Unexpected Encounters

'Hello everyone I know it's been quite some time since I wrote something, but rest assured I will be back. I have been through some rough times lately between work and home. I will post soon. Keep the requests coming and I'll pick which ones seem the best. Remember it can be the strangest, weirdest, kinkiest, or hottest requests. Any way it goes I will try and create it.

This story takes place in the Amazon.'

It was a beautiful day in the vast forest of the Amazon. In the heart of the forest, was the Blue Spix Macaw tribe. The birds in the tribe took a day to themselves today, spending the day with family and friends. One family in particular, was not have a very good day. The Gunderson family were perched on a branch outside of their hollow, arguing. "It has been three weeks since we have been here, and you want to leave and go back to Rio!" Jewel yelled at Blu, "All because of a minor incident you had."

You see, Blu had a run in with a mysterious green snake, with Carla and Tiago right beside him. Thankfully they were okay, but Jewel didn't think it was that big of a deal since she's been attacked before. "Mom, you don't know how we felt. We could have been hurt, or dad could be gone right now." Tiago commented, staring at his mother with a frown. Carla nodded in agreement. Bia, on the other hand, was on her mothers side. "Well, you could have all manned up and taken the snake on." She fired back. It was now Carla's turn to intervene. "Bia, don't talk to us like that. You have no clue what we were feeling when we saw it. You have no say in this." "Everyone! Knock it off right now!" Blu yelled.

Everyone became silent and looked to Blu. Blu looked back at Jewel with a sad expression. "Look Jewel. I didn't want things to turn out this way, but it's okay. If you want to continue living here, that's fine, but do it without us. We're going back to Rio." Tears were dropping from Blu's face, before he turned to Tiago and Carla. "Let's go kids." He said, flying away from their nest. Carla and Tiago gave a sad look to the two other birds in the hollow before following their father to Rio.

Both Bia and Jewel were in shock that they actually left them. Bia looked up at her mother, small tears forming in her eyes. "What do we do now mom? We can't be a family separated." Bia said. Jewel, on the other hand, was staring off in the way they had left. Her beak was quivering and tears began to roll down her cheeks. "Mom?" Bia said after a minute. Her mother looked down at her with a sad expression, saying, "I can't live without them either. Come on we have to find them." And with that, they headed off in the direction Blu and the kids.

After a few minutes of searching, both Jewel and Bia stopped on a branch outside of the Spix's territory, looking for any clue on where they went to. "Do you see anything Bia?" "No mom. I don't see anybody. Can we take a break for a few minutes? My wings are sore." Jewel nodded and began her decent, with Bia following. They landed in an area next to a pond. Bia laid down at the ponds edge while Jewel stood next to her. "Mom, w-what if we can't find them?" "Don't say things like that Bia. We will find them." Jewel stated.

Suddenly, They both heard some noise coming from behind them. Bia and Jewel both looked behind them and didn't see anything. "That was weird. Maybe we should continue searching." Jewel said, still looking back. Bia agreed and stood up. Just as they were about to take off, both Bia and Jewel felt something wrap around their talons and pull them into a bush. Both of them struggled as they were both dragged into the bush. They were brought to a flat-surfaced area, where the things released both of the kidnapped birds. Both of them stood up and looked around again, trying to find what did this. They gasped as they saw multiple green tentacles slowly approaching them. Both birds tried to back further away from the green beings, only to back up into a tree.

"Help! Help us!" Jewel screamed. The tentacles shot after her and wrapped around her beak silencing her. They also wrapped around Jewels upper body. Bia looked at her mother and then back at the tentacles. One was getting closer to her, closer to her beak. She expected it to do the same thing that it did to her mom, but it did something entirely different. Bia began to feel the slimy green tentacle begin to push itself against her closed beak. She held her beak closed, until she felt the tentacles begin to tickle her sides. "Hahaha! Sto-mmph!" The tentacles shot straight into Bias beak, pushing to the back of her throat.

Jewel began to struggle as she watched her daughters beak get violated. Bia's mouth widened as the tentacle kept pushing back. Bia began to convulse as pressure built up in her mouth, the slimy tentacle attempting to push into her tight throat. "Mmmph!" She groaned as the tentacle pushed deep into her throat. Her mother watched as her throat bulged out around the tentacle. Bia squirmed as the tentacle began to go deeper. Her eyes shot open to her mom as tentacles began to close in on her.

