The rain spat down hard on the glass windows of his office as though the sky was judging him and the deals he was currently planning. But Mister Kirei Kotomine (he insisted on the Mister) cared little for its judgment. He was but a simple sake brewer, with a few side projects of course. Republic City may have been founded on the purest of intentions but now it was the very definition of dog eat dog. Everyone was out for themselves and if he happened to be good at it, what did he care if it rained occasionally.

The lights of his office flickered and died. Mister Kirei Kotomine scowled, gritting his teeth in frustration as he called out to the guards.

"What's going on?"

There was slight paused before one his nameless guards replied.

"Must be the storm. Tripped a breaker of something."

"Well," he snarled. "Go fix it."

The man nodded to another, who scurried out of the room. With another sigh he gestured to the sole female guard.

"You're a fire bender right?"

She nodded.

"Then earn your pay check."

The nameless girl quickly lit a flame, illuminating the room with a soft glow.

"Closer," he muttered, taking a moment to admire the woman's figure. Half the reason he hired her.

She complied and with another glance he went back to work. More lay offs. Not that business was bad, far from it. It was positively booming. He couldn't help the smirk that etched its way across his face. Ever since the Agni Kai's had reached out to him, his clientele had expanded greatly. They took care of the lower areas of the city and he sold his sake at premium rates. And if any young entrepreneurs tried to set up shop, they were convinced to leave.

He bit down on a cigar, turning his head to the fire bender, not noticing the way she grimaced before lighting it.

No the reasons for layoffs were simple. They were simply being far too greedy with their wage requirements. People came to the city everyday, people desperate for a fresh start. People who couldn't complain. He could hire them for half the price. Earth benders as well. Much more efficient as manual labor. It would all be sorted once the lights came back on.

"One of you go see what's taking him so long," he said scowling.

"Yes sir."


He noticed the way the guard bit back a complaint and roll his eyes before eventually complying. He should show more respect for the man that feeds him.

The guard walked forward and reached out for the handle, before the door exploded off its hinges sending the guard flying. Two figures rushed forward, water flying behind one of them.

His own benders shouted out rushing forward to intercept. Three against the water bender and two against the unknown one. The pretty fire bender stayed by his side.

One of the water benders opponents hit the ground with a crunch before being picked up by a tentacle and slammed into another. The last of their opponents screamed out in pain as ice slashed against his leg and before being silenced by an ice ball to the head.

The other one danced around their opponents before grabbing an attack and breaking the arm. Without missing a beat, they turned to the final remaining guard, sweeping out the legs and kicking his head as he fell.

The two assailants began to advance forward and he leaned back in his chair, shakily pushing his last line of defense forward. The fire bender was trembling but held her ground.

"Brave of you," the non bender said. The voice was muffled by a mechanical crackle, but the higher pitch betrayed it as female. the businessman glanced slightly at the other one "He worth it?"

The Fire bender swallowed nervously but didn't move, lighting up a fire dagger in each hand.

"Fire Nation honour," the water bender said, sounding amused beneath her mask, though it to held the mechanical crackle.

Kirei Kotomine stared the non bender, shaking in fear. She merely nodded. With a crack, a water whip struck the Fire bender in the head and she fell to the ground, out cold.

"You have made a big mistake," he said trying and failing to sound confident. "I have power friends."

A blade of ice, sliced through his cigar and it fell to the ground as the non bender advanced.

"The Agni Kai's? I'm not worried. There time will come soon enough."

Suddenly, she jumped forward slamming her legs into his chest and knocking him off his chair, as she vaulted the desk, towering over him.

"What do you want?" He whispered scrambling against the wall as though he could escape through it. All appearance of bravery had vanished now. "I have money, lots of it."

"Do we look like we want money?"

The lightning cracked loudly outside illuminating the attackers. Both were dressed in black, with masks covering their head and face. Green goggles stared at him as he shook in fear.

"Yo- You're one of those Equalists aren't you?"

A cold laugh echoed around the room before suddenly Kirei Kotomine found himself slammed against the glass and he let out a cry of pain.

"We are not Equalists!" The non bender spat, once again slamming him against the glass he heard crack behind him. "And you Mister Kirei Kotomine have failed this city."

"No please, I-"

Kire Kotomine screamed as he was thrown a final time against the glass that broke with a crash and the ground rushed up to meet him.

A sudden jolt around his leg stopped him, and he found himself suspended above the ground. A tentacle of water wrapped around his leg, the only thing that had saved his life.

"Consider this a warning!" The mechanical voice called to him from the window as he swing back and fourth in the rain. "When they get you down, limp out of my city and never look back."

"Yes I will I swear I'll- wait limp?"

The water around his leg snapped solid and Kirei screamed in pain as his leg began to freeze with it.

When he was finally cut down, two hours later, his leg was frozen solid. He left Republic City three days later.

"Asami Sato..." Mako muttered as he flicked through the file the chief had given him. "Born to Hiroshi and Yasuko Sato nineteen years ago and heir to Future Industries. A model student even from an early age, Asami built her first engine at the age of five and a Satomobile by age seven."

