Maximum Ride: Forever - The Gritty Reboot Project
by Lus (Lustrex) and Roxanne (FaxFiction)

Sometimes, you read a book and it is good and perfect and so satisfying in every single way. And then you run to fanfiction-dot-net because you need to prolong that wonderful, satisfying, good and perfect feeling.

But sometimes, you read a book. Maybe you get into it the first time around. And okay, so some parts are forced, and the characters could have been handled better, but you liked it enough.

Then, you start talking about it. And your conversation is full of should'ves and shouldn't'ves, and your imagination takes off with everything you would have done differently, and then BAM you've rewritten a chapter. Or three.

And then the entire novel spins out in front of you, better and stronger and more satisfying, and you have to write it.

This is that project.

This is not a novel rewrite. It is a selective retelling. We'll tackle some of the chapters that we wished had turned out differently, and we'll add some content that we think is missing. There will be character development. There will be actual reasons behind things that happen. Character deaths will matter. It will be glorious.

Posted chapters will be out of order, but will always contain a reference so you can figure out where in the actual book it fits. Look for author's notes to explain why we made the choices we did. There is no posting schedule, since both of us are working on bigger projects. It's more of an awesome writing exercise, something to use to scratch a creative itch, that you get to see!

All credit for the original "Maximum Ride: Forever" goes to James Patterson, of course. We're just trying to process the source material.


1: Introduction

2: Hidden 27.5 - Scars Deeper than Skin (Nudge cries over her scar and Jonny boosts her confidence)

3: Rewritten 18 - Bare Desperation (Max and Fang's night is actually meaningful)

4: Rewritten 32 - Left Behind (Max leaves Nudge behind with the Aquatics)

5: Extra Content 20 - Angel Watches Total Die

6: Rewritten 3 - Looking for Dylan (opening of the book, rewritten to be good)

7: Hidden 93.5 - Dylan's Sacrifice (Horror version of Dylan giving his life for Fang)