Jewel grumbled as she saw the tentacles coming closer to her. She tried to squirm her way out of the tentacles wrapped around her, but found it useless. She looked back over to her daughter, only to find her laying on her back with the tentacle going deeper. There was also a tentacle rubbing its top on her cloaca, making her moan. Jewel supposed that she was gonna endure the same thing, so she turned back to the tentacle approaching her. Tears formed in her eyes. The one wrapped around her beak released and allowed her to talk. "Bia, I'm so so-sorry." She said, tears dripping down her face. Bia watched as the tentacle shot into her mouth and down her throat in one go. She choked and gagged around the tentacle, never taking anything so deep before. Jewel began feeling a tentacle rubbing and pushing against her cloaca, and immediately crossed her legs, attempting to keep the intruder out. Both birds then heard a voice that made them tremble in fear.

"Open those legs or your daughter will no longer be pure and will become a mother." It said. To emphasize its point it brought Bia closer to Jewel. She looked down at her daughter and saw the tentacle begin to push against her tight cloaca. Bia screamed into the tentacle in her mouth and cried. The tentacle pulled out of both their mouths and throats. Bia gasped and begged, in tears, "Mom, please, I don't want to be a mother." Jewel knew exactly what she had to do. She knew that if she couldn't have the rest of her family back, then she would at least take care of her daughter, whatever it takes. "Alright, alright!" She screamed at the voice. "I'll do as you say, just please don't impregnate my daughter. She's all I have left." She said, tears dripping down her face. Jewel spread her legs wide, letting the tentacles view her hole. She turned her head away and imagined the first time she mated with Blu.

The tentacle that was about to penetrate Bia began to rub her cloaca again getting it nice and wet, even though Bia didn't enjoy what was happening. Bia watched as the tentacles began to press against her mothers cloaca, slightly pushing in. Jewel whimpered and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry mommy." Bia whispered to her. Jewel squawked in displeasure as she felt the tentacle push deep into her stretched cloaca. It began pushing deeper inside Jewel, all while she cried and groaned. It soon began to thrust in and out of her, smashing into the back of her cloaca.

Bia watched as her mother was violently raped, while she was getting her cloaca rubbed hard. She could feel her wet cloaca getting pressed on hard, like the tentacle wanted to penetrate her. "Please... stop." She groaned. The tentacle stopped. She looked down at it, surprised that it did as she asked. She then saw what looked like a tongue pop up from behind her, along with five other thin tentacles. She looked at them confused before feeling the thin tentacles on her tight, wet hole. She knew exactly what it was going to do now and pleaded, "Please don't do this." The thin tentacles began to pull her cloaca apart, revealing her virgin seal. Bia groaned as she was stretched open. The tongue tentacle began to lick and suck on her hymen, while she cried and whined.

With Jewel, she began to feel her cloaca spasm and clench on the tentacle. "I'm-I'm cumming, please stop. Ah I don't want to cum from this." She said, panting. The tentacles thirst fast and bring her over the edge, forcing her to cum. "NOOOO!" She screamed and threw he head back, struggling as she came. The tentacles didn't stop thrusting as they too were about to blow. "Are you ready for my babies, Jewel?" The creepy voice said again. "No, no don't get me pregnant please. I'll do anything please." She begged. Bia looked over to her mom, waiting for a response from the voice. "That's not gonna happen Jewel, one of you is getting pregnant. I'm sure you don't want your daughter pregnant." It said as it pushed a tentacle into Bia's virgin seal. Bia cried out in pain as she felt the pressure on her hymen. "Okay okay, give me your babies, just don't do anything to her please!" The tentacle in her cloaca sped up and stopped deep in her cloaca. Jewel groaned loudly looking over to Bia, who just felt the tentacle pull away from her cloaca. "Mom?" She cried out in a worried voice. Jewel frowned a little and said, "It's going to be okay sweetie. I love you."

