A First Day of Fright

Mike brought his courageousness and his car to what seemed to him, a newfangled atmosphere. He was standing by his far-from-clean vehicle, awaiting the newcomer's arrival. Mike had a long look at the clean aesthetics of the pizzeria and compared this location to that of the one he was used to. We must bear in mind, that Mike is a new guest in this particular restaurant as well. Though he has a much clearer sense, than Jeremy of what is behind those doors, it would be instant death to only make a guess of what he is about to encounter; killer robots are a big enough surprise.

A young man in a similar, but different security outfit had walked nearer to the place; Mike could tell it was him, and that he doesn't have any clue about the contract he had just signed a few days ago to pass over to the devil… a reminder of when he started working for this screwed up company….. Damn it.

"You're the new guy? I have to help you… at least for this week…..", Michael stated as Jeremy walked in a slow approach.

"Yes, I'm starting today. I plan on doing my very best… promise I won't fall asleep. I-I'm Jeremy.", Jeremy held out his hand.

…. The only thing Mike could do was look in absolute bewilderment at Jeremy's wee knowledge of this killer job. He longed for the advice he should have gotten when he became a member of this foul franchise. "What the fuck, you need to get the hell out of here. If you stay, your life will be at stake.", was all that he wanted to say.

"You thought this job would be an appealing start to your career life…. Don't tell me you're going to stay here… promise? After this shift, you're leaving, and never coming back.", care was engraved into Mike's voice before he let out a sigh.

Jeremy thought about all of these strange conversations and encounters with the people here….. It began to piss him off. "Just let me try the job, I've made up my mind on the day I first had a look at the office!", Jeremy snapped. Michael moved his hat to cover his eyes, then he brought the keys into the door…

~Earlier That Day…~

"Soooo~ you're still working tonight, huhhhh?~",

the Purple Guy said to Phone Guy with such a perverted make of sound , as he began to the door with ambitions of working his day shift, or so it seemed as this man is absolutely unpredictable.

"Ummmm-yes. Yes I am.", the Phone Guy answered. He had illuminated to Vincent a new expression of interest, just what the hell was this depraved prick working at?

"Well, my love… I want you to put yourself to a challenge…", the Purple Guy paused and went towards the pile of toys they still require a box for holding. He made his way to Scott who was upon the bed and kissed him roughly; one can't resist that shiny and aesthetically pleasing cock-kisser.

The man in purple placed a set of not-so-small anal beads into the Phone Guy's palm, "He, you can wear these tonight, darling.", he said looking into Cawthon's mentoring and intelligent eyes.

Massaging his lover's arms, Cawthon-Senpai opened for discussion,

"Why, though? Why do you wish your mentor and lover to be a pervert in my profession?"

"Because you haven't done it yet. You're more intelligent than any majority, but still, you have not indulged yet. It's a time for you to have fun, for you to break a few rules.",

the Purple Man preached, and kissed the Phone Guy once again. Not much time had passed before Scott brought the Purple Guy from their connection…. but this was only so that he could present an answer molded by his sexual yearning and desire to please the purple king.

"... I accept.", was what he had said.

After a brief time of the Purple Guy's departure, the Phone Guy stared into the glass of his computer with a cup of coffee in hand; like a good slut, he had kept his word. He imagined himself on the distressing duties of his work with these uncomfortably huge beads-it was hard because the key was not to move much. As he finished making an educated guess for a new method to overcome the holding of his beads, he sighed as he let the coffee onto the table and walked into the portal.

The tides of time were fitting to his wish of moving towards weeks ahead, as the FNAF ruler traversed the current and eventually into the office room seat. He picked up the phone upon checking the cameras two minutes to twelve; it was that time to hide, and to seek.

"Hello? Hello hello?",

the all-too familiar voice swept itself in between Mikey's ears. Jeremy held the phone to his ears with a courage that is sure to be damned.

"We're here.", Mike stated. He was more interested in the mask, unsure of its' purpose he held it in his hand as he listened to the strange music that seemingly has no source.

"Yes, goodnight. I'm ready for duty!", Jeremy slipped from his lips all proud and presentable.

"Very good, very good. Make sure you keep that spirit throughout the week. Now, turn the camera on."

Listening to the Phone Guy with a knowledgeable ease, Mike took hold of the tablet and turned on his ticket to the scary spectacle. He asked ever so impatiently,

"Now why do we need the masks?"

"I'll get to that. Right now…..", the Phone Guy trailed off… then he squealed. "Wha-what's wrong?", Mike asked, it would be terrible to have a voice of some reason dissipated.

"No, i-it's fine. Phew! Okay, so, first off…. Uhhh-look at the top left. That's your battery, DON'T let it run out… The power would go out, and you won't be able to check on…. Everyone.", the Phone Guy began.

"But…. No one's here…..", Jeremy held the innocence to his words.

