Author's Note: Well we're finally here! I'd written this epilogue several months ago when a certain song came on the radio and the whole scene just exploded full bodied into my head. It was driving me insane as I couldn't focus on anything else in the story until I hammered out the basics of this chapter.
Who would have thought that a song from the seventies would so perfectly describe the life and suffering of a thousand year old Time Lord?
I hope you enjoy this final installment in this story and please read the rest of my notes at the end of the chapter. There will be more to come in this fixit universe.
The Tardis floated high above the Earth, its doors thrown wide open so that the Doctor could look down on the world below. He was broodingly watching the terminator race across the planet, the inky black line of night flying across Europe ever onwards until the world turned just that little bit more and England fell under the shadow as well.
He sighed softly when he felt Donna come up behind him, her mind teasingly stroking across his before she paused in the doorway and let her gaze fall to the planet below. He turned to look at her, his breath catching at the stunning sight she made bathed in earth glow.
The last week had been surprisingly calm after they had left the earth with a promise to return in time for New Years, though the Doctor had stretched their time out just a little bit at the last planet that they had been visiting.
The Doctor had needed the respite after the tumultuous night at the Noble residence and so he and Donna had made their retreat rather hastily on Boxing Day.
Donna looked up at the Doctor, her eyes settling on the tiny lines that were accentuated by the earthlight, lines that had grown deeper in the last few weeks. They'd run and laughed and done lots of silly things to try to live in the moment but Donna could tell that the Doctor was silently poised and waiting for the universe to send his world reeling.
"It's really so very peaceful looking from up here."
The Doctor smiled at Donna's comment, his gaze turning back to the earth for a brief moment before he responded. "It's one of my favorite views actually. Your beautiful blue world, floating quietly through the void."
Donna closed the distance between them, her arms reaching out to wrap around his waist so that she could rest her head against his chest. His arms instinctively wrapped around her body, eyes sliding closed while he held her close. "Are you going to be alright, Doctor? It feels like you're stalling."
She chuckled at the stab of rueful guilt that flashed through his mind at her words, though there was no mistaking the brief flare of concern that he forcibly stomped down. He leaned down with a soft sigh, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "Yeah, I guess I will be. I know how important this party is to you, Donna and I want to be able to spend a quiet evening with our friends when their world isn't ending." He huffed softly in annoyance before continuing, "It's just been a long time since I've gone to a party of any kind on earth, and any party where Jack is involved promises to be an interesting evening."
"Interesting is one way to put it! But it's not going to be just Jack, Doctor. He said that Mickey and Martha were coming as well, so really it'll be the perfect chance to catch up with everyone again. We'd said that we wanted to do that more, and I know how much they all mean to you as well, Doctor. It isn't just about what's important to me, but about what's important to the both of us."
The Doctor frowned slightly, his thoughts turning dour for a moment when he thought about all that had happened in the last year they had been traveling together. "That's the other thing, Donna. I just don't do parties well, I never have."
She pushed away from his chest with a laugh, her eyes shining up into his when she felt the responding surge in his mind. "I don't believe it, you're nervous, Doctor!"
He looked down at her, his smile somewhat abashed. "It's been known to happen from time to time, Donna." She was chuckling softly as she pulled away, her eyes shining up into his moody gaze.
"I can't believe you. Just when I think I've figured you out, you surprise me again."
He was shaking his head even as he pulled her back from the opening to the Tardis and resolutely closed the doors on the view below. He could feel her amusement tickling his mind, her gentle teasing for some reason causing him to squirm like a kid.
It was more than just nerves about going to the party, he still felt like a damned man waiting for the axe to fall and he didn't want any of his friends to be caught in the crossfire. He had caused them all enough pain and suffering for many lifetimes.
The Doctor was always so cocksure that she was thoroughly enjoying his discomfiture over something as simple as a party. It was definitely a nice change of pace for them though, and she sincerely hoped that they were able to just relax and have a good time for once. They both needed the change and this had been the perfect excuse for them to finally be able to get away from the cares of the universe for a little while.
Having successfully navigated the minefield of her family, Donna was pretty confident that they would be able to relax and enjoy the night with people that understood them and didn't judge them in any way.
"I'm going to go finish getting ready, Doctor. We should probably head down to Torchwood soon, it's starting to get late. We're already several days late as it is." The last bit was said pointedly to the Doctor, her teasing letting him know that she had been all too aware of the Doctor's latest stalling tactic.
The Doctor grinned, his hands fiddling with the controls of the Tardis to send them on their way. "One of the joys of owning a time machine, Donna. Luckily that device I gave to Jack will make sure we arrive in the right place at the right time. Besides, if I know Jack, he's probably already got the party well underway."
Donna laughed softly at that comment, her steps light as she hurried up to their room to finish getting dressed. She could tell though that a part of the Doctor was looking forward to arriving in style, and the Tardis was relishing making a grand entrance as well.
The Doctor watched Donna make her way up to their room, his smile nearly blinding before he threw the final lever home and the Tardis slipped back into the vortex for the quick trip to Cardiff.
Donna entered into their room, her steps hurried when she felt the shudder of dematerialization race through the ship. She had already had her shower and done her hair, so it was only a matter of changing into the black cocktail dress that she had picked up when they had visited Chiswick.
The only concession to the occasions that the Doctor had made was to leave his great coat hanging on the coat rack, otherwise he was dressed in his usual tight suit and trainers. She wasn't about to let the opportunity to dress up a little pass her by, so she decided to go all out and if it ended up being a distraction for the Doctor well that was always a part of her plan anyway.
She grinned when she tossed off her top and jeans, her mind reaching out to the Doctor with a teasing image of the silky black bra that she clipped on. The answering growl in her mind was more than satisfying. That's so not fair, Donna! If you keep teasing me like that, we'll never make it to this party.
She laughed aloud at the grumble she heard in the thought, her body quivering in delight at the sinful feel of black silk sliding over sensitive skin before she responded, Oh don't be such a baby. Besides, I like to keep you on your toes.
She jumped when she felt his hands suddenly slide over her shoulders and down her arms, before the Doctor turned her around to face him. She'd been so focused on her teasing that she hadn't even heard him come into the room, but suddenly she felt completely overwhelmed by his intensity.
His cool fingers flexed against her arms and his eyes were burning down into hers, she could see the flare of desire burning brightly in his eyes as he let his gaze roam in a delicious caress over her body. It always amazed her that he could feel so deliciously cool one moment and feel like he was on fire the next, but there was finally no doubt that he desired her above all others. He swallowed convulsively at the vision she made in black silk, the straps of the dress clinging to pale milky shoulders where a soft dusting of freckles always drove him out of his mind. "You look stunning, Donna. They're not going to know what hit them."
She grinned up at him, leaning close against his body so that she could brush a soft kiss across his mouth. Her eyes slid closed so she could relish the sweet gasp that puffed against her lips, his hands sliding around her body to crush her tightly against him for a long indulgent moment. She could feel the hunger he was barely able to control, and it was only because they could both feel the nudging from the Tardis that they had arrived, that the Doctor was able to pull away from her before he threw caution to the wind and ended up tossing her onto the bed to have his way with her.