Jewel turned back to the tentacle in her cloaca and began to see ripples traveling up it. She prepared herself to be insemenated. The first shot of sticky warm cum shot deep inside her cloaca, and she squawked loudly, crying. She continued to be filled till she could no longer take it. "No more, ah ohhhh no more." She said beginning to fade into unconsciousness. The tentacle stopped filling her and pulled out, it's cum dripping out from between her legs. Bia watched it dribble out of her mother. Bia cried a little from seeing her mother raped and impregnated. The tentacles release Jewel, but not Bia. Jewel curled up in a ball crying her heart out. "What-what are you doing let me go. I want to comfort my mom after you raped her." Bia said, angrily. "Oh no your not getting out of this that easy. You are losing your virginity here and now." It said. The tentacles that were still stretching her cloaca pulled harder on her hole. "NO don't do it please I beg of you." Bia pleaded, not wanting to lose her purity. A thick tentacle slowly inched forward towards her flower. Bia crosses her legs to keep it out, only to be spread back apart by two more tentacles. Bia could only watch as the tentacle pushed against hymen, slowly increasing pressure. "No oww plea-ease. No..." The pressure and pain increased as her hymen gave way and the tentacle thrusted deep inside her. Bia cried in pain as the tentacle slipped out of her. "Now that I have taken your virgin seal you and your mother are free to go." The voice said as its tentacles disappeared.

Bia was let go and crawled over to her mother in pain. "I'm sorry mommy. I'm so sorry." Jewel looked over to her youngest daughter, and wrapped her in her wings. "No Bia. I'm sorry. If only I hadn't argued with Blu, Carla, and Tiago, this wouldn't have happened. You didn't deserve this, I don't deserve you four. I'm so sorry Bia." Jewel apologized, her eyes beginning to shut as she passed out. Bia noticed and immediately stood up. She had to find her dad and brother fast. Even with the pain in her groin, she managed to fly in the direction her dad and the others flew off to.

After ten minutes of flying, she was close to where the riverboat passed by. She immediately started searching the surrounding tree line, hoping her family was there. She landed on a branch and yelled, "DAD! CARLA! TIAGO! Where are you?" She kept searching and yelling for them while she wandered through the trees. Just as she was about to give up, she heard leaves rustling behind her. "Bia?" She heard. She recognize the voice as her fathers. "DADDY!" She yelled running up to him, hugging him. She saw Tiago and Carla standing behind him, looking up at her. "Daddy, we are so sorry. We didn't want to leave you, so we came to find you. We-we..." Bia started to cry. Blu hugged her closer, Carla and Tiago came closer. "Bia, where's mommy?" Tiago asked. Bia looked at them and looked back at her father. "Mom, mom needs help. She passed out and didn't get back up." Blu's eyes widened. "Kids let go back. Your mother needs us. Bia lead the way back." Blu demanded. All four birds took off, following Bia.

They reached the area a little while later, Jewel was still laying on her side, her breathing slow. Blu immediately went to her side. "Jewel? Jewel, wake up." Blu felt tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He didn't know if Jewel was going to be alright or not. He thinks that she was so broken hearted that she passed out from the pain. He turns to his weeping children and says, "I'll carry your mother back to the hollow. You three get some good and water." With that, Blu picked up his mate and went back to their hollow, while the children did as they were told.

Blu made it back to the hollow and laid Jewel down in the nest. He took some water into a leaf bowl and began to clean her feathers a bit before the children got back. While he was washing the areas around her tail, he noticed a white fluid leaking out of her cloaca. He knew exactly what it was, and did not immediately jump to the conclusion that she cheated on him. He knew that she would never do that. He dropped his thoughts and cleaned her cloaca up, causing her to groan in her sleep. After cleaning her up, Blu began to try and wake her up again. "Jewel, can you hear me? I need you to wake up." She stayed in her unconscious state, but she also groaned a bit. Blu knew she did this every once in a while, and always had a way to wake her up. When they first got married Jewel told Blu that she always wanted to wake up being fucked. Blu smiled. He was already horny from playing with her cloaca earlier. He could just thrust into her and cum already. "Heh get ready Jewel."

