Hi there guys! It's Georgia and Charlotte here and we're doing an Inside Out story because we can! Okay, a longer story is obviously needed so here it is. We wanted to watch it, but we didn't want to wait until the 26th so what we did was we streamed it online and found a link on Facebook to a fic and here we are! We'd like to make a shout out to theLonelystart, who obviously ships Fear and Disgust, Steveles, who proved that what seems like a weird idea can actually work and Leonard Burton is Dead, who has a pretty awesome profile pic! We also want ideas for any future chapters, and they would be greatly appreciated. Peace Out! TG101 :-D x
"Okay, who pressed the puberty button?"
Joy was woken up by Anger's yells, as was everyone else who wasn't asleep. Uh oh, this didn't sound good. Yawning as she took off her dressing gown and eye mask, she went to her cupboard, picked out her dress and put it on with a flourish, grinning as it floated about her body. She loved that!
Going down the stairs into Head Quarters, Joy noticed that Fear was more of a quivering wreck than usual, Anger was shouting, Sadness was still depressed about the book Riley had finished the day before about a teenager with cancer and Disgust was commenting about how much Riley drooled in her sleep.
"I'm telling you, Fear, she could fill a whole lake with the stuff!" she scoffed, gagging a little. "Oh, she's waking up!"
As they all went over to the controls, the first thing that was noticed was the time on the alarm clock next to her bed, which read seven am.
"First the puberty button, now this!" Anger fumed, reaching over to his control panel, only to be stopped by Joy.
"Hey, slow down there! If Riley is angry now, then who knows how it will affect the day?" she asked, pushing several buttons as Riley made her way to the bathroom.
"Morning, Mom," she mumbled, still half asleep. Shutting the door, she yawed loudly, before proceeding to make her way to the sink and mirror.
"Ew, what is that?" Disgust asked, noticing a large blemish on Riley's forehead. "That cannot be a pimple. That is so gross!" she shrieked, pressing the lever all the way to the top.
And with that, a green orb rolled down the tube and stored itself in the memory bank. "Riley's got a pimple...she'll be alone for ever!" Sadness sobbed, face planting the floor. "No one wants to be friends with us!"
"That's not true!" Joy comforted, rubbing Sadness' back. "We've got Morgan and Kayleigh and remember when we met Wallace? THAT was an awesome day!"
"Yeah, till it began thundering!" Fear shuddered, hiding under a chair.
Joy paused for a second. He did have a point there.
"Well, yeah, but what about the puddle ride afterwards?" she asked cheerfully, making everyone but Anger nod and mumble in agreement.
"She caught a cold and missed the field trip," Anger muttered, grabbing his newspaper from the table, which donned the headline 'Riley's Blemish Blunder'.
"And her Mom had to throw away the only decent shirt she owned," Disgust said, still at the control panel. "Since then, she hasn't been able to get more! Which totally sucks seeing as how Middle School is less than three months away and everyone knows that looking good is the most important part. By the way, we need to convince her Mom she's old enough to get her ears pierced otherwise our social status has flunked before it's begun!"
Everyone stared at Disgust unsurely. It was figured a long time ago that much like Anger, whenever she got into one of her long winded speeches, it was easier to let her get it over and done with. Most of the time, she had a legitimate point to say, even if it was self centered most of the time.
"Okay right,we need to deal with the pimple...how's about that spot stuff Mom got us the other day at the supermarket? It smells like peaches!" Joy sang, taking over the control panel from Disgust.
Ever since the upgrade was added a year ago, Joy admittedly had some problems working with the new controls but she got used to it as did everyone else did.
Rolling her eyes, Riley picked up the special soap, crinkling her nose in disgust. Surely she was too young for this to be happening! It seemed for her that puberty had hit with a vengeance, which included mood swings, food cravings and one memorable shopping trip for bras and sanitary items, because according to her mom 'You're becoming a woman now'.
Most of the emotions took all this in their stride, bar Fear, who was freaked out by the slowly growing lumps on her chest, which he thought could flatten her and everyone else whilst asleep.
As Riley finished in the bathroom, she made her way to the closest to pick out her clothes for today. It was the first day of summer and it was mid eighties, considerably hot for beginning of June.
"Move out of the way people! Best dressed coming through!" Disgust shouted, pushing the others out of the way, much to their protests. As Riley picked up a shirt with kittens on it, she couldn't help but gag a little.
"What do you want people to take you for? Three?"
Shaking her head, Riley put it back in the cupboard and found another shirt, this one being a blue shirt with long white sleeves adorned with the Captain America shield.
"No, I don't think so honey. Great for winter, but do you really want to be all gross and sweaty all day?" Disgust asked herself, pressing a glowing purple button to her right.
As she did this, Riley put the shirt back and instead opted for a green polo shirt, with dark blue denim shorts.
"That's more like it! And ooh! What about white converse? They always go well and.."
Joy rolled her eyes as Riley got ready for the day, muttering to herself as she did so.
They would always love their girl, even if she did screw up at times. As for the puberty button, they would get through it.