So like for all my stories I have been tossing this idea around in my head for a while and it combines two of my favourite things. MMORPGs and RWBY. Yeah I'm not even ashamed to say I play a lot of RPGs. Chances are if I'm not writing or working I'm playing an RPG. Big applause to my editor for this story... he is the same as my other ones. Nice man who hasn't attempted to kill me with a box of one dozen starving and crazed weasels. (*Has to go get rid of a box* -A)
Chapter 1: Welcome to Remnant
Ruby sat in front of her main computer waiting for her recent gaming fix. To be more exact it was to help some of the people in her guild out on a difficult quest for anyone who was short their tier three abilities. Plus the normal healer decided to leave the guild because of something about his boyfriend wanting more attention. Ruby scoffed at the thought of someone being able to pull her away. You don't earn the position of number one worldwide for nothing.
Ruby quickly started up her other computer to load some songs for the quest. Once it loaded she quickly went to YouTube. As soon as she saw the signature white and red the game loaded. She looked over to the other monitor and logged in.
"We would need a healer but I really hate passive roles. I could go necromancer. Out swarm the ads at the end of the dungeon. That could work. You know what. Fuck it. I'll just pack a few dozen more mass heal items." Ruby said to herself selecting her necromancer class. Easily her second favourite class. Her favourite one isn't one for the game.
"Welcome to Moonwater." A female voice said and Ruby just laughed at how bad the name of the game was. She always thought the name sounded sort of rushed but she doesn't particularly care. She did plan to leave the game soon and if the quest goes bad that point will be a whole lot faster. She barely got the chance to put her headset on and start her normal play list when she started to get messages.
"Let's see here, I'm not in the mood for some PVP right now. Aaaaaannnnnnddddd figures that is what almost all the messages are for." Ruby said and started the ritualistic mass delete that had become her norm once she signed in. "Oh wait here is one wanting me to send a picture of my tits... Fuck you rules of the internet." Ruby continued to delete the messages not even bothering to flag the one person's profile. That would just cause too much hassle. It is a lot easier to ignore requests like that.
After what felt like an eternity to her she got to the messages that was important to her at the moment. The messages pertaining to her guild. "Might as well start a group chat." Ruby said to herself clicking the 'invite guild' button. As she began to read the messages.
"Two wanting to go item hunting. Four want to go grinding. They can do that together. Blaze wants to join the with the quest party... it would be easier with him sponging the damage... we still need a pack mule." Ruby said to herself as she finishes going through the messages.
"Okay... those who want to go item hunting and grinding go together stay away from the bulky things get whoever you want except, Blaze and the six who need help for this quest they're with me. If we finish early we will join you." Ruby said into the microphone getting a slew of acknowledgements. She quickly sent out a party request to the people who caused her to sign in today. Not that she was going to ignore the game but she really needed to catch up on sleep. In the last week she only had ten hours sleep and that was extremely broken sleep.
"Right pack mule duty goes to Tempest, Blizzard and Inferno. I'll hold the mass heal potions. We are going into this with no healer of any description. Play smart and I swear if Panda goes balls to the wall I'm leaving everyone except Blaze. I have had very little sleep this week, so I have no tolerance to bullshit." Ruby said yawning into her hand.
"It's Pandemonium!" She heard shouted through the game. If Ruby didn't know the person on the other end was a fifteen year old boy she would have laughed until her sides hurt. The comical voice break took all meaning away from the shout.
"Yeah but to me you will always be Panda. Like how Blaze will always be Blaze instead of 'The Blazing Crimson.' I've known you two for too long. And if you weren't a berserk esc class I would laugh every time you charge in and get brutally murdered." Ruby said not in the mood to deal with the person on the other end. She wasn't much of a rude person but one person can only ruin so many strategies before they began to get on her nerves.
"Sooooo who are the sponges and who is back lines?" Ruby heard asked and started to violently smack her head against her desk a few times. If it wasn't from a new person who she knew was new to playing RPGs.