Blu reclined her on her back and began eating her cloaca with a passion. Jewel unconsciously groaned and spread her legs wider. Blu began to rub his cloaca till he felt like he was getting close. "I'm cumming Jewel. Take my cum!" He moaned. He jumped on top of her and connected cloacas. Jewels eyes shot open as she felt a rush of seed blast into her, filling her. She arched her back, feeling herself orgasm as she was filled. She still had no clue who was filling her. Blu thrusted into her a few times while he came, moaning in pleasure. After a minute or two, Blu and Jewel came down from their high. Blu panted, looking up at his wife. Jewel still had her head up, still unable to see the male that shot a load in her. Both mates heard a cough behind them and looked. They both saw their three children, with the food and water, staring at them with smirks. Jewel looked up to the bird on top of her, shocked to see it was Blu. She held back her tears as she looked up at him. "How long have you been watching us?" Blu asked, slightly embarrassed. "We've been here since you started cleaning mama's cloaca." Bia said, with a smile. Blu blushes a bit then said, "Well I hope you three enjoyed the show. Now if you don't mind can you head up to your rooms and give your mother and I some privacy."

Tiago, Bia, and Carla all smirked at their father, and headed up to their rooms, leaving the items they carried back with them. Blu turned back to the whimpering Jewel. She was on the brink of tears. "Hey Jewel." He said simply, still on top and connected to her. Jewel kept looking up at him, guilt written all over her face. She turned her head away from him, closing her eyes and crying slightly. "Blu, I-I'm so sorry. I should have helped you when you needed me. You and the kids don't deserve this. I don't deserve you or the kids in my life. I'm a terrible mother and mate. I-I..." she trailed off and began to cry harder in the nest. Blu wrapped his wings around her, trying to comfort her. "Don't say that about yourself. You are a fantastic mother and mate, and the best thing to ever happen to me." Blu said, holding her close in his wings. "But a good mate would take her families word and wouldn't reject them like I did. You and the kids didn't deserve that. I'm so sorry." She cried, crying into Blu's shoulder. "Listen, you have no reason to say these things. There's no reason for you to be sorry. We are family. We forgive each other. We both made mistakes and we will learn from them, but now we are back together. We may not always see eye to eye, but look at us now. We can't live without one another, and we certainly will not ever let this happen again. We will go through challenges together, as a family." Jewel looked up at Blu, still upset over what happened, saying, "But I-" she was cut off by Blu. "No buts Jewel. What happened earlier doesn't matter anymore. Just here and now. I love you Jewel." He said, bringing her into a kiss. Jewel accepted the kiss, wrapping her wings around him and slightly thrusting her hips against him. He kissed her deeper and thrusted deeper into her flower, earning a moan in response.

Blu kept slowly thrusting into her. He enjoyed going slowly as Jewel would squirm, begging him to go faster. He loved it when her orgasm would build up slowly and she would cum hard with him. "Please, please Blu! Fuck me harder." She begged, squirming under him. "Now now Jewel, patience is a virtue. Your gonna cum when I decide to cum." Blu said, smiling evilly. He kept slowly thrusting into his mate for twenty minutes. Both birds began to curl up in ecstasy as they felt their climax coming. "Now, 'pant' I'll allow you to cum with ah me. You gonna be ohh a good girl and cum with me?" Blu panted. "Yes ah daddy. I'll do whatever you tell me mmph." a sweaty, tired Jewel said. Blu began to slam his cloaca into her hard, shooting his semen deep into her tight cavern and milking himself in her. Jewel groaned quietly as she climaxed herself, unable to let anything else out. "Ugh!" Blu groaned. Jewel heard and felt Blu's sticky and hot sperm shooting into her with a spurt. Blu finished shooting a huge load in her and separated their cloacas with a wet pop. Jewels cloaca was painted white inside and out, and was dripping down her tail. "You are my well stuffed hen my love. Now let's get some sleep and we will continue this tomorrow." Jewel nodded, passing out. Blu giggled and wrapped her in his wings, and falling asleep on top of her.

After their night of passion, Jewel and Bia told the family about what happened before Bia found them. Jewel cried hard, remembering that she could be pregnant with the slimy tentacles offspring. Blu comforted both Bia and Jewel and told them that everything will be okay, they will continue living their normal lives. A few weeks later, Jewel found out she was pregnant, and gave birth to two eggs.

