Title: Blood Revelation

Author: Sane. Allen

Rated: T

Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Romance

Summary: Nastu was kidnapped by a dark guild few days after Erza was declared to be the 7th guild master of Fairy tail. Three weeks after Natsu got kidnapped, Zeref, who heard what happen to Natsu, pass by a castle where he heard Natsu screams. The dark mage saved him, but the fairy tail mages arrive when he healed Nastu and both of the revealed something that the other mages never accepted for few years.

Pairing: Eventually Gray x Natsu

Warnings: Bad Grammars, OOC, Angst scene, Mention of rapes, torture, brother complex, temporary female Natsu, gore and .

Disclaimer: I do not own fairytail characters nor the places

A/N: Okay... this is my first time to write a fairy tail fanfic, and this is an AU. The plot of this story suddenly appeared in my mind after reading the fairy tail manga, volume 38, chapter 436, page 16, title memoirs... okay I spoiled you on this story, and I would like to thank and dedicate this story to Kent Justine Canalija who help me on plotting and giving me the idea for the title. By the way guys this story had an opening song, the opening song is like a music video so just imagine this... thanks guys! Kent Justine Canalija also had an wattpad account which he use to upload this story on wattpad... Redhaired_kid is his username



"Brother complex mode, angry"

(Actions while sinnging/ actions while playing song/ scene change)


Please enjoy the story!

Opening Song: V.I.P from Magi

akogare o ima tsukanda

(Natsu, who was facing to the right and face down, slowly looks up and look in front and gives a sad smile.)

daikansei no namari ni kokochiyoku utareta nara

(Zeref, who was facing to the left, face down as well, looks up although albeit faster and gives us a sad look)

(Gray, who was standing in the middle, face down, looks up and raise both of his hands, his fist hand to the other and began to use his magic)

saa tobikomou

(Then Gray release it, viewing this words

"Blood Revelation

ケツ ち

コク つ.げる")

ashita kara umarekawaru to ka dareka ga mikiritsuketa to ka kono machi no sutairu to ka

(Sakura petals began to fall from their tree. Zeref, who's back is facing us, walks few meters away before stopping and look behind him and watch the petals flew before reaching his hand out and caught some sakura petals before blowing it and looks up.)

sonna mono ni nagasaretsuzukete kado no toreta genseki ni wa kitto daremo you wa nai

(Nastu, who was laying down at the grass under the shade of tree, watch the petals flew over him before reaching out and caught one of the petals, and inhaled deeply when the breeze pass him and he lets go of the petals his holding)

fushigi to tobira no mukou ni wa V.I.P nanoru yatsu wa naku daremo ga kunou no hate sa

(Gray, who was climbing at a plain grass mountain, stops and look down where he saw the town below him and looks up and watches the petals flew, before reaching out and took some petals before pocketing it, he smiled and then he continue to walk)

akogare o ima tsukanda mi o yudanereba ii kaji wa kono te ni

(Zeref, who's face was near the view before it began to move away and showed as his whole body, open his closed eyes as the view moves away from him, and held up his fisted hand before opening it and releasing some black mist)

mittsu kazoete the show time

(Natsu jump in front of Zeref smiling and blow some fire towards the black mist, which made the mist to burst into flame before it disappeared, showing Natsu and Zeref standing back to back smiling and their hands intertwined.)

daikansei no namari ni kokochiyoku utareta nara saa tobikomou

(Gray appeared in front of them and began to make some arrows with his magic and shoots it at us, followed by Erza who was wearing her Heaven's wheeled armor and her swords circling around before firing at us and lastly Lucy who summoned her celestial spirits.)

("Blood Revelation

ケツ ち

コク つ.げる")

(Blood Revelation: Bloody Prologue)

(Half an hour before midnight)

Natsu whistled happily, walking at the peaceful streets of magnolia. Three days had pass since the declaration of Erza being the 7th guild master of fairy tail and a week since the fairy tail are together once again.

"What should I do when I arrive back home?" He thought out loud, humming. It was nearing midnight and both him and Happy still didn't have their dinner, which is unusual for the both of them but hey, if you have your family together once again you'll forget things.