Donna laughed softly at the grunt of frustration the Doctor gave his ship, her fingers rising to lightly tap his pouty lower lip. "Come on, Timeboy. No need to get all grouchy with the Tardis, it wouldn't do to keep everyone waiting now that we've made such a grand entrance. Besides, there's always later!"
She stepped out of his embrace with a laugh and a spring to her step, the black silk swishing deliciously about her legs before she tossed a come hither look over her shoulder. The Doctor shook himself out of his reverie, his hands rising to unconsciously straighten his tie and smooth his hair into place.
He could feel the soft huff of amusement from the Tardis, the ship as always delighting when Donna was able to thoroughly discomfit him. He rolled his eyes at the ship's antics, his fingers lightly stroking the wall as he made his way towards the control room. "Don't you start either, old girl. One of you is bad enough, I don't need it from both of you!"
The Tardis only huffed in reply before she disengaged from him, her parting thought a playful reminder that they'd already been ganging up on him for a while and he never stood a chance.
The Doctor opened the doors of the Tardis to a scene out of bedlam. The hub was ablaze with light, candles and colored lanterns hanging from nearly every conceivable place while soft beams of light shot up the wall from the lights that were scattered around the space.
Music was playing and there was a loud buzz of conversation that stopped dead when the Doctor and Donna stepped out of the Tardis. Jack was the first to come bounding over to them, his eyes shining with laughter when he saw the look on the Doctor's face. Jack was sporting a silver and gold party hat and had a party horn in one hand and snifter of scotch in the other.
The Doctor could only groan as Jack rushed over to them, his hand rising to cover his face as he felt Donna laughing softly beside him. "You're not getting me to wear one of those, Donna so don't even try!"
She playfully slapped his arm at the grumbled complaint. "Oh don't be such a spoilsport. It's a party remember, Doctor? We're here to have fun, so loosen up a bit!"
Jack paused when he saw Donna looking around the hub, his final steps were somewhat hesitant as he asked. "You guys alright?"
The Doctor knew instantly to what Jack was referring, his answering smile caused the immortal to breathe easily when Donna smiled as well. "Surprisingly yes, Jack. I think that the rift actually does protect me somewhat."
Jack nodded mutely, the tension in his body draining when he heard Donna's words in regards to the sensations that his presence elicited in the both of them. He had worried that with the discovery of Donna's sensitivity, they would have found a convenient planetary war to avoid coming to the party. No one could've been more surprised than he had been when he had heard the unmistakable wheezing of the Tardis materializing in the hub. "Well, I'm glad that you guys made it! I honestly was worried that you would've found a disaster more appealing."
Donna laughed softly and with a teasing glance tossed up at the Doctor she replied, "Don't think he wasn't tempted, Jack. The man will happily face down Daleks and Cybermen, but try to get him to come to a party and suddenly it's the end of the world."
The Doctor rolled his eyes at the comment. "Just because I haven't been to a party in a while doesn't mean I don't still know how to have fun."
Jack snorted before grabbing the Doctor in a bear hug, surprised at how happy he was that they were both there. This was the first time he had thrown a party in the hub since that fateful night at the turn of the millennium, he'd gone all out to make sure it was a smashing success so that he could finally put some of those memories to rest.
"Well Doctor, tonight we're going to have a smashing good time! There's plenty of food and drink for everyone and even karaoke for later!"
"Sounds like you've pulled out all the stops."
Donna laughed softly when Gwen came up behind Jack, the smile on her face blinding when she reached out to give Donna a big hug. "It's good to see you again, Donna. Don't let Jack fool you, he's been in a right state trying to get everything ready for tonight."
Donna returned the hug with a huge smile, her mind reaching out to the Doctor with a softly whispered word of thanks. She had spent the better part of the day shoring up the barriers in her mind so that she wouldn't be completely overwhelmed by the people at the party, and she was happy to find that for once the world around her was blessedly silent. Though the rift's energy seemed to be protecting her from Jack's unusual energy, it still seemed to be quiet this night as well, because Donna could only see the faint line of energy passing through the far wall. Otherwise, there seemed to be no other indication of any temporal disturbances. It was a blessing to how tortured her senses had been the last time she was here, and she finally let herself completely relax when she realized she wasn't going to have to deal with any unnecessary stimulus.
"Well, it looks like it's going to be a great party! You did good Jack. Now did you mention drinks? I for one am ready to party!"
The Doctor smiled at Donna when he felt her sigh of relief in his mind, her ability to control her telepathy was still growing since Bellatrix Prime and he was happy that she was able to just enjoy the evening without drowning in unwanted emotion. He was doubly pleased that the rift for once had cooperated and was not surging like it usually did, their worry that the energy from the rift being so nearby would be overwhelming for her fledgling senses was finally put to rest.
"Martha and Mickey said that they'd be a little late, they ran into some traffic on the way here but they'll be along shortly. But first, I want to introduce you to my husband."
"Sarah Jane and the Brigadier send their best as well, Doctor. I invited the both of them but unfortunately they had commitments elsewhere."
The Doctor started when he heard Jack's words, his hearts clenching for a brief moment as he thought about his two old friends. "I didn't realize that you had invited them as well, Jack."
Jack just grinned in reply, his gaze turning back to look over the hub before he spoke. "You've told me what they both mean to you, Doctor and I for one am particularly fond of Sarah Jane. I had hoped that they would be able to make it, but they made me promise to get you to visit them at a later time."
The Doctor smiled as he watched Gwen lead Donna across the hub, his fingers twitching slightly when he felt a gentle caress slide across the back of his neck. Donna's heady warmth filled his mind to near bursting and that simple psychic touch helped him anchor himself when thoughts of the past threatened to overwhelm him. "I will definitely have to make sure to visit the both of them. I'd missed the Brigadier when we were dealing with the Sontarans, but so much had happened that I didn't get a chance to properly say hello."
Jack clapped the Doctor on the back, his smile enough to let the Doctor know that he had had an ulterior motive for inviting those two to the party. "They both knew you as a completely different man, Doctor. I frankly can't wait until they find out about you and Donna, from the stories that they've told me, it will definitely be a big shock to them."
The Doctor just shook his head with a laugh, his hand rising to rub tiredly at his forehead before he glared at the incorrigible immortal. "Of course you can't. I'm not sure that I want to know which stories they've told you about, I was a littleā¦ wild when I was here with them last."
Jack guffawed loudly at the Doctor's comment, shaking his head before he started to make his way over to the small group on the other side of the hub. "I think that your description is a trifle understated, Doctor."
Donna let herself be led across the hub towards a man that was standing nervously by one of the couches that had been pulled into a loose conversation circle. She could see the tension pouring off him as she approached, his nervous gaze darting back to the Doctor before it came back to rest on her.