"Jeremy, the robots. The robots will wander, keep your eyes peeled for when they get into your office.",

the Phone Guy spilled the idea of the actual job. As Jeremy's eyes went wide about the search for robots, Michael voiced with worry,

"What the hell? If they get in our office-"

"If they get in your office, the mask. Put the mask on for your protection.", the dire important instruction was on hold…..

Mike saw that Toy Bonnie is gone. "Ooohhh fuck!", Mike yelled. Cawthon-Senpai informed quick, "Check the vents, put on the mask if you see any of their faces."

Jeremy slapped the light on the vent to the right, he shrieked. Mike put on his mask so fast that as Jeremy made the struggle of putting on his own mask, he just grabbed Jeremy's shaky self and pulled the young lad close to his chest.

A look of "Piss off!" was in Michael's eyes, and Bonnie left the room after trying to scan the security guards and enable himself as hostile.

"... Is he gone?", Jeremy asked shakily.

"Yes, now. Get the hell off me.", Mike made a smile of annoyance as he peeled Jeremy off.

Jeremy kept a long face, but Mike….

Mike spent a second to see Jeremy begin to choke with tears and he snapped, "Hey, get it together! I can't do this myself!" Michael handed Jeremy the camera. "Watch the robots for now.", Michael instructed. "Still here, he. You guys are doing great. There's one more th-", the Phone Guy was obstructed by Jeremy's skeptical mewing,

"Wait…. Wh-what's this?"

Jeremy looked to the right and slightly behind his seat; a music box. He grabbed the music box and put it on the desk.

"That's where the noise is coming from.", Mike stated, glad it wasn't another hallucination.

"That's right.", the Phone Guy paused. He continued,

"At any cost, do not let that box go down. It keeps away a particular…. Animatronic… eugh."

"Wha-!", Jeremy squealed and he wound the box with god's speed. "Alright, you get used to the pattern. I need to keep to my own work, I'll see you tomorrow.", the Phone Guy mewed and then hung up.

"...No way…. What the fuck? *pant* *pant* This job, this job is- Why hasn't anyone fixed the robots?", Jeremy shook.

"He, beats me. Where's Bonnie?", Mike asked swiftly.

"Uhh-Bonnie? Bonnie's…. Back in his spot but… but Chica is-", Jeremy stalled as Mike checked all around the room with the lights: Toy Chica is in the main hall.

This time, they had both put their masks on; Thank god they had, because Bonnie had shown up again as well. Jeremy found the box shrinking and so he wound it. "Mike?", Jeremy asked. "Not now.", Mike answered, and then they kept their work upon the hours they had signed the contract for, risking their lives to serve a well-respected company built upon a dark foundation.

…...There was some… extra thrashing heard beyond the doors of the parts and repairs room earlier before the clock rang a finished day."Well, Senpai didn't explain that to us…", Jeremy spilled.

"Well, does it matter? We've just had robots trying to kill us, it was probably one of them.", Mike answered… but Jeremy held a pierced feeling in his gut that this was most certainly not the case….. No robot had moved out of place from a half hour to six.

"So, what did you want to ask me?", Mikey interrupted Jeremy's train of thought.

It took Jeremy a second to remember the question he had, but once the question caught him there was a melancholy stirring on his face. He looked at Mike and asked,

"... Why? Why do you stay here?"

"Holy shit, I thought it'd be obvious to you. Who else is going to do it? Who would want to? And, by staying here no other guards will die for as long as I can handle keeping those damn bots away from me. I've survived this long, and it makes me glad that I can say this… maybe I'm just crazy? I don't give a fuck."

Jeremy was inspired as he sucked down his lingering saliva and smiled with his eyes fixed upon the man carrying testicles of platinum: Is this true love?

Walking out of the pizzeria… and two seconds in they spot the man in purple juggling the building's keys within his fingers.

"You two… You're the new guards here?", the Purple Guy asked.

"Yeah, what is there to say?", Mike asked sharply. He's never in the mood to talk about the job while at work and, something was strange about this purple man.

"Oh, I hear that the night shift is…. difficult. This is definitely to say the least. You can call me Vincent.",

the Purple Guy stated in a well acted and punctual manner.

"Well, then. Why are you here?", Mike asked, then he continued, "You know about the night shift, I'm guessing you work here?"

"Why, yessir.~", the Purple Guy gripped the keys in his hand,

"I just wanted to meet you.",

he announced with a plastic smile. It was at this time now, that Mike really wanted this guy to leave…. However, before it was the moment for him to say "farewell", the fucker noticed Jeremy right away,

"Oh! That's right, you too. What's your name, young man?", the Purple Guy asked politely.

"Oh? ….My name is Jeremy.", Jeremy introduced himself, after this night a creepy purple man is of no interest to these unsuspecting guards.