He raised his eyebrow slightly. This girl was smart. A picture fell out and his eyebrows raised further as he looked at it. Smart and beautiful.

Mentally, he chided himself. He was a detective now, he had to be better than that. Placing the picture aside, he continued reading.

"However after the death of her mother, when she was six, Asami began somewhat of a recluse, preferring to spend time in the workshop, and after her studies began to suffer, Hiroshi sent her to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls at the age of fourteen and she has only recently returned in the past month. According to Hiroshi's press conferences, its time for her to learn to learn more about the company she would some day take over."

Mako scanned through it again a few times before looking up at Chief Beifong who continued drive through the streets.

"I don't get it," he said confused. "It seems clean. She doesn't even have public intoxication. Why do you think it's her?"

Not taking her eyes off the road, Lin reached into the back of the Satomobile and passed him what looked like several more records. His brow furrowed, he hadn't realised there were multiple suspects.

"Who's are those?"

"Those are her actual records."

"All of them!"

Spirits he had seen triad members with shorter records. He looked through his surprise mounting at each page. Burglary, arson, pick pocketing, joyriding the list just went on. Repeat offenses Her saving grace was the lack of violent crimes though if Lin was right...

"How is her record so clean then?"

Lin snorted.

"What do you think?" She replied dryly thought the contempt was clear in her voice. "A rich girl with no responsibilities acting out, but no need to worry with her safety net of a father. He made sure nothing stuck. Maybe if he had let her go to prison, she would have learned and wouldn't be in the mess."

"Still its hard to imagine anyone willingly sending their daughter to prison," he said remembering the things he had done to keep Bolin out of trouble.

"Apparently so."

She slammed her hand on the horn, as the traffic failed to move quick enough and Mako noticed the way her had traced the scars that marked her face. Not for the first time he considered asking but like always though better of it. It wasn't a good idea to pry into the Chiefs personal life.

Not many people would have taken the chance on him. A street rat, turned gang member, turned pro-bender. He wasn't exactly ideal police material. Yet Lin had accepted him into the force and even mentored him over the last year but he held no illusions about their relationship. Lin was a cold woman and asking about her past was a big no no.

"The force used to be different," Lin continued. "After my mother retired and before I took over, weak and corrupt people were put in charge. A few Satomobiles donated for the force and new armor were enough to keep her out of prison, even if she hot wired enough vehicles to get a crime named after her around the station."

"That's where that comes from?" He couldn't help the slight laugh, though Lin didn't share it. "I always thought it was literal."

"Yup 'Grand Theft Sato' was a regular and she only got better at it. I hate to think how good a driver she is now. At thirteen she outran three patrols before driving it into the pier. "

"You couldn't catch her?"

"I wasn't on duty that night," she said with a rare smile.

The streets of Republic City fell away as they exited the streets and started the drive through the countryside that surrounded it, towards Sato Manor.

"Even if Sato is a criminal, what makes you think she's responsible for the attacks?" Mako asked. "They started two months ago and she only got back from the Fire Nation a week ago."

"Call it a gut feeling, plus I called an old colleague in capital where she was staying. Sato hasn't been seen in months, she probably came back early to throw us off."

Anyone else would have sounded paranoid, but Mako had learned to trust Lins gut feelings. They usually paid off in some way and she wasn't Chief of Police for no reason. Despite how easy it would have been to coast on her family name, Lin had worked hard to get where she was, or at least it seemed that way to Mako.

"Maybe," he said softly. "Are any of the targets related at all."

"Apart from the fact, they were all scumbags? No," Lin said. "Only two of them had any criminal ties. One was skimming profits and the one last night may be linked to the Agni Kai's."

"Agni Kai's? Would make sense for her considering her mother."

Lin shook her head.

"Coincidence," she said dismissively. "Too small an operation and we had no idea he was till last night, I doubt she knew. Even if she did, there would be bigger targets than a Sake brewer."

Mako nodded but didn't forget it. Underground connections were a possibility and she would have had plenty of time to develop them in the Fire Nation. The capital didn't have the same reputation for crime that Republic City did (nowhere did) but it had it's fair share of triad problems. It wouldn't of been hard for her to join up with one.

Maybe that's what this was about. If he looked deeper into the other victims, would they have triad connections? This could be the start of a major turf war and Asami Sato might just be a pawn. But what was her motive. Triads appealed to the greedy and the desperate. Sato seemed to be neither.

He made a mental note to look into it. The city did not need a turf war right now, not with Equalists gaining traction. A triad war consisting of all benders fighting in the streets would just be proving them right.

Not that they were entirely wrong as it was. But the rumours of their leader made him nervous. Anyone who claimed to be blessed by the spirits was cause for concern. Either he was lying, mad or right. With a large following, none of those options was good.

The car came to a stop outside the Sato manor and Lin turned to him, suddenly very serious.

"Look Mako," she said. "Be very careful with her. Sato is very smart and talked her own way out of cuffs more than once. Do not lower your guard around her. Let me do most of the talking. Follow my lead and gauge her reaction as best you can. If we're lucky, your being her will interest her enough to be a distraction."