Gwen smiled softly as she reached out to take the man's hand, her fingers unconsciously rubbing the inside of his wrist before they slid tightly into his clasp. "Rhys, this is Donna Noble. She and the Doctor were the reason we were able to beat the angels that day."
Donna blushed at Gwen's praise, her hand rising to tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear before she replied, "It wasn't me really, it was all because of the Doctor that we made it."
"Don't be so modest, Donna. You gave me the clues I needed to figure it all out," the Doctor said as he came up behind them, his smile genuine as he reached out to take Rhys' hand in a firm grip. "It's good to meet you, Rhys. I'm the Doctor."
Rhys' jaw hit the floor when he felt the cool, firm grip of the Doctor's hand, his eyes darting from him to the strange blue box that had materialized in a corner of the room in such a spectacular fashion. His mind was racing and he couldn't help blurting out. "You're an alien!"
Jack threw his head back and laughed, his hand clapping Rhys on the back which almost sent him flying. "You'll do just fine with observational skills like that, Rhys!"
The Doctor chuckled softly and nodded, his eyes falling to the hand that Rhys was still shaking without even seeming to realize it. "You could call me that, Rhys, though don't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret."
He laughed softly when Rhys blushed and finally let go of his hand, the teasing comment finally breaking him out of his reverie. "It's just I've never properly met an alien before, well a nice alien anyway. I mean I've been helping Gwen and Torchwood out a bit, but this is definitely a first! I mean, you even look human!"
The Doctor chuckled at the look of mortification on Gwen's face. "And you look Time Lord," the Doctor teased, his gaze darting to Gwen's flaming cheeks before he smiled that magically disarming smile. "Trust me, I'm about as alien as they come but I just tend to hide it a little better."
Rhys laughed somewhat ruefully, before he apologized. "I'm sorry that was kind of rude wasn't it?"
"Don't worry about it Rhys, you're taking it better than many have in the past."
Donna laughed softly before she looked around the hub, her eyes scanning the space before she frowned. "Where's Ianto, Jack?"
"He actually went up to let Daniel in. He finally made the decision to come join Torchwood full time!"
"That's great news, Jack! It'll be a great change of pace for him that's for sure."
Jack shook his head sadly, his eyes rising to the door when he heard the alarm echo as it slid open. "It was the right thing to do, Doctor. He no longer fit in with Cardiff PD, and he bloody well knew it. This is a far better place for him and we can all lean on each other when we need to."
The Doctor nodded in acknowledgement before he turned towards the door, Daniel's face was split with a huge grin when he dashed across the space to give him a huge hug. "I'm so glad you made it, Doctor! Jack was worried that you wouldn't show up."
The Doctor laughed softly at the tight hug, his eyes locking with Donna's when he felt the whispered Told you so echo through his mind. She wasn't going to let him live this down for a long time.
"Of course I came, Daniel. I can't think of anywhere in the universe I'd rather be then here with all of my friends. And Donna keeps reminding me that we need to slow down from time to time."
Ianto came up behind Daniel and reached out to shake the Doctor's hand. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Doctor."
"And you as well, Ianto. How's the shoulder healing?"
The young man shrugged in reply before tossing a glare at Jack who only shook his head and laughed. "I feel fine, better than fine actually. Jack though is still insisting on treating me like I'm made of glass, it's enough to drive a person mad!"
Jack snorted in reply. "Just following doctor's orders, Ianto. Take it up with her!"
He grumbled softly at that. "I knew you were going to say that!"
The Doctor grinned as he let his eyes roam over the people gathered around him, surprised at the sudden sense of belonging that washed over him as they bantered around him. He could feel Donna's gentle laughter in his mind while she chatted with Gwen and Rhys, her eyes resting on his occasionally before she would return her gaze to the couple with which she was chatting. She was already having fun and the Doctor found that some of the worry that he had been holding to so tightly was starting to unwind when he heard her musical laugh echo through the hub.
She had been right when she'd said that they had needed a distraction from the doom and gloom that had ended their time on Bellatrix Prime, and the visit with her family had definitely not been the distraction that they had hoped for. She kept up a light caress of his mind, her touch was feather light and meant merely as a comfort to the Doctor should he so wish it.
Jack leaned close to Donna, his eyes dancing as he watched the interplay between her and the Doctor before he asked, "What are you having tonight, Donna?"
She pursed her lips thoughtfully while she let her gaze travel to the table that had been set by the couch which held two empty champagne flutes. "I think I'll start with some champagne, get into the celebrating mood."
"Good choice! And Doctor, I've brought out a case of scotch for us tonight."
The Doctor shook his head with a laugh. "Still trying to get me drunk, Jack?"
Flashing a devilish grin at the Doctor, Jack returned to their side with the requested drinks before he reached for his own half empty snifter. He clinked glasses with the Doctor and Donna before he replied. "I never back down from a challenge, Doctor. And besides, I think you'll be hilarious drunk."
Donna snorted into her champagne. "Oh you have no idea, Jack!"
The Doctor threw a mock glare at Donna before he took a sip from the snifter. "Now now, Donna, no telling tales."
Jack laughed softly, his eyes sparkling as he leaned close to Donna. "Oh please do tell, Donna. I'm sure you've got some really good dirt on him!"
She grinned unrepentantly at the look of chagrin that flashed across the Doctor's face, his mind already promising all sorts of retribution that she frankly found quite delicious. "Don't worry, Doctor. Your reputation's safe with me! You do have an image to maintain after all."
The Doctor laughed softly, running his fingers through his hair in mock frustration at all the teasing. "I must've been mad to have agreed to this!"
Jack smirked and raised his snifter in mock salute to the Doctor. "You have no idea, Doctor! But seriously, I for one am glad that you did. We've been needing to do this for years."
The Doctor's eyes locked with Jack's, his thoughts stilling when he heard the depth of emotion in Jack's words. "That we have Jack. That we have."
The moment was broken when the alarm echoed once more through the hub, the door sliding open to reveal Martha and Mickey striding into the space arm in arm. Martha was absolutely glowing with joy when she saw the Doctor, her hand patting Mickey's arm before she pulled away and dashed up the steps to grab the Doctor in a tight hug.
"You made it, Doctor!"
The Doctor laughed and swung Martha about, his eyes squeezed tightly shut at the emotions that rolled through him. He couldn't help but reach out to Donna so that she could feel just how happy he was that she had insisted they come to this party. All of his friends were here and for once in their lives the world wasn't about to end, he had needed a night like this more than he had realized.
He shivered when he felt her touch ghost through his mind, the warmth in the thought unmistakable. You're welcome, Spaceman.
The music started up fairly quickly once everyone had arrived, the group scattered into various clusters so that everyone was able to better catch up with each other.
Jack continuously kept the Doctor's snifter full, his teasing only causing the Doctor to shake his head though he didn't turn the drinks down. The Doctor looked at Jack when he refilled his glass again, his gaze wandering distractedly over the chaos that always seemed to be wavering in and out of focus around Jack. He still hadn't figured out what, if anything, had changed in Jack's timeline that would cause Donna to suddenly be able to see them for the split second that she had, but it seemed as if the incomprehensible jumble was as confusing as ever.
