"North?" I ask.
He looks back at me. "Yes, Jack?"
"What's going to happen if everyone isn't safe. We can't have all the spirits and legends here, can we?"
He shrugged. "We'll do whatever we can, Jack."
I sat down on a chair. "Its not fair. None of this is. Why now? After all these years, why didnt the Sun just take us over at a bad time. Just when things were seeming to get back to normal." I admitted.
"Nothing is never normal with us Jack. For one, we will always be alive. Always." I chuckle. "And you're also in love with Death itself. You call that normal?"
I sighed. "Not only that, but Jamie has officially stopped believing."
North's eyes glistened with sympathy. "I'm sorry, Jack. I know how hard this must be."
I shrugged, saying, "I might as well get used to it. Soon I'll be losing more believers."
"Jack, if I may, how old is Jamie?" North seemed to realize something, and this got me curious.
"Around twelve, I think, why?"
"Well," he began. "Usually, if a kid has big beliefs in us, they don't stop belThe Subing until around thirteen. Fourteen if they are a true believer. And Jamie most definitely is a true believer."
"So what are you saying? That something is happening to him?"
"I think as the Sun drains more power from us, the more believers we lose." North's head shot up as he walked out his room. I began to question him, but then I realize where he's headed.
The Globe.
I chase after him, then stop as I see it for myself.
There are about two hundred less lights twinkling on the globe. And I had enough experienced with this to know that as they start fading, many of us will turn weak. Or worse.
I tried to shake that thought out of my head. I didn't want to think of that right now. Or any other time. Everything was going to be okay, everything had to be okay. But North thought otherwise.
"I think we are in the middle of a war." He muttered.
. . .
I went to go tell Hayley the news about was and stuff. I couldn't keep her in the dark, there was just too much to lose. Yeah, knowing puts her in danger, but not knowing is more dangerous.
Just as I was about to go into the room she was staying in, I saw a glimpse of black rounding there corner. Quickly, I followed it, hoping it was indeed her and not anyone else. Thankfully, I was relieved when I ran into her.
"Ow, Jack!" She yelled.
"Sorry. I was looking for you. We have some news on-"
"The Sun?"
I raised an eyebrow. "How did you know?"
"Kind of figured. You wouldn't be talking about Unicorns with North, so that one was gone."
"Wait. Shouldn't you be laying dow-"
"Calm down, Jack. It's not like I'm dying."
She turned away, but I grabbed her shoulder. "Then where were you going?"
"To find a bathroom?"
I gave her a look, and Hayley sighed.
"Fine. I was going to visit Sophie. She probably thinks I'm dead."
"You're a spirit. You're immortal."
She shook her head. "Sophie doesn't understand that. You're forgetting she's not even seven."
"Wow. It really seems like her and Jamie are growing up so fast." I said, thinking back to all the memories with the three of us, even with Hayley too.
"Speaking of Jamie, how are things going with thim?"
Looking down, I let out a sigh. "I guess I haven't told you, yet. Jamie, he-uh- he stopped believing."
Silence was the only thing that filled the space between us. I could tell she was thinking of something comforting to say, but was most likely at a loss of words. No surprise there. Jamie was one of the strongest believers I had ever seen. But because of this Sun problem, he's gone.
Finally, Hayley spoke. "Oh, Jack. I'm so sorry." She rested her hand on my arm in a comforting manner. But I shook it off.
"Its fine. I mean, he also believed in North and Tooth, but not anymore."
"He was your best friend." She said.
"Yeah, I know."
Hayley looked to the left and right, then stepping closer to me. I was confused, for a moment, but she then explained it all.
"Just because he doesn't believe, doesn't mean you can't visit him." Her voice was low and barely above a whisper. I'm sure she knows by now that the both of us are on major lockdown, considering our powers could go out of control and cause world domination just like that. Of course Hayley would want this to be a secret.
I nodded, taking it into consideration. It was no surprise I wanted to go, but would everything be okay?
Hayley must've saw my conflict on my face, and said, "Just go. Its not like The Sun Messenger will attack while you're gone." She scoffed, tossing her hair over her shoulder lightly.
"Okay, are you going to be okay here?" I asked.
"Jack, I am Death itself. You really going to ask if I'm going to be okay."
"Hayley," I mocked. "Need I remind you that you in fact almost died not too longer."
She went to say something, but then pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes. "You win this round, Frost."
I chuckled. "I always win."
Hayley gently pushed my shoulder, and I smirked, seeing as I was annoying her. I mean, its fun! She gets all offended and tries to fight the smile that works its way onto her face. How does anyone not see that cute?
"Just go, before I change my mind and tell North." She joked. I smiled gratefully, and she returned it.
(A/N) I know I know, u can hate me. Just hear me out.
So I will admit, it took a while to write this chapter, for some reason. But once I did, the day I had planned on uploading it I had got detention and was bummed out. The next day, I served it. Then I got detention again for a food fight... Yeah I'm not a good role model.
But here if is. And I don't blame you if you hate me. I have a bad habit of not having a schedule, so typicaly, I just write something whenever I feel like it.
If you are done hating me, which I doubt, do you mind giving me any ideas or theories for the story? You know, like why the Sun is doing this stuff now because I have no idea.
But please favorite, follow, review, and might as well eat pizza while you're at it.
Again, SORRY!