffer long and hard. She forgot about him, but he didn't forget about her!

Oh, how could he forget about the one that got rid of 'Lucky 19' and made him wheelchair bound? Only, he could walk now. He made a deal with a demon to become a permanent nightmare caster to fix his leg and get rid of the cancer wrecking his body.

It was Lucky 19 whispering to him. A ghost. An apparition back to hurt and haunt him.

The scared child in him embraced it.

The draw to fear...

Steam and smoke came off the sleeping slayer and she didn't even realize it as she soaked the bed in sweat.


She was curious about what blood would taste like, to tear out a throat and try it, would it be metallic? She moved her face towards Willow, sniffing at what she was cooking.

"What are you doing?" Willow chuckled. Buffy feigned hunger for what she was cooking but was intoxicated by the spicy scent of her magic.

"Damn," her demon thought viciously.

"Just love your Spaghetti Sauce Wills..."Buffy trailed off.

Yeah right! You want her neck in your mouth, her blood drained!

Buffy whirled back, shocked!

"Uh, are you okay?" Willow asked with a furrowed brow.


So, what if it won't go away? She asked herself.

What if killing felt so right? So right that she was willing to beat through a mirror at her reflection cause she was so fiery, hungry, angry! Wanting to run across to grab her and masturbate at the erotic behavior.

What if these painful tears in her eyes were made by her own thoughts a second after being hit so hard with realization?

Her head throbbed and the pounding of her heart wasn't easing it!

Burning, angry, antsy, scratching!

Blood lust sweetheart. The mocking voice laughed.

Spike burst in.

"I heard a crash," then stared in shock at all the missing pieces of the Vanity mirror.


"It won't go away," she whispered.

He sat next to her. "What won't, sweet...?"

She looked at him tiredly. "Spike, I think I'm...!"

Dawn charged into the room. "Buffy!"

Don't you want to taste her, how good it feels to have her blood flow like a river... Knowing you can sink into something tantalizing as key blood?

She turned away from Dawn, trying to blink away the pain. There it is again. Hot and alive and burning.

"Go, you don't want to see me like this...!" She pleaded.

Note: 'Billy' will make the spell on Buffy last. She is the only one getting the bad dreams.