Pompus Pep – Shameless NSFW smut. Blow jobs, Ghost Hunger, You have been warned.

CHAPTER 3. Look a little harder

Danny woke up with hunger snapping at his gut, demanding attention. He startled at the clock, but quickly realized school was already out for the summer – graduated, it was the weekend, he was fine.

The grumbling hunger pulled at him again, twisting his stomach.

He rolled out of bed, pulling on a shirt and shuffling toward the bathroom with a yawn. Peering into the mirror, he noticed the shimmer of green outlining his irises. Danny sighed, wishing he had grabbed something the other day when he was already in the Zone. Going in just for a snack felt… invasive.

He declined the offer of breakfast, heading out the front door with a call of "Visiting friends" so his parents would expect him to be gone for a while. With that covered, he dropped into the ground, sweeping backward through the earth and into the basement below his house.

The ghost zone felt like a breath of fresh air, but he could still feel the gnawing ache growing somewhere below his core. It made him wonder if his ghost side didn't bleed more into his human side than he originally suspected. He peered around, looking for a suitable target.

Ah~ There we go…

Danny didn't bother with invisibility, the high concentration of ectoplasm in the Zone rendering that power basically unoperational. Instead, he circled around and glided forward, hiding out behind a black-lined door for a moment.

Just wait for it to drop its guard, and.. strike!

Danny snatched up the wriggling little tadpole of a ghost, fist flaring green and the tiny noises cut off with a sputter. Part of him felt like he should be bothered, but it felt more like plucking some sort of animated candy than killing anything.

He bit the 'head' off.

He could feel his eyes blinking back to their normal green shades, the electric edge fading away with his hunger. Yeah, that hit the spot.

Something prickled along his spine, and he shot to the side, narrowly missing a spinning black shape passing where he had been moments before. A gear? He must have wandered in deeper than he thought.

Danny chewed slowly on the next bite, savoring the odd coppery zing and tart-tinged sweetness. A bit messy now, he licked a goopy trail off the back of his thumb, gliding up the steps of Clockwork's castle. He was due for a visit, anyway.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

Danny flitted through the hallways, finishing up his meal and licking his palm clean. No one answered his calls, even by the time he was in Clockwork's time viewing area.


Danny hummed, looking around. Something occurred to him.

"I wonder when Vlad figured out the whole 'Ghost Hunger' thing?"

As if to answer his question, one of the gear portals flickered to life, showing a much younger-looking Vlad Plasmius. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, Danny settled himself in to watch.

It was odd to see his own enemy so young. He must have been barely out of college at this point, hardly an adult. Pacing in his room, clenching at his stomach in a gesture Danny could empathize with, Vlad's blue skin was much paler, black hair tied back in a ponytail similar to his current human form's.

That went on for awhile, and Danny finally identified the background as some sort of hospital.

"Okay, so he discovered it young.. When did he DO anything about it? I wanna see his face."

A skittering of images flashed by, of Vlad eating various foods, expanding his company, gesturing with a tumbler of amber liquid with a predatory gleam in his eye. Probably some sort of fulfilment of his 'Goals' – a bit of 'obsession' satisfaction chipping away at whatever caused the hunger in the first place.

The portal kept fluttering forward, until clearly years had passed.

Danny furrowed his brow.

"Did he really never…?"

His voice trailed off, eyes widening at the scene now displayed.

Vlad, and a ghost he didn't recognize. He was sucking it off, looking rather annoyed by the whole affair and disinterested as one person could be with a dick in their mouth.

Then…something changed.

Aside from the interest in Danny's pants, anyway.

Something in Vlad's face gained a more focused, interested look. He began performing the deed with renewed vigor, working his mouth around it and lifting his hands to pull the humanoid ghost closer. Danny watched with rapt attention.

The ghost shuddered, thrusting forward and bumping Vlad's face away from him, but the vampiric man held on, pulling back only to swallow something with an entranced look on his face. Danny could see something wet leak from the corner of his mouth, and a forked tongue darting to catch it and draw it back in.

His face slackened into a look of bliss, vaguely leaning forward to lap at the other ghost's deflating member, baring his teeth when he was roughly shoved away. The brilliant red in his eyes had softened to a more familiar pink-tinged maroon.

Something clicked in Danny's head.

"Has Vlad ever… eaten another ghost?"

The screen went black, reflecting Danny's green eyes and a pair of red ones just behind him.

He nearly jumped out of his skin, whirling around with a green shield snapping up. It fell a moment later, nervous laughter making him scratch the back of his head.

"Sorry about intruding, Clockwork. I figured you'd already have known I was coming."

