By Tsuki1 aka Moonie1
Disclaimer: I don't own it-so don't sue me…thankyou and have a nice day^.^ Notes: Thanks to Jen for putting up with my endless nagging and editing this for me. Thanks to Andi who beta's this for me (also was a victim of endless nagging by me…eh heh *sweat drop* sorry) And thankyou to you…yes you-the one with the hair-you know who you are! Thankyou for reading this! ^.~ ON with the story!
Endymion, Prince of Earth sighed dejectedly. Crossing his expansive bed chamber and
pausing by his window, he stared out of it, expression flat and unreadable. Last night, he
had become engaged to Lady Beryl; a beautiful woman-no doubt about that, though that was
all she was. Her looks and the fact she was of high class were where the match ended.
He ran his hand through his slightly ruffled ebony locks. His parents, of course, were thrilled
about the whole thing. Finally, he would be married and have an heir; all hopefully before it
was his time to take the throne. What his parents didn't know was that Lady Beryl had
another reputation, that of being a frequent bed partner to many, if not all, the young
noblemen in court.
Endymion was the ultimate catch for her; not only was he powerful, but he was also
extremelyhandsome. Any woman who had the chance to meet him was bound to dream of
the prince the same night, if not many for weeks to come.
Endymion really didn't care about Beryl's reputation; he didn't love her and expected the
same in return from her. He'd had his fair share of women—Lady Beryl seemed to be the
perfect match for him considering both society and reputation. However, all that mattered to
the prince about the marriage was that it would make his kingdom secure and his family
happy- especially his mother and younger sister.
His duty and loyalty to the kingdom would not come into question. He would make sure of
Two emotionless deep pools of sapphire blue stared accross the vast rolling green hills and
fields of his future kingdom. 'Yes, that is all that matters' he thought solemnly to himself.
Turning from his melancholy thoughts, Endymion gingerly picked up his bow and checked
the tightness of the string. Next to swordsmanship, archery was his favourite pastime. He
had perfected his skill and become one of the best archers in the land.
Smiling to himself, he remembered the days when he used to practice by aiming at apples
perched on the top of his friend's heads.
'The good old days' he thought to himself. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a polite
knock at the door.
"Come in." Endymion responded automatically, his voice commanding. The young servant
boy who entered bowed respectfully to the Prince.
"Her Majesty wants to know if you're ready, Your Highness."
The Prince pulled out the string of the bow then let it go with a satisfying 'twang;' he smiled.
Today was the annual archery contest, and he was positive that yet again he would win.
Then again, maybe there would be someone that could give him a challenge.
"Tell her I'll be right down."
The messenger bowed again before leaving the room.
Endymion picked up his arrows, slung his bow over his shoulder, and walked out
confidently to meet his parents.
Please feel free to review-love to know peoples opinions^.^