Jack noticed the Doctor's gaze wandering over the air around his body, his single-minded focus on seemingly empty space caused Jack's hand to tighten around the snifter that he was holding. "See anything new in there, Doc?"
Jack was surprised by the lack of venom in his own voice, it seemed the time they had spent together at Christmas talking so frankly about his unique nature had finally put some of his bigger fears to rest. He was still surprised at the warmth he felt when he thought about Donna's declaration that they were happy to have him as their friend and that they meant to keep that friendship close despite everything that had happened to them in the meantime. He had all too often felt ashamed of the nature that he had never asked for and the fact that the Doctor had abandoned him so soon after that change had been thrust upon him hadn't helped much over the intervening centuries. It seemed that his all too human heart was quite willing to forgive any transgression no matter how great just for the chance of not being along for a few short centuries in his never ending life.
The Doctor shook his head slightly in response to Jack's request, his brooding gaze coming to rest on Jack's troubled features for a moment before he could find his voice. "Nothing that I can tell, Jack. It's still a useless jumble that I can't quite make heads nor tails of, but I had hoped that something had settled in the last week." The Doctor rocked back on his heels with a frown, his gaze darting restlessly around the hub before he muttered, "It's coming though, Jack and I feel uncomfortable just sitting here in case I bring trouble down on all your heads."
Jack laughed softly into his glass, his striking blue eyes rising to pierce the Doctor with their intensity before he retorted, "there couldn't be a group that was more ready for any trouble that might come calling, Doctor. We all know what it means to be a friend to the Doctor, and we're all still here to celebrate with you."
The Doctor merely grunted at Jack's words, his mind tangled momentarily with Donna's when he felt a burst of amusement through their bond. She made sure to keep him aware of her perception of the rift as it danced serenely through the wall of the hub, her gaze constantly drawn to that black ribbon of energy to make sure that nothing had changed before she would return her attention back to Martha.
"Donna and I went looking for any signs of unrest during the last week or so, we visited Cashel and Dronid but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The Tardis still hasn't had any luck either with finding any instabilities, but I can't help but feel that I'm running out of time."
Jack was chewing on his lip thoughtfully when he heard the Doctor's confession, he couldn't help but feel the same sense of urgency that was plaguing the Doctor. "I've been watching the rift closely, Doctor and have been monitoring the other rifts on the planet as well, but they've all gone unusually quiet lately. It's strange because they've never done that since I've been monitoring them. Usually when one goes quiet, the other ones flare up to make up the difference but that hasn't been the case recently. I will admit to feeling the same concern that you do though, especially now that I know something is coming."
"There's no indication that what is coming will happen on Earth, especially with the words that the augers used which makes me hopeful that at least humanity will be spared this time."
Jack found himself smiling at the Doctor's heartfelt words, he couldn't help but feel some of the Time Lord's weariness that the earth always seemed to be in the crosshairs of some calamity or another. He obviously didn't wish disaster on any other world, but he knew that humanity as a whole was incredibly fragile at this point in their history and that there wasn't much more that they could take before time was irrevocably altered.
"What do you plan to do after tonight then, Doc?"
The Doctor's face was suddenly split by an unexpected smile, his eyes dancing as he looked fondly over at Donna. "I want to travel to the forty-third century to pick up some of their lightweight spacesuits before taking Donna's grandfather on a little excursion. She's been wanting to take him on an adventure, and she's told me in no uncertain terms that I can't live in fear of what may be coming."
Jack's eyes widened when he heard the Doctor's plans, his own shocked gaze traveling to the redhead before he blurted out, "Is that such a good idea, Doctor? He's not exactly a young man, aren't you worried that whatever this thing is that might happen, might come calling when he's with you?"
He could tell by the muscle that leapt in the Doctor's jaw that that was exactly what he was worried about, and he suddenly found that he didn't envy the Doctor's position in the slightest. "Trust me, Jack. I've been thinking of little else. But if I don't do this now, I will always find an excuse to put it off and I don't want to do that either. He's been too good to the both of us, his greatest dream is to see the stars and I, for one, have the power to grant that dream."
There was a burst of laughter from Donna that seemed to break the tension that had suddenly sprung up between Jack and the Doctor, her musical voice echoing through the hub in sweet counterpoint to their concern. Donna's head turned to look at him with a soft frown, her eyes, however, belied the concern that he could feel radiating through their bond when she had felt his fears rise to the forefront of his thoughts again.
He let himself fall into the brilliance of her smile for a brief moment, his mind letting her know that he was alright and that he was merely discussing the possible future with Jack. Her smile turned into a slight frown before she nodded and turned her attention back to Martha, who had been watching the whole exchange between the two of them with avid curiosity.
He remembered when Martha and Donna had first met and he had pleaded with them not to fight, it still surprised him that the two of them were getting along so famously. He knew that Donna sometimes missed having another woman to talk to, and that she was relishing the chance to catch up on the latest gossip.
"You seem surprised that they're not at each other's throats, Doctor."
He looked to Jack with a laugh, surprised at how accurately Jack had read his thoughts. "I was in the beginning, but Donna has this amazing ability of putting people at ease. I actually feel bad that we can't make it back to earth more often, but she seems to be happy with the time that she does get to spend here."
Jack was watching the emotions play out over the Doctor's face, his gaze was somewhat distant as he watched the two women together. "The two of you are good together, Doctor. It's nice to finally see you relax just a little bit."
The Doctor laughed softly before taking another sip of scotch, his gaze moving to Mickey who was the first to try his hand at karaoke. He winced when he heard the song start up, Mickey's voice somewhat off key as he had already had several drinks.
Martha was cheering Mickey on, though he could tell by the smile on her face she was trying to keep from bursting into laughter. The Doctor shook his head with a soft chuckle. "You had to have karaoke, didn't you, Jack?"
Jack grinned into his glass, his eyes dancing as he looked up at the Doctor. "Of course I did! You know I'm a total showoff, and I've already got my request in for the perfect song! Just you wait and see."
The Doctor turned to Jack with a laugh. "Why am I not surprised?"
"Because you know me so well?"
A soft snort was the Doctor's response to that little bit of wisdom. "I don't think anyone can ever really know you, Jack. You are unique, that's for sure."
Jack turned that devastating smile on to the Doctor full-force, his eyebrows waggling teasingly at those words. "You had that chance, Doctor and you blew it."
He guffawed in reply, his eyes dancing as he let his gaze travel to Donna who was just making her way across the hub to their sides when Martha had dashed off to give Mickey a huge hug after he had finished singing. "I think I'll survive, Jack. Besides, I ended up with the better deal in the end."
Jack grinned and saluted Donna smartly with his snifter before he replied, "You did indeed, Doctor. You're a lucky man!"
