Hello guys! This is my 3rd story. Hmm.. hope you like it.. and please help me with your reviews.. thank you!
Rein's POV
Hmm, what should I wear today? Should I wear this baby blue dress or this royal blue? Oh, I know! I'll ask Fine instead. I walk to the bedroom to see Fine still sleeping. I went to the side of her bed and shake her arms to wake her up.
" Hey Fine, wake up! It's already 8 in the morning." I said but she only rolled to the other side of the bed.
"FIIINNNEEEEEE! WAAKKEE UUPPP!" I scream to her ears as loud as I could and found her jumping out from her bed, away from me.
"Okay! Okay! I'm up! So will you please stop screaming!?" Fine said as she glared at me. If only glaring could kill a person, I'm probably dead by now. But, sorry Fine, it's not going to work for me.
Fine's POV
Rein smiled at me widely. Ugh, creepy.
"So Fine, since you're awake now, will you choose what I should wear?" she asked as she showed me the two dresses.
"Wait, wait, wait. You wake me up for this?" I asked as my blood started to boil again. Thanks for ruining my sleep, little sis.
"But this is important! This is the day we will sneak out from this castle." She whispered scream.
"I know, I know. But don't you think it's rude to wake me up for this simple thing? I mean, you wake me up just to choose what will you wear and you even screamed to MY ear." I said while keeping myself calm.
"I'm sorry. I guess I got carried away by my emotions. You know, I feel very excited that we will sneak out TOGETHER. Not like from the last time, I'm always alone."
"*sigh* Here comes your drama again. Well, last time, you only sneak out to go buy dresses from the town. But this time, I want to accompany you because you told me you're going to that nearby forest. You know that it's dangerous to wander alone out there! What if there's a ferocious bear? No one will come to rescue you!"
"I know, but it's different this time because you're going with me. Thanks for caring about me. Even though you're a scaredy cat, *chuckle* you always think of me first."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm a scaredy cat. So what?"
"Well, you've become braver!"
"Ha-ha. Funny."
"So, back with the dresses. Which of these two do you like?"
"Hmmm, that royal blue. So the dirt from the forest can't be notice when we got home from sneaking out."
"Oh, right! Thank you! Then, you will wear your maroon one?"
"Okay!" Rein twirled happily as she went to the dressing room. She's really this excited huh? Well, as for me, I'm nervous. I don't think this is a good idea. But I want to make sure she's safe. Good luck to me.
Rein's POV
Afternoon came really quickly. Fine and I pack our things we need for sneaking out, like keys and of course, food for Fine. Well, she really needs it to forget her fear. We wear our coats and started to tie the rope to the window and climbed down. We opened the small door at the back of the castle and off we go. Lucky for us, no one noticed our presence. After an estimated of 30 minutes of walking, we reach our destination.
*inhale* *exhale*
"Let's go Fine. We only have a few hours to explore this forest. So, we better get going."
"Okay. But, are you sure we could make it on time to the castle? This forest is huge and maybe we can't explore half of this."
"It's okay. There's nothing to worry about! We could explore the other half next time.
"*sigh* Okay."
After a 1 and a half hour of walking..
"Ahh… Rein?"
"Let's go back in the castle."
"Well, it's getting darker! A-and.. we don't know what's in here! What if there's a giant bear that eats people? Or a tiger? Or.. or.."
"Fine! Don't be such a scaredy cat. This forest is just full of birds and little animals *chuckle*, see? And we're already this far! And..and, you know how hard to sneak out from the castle. So, we better explore more inside this forest and find something interesting!"
"B-but, *sigh* alright. You win."
As we get deeper and deeper, we found a meadow. Is this the middle of the forest? Maybe it is..
"Wow, Rein! Look at those flowers! They're beautiful!" Fine said as she ran towards it.
"Yeah." I said as I lay down and close both of my eyes.
Fine's POV
I saw Rein lying down in the shady part of the meadow. I guess she's really enjoying the peace. Oh well, I'll make her a crown from these flowers and give it to her later.
After a few minutes, I already made two crown flowers. One is full of blue flowers, which is for Rein and one is full of pink and red, which is mine.
I felt a presence beside me. I thought it was Rein but when I turned around, I got scared by the creature I saw.
"REIN!" I screamed as I started to run toward my sister but this ugly creature grabs me and started flying.
"What is it, Fine?" Rein said as she got up and rub her eyes.
"REIN! HELP ME!" I screamed again as I tried to break out from this creature's claws.
Rein's POV
Huh? Is that Fine's voice?
"What is it, Fine?" I asked as I got up and rub my eyes.
I open my eyes as I heard the word help. I stand up immediately when I saw that a weird creature has my sister.
"FINE!" I screamed as I run towards them.
When I'm already catching up, I started to jump to reach my sister's foot. But this monster noticed me and started to fly high and even faster.
"FINE! NOOOOO! FINE!" I screamed as I started to get tired from running.
"REIN! DON'T WORRY!" Fine screamed back. How could I not worry?
"FINE! WAIT FOR ME! I'm coming to rescue you."
I'll never go back to the castle without you. I climbed a big tree as fast as I could to see where that monster will bring my sister. As I reached the top, I saw that it was flying towards the topmost of the mountain where a weird deformed castle is located. Don't worry, Fine.