"The sponges are Blaze and Panda. Excluding the pack mules who know what to do and how to do it the rest are back lines. I'll be moving in between them groups. At the end of this dungeon after we get the quest items and put them together, there will be a swarm of elementals. I will try to out swarm them but I'll need a few seconds to get the spells off. They hit hard. If you aren't a sponge avoid them at all costs. The will make you hurt and could kill most in one hit. Your jobs are simple when the elementals come and I'm casting heal the sponges." Ruby explained her strategy putting it in simple terms.
The quest was somewhat boringly for Ruby. This was the third time she has done this quest. She still was able to keep her mana towards the full level. She had to use a small portion to divert some attention from the two low level members. She really shouldn't have had to but would much rather deal with the lower mana then deal with her future pack mules being angry before they get a chance to prove they are worth it. The final part she was able to swarm the room. It worked out three high level zombies for every medium level elemental.
When they arrived at the guild hall she decided to make the announcement. She quickly added all guild members into the party. She needed to let everyone know and this was the easiest way. Plus this way everyone knows and she can then go to sleep. Sleep did sound good. A cup of hot chocolate would also help. Before she told them all why they got added to a mass team speak she looked at the clock to see if it was too late... or early for it. Ruby quickly lost track of time when she got in the zone when she started to play a game.
3:00 am was all the clock read. 'I started playing this at nine at night... I never realised how long that quest was. In fairness it would have gone faster if we still had 'White Death'. I never did figure out the joke to his name, even though he was a healer.' Ruby thought as she started to flex her fingers. She could feel the joints starting to seize up. She was happy that they all got the hint that Ruby wanted to say something. The entire guild fell deathly silent, waiting for their leader to speak her mind.
"Before I tell you all the point of me getting you all in the party. I want to make this perfectly clear. My reasons have nothing to do with any of you." Ruby started. The feeling of sleep lose was becoming great but once she said what she wanted to she could sleep for a few hours. Then she would need to deal with her house mate.
"I'm leaving Moonwater. I got bored with it. So by extension I'm stepping down as guild master and placing the next person who has been with the guild since I formed it. Which for those of you that don't know... say hello to your new guild master 'The Blazing Crimson'." Ruby said and heard nothing but gasps coming through her headset. The only voice that pierced through the gasps was the new guild master.
"I've played a few games with you Red. I know the drill at this point. Do you want me to kick you or do you want to leave?" Blaze asked causing more gasps of shock. Only a handful of people knew what it meant when Ruby left a game. She wasn't returning to it short of a huge challenge appearing. Unfortunately due to her near super human reflexes all challenges were quickly dispatched and it went back to boring for her.
"You should know by now then Blaze. Kick me from the guild. I'll send you a message on Skype later as to what you are meant to do if you decide to follow me again." Ruby spoke softly. All members of the guild was silent in a state of pure shock. Most have never seen this happen. The have seen people get kick from the guild when Ruby thought they have done nothing but hinder other people playing the game or using the name of the guild to strike fear into new people.
"It is a pleasure playing with you again Red. If you ever want to come back we will gladly let you back." Blaze said as Ruby dissolved the team speak she was sent a message saying she was removed from the guild and transported outside the guild hall. Ruby let a smile grace her lips as she signed out of her account for the final time for the foreseeable future. It was always fun to watch the game close when she left a game for a final time. It felt her with a slight sense of accomplishment. After all a few times the game designers have created mass expansions just to get her to play it again.
As soon as the game closed she turned both computers off and started to stretch. She put her headset down and got up from her computer desk walking to her bed falling face first into the comfortable confines. All the sleep she accidentally deprived herself of caught up as she fell into the warm and enjoyable confines of sleep.
Weiss walked into the house she shared with Ruby several hours later. Weiss had been working for nearly forty eight hours straight. She worked in the public relations of her family's company and after a huge fire and a mine collapse she was worn out. She may say company but that would be using the term lightly seeing as the list of what they didn't do was shorter then what they did do. She just happened to be the public face after her father, it was taxing to say the least.