"I'm pleased to meet you sirs. Well, I won't keep you both waiting. Geez, there's still the rest of the week to press through… I'll be cheering you on!", Vincent sung sweetly and then finally left.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow, Mike!",

Jeremy drowned himself in smiles and motioned himself to walk away. Mike howled,

"Wait! I can drive you."

"That's if you would like, I'm not going to burden you.", Jeremy said.

"Burden? Give me a break, man. Hell, if you want we could go somewhere for breakfast. I heard your stomach during the entire shift.", Mikey offered.

The idea of a meal was enticing, but Jeremy avoided,

"Thank you, but I can eat when I get home. I've just moved here, and going to town after a day like this….. And I'm getting my first check at the end of the week…. I haven't even started my project…. (etcetera, etcetera).", Jeremy brooded and pondered.

"This job is like a hangover, and after your first day you must have breakfast. This town is new to me also, and even though it sucks there are probably some really good diners waiting for us out there!", Mike spewed with adventure and pride tickling his voice…..

It was ridiculous, but Jeremy would not refuse the quest to find good food.

Their day was finished, quite tiring. Jeremy had passed words to Mike as they were getting close to his apartment,

"Thank you for bringing me somewhere to eat, as you said I feel much better after a good breakfast. I will see you tomorrow."

"What, no. You're going to keep working here?", Michael looked at him thoughtfully.

"... You inspire me, Mike.", Jeremy replied.

Mike made a huge gulp, trying to hide his blushing face as he pulled over in front of his co-worker's home.

"I'll see you. Oh, wait,", Michael wailed as Jeremy walked out. "Yessss?~", Jeremy mewed with inquiry.

"Would you like to come over my house on Saturday; have a few beers and bitch about life and such? Cawthon-Senpai is coming as well, he's bringing the golden liquid.", Mike proposed.

"Mmmm… I don't drink much, but I would love to spend time to talk to you.", Jeremy replied. "Cool! Alright, and if a duet is going to help save other guards from a company then I guess I'll see you tomorrow!", Michael exclaimed happily.

Once Jeremy paced into his little apartment home that's practically devoid of all resources, he lay down on his mattress and reflected on his new life that he least suspected could be fatal. The determination that his newfound friend illuminates had been delivered to this knowledgeable, yet still impressionable young man. There was an exciting idea about there being no other life to resemble his future, and the acceptance of this odd job put a calm smile on Jeremy's face and led him to sleep without trial.

The Phone Guy had resurfaced out of the computer and lay down on his comfortable bed. It didn't take too long of course… for the Purple Guy to arrive. Of course, he had broken in instead of using the door. The Purple Guy walked into the Phone Guy's room eagerly,

"Darling, how did you do?", the Purple Guy sounded slyly.

"Ohhh~ Just good enough to get through the night! Why-y-you didn't tell me it vibrates! You damn trickster!", Phone Guy whined at the jolting pleasure as he lay down helplessly.

The Purple Guy took out the serviceable toy's remote from his back pocket, "Well, if you're taking this speed as a finale, then you would have to write me up for being terrible at my job!~", he chimed.

"Aaaaghaaaa!", the Phone Guy yelled loudly and shook at the unutterable feelings of a painful, and pleasurable friction pooling from his prostate to his whole body.

As he could barely deal with it at this point, Scott brought himself to his knees and clung to the bed as if he would tip over from the intensity of getting fucked by the huge beads. He crawled around the bed to place his hand on Vincent's shoulder, who was taking down his bag from his back and onto the floor. The Purple Man pushed the horny Phone Guy back into the bed; the Phone Guy twitched in a slutty response.

Vincent was ready for more. He hadn't taken his clothes off… yet. Still of course, he swam to the bed where Cawthon-Senpai was craving his attention. The Purple Guy turned off the toy and tossed the remote to the floor. He took off Phone Guy's pants and underwear, and tossed the beads; it was amazing to see how far the Phone Guy can go without getting fatigued. Vincent took care of Senpai, lapping the cum from the man's balls, thighs, his ass, and his dick very thoroughly… While he was so close he couldn't help but get the Phone Guy to cum again, then he laughed creepily and commented,

"That's better than gourmet."

The Purple Guy came closer to the Phone Guy, taking off his love's glasses and licking the sweat from his cheek. As Senpai heated up some more under Vincent's exciting touch,

"Does my slave want my cock?", the Purple Man asked.


the Phone Guy mewed. At the motions of Purple Guy biting the skin on his abdomen and licking it raw, he had pleaded some more for the Purple Man's shaft. Vincent purred as he spectated Phone Guy's crying. He smiled and replied,

"That's a good little tart."

To Be Continued...

Note: There, two more chapters after a huge delay. Excuses? None, I was just plain lazy and didn't give myself the time to type, but I'm not done writing this! I will keep to working on it when I can, definitely. Of course, my writing is always open for good criticism, and I highly value the one's I have received this far. Finally, thank you for reading, and I wish you a nice morning…. Or… evening. ;)