Mako nodded. That was fine by him. He wasn't much of a talker anyway a fact his brother had used to make fun of him for. And in any case, Lin knew his abilities well. If she was warning her, she had good reason but she wouldn't have brought dead weight. There was good reason for him to be here.

The two officers left the car and walked quietly up the long path towards the manor. Inside Mako couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be very important meeting. He hated those feelings.

The Sato Estate was impressive to say the least. Twice Lin walked him past giant double doors and up stone steps, before they finally arrived at the manor itself. The one building looked bigger than his entire compartment complex put together. The white granite sparkled in the sun light forcing Mako to look across the wide woodland greenery that surrounded it from all sides. His grey uniform suddenly made him feel under dressed, though Lin did not seem to care. Her black metal armor stood out drastically against the white floor but she would probably prefer that he supposed.

After what seemed like at least a ten minute walk, they reached the front doors. In front of them stood the owner of the estate, Hiroshi Sato, who stood smiling, arms behind his back as he waited for them.

He looked slightly rounder than he did in the papers, though many rich businessmen tended to Mako had found and he was dressed in rich clothes that should have been much too hot to wear in this weather. However he seemed perfectly at ease as he welcomed them, his soft bright face showing no discomfort.

"Chief Beifong," he practically boomed reaching forward to shake Lins hand. "It has been far to long, how have you've been?"

"Well, Mr Sato," Lin answered. "Though busy."

"As always. Republic City can be a harsh taskmaster for a businessman, i can't imagine having to try and protect it what with all this talk of triads and Equalists," he grinned at Lin before turning to Mako, inquisitively. "Forgive me, but you have me at a disadvantage, yet you seem almost familiar. Have we met before? Perhaps Chief Beifong sent you in her place for the city events she hates so much."

He laughed and Mako smiled in response.

"No sir, we haven't met. I'm Detective Mako."

That seemed to trigger something in the man who smiled even more as he shook his hand.

"Mako, you wouldn't happen to be Mako of the former Fire Ferrets would you?"

His smile became slightly fixed.

"Yes sir."

Out of the corner of his eye, Lin smirked slightly. So that's why he was here. Thankfully Hiroshi didn't seem to notice either reaction.

"No need for the 'sirs' detective, we're all friends here," he said. "Asami used to love pro-bending when she was young. I think she may even have gone to a your games."

Doubtful he though. She would have been in the Fire Nation by the time Bolin was old enough. Before he could say, Lin began to talk.

"Speaking of your daughter, we were hoping to have a talk with her."

For the first time since meeting them, Hiroshi's smile faded.

"Whats this about?"

The inventors face suddenly looked very tired. It was a face Mako had come to recognized when talking to parents of troublesome kids. The resigned expression of someone used to the police arriving yet always disappointed when they did. Hope could be a crushing thing and Mako suddenly hoped that Lin was wrong. If Asami was involved in this, it was too big to cover up. Even for the Satos.

"Its not about anything specific," Lin lied. "I just want to talk to her, see how she has changed in the recent years. If she has."

"Of course, perhaps it will do her good," Hiroshi replied sighing. "She kept herself out of trouble in the Fire Nation, but now that's she back... It might be a good idea to reintroduce her to Republic Law."

"I'm glad you agree," Lin said. "May we come in."

"No need, I'll bring her down. Its too nice a day to sit inside."

Lin didn't seem to agree but made no argument, instead just nodding. Hiroshi gestured and a two well dressed servants came over to escort them. The two police offers followed, walking around the side of the house to a stone gazebo with a small table underneath. After they were seated the servants left, leaving them to overlook the gardens.


Lin nodded towards a lone figure standing tall and straight a short distance away. She was originally Water Tribe from the looks of her standing with a grace and poise as though waiting for them to notice her. Two ceramic jugs stood on either side of her, and the way the sun reflected off her, blurred her slightly, making her look like a painting Mako could never afford. She raised her arms pulling too strands of water from the jugs up with her.

And then she started to dance.

Mako had seen many people bend. The people on the streets would bend without form. Flailing and throwing elements without skill. The triads bent with aggression, harsh and cutting movements aiming to hurt and kill. Pro-bender bent at speed, precision shots designed to knocked back and overwhelm.

He had never seen anything like this. Her movements and the water were one, as though she was the moon, slowly pulling the tides around her. The water remained in two perfect spheres, unbroken and perfect as they orbited her.

Suddenly the pace began to quicken. Faster and faster. The water spheres spinning into ribbons that trailed around her. The water bender remained untouched by her element, in complete control and balance. She began to jump slightly and the ribbons moved with her, rising up and down like waves.

His mouth was open as he stared but he barely noticed, so enraptured by her movements. Even Lin looked slightly impressed and neither of them realised when a servant served them with glasses and a jug of iced fruit juice.

The streams of water split in half and now there eight ribbons all moving in different patterns and waves yet all in sync with their master.

And then it was over. The girl bowed to no one before allowing the water to fall back into the jugs, not a speck of water out of place.

"Beautiful isn't she," a soft silky voice said from behind her.

They both to find Asami Sato standing before them smiling softly.

"Hello Chief Beifong," she said as she took a seat. "I hear you wanted to talk to me."