Bryony wasn't expecting Heaven to rain, but it was. The sky is grey, the angels sad, the gardens drooping, and the rain feeling heavy, like happy memories about The Dark Angel that just makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry. Heaven even seems dour, every color faded to have a grey tint. It saddens Bry to just look around to see angels sitting on marble benches in the numerous gardens sobbing their hearts out, their usually glowing white wings dropping, soggy, and giving off the odor of wet feathers.

Frieda watches Storm warily as they wander down the golden paths of Heaven. Where is the angel taking them? Storm is being awfully quiet about the situation.

Alice doesn't seem to comfortable either. The soul purpose of her agreeing to go on a scouting mission with Bry and Frieda in the first place was to escape a sorrowful Heaven. So many angels have been dying. It seems there aren't much left anymore. Well, they're either dead or captured, with their souls held under heavy lock and key by the She-Devil.

They prefer not to say the She-Devil's name anymore. Only the brave angels say it. Others fear the name is now a way to locate angels on Earth. They either call the evil woman She-Devil or Amora, seeing how the She-Devil hates her real name. But they don't even call her Amora often because it means love. Besides, no one wants to really be the one to mention the stolid demon. Everyone would walk away awkwardly.

The group wanders into a more bleak section of Heaven, where the golden cobblestone turns to meek iron, and the buildings hold little color. They have entered the dark element angels' section of Heaven.

Alice's eyes wanders around the bleak neighborhood. Why would they come here? Are they having a meeting with Lucida?

Storm suddenly stops and turns to the angels behind her.

"Okay, listen up. Where we're going, you can't speak unless spoken to. Don't speak rashly (glares at Bry), don't talk about Shadow, or Nớtt, or Nyx, or anything about her heritage. Just...don't be rude is all I'm saying."

"Who are we going to see? God?" asks Bry in bewilderment.

Storm laughs sarcastically. "Of course! Because who else will throw a rage quit at the mention of their relatives? No. We're not seeing God. We're seeing the next best thing to try and break Miyako out of Hell. We need her back. The prophecies are coming true. Oh, and also don't mention the She-Devil or prophecies."

"Storm, who are we going to talk to?" asks Frieda.

Storm gulps, gesturing to them to follow her as she approaches a somewhat unkempt house. "We're meeting the other Sons of Night."

Their eyes widen. Really? They're meeting them?

Storm knocks on the dark weather-worn door. There are steps behind, locks clicking and sliding, and the door opens to reveal Lucida's crimson eyes. Frieda shudders. Those eyes always reminds her of Azazel whenever she looks at them. The archangel still can't believe that the offspring of something so awful would be so kind.

"Oh. Storm. You're here already? Come in. They're waiting for you."

Lucida steps aside to let Storm, Alice, Frieda, an Bry through the front door and inside the house.

On the inside, the house is unbelievably well groomed, with polished black and white furniture, the wallpaper taken care of so well, there aren't even any water marks, age marks, or dark spots behind the very few pictures. The black carpet is so thick and soft it feels new, and there are no nicks on the black base boards. The brass knobs on the doors are well polished, and the decor is so simple, the house just seems to scream neat-freak. Little steam punk contraptions sit as models on top of flat furniture, and as they walk down the long hallway with only a single door on both sides, they approach a polished black set of double doors.

Lucida weaves her way through the little group of angels and opens one of the doors, letting them through into a large room with the same wallpaper, plain leather couches, a coffee table with a glass top and black metal legs to their far right, a kitchen with black cupboards and white appliances to their left, and a black grand piano sitting in the dead center. Two figures sit on the black couch, two other ones standing. The standing figures turn around, revealing themselves to be Castiel and Kyoya.

"Ah, Storm. You're back already?" says Castiel in his British accent much like his sister's. Storm nods.

"Well, Lucida, introduce these three. They're waiting," mumbles Kyoya as he glares at one of the sitting people.

Lucida directs herself to the center of the room and clears her throat.

"Uh, Frieda, Bry, Alice, this is my twin brother Nico Night."

One of the people stand and walks over to stand next to Lucida. The three angels gulp. The boy, Nico, is the same height as Lucida, with the same face shape and same eyes. His shaggy bangs are blond and hang in front of his eyes while the rest of his hair is black, reaching down to the lobes of his ears. He's wearing nothing but a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans, wearing nothing on his feet. He has multiple piercings in his ears and one ring around his left nostril. In a punk way, he's a little cute.

He simply nods to the other angels and looks over at his sister lazily.

"So these are your friends huh?" The three angels shiver. His voice is deep and naturally husky in a scary way, almost as if he could breathe living nightmares. Which he probably could.

"Uh. Yeah. And this is our oldest sister Indigo-Black."

The last person sits up from the couch and walks into the light. The woman, Indigo-Black, or Indigo for short, is a tall woman with long wavy black hair and straight bangs that are completely even, cutting off just above the eyebrows. The irises of her eyes are completely white, and she has thick eyelashes and pointed ears. She's as pale as Nớtt was, the night time sky seemed to show whenever her sleek hair shimmers. She wears a simple black shirt and black shorts. Indigo gives off a powerful vibe as she eyes the young angels over, eyebrows quirked in judgment.