Donna looked between the two of them with one eyebrow raised in question, her arm reaching out so that she could nestle against the Doctor's side. She sighed softly when she felt him wrap his arms back around her body, happy that they finally didn't have to keep the nature of their relationship a secret anymore. "Are you two old fogies reminiscing about days gone by?"
The Doctor winced playfully at the question, his eyes darting to Jack who was only shaking his head with a laugh. "Hey, I for one, am happy to no longer be the oldest person in the room. It makes for a refreshing change!"
Jack growled in response before draining his glass. "And just for that, I'm going to get back at you, Doctor. Just you wait and see."
The Doctor only chortled softly in response. "You can try, Jack."
"Yeah well, I look damn good for my age! No one would ever guess that I was a hair over a thousand."
Donna just laughed at that reply. "And modest as ever Jack."
He raised his glass in a jaunty salute. "You know it, Donna."
The Doctor had told Donna all about what had happened with Jack, and how he now was nearly double the Doctor's age. She had sighed softly when she listened to him tell the tale, her mind instantly filled with sorrow when she thought of all that Jack had been through while he had waited on earth for the Doctor. It was, however, the time that they had spent aboard the Valiant that the Doctor had had the hardest time recounting. How it had taken that year of nearly constant exposure for the feel of Jack's presence to finally become a comfort. It had always reminded him that he was never alone no matter what depravity the Master had chosen to inflict upon either of them.
She was happy when she saw the two of them together now, they had finally come to an understanding about the path Jack's life had taken and that they were finally moving beyond the anger into a deeper friendship. She knew that the Doctor would always feel regret for what had happened to Jack, but his forgiveness had finally given the Doctor some measure of peace.
"Hey, Jack! You're up, you need to start this one remember?"
Jack looked up at Daniel's shout, the former police officer had surprised them all when he had stepped behind the decks that Jack had laid out earlier, showing a surprising talent for mixing music together that had helped set the festive mood for the evening.
Jack laughed excitedly when he heard Daniel's shout, tossing the last of his scotch back before he threw a smirk back at the Doctor. "Watch and learn, Doctor!"
The Doctor groaned at the immortal's comment, before he pulled away from Donna. The look on his face of mock horror enough to send Jack into peals of laughter before he set aside his snifter and moved towards the microphone.
The Doctor stood with Donna as Martha and Mickey came up to his side, their twin smiles at seeing the Doctor so uncomfortable was enough to make him squirm slightly in response. Donna locked eyes with Martha, her grin infectious when she turned back to watch Jack take up the microphone and bow towards them with a flourish.
"This one's for you, Doctor! Try to keep up."
The Doctor arched a brow at Jack but before he could reply, Jack lifted the microphone to his lips and burst out in an amazing tenor.
"Carry on my wayward son!
There'll be peace when you are done.
Lay your weary head to rest.
Don't you cry no more!"
The Doctor stilled when Jack belted out those lyrics, his mind flashing back to the years that he had spent in exile on earth and all the times when the boys with UNIT had taken him out and tried to force him to have a good time. He remembered there had been an American in the group that had been utterly obsessed with Kansas and had teased the Doctor mercilessly with this song whenever they went out to the bars.
He had been far too brooding back in those days, his constant attempts to repair the Tardis had only served to remind him that he was stuck on Earth until the high council came to their senses and granted him the ability to travel once more. He wished that he had taken advantage of those times more and that he had been able to unwind a bit more, if even to show his comrades that he wasn't the overly stuffy alien that they had all teased him about. He had been so full of himself back then though and had had no compunction of letting them all know that he was only on Earth because the high council had demanded it.
Jack was smiling softly at the Doctor when he saw the stunned look on his face, nodding in response to the question that was blazing from the Doctor's eyes. He figured that this had been the best way to finally tell him that he had been the Doctor's shadow back in the seventies when he had been working for UNIT. It had been his association with UNIT that had made the Doctor untouchable during those years, and it hadn't taken much for Jack to convince his superiors that he was the best man for the job.
Jack lifted the microphone back to his lips as the refrain came to an end, his eyes focused solely on the Doctor when he continued to sing.
"Once I rose above the noise and confusion,
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion,
I was soaring ever higher,
But I flew too high.
Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming
I can hear them say"
The Doctor suddenly knew that Jack wasn't singing to him but that he was singing about himself. He could feel all the memories of his time with Jack suddenly surging to the surface, everything that the two of them had shared running through his mind like rapid fire while he kept his gaze locked on Jack's brilliant blue eyes.
He remembered them dancing, and the laughter that they had shared all while running through the universe with nothing holding them back. He remembered the feeling that had seized him when he had felt Jack resurrected once again on the game station, the shudder that had ripped through him when his whole being had wanted to shiver and run away from Jack.
Jack had been flying so high before that, living high on the adventure that traveling with the Doctor could be that he never thought he would ever have to pay such a terrible price. He had been flying so very high that in the end he had been burned by time itself and now would forever pay the price for his association with the Doctor.
The Doctor lifted his glass in silent salute to Jack when he suddenly began to sing the chorus again, the sorrow fading from Jack's eyes when he saw the Doctor's salute and the smile that lit up his face somehow made it all worth it in the end.
Donna was watching the interaction between Jack and the Doctor, her gaze thoughtful when she felt the emotions churning through the Doctor. This felt like the final absolution between the two of them, that final begging of forgiveness that Jack was only too happy to give to the Doctor.
The hub was filled with cheers as Jack's voice faded away and he playfully began to air guitar along with the music, his head thrown back while he danced in place.
The Doctor shook his head at Jack's antics before he handed his scotch glass to Donna and reached up to loosen his tie. She felt her jaw hit the floor when she felt the thought flash through his mind at what he was about to do, and she knew that the scotch was definitely starting to hit him.
Jack just grinned when he saw the Doctor make his way up to where Jack was singing, his eyes already flashing with his intent before the guitar riff ended and the piano began to play once again. Determined not to be outdone, the Doctor threw his head back and sang in a surprisingly strong voice.
"Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know.
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say"
Donna shivered when she heard those words, the song so perfectly reflecting how he had felt about his life for far too long. The words hinted at the game that he had played with life, the game where he had always seemed to be the man with a plan even when he had no clue what he was doing. However, it had only been his phenomenal luck that had seen him through most of his life. Until Gallifrey. Until Donna and Jack. His actions had had such far reaching effects on their lives, but it was now when he was standing here with them when he finally felt himself come to terms with those actions. He finally felt ready to forgive himself.
Donna thought instantly of how he had stolen the Tardis to run away from his lackluster life on Gallifrey all in search of adventure and some meaning to all the questions that had burned inside him since he had looked into the untempered schism. She felt the calm acceptance finally settle over his mind, when he stood face to face with Jack. The two ancient men saying so much more than anyone in the room could ever understand. She held her hand to her mouth to stifle the sob that was threatening to bubble through her lips, her eyes shining with joy when she felt that soothing calm settle over the Doctor.
