"Hey, Gwendal?" Yuuri asked the dark haired man in the seat next to his.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Gwendal asked, sounding slightly irritated.

"Do you think you could teach me how to knit? Like, make cute little anime things?" Yuuri tried to sound cute in hopes that Gwendal would say yes.

"And why would you want to do that, Your Majesty?" Gwendal questioned.

"I want to make some for Greta. Maybe a bear bee or a dragon." Yuuri said, making motions with his hands that at least seemed to signify a flying dragon.

"You know I do that to relax and relieve stress, right?"

"Um, yeah?" Yuuri was confused.

"Why would I want you, someone who causes me a lot of stress, there when I try to unwind?" Gwendal sounded exasperated just thinking about it.

"Oh. . . I see." Yuuri pouted.

"But I can't really turn down my king, can I?"

"Really!? You'll teach me! Thank you so much!" Yuuri went in for a hug, which Gwendal begrudgingly allowed.

"But we need to finish all this paper work first, Your Majesty." He motioned to the tall stack of contracts and other various paper works.

"Oh. Right." Yuuri sighed and got back to work.

"Ow!" Yuuri dropped the fabric and needle and sucked on his finger.

"Stab yourself again, Your Majesty?" Gwendal looked up from his lion rabbit thing and sent the double black an amused glare. Helping the King make stuffed animals was not nearly as bad as Gwendal thought it would be, though he wouldn't admit it. The boy's clumsiness shown through even here, but it was kind of cute. Gwendal liked cute things, after all.

"Ah! Don't look!" Yuuri hid the objects from view by covering them with his arms. Gwendal stared at him in confusion before going back to his own creation. The two worked for a couple hours without stopping before Yuuri said anything else.

"I'm finished!" He hid the plushie behind his back, "I made this for you in thanks!"

Gwendal was shocked, but secretly happy.

"Well? Can I see it?"

"Look!" Yuuri shoved it towards the tall man. It was a small, Gwendal chibi doll with a very stern look.

"Isn't it cute?"

"Um," Gwendal began, looking at the King's hopeful face, "Yes. It's very cute."

I can't stop myself.