The eggs began to hatch three weeks after.

"Don't worry Jewel. We will raise them as our own, no matter what." Blu told Jewel, who was scared of what the chicks would look like. Both birds watched as the eggs began to crack and shake. The first egg cracked open in the nest, revealing a female aqua Blue Spix Macaw. Jewel looked in awe at the chick, then turned to the second egg. The second egg cracked open and a dark blue male Spix Macaw crawled out with a moan. They both looked perfectly normal. "They look... normal. What should we name them?" Jewel asked. "I'm thinking Trinity for the girl. You name our baby boy." He gestured towards Jewel. Jewel looked at the boy. She smiled, saying, "Matt." "Well Jewel, I think it's time to introduce our new children to the family. KIDS!" Blu called to Carla, Bia, and Tiago. Jewel turned to Blu and asked, "Are we going to do the same thing that we did to Carla, Bia, and Tiago?" Blu nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back and looked up to see their kids flying down to them. "Yes dad?" Carla asked, then turned to the newborns. They all looked at their new siblings. Carla and Bia awed as Tiago just smiled. "Meet your new brother and sister, Matt and Trinity." The kids went closer to their siblings while Blu and Jewel laid Matt and Trinity on their backs. The kids looked confused. "What are you doing?" Tiago asked, confused. Blu and Jewel smirked at their older children and said, "When you three were first born, your mother and I decided that we would show you how... pleasurable the world can be. So, we gave you guys your first orgasms when you were born." The kids looked at their parents in disgust. They remembered that time after they were born, but didn't know what was so pleasurable. Now they know. Carla was the first to speak. "That is so gross. Our parents were the first ones to make us cum. Disgusting!" She said. Jewel smirked at Carla, "If it was so disgusting, you wouldn't have been the one that came the hardest." Carla blushed hard and looked away ashamed. Jewel lifted up her head. "No reason to be ashamed. It is fun and we want you to enjoy life. If you don't feel comfortable, then you don't have to do it. That goes for all of you." Jewel said, looking at the kids before walking back over to Blu.

The kids looked at each other, Bia and Tiago said, "We will do it." They then looked at Carla, who simply shook her head and looked away. "Alright then. Bia, Tiago, come closer to us." Blu said, beckoning them closer to their new siblings. Once they were close, Blu stood close to Matt and Jewel stood close to Trinity. "Now, pick which of your siblings you'd like to eat out." Bia took a step closer to her dad and Matt, while Tiago stepped over to his mother and Trinity. "So what we will do now is, at the same time we will begin to lick and kiss their cloacas. And don't be afraid to play with yourself or kiss your partner." Blu said looking down at Bia. Bia, Tiago, and Jewel blushed as they laid down, looking at the hole that they would be pleasuring. Blu laid down as well and said, "Show them a good time."

Blu, Bia, and Matt's POV

Blu came down to his daughters height and said, "Now all I want you to do is follow my lead and do it along with me. Okay?" Bia modded shyly. Blu smiled at her and began licking Matt's cloaca, making him moan in pleasure. Bia shyly approached his cloaca and began licking it as well, her tongue sliding along her fathers tongue as well. She enjoyed the taste of both her fathers tongue and Matt's cloaca combined. "Mmm." She groaned. Blu smiled at this and forced his tongue into her beak, deeply kissing her with his eyes closed. Bia's eyes shot open at this, but then she relaxed, closed her eyes, and kissed back. Blu rubbed a feather on Matt's cloaca in the meantime, building up his climax while he moaned louder. Blu and Bia releases the kiss and turned back to Matt, who began to thrust his hips lightly up and down. "Is he gonna cum daddy?" Bia asked, seductively. "Yes he is baby. Wanna share his cum?" She smiles and says, "Actually dad, can I have him cum in me? Then you can eat his cum out of me." She asked. Blu smiled and nodded. "I'm so glad your not in heat right now. I really want to see this." Bia stood over Matt's cloaca. Bia heard Matt squawk in pleasure and immediately forced herself into his cloaca. She felt squirt after squirt enter her wet cloaca. Blu watched his daughter as she was filled with the fluid. He began rubbing his cloaca to her pleasure filled face. Bia humped Matt a few times, milking him. Matt chirped in appreciation, obviously loving the attention. She eventually pulled herself off and laid on her back. Blu watched and smiled as semen ran out of her cloaca and down her tail. "Eat up daddy." She said seductively. "Heh looks tasty baby." Blu began licking from where the semen ran down her tail up to her cloaca. Bia looked down at him as he looked up at her. Blu stuck his tongue in her cloaca and began sucking on it. Bia felt pleasure shoot up her spine as her dad sucked the semen out of her. She groaned loudly, saying, "Keep going daddy. Your gonna make me cum!" Blu kept licking and sucking her, making sure he got every last drop out. Bia climaxed into Blu's beak, squirting her juices on his tongue and filling his beak. Bia collapses as her dad pulled away from her and swallowed. "Hah, how was... that baby?" Blu panted. Bia looked at Blu and panted back, "That was... incredible. I love, 'pant,' you daddy." Blu smiled and kissed her before wrapping his wings around Bia and Matt. "Time to rest now." He said. They closed their eyes and drifted off into their dream lands.