Martha looked at Donna only to see her eyes shining with tears while she watched the Doctor and Jack sing to each other, she didn't need to be telepathic to know that the two men were finally making peace and that they were all privileged to be a part of that final forgiveness. She wondered what Donna could sense from the Doctor, but in the end she knew that it was probably better if she never knew.
Martha couldn't even begin to imagine the depths of sorrow and guilt that the Doctor struggled with, no small amount of which was for her and how her life and her family's lives had been so irrevocably changed by his presence. She could only smile softly when she felt Mickey reach out to her and grab her up in a tight hug, his lips resting against her ear so he could softly whisper to her that everything had worked out in the end. She squeezed his arms tightly about her before she returned her attention back to the scene before her.
The Doctor and Jack were still standing staring at each other as the music echoed through the hub, the intensity of their gazes excluding everyone right before Jack took the microphone back from the Doctor and belted out the final verse of the song.
"Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
Now your life's no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you."
The last two lines were sung with a huge smile as Jack let his gaze travel meaningfully from the Doctor to Donna, the emotion that nearly choked his voice was enough to cause the Doctor to swallow convulsively when he felt the truth of those words hit him like a blow. He turned to look back at Donna who was staring at him with her soul in her eyes, her hand pressed to her mouth even while her mind pulsed warmly within his thoughts.
He could only smile at her, his lips parting around a sudden gasp when he realized just how empty his life had been before her. Even though he had surrounded himself with friends and companions, none of them had ever been able to get past the barriers that he had built around his heart. He had made sure that he held himself somewhat aloof because in the end, he knew that he would eventually lose each and every one of them. He had walled himself off rather than let himself be hurt over and over again, the years turning into centuries until he had forgotten what it meant to let anyone in.
Jack sang the final chorus to the song, his voice strong with emotion even while he was smiling with every word. The music finally faded away and they two of them stood staring intently at each other, completely deaf to the cheers that had erupted from everyone's throats as they rushed up to give the Doctor and Jack huge hugs and congratulatory smiles.
Ianto was moved to near tears when he saw the look on Jack's face as he was staring at the Doctor, happy beyond belief that finally Jack and the Doctor had come to an understanding. "That was absolutely amazing! The both of you just perfectly nailed that song."
The Doctor laughed softly when he tossed a look to Jack, shaking his head to clear the storm of emotion from his mind before he responded. "I'm sure Jack didn't expect me to even know the lyrics to that song! I couldn't let him hog the spotlight."
Everyone laughed softly before they started to move away again, Daniel once more settling behind the turntables to start the music up again. Martha and Gwen had drifted off towards the table where the snacks were laid out, the two of them laughing softly every now and then while they walked. Mickey and Rhys had followed Daniel over to the turntables where even now, they were arguing over what song to play next.
Jack watched them go before he turned back to the Doctor with a blush vividly painting his cheeks, his gaze suddenly turning slightly uncomfortable before he mumbled, "yeah about that."
The Doctor reached out to take his glass from Donna, his eyes lingering lovingly on her face for a moment when he felt the realization in her mind of what that song had meant to him before he turned back to Jack with his brow raised in inquiry. "Oh? What's on your mind, Jack?"
Jack shifted uncomfortably before he mumbled, "Hold on, I need a drink for this. You might need one as well."
The Doctor frowned at the sudden evasion, his lips parting to ask Jack just what was wrong but he was too late as Jack had dashed to the bar for the bottle of scotch. Donna was frowning after Jack as well, uncertain what had the immortal suddenly so on edge after the amazing scene she had just witnessed between him and the Doctor.
Jack hurried back to their sides with another drink for Donna as well as a new bottle of scotch which he then proceeded to open and fill the Doctor's glass to the brim before topping his off as well.
The Doctor arched a brow at Jack before he spoke. "All right Jack spit it out. Whatever it is, can't be all that bad."
Jack shook his head and muttered softly, "That's easy for you to say, Doctor!" He then raised his glass to his lips and took a long drink before he looked back to the Doctor and said all in a rush, "I was Torchwood's assigned shadow for you throughout the sixties and seventies. I was the one who kept tabs on you throughout all your incarnations during those years." With that bombshell, Jack raised his glass to his lips and drained it dry while he waited for the inevitable explosion.
The Doctor blinked stupidly at Jack, his mind suddenly completely blank as he struggled to focus on the import of that statement. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs, his eyes suddenly boring into Jack's with blinding intensity. "And you're just telling me this now, why?"
Jack shifted uncomfortably under the Doctor's penetrating gaze, his eyes darting from the Doctor to Donna before he swallowed and blurted out. "It just seemed like the right time to do it? I finally felt like you would understand and not completely freak out on me."
The Doctor just shook his head as that comment completely deflated the righteous anger he had felt at Jack's confession. He could feel Donna moving gently in his mind, her touch light like the gossamer wings of a butterfly as she tried to help him see Jack's confession for what it was. He finally felt safe enough with the Doctor to completely open up with him though he knew that it would be something that might shake the trust that the Doctor had come to find with him.
His fingers tightened around his glass for a moment before he took another drink, sighing softly when he finally felt the bite of the liquor start to hit him. He could feel Donna's concern in his mind though there shouldn't have been a need for it, it's not like he was about to turn his back completely on Jack. Not after all that they had been through and what they had finally come to accept about each other.
"It's a good thing you didn't come near me during those years, Jack. All it would've taken was one look for me to know that there was something very seriously wrong with you."
Jack winced at the Doctor's comment, though he couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up. "Yeah well, lucky for me I guess. I didn't know at the time how you felt when you saw me! If that had happened, it would've ruined all my careful work!"
"How did you manage to keep tabs on me all those years then? I remember once or twice, a strange feeling coming over me but then I was constantly on edge during those years so I simply dismissed the sensations."
Jack just laughed softly, his eyes suddenly flashing as he thought about all the seedy backrooms he had visited during those tumultuous decades. "I had my ways, Doctor. I never wanted to get too close to you though, so I managed to make a few deals to watch you from a distance."
The Doctor just laughed at that, raising his hands as his mind invariably began to wonder just how much trouble those lengths actually had been for the immortal. "I don't want to know, Jack! I can only imagine what lengths you went to in order to get into position." He paused when he saw the look on Jack's face, his own cheeks suddenly burning when he realized the innuendo in his words.
Jack's laugh was nearly hysterical when he heard the Doctor's words, the relief that was surging through him had momentarily made the room spin. "Oh trust me, Doc. I got into position just fine. It's wasn't all work, after all."
The Doctor shook his head with a rueful chuckle before he reached out to give Jack a big hug, letting him know that all was forgiven. "I guess it only makes sense that you would've shadowed me then, tell me though, what did you think of my former lives?"
Donna breathed a soft sigh of relief when she felt the Doctor's acceptance of Jack's role in monitoring him, the fact that it had been Jack somehow made it all better because the Doctor knew all about Torchwood's careful monitoring of his movements during the last century. He guessed that he owed it to Jack after he had left him stranded on the game station all those years ago, and that at least it hadn't been some other idiot in Torchwood that had been watching him.
