Sorry this is so short... I was just in th mood for a cute little drabble. If you have any story/oneshot ideas, please let me know in the reviews! Thanks as always x
"Erik I don't believe you could play that thing any louder", Christine grumbled from her spot on the small sofa in their music room. He had had her sit there for "inspiration", but by now he was completely lost in his music and didn't even acknowledge Christine's presence.
Maybe if she quietly left he wouldn't... "Christine. Don't leave." He didn't even have to glance over his shoulder to know that his wife was trying to escape.
"But I'm hungry and tired! And I think I'm getting a headache. You aren't even paying attention to me!" Christine whined like a child... funny enough it was their child that was making her whine.
Erik chuckled, pushing back from the bench, a muffled scrape sounding through the fairly large room. She always seemed to be tired and hungry these days. He approached his growing wife, lightly pecking her on the cheek.
"I can't even embrace you properly! Erik I haven't kissed you properly for weeks", she moaned again, much to Erik's amusement. He tended to agree with her on that last bit. And it wasn't just kissing he missed either.
He awkwardly tuned his head to kiss her on the lips, standing a distance away. Pressing a light hand to her grown belly, he murmured softly to her, "It will be anytime now, my dear".
"I'm scared", she murmured.
"Don't worry. It will be alright".
A week later, a small baby girl lay cradled in Christine's arms. Celeste had just finished feeding, and was now settled comfortably, deep in sleep. Erik sat next her, a protective arm around the both of them. He had certainly been skeptical at first, but when he first saw his daughter in the arms of his wife... the feeling was indescribable.