Jewel, Tiago, and Trinity's POV

Unlike Blu's teaching method, Jewel took an entirely different approach. " Go ahead Tiago. Please you sister." Tiago bent down and placed his tongue on her cloaca. Since he didn't really know what he was doing, he looked up to his mom. "Now start licking wildly." She said. She watched as he began to lick her cloaca at a fast pace. Tiago enjoyed the taste of Trinity's cloaca, and began to lick as fast as he could. Trinity moaned loudly and thrusted her hips into his tongue. "Slow down baby. Don't want her to cum yet do we?" Tiago slowed down to a stop, keeping his sister on edge. He looked up to his mom. "Can you help me make her cum?" He said smiling. Jewel grinned and got closer to her cloaca. "Ready son?" She asked. "Ready, on three." He said. "One." Jewel got closer to her cloaca. "Two." Tiago got close to his moms mouth and his sisters cloaca. Tiago licked his moms tongue wanting to taste her. Jewel kissed him in return, before he said, "Three." They began licking Trinity's cloaca fast, wanting her cum. Trinity twitched and moaned loudly again. Both knew she would cum soon and kept at it. Trinity squawked, and began to cum. Her juices shot out and leaked down her tail feather. Tiago licked and sucked inside her cloaca while Jewel licked up the mess going down her tail feathers. They gathered her cum in their mouths then leaned up, looking into each other's eyes. They both swallowed Trinity's cum at the same time and giggled. "That was fun mom. Now I'm tired. Can I cuddle you and Trinity?" Jewel smiled lovingly. "Of course baby." Tiago cuddled his sister and came closer to his mom. Jewel wrapped her wings around them and they fell asleep.

Carla's POV

Unbeknownst to anyone in the family, Carla had been watching her family during their shenanigans. She began to feel her cloaca moisten. Carla sighed in sexual frustration. She did want to join them, but figure it was too late to join. She just enjoyed the sight and rubbed on herself till they were finished. Carla became antsy by the time they were beginning to fall asleep. She crawled up to her dad, Trinity, and Bia. She woke up her dad with a nudge to his beak. Blu woke up and looked up at her, wondering what she wanted. "Daddy, can... can I um..." she shuddered out. Blu smiled at her and asked, "Go on baby. Tell me what you want." Carla blushed and said, "I-I want to have some fun." Blu smiled widely. "Who do you want to have fun with?" Carla blushed harder and said, "Y-you a-and Matt." Blu smiled, and gave her a little peck on the cheek. He released both children from his wings and laid a leaf over Bia to keep her warm. He then picked Matt and Carla up in his wings and brought them to a separate room in the hollow, away from the others.

Blu closes the makeshift door to the room, and sets both of his kids down. Carla looked up at her father and said, "I want to mate with you dad, a-and I want to suck on Matt." Blu blushed at this. The thought of actually mating with his own daughter made him blush. Even though the family had oral sex with one another, he never thought that Carla would want to mate with him. "Are, are you sure baby?" Carla nodded and laid on her back, spreading her legs for her father. Blu smiled at his child. He picked up Matt, setting him on her beak. Carla immediately began to lick and suck on Matt's hole. Matt groaned and squirmed on Carla, as Carla felt her father push between her legs. Blu lined himself up with his daughter and pushed into her virgin cloaca.