Jack laughed softly at the Doctor's question, his eyes flashing when he replied, "They were interesting, though I do have to ask. How many grandmothers did you have to bribe to knit you that monstrous scarf?"
The Doctor burst out laughing, his gaze somewhat abashed as he let his eyes wander over the hub to light on each of his friends as they stood around in little clusters all waiting for the clock to strike midnight. "Hey, I loved that scarf! It made me stand out from everyone else."
Jack snorted into his glass, his eyes sliding closed so that the Doctor wouldn't see the laughter that he was barely able to contain. "Well, if you were trying to stand out then you certainly achieved your goal, Doctor!"
The Doctor was taken completely off guard by Jack's remarks, his own smile somewhat rueful as he thought back on some of the fashion choices he had made in previous incarnations.
Donna was just laughing when she felt the Doctor's chagrin at Jack's remarks, her thoughts gently stroking along his bruised ego before she leaned in to wrap her arms tightly around him. "Oh come now Doctor, there's no need for wounded pride here. Though now I'm curious about this scarf, is it still in the wardrobe aboard the Tardis?"
Donna giggled when the Doctor turned a menacing glare on her, his eyes suddenly dark and forbidding before he muttered, "Don't you dare, Donna! It was the seventies, anything went during that time period and besides I was a lot younger then."
She leaned up to him, her hands rising to cradle his cheeks before she playfully smacked his lips with a kiss. "Oh well, that explains everything then, Doctor. We all have those awkward years that we would rather forget."
She pulled away with a laugh, her thoughts tickling along his before she looked back to Jack. "Thanks for the dirt, Jack. I think the Tardis will be more than happy to help me dig up that old scarf."
Jack just shook his head with a smirk as Donna tossed that last comment over her shoulder, his eyes snapping to the Doctor who was only staring at Donna with his mouth agape. He looked completely shell shocked as she walked away, the look on his face was absolutely priceless as he had just been put utterly in his place.
Jack clinked his glass with the Doctor's before he teased, "You're welcome, Doctor! I always like to help keep things interesting on the home front."
The Doctor looked back to Jack with a sudden fierce scowl, though he couldn't help the laugh at his comments. "You've been waiting to do something like for ages, haven't you?"
"You have no idea, Doctor." Jack just grinned softly, finally feeling himself unwind that last little bit as the warmth of the scotch finally began to take away some of the cold from his body. He looked out over the hub, his gaze soft when he saw Ianto and Daniel having a heated discussion over the turntables while Martha and Mickey were snuggled together on a couch nearby.
It had been far too long since the hub had been filled with so much laughter, and even longer since one of their nights hadn't been interrupted by rift activity. He finally felt the pain that he had been bottling up for over a decade melt away as his friends all shared in the birth of a new year, putting to rest the ghost of the past so that Jack could welcome the new year with open arms.
He looked at the Doctor and just smiled when he received a huge smile in return, finally it had all come full circle and together the two men were able to just sit still for a few moments in time so that they could enjoy the sounds of laughter and the feeling of friendship. Much as the Doctor would never admit it to anyone, Jack could tell that he couldn't have been happier than he was at that moment.
It was the perfect way to end a year, and the perfect way to begin a new one.
Donna sat on the couch with Gwen and Martha, the three of them just relaxing for a few moments before the clock struck midnight. Donna was finding it hard to focus on their conversation as she was continuously distracted by random thoughts from the Doctor.
He and Jack were huddled together off by the Tardis, the pair of them steadily draining yet another bottle of scotch in a bid to try to get the other drunk first. She couldn't believe how utterly childish the two of them were behaving, two men older than many empires were having a drinking contest.
She shook her head with a soft huff, her eyes dancing when she felt both Gwen and Martha looking at her with amusement in their eyes. "I swear they're like little boys sometimes."
Gwen burst out laughing at that, her gaze moving to find her husband deep in conversation with Mickey though he was barely even able to stand on his feet. "It doesn't really matter how old they are, they always will act the same no matter what!"
Martha just laughed softly in response. "Oh trust me, that one is definitely the biggest kid in the room," she said with a finger pointing at the Doctor, her eyes shifting to Donna for a moment before she grinned. "I wouldn't wish a drunk Doctor on anyone!"
Donna just huffed softly before she laughed, her eyes filled with mirth when she felt the gentle brush of the Doctor's playful thoughts against hers. The haze that she had sensed in his mind somehow much less pronounced then it had been before. She pursed her lips softly and spit her tongue out at him, wondering when he was going to get around to bragging about his superior Time Lord biology.
"What's that all about, Donna?" Martha asked with a grin, her eyes flashing back and forth between Donna and the Doctor before her gaze settled on the blushing red head.
Donna just shook her head in response. "I wonder if I should warn Jack that the Doctor is cheating."
Gwen leaned forward at that comment, her own gaze curious when she asked, "Oh? How is he cheating?"
"As I'm sure you well know, Martha, the Doctor has amazing control over his own metabolism and even now has kicked it into high gear in order to get the alcohol out of his system. He has no intention of letting Jack beat him this time."
"Are you serious? Of all the childish things to do."
Donna sat back with a laugh, her hand raising the glass of water to her lips as she murmured, "This IS the Doctor we're talking about here, Martha. You know as well as I do that he practically invented that word."
Martha just shook her head, her lips pursed at the thought. "I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with him on a daily basis anymore! I mean I love him like a brother don't get me wrong, but I swear you've got the patience of a saint."
Donna grinned impishly back at Martha, her eyes dancing briefly at the thought. "Some days it does feel that way let me tell you!"
Martha smiled softly when she saw Donna's finger fiddle with the gold ring around her finger, the news that she and the Doctor were married had been met with much enthusiasm as well as the promise of a destination wedding sometime in the near future. "I'm glad he has you, Donna. He never did do well alone, but more than that he needs someone to hold him back and that someone was never going to be me."
Donna turned her head back at Martha's words, her eyes suddenly somber as she replied, "He regrets so much where you're concerned, Martha."
Martha gasped softly when she heard Donna's words, her hands clasped together tightly before she murmured, "I know he does, Donna. I really have no regrets over everything that happened, Donna. Besides, I never would've met Mickey if I hadn't travelled with the Doctor and for that at least, I'll be forever grateful."
Donna nodded in quiet acceptance of Martha's words, she knew that the Doctor would one day properly apologize to Martha when he could finally let go of the guilt that he still carried in regards to the year that never was. It would come one day, and for the time being Martha just being a friend was more than he had ever dared to hope.
Gwen sat silently watching the communion between the Doctor's companions, one a former companion who had never felt good enough and the other now so much more than just a companion. She was surprised by the happiness she felt when she heard Martha and Donna talking about what traveling with the Doctor meant to the both of them and that their confessions were not being met with jealousy or cynicism.
Gwen and Martha had spoken at length over the last few years when she had finally joined Torchwood full time, the talented physician had initially been extremely reticent about her time with the Doctor but Gwen had over time finally won her trust. She hadn't realized how important this evening had been for all of them and that many regrets and sorrows had finally been laid to rest.