He narrowed his eyes.

"Do you use these screens to watch people have sex? Wait… do you watch me have sex?"

Clockwork raised a brow.

"I am the embodiment of Time, Daniel."

"Being the embodiment of whatever didn't stop Undergrowth for having a weird fetish with 14-year-old Sam."

The ghost turned that over for a moment, looking bemused.

"To clarify: I am asexual. Regardless of whether or not I see you doing it – and I have no real control over that – I am not interested." Danny blinked, then nodded at the claim.

"It's still weird you watch people canoodling, though."

Clockwork sighed.

"Get out of my castle, Daniel."

The lanky young man gave him a cheeky grin, turning tail and fleeing as commanded. Mind whirling with interesting thoughts, he was only slightly startled to find himself in front of that great big purple football.

Had no one really told the elder halfa that there were more efficient, less humiliating ways to get a bite to eat? Maybe… the ghosts had been taking advantage of him?

It sounded weird, but would explain the blood blossoms. Maybe he needed a way to leverage his way out, if given the opportunity... That didn't make much sense. If he didn't know he was being taken advantage of, why would he want out? To the guy's knowledge, suckin' a dude off was the only way to get rid of that horrible hungry feeling.

Oh man, what if he had lived with the Hunger for years, and only just recently..

Danny shoved the football to the side, darting into the portal without further hesitation. Asshat or not, no one deserved that.

Danny faltered at the scene he found inside Vlad's master bedroom, nose twitching at the thick smell that pressed against him. He averted his eyes, automatically edging away from it all before steeling himself again.

"Hey, Vlad."

The man tried pulling back to look at him, but a yank on his hair and those teal eyes closed again as his head was dragged in closer. Some sort of scruffy looking cowboy character and what was clearly the Fright Knight were sprawled across the floor.

The Fright Knight was on his back, armor on despite Vlad straddling his lap. The business suit had been partially pulled off, arms trapped behind his back in the blazer's sleeves, white shirt unbuttoned.

The pale cowboy had his hand knotted in Vlad's silver hair, pulling the man's head this way and that as he slowly thrust into his mouth.

Knowing that he'd be approaching this scene and actually seeing it were totally different things.

"You… You don't have to do this kind of thing. The Hunger, you can just eat smaller ghosts. It doesn't have to be like this."

The Knight chuckled from where he was sprawled, leaning up to curl one black gauntlet around the soft skin of the elder halfa's belly. Danny clenched his fists, nervous about the sharp spines.
"Rather interesting statement, coming from you, Phantom."

Danny scowled, trying very hard to ignore the muffled grunts and sucking sounds coming from in front of him.

"You'd rather kill another ghost than participate in a little fluid exchange? How very…. Noble, of you."

He bristled, eyes snapping back up from where they had drifted to Vlad's face. He blinked away the image of the man's jaw working, the twitching of his throat and furrowed brows.

"He's had forty years to come up with other options." That baritone voice was still taunting him, black claws tracing tiny patterns into the curve of Vlad's hip, scraping gently across his inner thigh. Danny stared determinedly at the green eyes of the knight. "I wonder what it says about you, that you'd do something that your 'enemies' even find distasteful."

"Skulker eats ghosts."

Fright knight chuckled at the snarled response.

"And how many of us see that little blob as a respectable figure?"

Holy shit, was that Walker? Danny did a double-take at the mostly-human-looking face and figure,

Danny twitched as the Knight dug his claws into the tender flesh of Vlad's inner thigh, through his dress pants, and drawing a quiet sound from the man's throat.

"Better yet, how can you look down on something you've never tried?"

Walker finally released Vlad's hair, the silver locks tumbling down his shoulders and hiding parts of his face. The teen halfa blinked, pulling his hand back and realizing he had walked forward at some point. Vlad looked up at him hazily, lips shining and red, the familiar shimmer of hunger lining his eyes.

Danny swallowed, meeting those teal eyes and finding the expected embarrassment, along with something he could almost call expectancy.

The tip of Walker's length dragged across the man's cheek obscenely, leaving a slick trail behind. Vlad turned slightly, opening his mouth and letting Danny watch it slide inside. It pressed up against the inside of his cheek, and Danny felt his mouth going dry as those red-tinted eyes stayed locked onto his own.

"Not very talkative, are ya, pet." Walker gave a little thrust, in a way that caused Vlad's eyes to flutter shut again.


The Knight's grumbling voice just made him more nervous.

Vlad pulled himself away for a moment, shooting the boy a scathing look.

"If you're not going to leave, then I suggest you sit down and enjoy yourself."