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Track 10: My Boy Builds Coffins
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There is a funeral.
There is one funeral.
One funeral to remember the hundreds that passed away. Their individuality gone already and the fallen became just that─ the fallen. Not someone's child, not someone's sibling, not someone's friend, not someone's lover─ just a fallen warrior with no favorite color, no pathetic allergy, no odd scars and no annoying quirks. They didn't seem human anymore.
Naruto clenches and unclenches his fist, teeth gritting together to keep that growl in. The anger is misdirected but there is nothing to do about it.
"…always live in our hearts."
Naruto is the first one to dart away when the pastor finishes his speech. His pace is fast but not hurried. He nods at villagers in the passing, shares soft sad smiles with some. He will come back soon and trade more false comfort. Offer his condolence to all the families and whisper how brave the fallen were, how they're selfless and brave, he will come back and speak like he knew each of the martyrs when he didn't. But before all that he needs space, silence and solitude and a moment to mourn.
He didn't expect anyone to be by the forest but there is.
Hinata Hyuuga is sitting by the tree, her knees folded to her chest and her chin resting upon them. Looks like the heiress needed some space too. Naruto considers leaving and finding another spot but he's too late. Hinata's suddenly alert eyes dart to him.
She stiffens at first but relaxes soon after. She lifts her face and offers him a tired smile, "Naruto-kun." She calls in greeting. "Needed to get away?"
"Yeah…" Naruto's voice is just as tired as Hinata's, "You, too?" She hums in confirmation. "Should I …go? I can find another place if you want to be alone…"
"No, it's fine." She says before settling her chin on her knees again. "Come sit."
Naruto does.
The silence that follows is not one of comfort but of sadness and melancholy, guilt and regret, oh so many regrets. Naruto thinks about hollow eyes and last words, he thinks about the tears shed and the war and the blood. He wonders if thing will ever be like before. He tips his upwards and stares at the sky. Naruto feels the grass under his fingers, the bark of the tree in his back, the wind in his face, the sweat trickling down his neck and appreciates it all.
Hinata offers no comfort when tears start roll down his cheeks and in return, Naruto keeps silent when her soft sobs fills the air.