As she stepped through the door she was overjoyed when she didn't smell freshly brewed coffee. It was seven in the morning and she also wouldn't put it past Ruby to have simple forgotten the time, after all it wouldn't have been the first time this week alone. The lack of coffee meant that either she was doing something or she finally went to sleep. Weiss could never understand why Ruby would deprive herself of sleep. She also never understood the point of playing useless videogames. All it ever did for her was allowed her to solve puzzles faster than Weiss could. Plus her accursed reflexes which have caused some uproar with Weiss.
Weiss closed the front door and trudged upstairs. She was ready to sleep for no less than ten hours. It was the least she could do for herself. She saw Ruby's door open so she quickly stuck her head inside to look to see if Ruby finally got some sleep. She was overjoyed slightly to see Ruby asleep but sad to see only Ruby's left foot on the bed the rest of her was on the floor.
"Dolt get up and actually get into your bed." Weiss yelled softly, throwing a nearby pillow at Ruby. Ruby just groaned and used the pillow and pulled her foot from the bed. Weiss sighed loudly. She was far too tired to actually deal with Ruby so she decided to go to sleep. If Ruby was still asleep when she woke up then she would deal with her. Weiss walked into her room and fell face first on her bed.
Weiss moved her head to the digital clock on her night stand and stared at it trying to will the time to go faster until she let sleep take over. She wasn't fighting it she just knew if she fell asleep now she would be awoken by Ruby screaming. She had been having some trouble staying asleep recently. Ruby did refuse to talk about it but Weiss knew something was up. Her 'brutish' sister said when Weiss talked to her last that the last time Ruby had broken sleep since their mom died. That made Weiss worry, when she asked Ruby out she did get shot down but she still cared about her.
Weiss scarcely noticed her eyes closing and sleep overtaking her until she heard the house phone going off. Being slightly rejuvenated she got up and walked quickly to answer the accursed object fearing it would be another 'accident' in the company she would need to get fixed.
"Hello?" Weiss answered just in case she was wrong and it wasn't her assistant. However if it was her assistant he would be violently yelled at. He knew Weiss was going to be taking a few days off and wasn't meant to be disturbed. If he wasn't such a good one he would have been fired long ago for instances where she said not to call and he did.
"Hello, am I talking with a Miss Ruby Rose?" a strong male voice over the other end spoke to her but Weiss was over joyed it wasn't for her. Slightly angry that someone wanted her to wake Ruby up after her just falling to sleep. Weiss looked over to a nearby wall clock and frowned. The clock read it was one in the afternoon. Normally Weiss never did sleep that late.
"No, sorry I'm her roommate, mind if I ask the reason for your call." Weiss said wanting to know the exact reason as to why Ruby was needed before she debated the need to go and awaken the sleeping person up stairs. She was standing at the base of the stairs waiting for the man's choice of words. He could either have a nice pleasant conversation with Weiss until she woke Ruby up. Or he can get an angry Weiss to chew him out while she grew more and more furious.
"Judging by the way you speak I can make an educated guess as to you work in a public relations section of a company, so I'll be quick. My name is Argent Graur, I work for a company called SAGA. I'm here to offer Miss Rose a chance for something I believe will be in her field of expertise. I want her to play a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. We are planning a worldwide tournament in half a years' time, the prize will be ten million. I assume she is busy so I'll give you the information and you can get it to her when you can." The newly identified man known as Argent said letting Weiss breathe a sigh of relief she wouldn't need to wake Ruby up.
"Okay, I'll relay your message." Weiss said as she pulled a pen out and began to write it down all the information. She wasn't pleased that she had to relay a message but it was better than waking Ruby up. After they quickly said the final pleasantries she tore the page out of the notebook by the phone and walked up the stairs.
She put her head into Ruby's room to be greeted with Ruby sitting at her computer desk with both computers open and her short hair tied back. "Who was that? Are you going to go into your room and yell because you want to fire your assistant but he is too skilled?" Ruby asked turning off the main monitor and turning around in her seat. Weiss deserved her undivided attention.
"Actually it was a call for you. Only reason I didn't give you the phone is because you needed sleep." Weiss said passing the note over to Ruby who quickly scanned the note and put it down on her desk. Ruby pulled her feet up onto the chair and gave Weiss a contemplative look. "So is it really that difficult of a decision for you?" Weiss asked as she stepped closer to Ruby.