They fell silent when they heard the Doctor call out, "it's nearly midnight! Come on everyone, get ready for the countdown."
Donna groaned at that, shaking her head when she realized that the Doctor hadn't even looked at a clock before he had called out to them.
Gwen was surprised when she heard the Doctor's shout, her eyes darting towards the telly that hadn't even been switched on. "How in the world did he do that?"
Both Martha and Donna laughed at her question, their gazes locking before they turned back to look at her. "He's a Time Lord."
"And he just had to show off!" Donna finished for Martha, the two of them just shaking their heads as the Doctor and Jack made their way across the hub in order to join them.
The Doctor set aside his scotch glass and reached for a glass of water, pausing to let his gaze linger lovingly on Donna before he downed the water in one go. His hand reached out to both her and Martha, pulling the both of them to their feet so that they could all join in a circle around Daniel and the turntables.
He pulled Donna close against him for a long indulgent moment while he let his gaze roam over the faces of each and every one of his friends. He took a deep breath, for the moment completely overwhelmed with all that he was feeling for this small circle of people that had become such an important part of his life.
"I can't tell you how good it is to be able to spend this night with you. It's been far too long since I've let myself simply relax and enjoy a night with friends. I can't thank you all enough for being here."
Martha snuggled back into Mickey's arms while she listened to the Doctor's words, happy to hear him finally talking about how he was feeling rather than hiding away from his emotions. She couldn't believe the change in him since she had travelled with him, and it had all most likely been because of the woman that he was holding in his arms. She couldn't help but call out in reply, "It's good to see you too, Doctor. You've been a stranger for far too long, hopefully this is the first of many special occasions!"
His gaze locked with hers, the sorrow he had always felt when he had looked at her after what had happened with her family finally just melted away. He could feel the forgiveness in her gaze even as she smiled up at him, her eyes letting him know that in the end it had turned out all right. "I hope so too, Martha!"
Daniel couldn't help the big smile he felt even though he knew he was somewhat of an outsider to this little group of friends. He had been welcomed completely with open arms and in the end finally found a home after years of searching. He was looking forward to the future now for the first time in years, and he found himself hoping as well that the Doctor would be coming back to earth more often. He nodded to each of them in turn before he handed out the poppers. "Three minutes to go guys! Everyone get ready!"
Jack grabbed Ianto up in a huge hug, his eyes laughing into the younger man's startled gaze before he leaned forward and planted a huge wet kiss on his lips. Ianto grunted softly in surprise, his eyes wide open though he couldn't help but feel swept away by Jack's exuberant display.
Gwen cheered the two of them on, unable to control the laughter that bubbled through her lips at the embarrassed flush on Ianto's cheeks when Jack finally came back up for air. She teasingly called out, "Get a room you two!"
Jack just squeezed Ianto tight, not even skipping a beat before quipping back, "Already got one, Gwen, ready and waiting."
Gwen laughed at Ianto's startled exclamation, his admonitions for Jack to behave himself falling on deaf ears as the immortal reveled in finding peace finally at the thought of the New Year. He had thousands of New Year's behind him and had found that one year had pretty much bled into the next until he had come to this century and Torchwood. Now finally he was here with the Doctor and his friends and he found that he was looking forward to 2012 with more excitement then he had felt in centuries.
His eyes locked with the Doctor's, the two of them smiling softly at each while they listened to the teasing banter of the people around them. Two ancient beings surrounded by love and laughter for the first time in far too long, feeling their souls finally being soothed by the warm embrace of their loved ones.
The fear that had been plaguing the Doctor for weeks was shoved resolutely aside so that he could focus fully on these moments at the end of a year. The future couldn't be more uncertain or more dire, but for the time being there was nothing he could do about it and he made sure that he had the memory of this time of laughter to see him through the dark days that were to come.
Daniel slipped his headphones off his head and reached for the remote to the television, fingers fiddling with the buttons for a moment before the small screen flared to life. The crowds along the Thames were cheering as the announcer's voice began the countdown to the new year. All eyes were on Big Ben, causing the atmosphere in the room became electric as the last seconds of the year ticked away. Each of them looked around to memorize the details of every face in the room so that this special night would never be forgotten.
Martha looked to the Doctor, her lips parted around a soft gasp when she saw the tender warmth of his eyes meeting hers. There were tears standing in his eyes that finally slipped free, his gaze traveling between her and Mickey before he simply nodded with a soft smile and turned back to the woman he held in his arms.
Martha grabbed tightly to Mickey, surprising him when she reached up and pulled him down for a toe curling kiss several seconds early. He didn't seem to mind though as his arms slid around her waist and pulled her tight against his body in response.
The Doctor grabbed Donna close, his eyes shining down into hers when he felt the final seconds tick away. His arms squeezed her tight right before the clock struck midnight, his mind whispering softly to her. Happy New Year, Donna. Thank you for giving me this night, I didn't realize just how much I needed it.
She was lost in the depths of his gaze while all around them were shouts of joy welcoming in the New Year, the cracks of their poppers echoing through the space while confetti and little streamers fell around them. She leaned close to him, her eyes shining with her love before she pulled him down for a toe curling kiss. Happy New year to you too, Timeboy. I'm glad that you finally came to your senses.
He laughed softly into her mouth at the last teasing thought that flashed through his mind, his eyes dancing for a moment before he pulled away and just hugged her tight.
He could felt the gentle brush of the Tardis through his thoughts as she reached out with her own well wishes for the both of them, her touch was poignant when she whispered, Happy New Year, my thief. Thank you for another year with you and thank you for bringing back our Donna.
Donna jumped softly when she felt that thought from the Tardis, her eyes jumping up to the Doctor's when she saw the huge smile on his face. "I told you she loved you, Donna. You're bonded to the both of us now, and she's going to make sure that this year is the best one yet!"
Jack bustled up to them, grabbing each of them in a tight hug before he shouted out, "All right guys, now's the time to really get down to business! Daniel, strike up the music and don't stop before dawn!"
The Doctor laughed at Jack's words, his arms holding Donna close once more before they were swept away by the throb of the music as Daniel slipped the headphones back over his ears and prepared to knock them all off their feet. It was by far the best New Year's celebration that the Doctor could ever remember, and he knew that he would always cherish the memory of this night.
The storm clouds were brewing on the horizon, but for one blessed night, the Doctor knew peace.
Author's Final Note: It is so hard to believe that this story is finally done after nearly a year of work. I could not have completed this story with any semblance of sanity without the tireless help and support of basmathgirl, noteissignedlc, dm12, youreintown, cassikat and too many others to name. I never thought that when I set out to correct the wrong of Donna's end in Season Four that I would meet so many wonderful and amazing people in this wonderful fixit land.
Please keep an eye out for my next two stories titled: Pockets in Time and the Awakening Storm. I hope to start these in the coming weeks.
Thank you again and please feel free to message me any time!
Much love to you all.