"I'm sure Happy would want raw fish, but it's so dark to fish or dive into the water, but I can use my fire to brighten the water..." He stop before looking at the direction where the fairy tail guild stands.

"Speaking of Happy, he's sure is enjoying talking to Carla.. Well, it's decided! I'll go fishing or more likely diving into the pond and cook dinner or midnight snack... whatever... before Happy arrives home." With that said, Natsu went to the outskirts of Magnolia and proceeded to the pond few meters away from their home. Reaching a hand out Natsu began to form a small fire in his palm before it flew towards the middle of the water where it stayed, one feet away from touching the water. Nastu smiled before diving into the water and began to swam into it, looking from left to right, the dragon slayer smiled when he saw two fishes swimming below him, and thanks to his fire above him he can see it a lot more clearly.

Now that he had found his target, Natsu swam a little deeper and immediately grab the fishes tail before it could disappear from his vision. Once he grab the tails he began to spin under the water and throw the fishes after a few spins, and then immediately swam back up and take a few deep breath when he resurfaced and he look at the shore, just in time to see the fishes fall down. Grinning widely, Natsu fist pumped before swimming towards his catch, his fire disappearing.

"Hah... hah... hah..." Natsu panted, before sitting to the ground and then his flames began to surround him , drying his clothes with it. Few seconds later he stands up, completely dry, turning around and lift both fishes by the tail and carry it like a sack of potatoes and headed back home.

Natsu opened the door of his home and took few steps forwards before stopping and sniffed. He frown and sniffed again, then his eyes narrowed.

"The house smells different..." he mumbled before sniffing again before growling. "The smell of blood and black magic are in my house!" he snarled before turning around and saw a man clad with a cloak, making it difficult for Natsu to see the face except from the mouth which is grinning like crazy, standing just outside of his open front door.

"Who are you?! You reek of blood and black magic..." Natsu snarled before throwing his catch the side, hitting the wall before it landed to the floor with a thump. "What are you doing here in my house and what do you want from me?!" Natsu growled, the man chuckled before laughing maniacally, before he stop and lick his lips.

"Sugoi! Even though we did our very best to hide our scent you still manage to smell us! What more can you do, Salamander, Natsu Dragneel, prince of the flames dragons, son of Igneel the dragon king!?" The man grinned widely, Natsu's eyes narrowed before it widen once he registered everything the man said.

'He said our scent!' he panickly before turning his head around, all too late. Before he could move an inch to look behind him, he got hit at the back of his head. Natsu heard a 'crack' sound and knew that he had a broken skull. Dark spots began to appear in his vision and the last thing he saw was the man he was talking to and a bulky figure walking beside the said man both grinning widely before everything went black.


The two dark mages watch as blood began to seep out from Natsu's head, while lying on his stomach, his head points at the door, both hands at the side of his head.

"That was easy." The bulky figure, who hits Natsu, said before throwing the bloody bat to the floor which landed near the door with a thump.

"Yes, easy because I distracted him, I figured he would only focus to people who reeks a lot of black magic, because he knows they're more powerful. Foolish boy, but if we didn't do it, we would have a hard time capturing him. Natsu Dragneel is isn't a person that will let himself be captured so easily." The other man said, before turning around and walks towards the door, while the other lifts Natsu and carries him like a sack of potatoes, before walking towards the door where the former is standing at waiting for the other. Neither of them notices the scarf that Natsu's wearing is slowly slipping from the dragon slayer's neck.

"Let's go back to the guild." The first man said, while the bulky man merely grin before they began to chant. Magic circle began to appear below them and within a flash of light that appeared below them... they disappeared... leaving nothing but a puddle of blood, drops of blood from the puddle of blood to the door step, a bloody bat, the fishes that Natsu caught and the most precious thing in Natsu's life... his scarf...

(The next day)

Gray, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Carla and a sleeping Happy, carried by Wendy,, went to Natsu's house the next day, worried when the said mage didn't returned to the guild for breakfast nor to take Happy back home after midnight earlier that day. Few meters away from the fire dragon slayer, Happy began to stir and woke up before sniffing the area, the same goes to Carla and Wendy.