"It would just become another boring game after a few months once I reach the top of the leader boards. Plus I already make a lot of money from sponsors." Ruby said placing her head on the desk and began to make mumbles as she began to ponder the pros and cons of accepting. "Tell you what Weiss you start playing this with me and we can get the old gang back to play and obviously they want me to play badly because of this call. It could be the fact as soon as I start playing the traffic will jump." Ruby said as she began to spin in her chair, she made the decision that she was going to play but if she could get everyone to play and catch up she would gladly play for the tournament. If not she would just play until she got bored.
"If it means that you will continue and not stop playing then go into yet another sleep deprivation session, I'll play every once in a while." Weiss commented and smiled lightly as Ruby perked up. "If you can manage to convince everyone I may play more but I hope you know my skills in videogames are lacking." Weiss commented and failed to catch herself as Ruby jumped into her, giving her a hug.
"I'll call them all and convince them. Then I suppose I'll call this Grey guy as well." Ruby commented standing up and stretching and cracking all her joints. Each pop made Weiss cringe, she loathed the sound of bones cracking like that.
"His name is Argent Graur. If you are going to call him address him correctly. No nicknames no mispronunciations, act correctly and mannerly." Weiss said picking herself up so she can go and get her day started fully. Even if the day was half over she still wanted to be considered a semi-productive member of society. Especially because she is now going to be losing some of her already sparse time. Even if Ruby said she didn't feel the same feelings back to Weiss she still enjoys spending time with Ruby.
Ruby quickly ran down the stairs to grab the phone and dialled the number given to Weiss. As it rang Ruby began to walk into the kitchen to begin to make coffee. Ruby got nine hours of sleep but wasn't enough to catch up on the one hundred and sixty eight hours without sleep. Just as she poured water into the machine and turned it on she heard a feminine voice.
"Hello, you have called the office of Argent Graur. How may I direct your call?" The voice said and already started to grate on Ruby's nerves.
"I'm returning the call he made to me a few minutes ago. My name is Ruby Rose." Ruby said as she began to try and place where she knew the voice from and it was starting to anger her she couldn't place it. She could have sworn she knew heard it recently. Then it clicked. "Blizzard is that you?" Ruby asked and heard the person almost gag on whatever they were doing.
"How do you know that name?" The voice that was mundane became shrill. Almost like it was taboo to mention it. "That isn't anyway to talk to your ex-guild leader." Ruby said laughing she would have loved to see the persons face once Ruby reviled it.
"Little Red?" She asked and Ruby just said a simple 'Yup' popping the 'p'. "I'll put you through to the Mr. Graur." She said and Ruby was put on hold as she poured coffee for herself. She always surprised Weiss when she started to take her coffee black, compared to the old cream and five sugars from when they were in college.
"Hello Miss Rose? I wasn't expecting to hear from you this soon." He sounded like a deeper version of Weiss when she is doing business and it was laughable to Ruby. She began to wonder if it was just a part that you had to adopt when you became a business person.
"Sorry I was uninstalling my last game craze. I'm interested but I'll need eight copies of the game for some friends, and if you can tell me any information on the tournament that would be great." Ruby said as she began to drink her coffee. She never liked asking for multiple copies but she really wanted a reason to stay in the game.
"I can arrange that. As for the tournament it will be a guild versus guild standard elimination. Final nine guilds will be put against the game creators in a standard game competition rules. Ten total teams go in one come out the victor." he spoke and Ruby could just picture him leaning back putting his feet on the desk and it made Ruby far more interested.
"Well I hope you don't mind giving away the money because the guild I'll create will take that. Ask your assistant about Moonwater and Little Red." Ruby joked as well as issuing a challenge to him one neither seemed wanting to back out on. "I shall, and I will be sorely saddened if you fall short Miss Rose." He said and hung up after saying there good byes.
Author's Note:
As you can tell I play a lot of games, my main joy is RPG's and I also love playing with other people, so if you are playing an MMO and I have an account on that particular one I'll gladly play a while with you. If I don't have an account I'll sadly have to decline.