You guys. I read all of your reviews and I am so thankful to have you guys in my life. Writing all of my stories were so much fun, and what made it 100x better was that YOU GUYS were there to support me. YOU GUYS were there to laugh and cry with me. YOU GUYS are the ones I am forever grateful for. I love you guys so much, and I just can't express my gratitude for each and every single one of you. Thank you so MUCH.

While I've been gone, I've been writing new stories. I wrote two stories, actaully...and I've decided to post one of them, Half Blood Academy. The summary is posted on my profile, and it will be posted on my birthday, April 23rd. You guys have been giving me so much, so on my birthday, I'll be giving you guys a little something. It's different from the things I've written before. This has much more action, surprises, and it was just so fun to write. Any questions you have for me, you can just review and I'll answer it on my profile.

Thank you guys for EVERYTHING. I love you guys!

~Ms. Percabethswift