Carla muffled her screams of pain, using Matt's cloaca, as Blu tore through her hymen. Blu looked down at his daughter and laid Matt on her chest. "Are you okay, baby?" He asked, looking into her clenched eyes. She opened her eyed and nodded at her father. "Yes daddy, ah, I'm okay. Just start slow." She said as she leaned her head forward and began to eat Matt's cloaca again. She loved and savored his taste. Blu smiled and began to thrust lightly, making Carla groan while she licked Matt's cloaca. "Mmmm..." she groaned. Blu took that as encouragement to go a little faster. He sped up a bit, earning a groan of pleasure from his daughter. "Ohhh Carla, your so tight." He moaned. Carla moaned loudly.

Carla was having the time of her life, being fucked by her father and licking her brother. She really felt the need to make Matt cum, she really wanted his potent seed. She wrapped her beak around Matt's cloaca and sucked hard. Matt groaned and began to twitch. Carla felt Matt's cloaca spread a little and felt something squirm into her mouth. She moaned and pulled back a little. Blu and Carla both looked in surprise as they saw a light pink tentacle come out of Matt's cloaca. Blu stopped his fucking and looked at his daughter. Carla released it from her mouth and looked up at her father. "Um dad?" Blu smiled at her. "It's up to you if you want to continue. I didn't realize he had that when Bia was playing with him." He said, as he resumed his hard thrusting. Carla gasped as her father fucked her harder, and looked back at Matt's privates. She saw as his tentacle began to retract back inside his cloaca. She licked the tip and began to suck on it. Matt squirmed a bit and pushed the tentacle further into her beak. Carla gasped and relaxed her throat muscles, assuming he was going to push it deeper. In one quick push, the tentacle in her mouth shot down the tight confines of her throat, a bulge forming in it as well. "MMPH!" She groaned as she twitched in pleasure. The tentacle began to push itself in and out of her throat building up Matt's orgasm.

Blu watched as his daughter was being throat-fucked. "Mmm baby that is so hot. You want your brothers cum and my cum so badly, don't you?" He said, feeling his climax coming closer and closer. He began to thrust as fast as he could, making Carla climax hard. Carla was dazed as her orgasm hit her hard, harder than she had ever given herself. Carla nodded answering her fathers question. Just as she nodded, Matt squirmed a bit on her chest and came inside her throat. Blu smiled and sped up a bit. Carla had no choice but to swallow the warm sticky fluids Matt gave her. She sucked hard to get every last drop. "Mmm, 'gulp' 'gulp'" Blu heard as she swallowed Matt's cum. Blu felt his climax rising, but held back until she was done. He wanted to hear her reaction as he came in her. Eventually, Matt retracted his tentacle and passed out on Carla's chest. She wrapped her wings around Matt, panting, before looking up at her father. She could tell he was holding back his climax. "Cum daddy. Cum in your daughter. Get me pregnant." Even though she couldn't get pregnant, she found it hot thinking that she was being impregnated by her dad. This pushed Blu over the edge. He grunted and trembled as he came deep inside of her. Carla squawked in pleasure as she felt her cloaca being filled up with her fathers incestuous cum. She felt the warmth of it shooting into her, causing her to orgasm once again, this time much harder. She came so hard that she actually passed out from the intense pleasure.

Blu thrusted into her a few more times, milking his cloaca inside her. After coming down from his climax, he looked down at her to find her passed out. He smiled and disconnected from her, prompting a moan from her. He picked up both of his children and brought them back down to where the others were. He laid the sleeping birds next to Bia. He threw away Bia's leaf and wrapped all three of them in his wings. He kissed each of them on the heads and fell into his dream world.


The morning after their exciting night, the family gathered with each other and shared passionate kisses with one another. Blu informed Jewel that Matt did have qualities of the tentacles. She began to break down at this, but Blu told her that he was still their child, and besides that, he told her that they would have some fun with that. Jewel blushed at that and nodded. The family kept their nights private to the rest of the tribe. The family was sure that they would support and love one another for the rest of their lives, even if they encounter something unexpected.