"Ara," Wendy started, the others stop and look at her.

"What is it, Wendy?" Erza asks, the blue haired mage look at her with a worried expression.

"I smell blood..." She started but was cut off by Happy, who flew away from them and towards his house.

"NATSU!" he cried, they look at each other, puzzled before running after the blue cat. The moment they saw the house, they began to speed up a bit and saw Happy standing in front the open door, frozen solid.

"Happy!" Gray shouted worriedly, the said cat slowly went inside the moment they all stop behind him, it only took one look... one look for them to freeze and their blood to run cold. All of them, including Gray, were shaking, their eyes wide as they took in the scene in front of them... The dried puddle and droplets of blood that Wendy and Carla smelled, two dead fishes, a bloody bat near them and the scarf of the one and only Natsu Dragneel.

"Natsu..." Gray whispered before gritting his teeth and began to look around the house shouting.

"Where are you flame brain?! Come out this instance! This isn't funny you BAKA!" He then stop and look in front of him when Happy began to wail.

"Noooooo! Natsu!"

"That's Natsu-san's blood..." Wendy trailed off before fainting, making Carla, who was standing beside her, to catch her body before it hit the floor.


"You've got to be kidding me... the guild are finally together... why... why did this happen?! Your not the person who would let someone to hurt you! NATSU!" Lucy shouted. Erza, who is standing beside her, punch the wall within her reach, some of her loose red hair fell down and covers her right eye, while the other revealed pain, anger and death.

Gray, who is standing beside the door, look at the floor his own hair covers his face, hiding his emotions. And then he began to walk forward and gently lift happy and grabs Natsu's scarf before wrapping it around the wailing cat's neck.

"Stop crying Happy..." He gently said.

"Gray..." Happy whimpered, Gray began to cradle and shush him.

"Don't cry... I'll bring Natsu back, like how he brought us back, all of us will try, even if it's the last thing I do." He said, smiling sadly before looking at their master, wit determination on his face.

"We will, won't we Master Erza?" he asks, Erza smirk and had a dark expression on her face, Lucy, Carla and Happy look at her.

"Of course we will... Like Lucy said, Natsu brought the fairy tail back together... then we'll bring him back in return."

"Please do so... Erza..." A new yet familiar voice said, they all look behind Erza and then their eyes widen.

"Gildarts!" They shouted, said man smiled, but it wasn't the same smile he wore when Natsu's around.

"What are you doing here, Gildarts?" Gray asks, the former look at him before looking over his shoulder then at Happy, who flew towards him when their eyes met one another, Gildarts then cradle Happy, Gray look at them before lifting Wendy up, piggy backing her.

"What are you doing here, Gildarts?" Gray asks, once Wendy is secured in his back, again when the 5th master of fairytail didn't answer, while the other merely look at the older man.

"I was planning to surprise Natsu first, and tell him that I'll be staying at the guild permanently and do my job as the 5th master. But when I heard Happy crying and Lucy shouting, I immediately knew something was wrong, and I was right." Gildarts explain, glaring at the bat before looking at Erza.

"Erza can you give me the position of the guild master while you lead the search party?" He asks, Erza smirk and nods.

"I'm more than okay with that." She agreed, then turns around and look at her team.

"Let's go back to the guild and tell them what happen," they agreed and run away from the house to tell the other about what happen, while Gildarts stayed there for a few seconds glaring at the bat before picking it up.

"Nat...su..." Happy whimpered, making the older man to look down and saw Happy crying while sleeping. He shushed Happy before following the others.

"I'll never forgive you... whoever or whatever you are... We will never forgive you for taking our light, sun and happiness away... for taking Natsu away from us..." He grolwed darkly, promising death to whoever took Natsu away.

(Somewhere Far away from Magnolia)

A man clad in a black cloak stop walking at the forest, which are rumored to have a lot of monster, before turning around and few tears slip down from his eyes which is covered by the shadow of his hooded cloak, only viewing the mouth and nose.



Well, what do you guys think? Should I continue? Reviews are very much appreciated.