"So these are the hot-shots you were talking about, Lucida?"

Bry growls. "Back atcha."

Storm sighs in anger. "Bry! Don't talk to her like that! I told you-"

Indigo raises a hand. "Its okay." She then smiles. "I like a spunk in an angel. You can't seem to find it anymore. This recent generation has lost its moxie."

Bry smirks. Alice slides behind Frieda. This tall woman definitely scares her a bit.

"Please, come sit," says Nico in his rough voice. Frieda, Bry, and Alice sit down on the comfy couch. Nico turns to Storm. "Is there more coming?"

"They should be here in a bit. Don't get your anti-social undies in a bunch, Nico." Storm smirks at the other angel's glare and walks toward the front door. "Be back in a mo!"

The door closes. They stand in an awkward silence, Indigo leaning on one hip, Lucida sitting on a bar stool in front of the kitchen island, Nico leaning against the dark wall and brooding, and Castiel and Kyoya standing off to the side. Alice finds him a little fascinating. In fact, she finds they all seem a little interesting. Indigo gives off the gibe vibe every time she looks at one of the younger angels.

"So..." starts Indigo, "you are the one who wields Excalibur now?"

Frieda slowly nods, her hand wrapping around the hilt of her sword. "What of it?"

Indigo's face turns sour. "My mother gave it to you, no?" Frieda slowly nods. The oldest Son of Night scoffs. "Tch. Stupid woman. She gave that sword to you even though you've never held one before."

Frieda gapes at the older angel. "How did you know I never used a weapon up to that point?"

"You may think that you've got the sword thing down, but a true swordsman would be able to see you're still a baby who can only wave it around. I've watched your training. Storm asked me to evaluate the six of you so don't freak out. Back on topic, you're sloppy, your footing is off half the time, you're slightly unbalanced with the sword, meaning its a little too long for you. Your parries and blocks are weak because you're merely imitating what you think one would look like. You haven't received proper training. Sin D has taught you a few things, but even she doesn't know that much about melee weapons. She's more of a gun and big explosions person. I've heard about your relationship with that demon Azazel. You must become ambidextrous the sword to be able to beat him. If you don't, you will never stand a chance."

Lucida frowns. "Indy, you didn't have to be so rude."

"Of course I did. If you make a mistake, it must be realized to be corrected. If you don't improve, you're going to die. There's no way around it."

Nico's frown deepens as his deep red eyes watches his older sister. The room suddenly fills with an unnamed tension. Under Indigo-Black's simple guise is a genius mind. Fully realizing this after witnessing the recent conversation, Bry becomes all the more cautious. She doesn't like this woman.

There's a knock and Lucida dashes through the double doors and lets in Storm, Ninel, Sierra, and Geno. They walk into the living room and stare awkwardly as they enter the tense atmosphere.

"Uh...are we in trouble?" asks Geno.

"I hope not," murmurs Sierra. Ninel shrugs.

"No. You're fine, actually," says Castiel.

"We're actually here to discuss Miyako," says Kyoya.

"Its about time," mumbles Bry.

"As you know," says Kyoya, pretending he didn't hear Bry's words, "Miyako was kidnapped five years ago by Masaru Satan, Sakura's older brother. Since then, what has happened to her remains a mystery. However, Indigo has not received any visions of her dying, so I believe she's still alive. Well? I don't know."

"So Indigo inherited the ability to see Sakura's death visions like...ahem, her mother and aunt?" Ninel questions.

Indigo scoffs, looking anywhere but her guests. "Tch. Yeah. Whatever."

Ninel frowns. "But how are we going to get Miyako in the first place?"

"That's why we're here. We've come to enlist the aid of the Sons of Night," replies Castiel.

"Yeah, yeah. We don't need them! We can rescue Miyako on our own!" retorts Bry angrily.

"I'm cool with that. I don't mind watching you six die painful deaths with a scythe cutting through your necks. In fact, the gushes of blood would make me almost happy. You're all so annoying." Everyone stares at Indigo. She looks away, an annoyed expression plastered on her face. "Tch."

"I don't like her," whispers Geno to Sierra. The young water angel nods.

"I'm fine with helping," says Nico. "Consider me in."

"Me too!" shouts Lucida in excitement. "Wait...we don't even know where a Gate to Hell even is."

"We are still working on that problem," mutters Kyoya.

"That insidious monster keeps it a secret," adds Storm. "We need to find it and open it."

"Impossible," deadpans Indigo. "Its been augmented. We can't get in even with my most powerful blast. The most powerful demons have layered tons of defensive enchantments on each Gate. We would need someone from the inside to open it."

The angels pondered this statement.

"Well, Miyako's down there." Everyone turns to Geno who has a thoughtful expression. Her eyes widen once she realizes everyone is staring at her. "What? Was it something I said?"

"That's a great idea, Geno, it really is," says Kyoya. "There's just a slight problem. We can't contact Miyako."

"I can," says Nico. Bry glares at the boy. Its about time he's said something. She was starting to get annoyed with his gloominess. Then again, he was bereft of the last parent figure he had. He has good reason to be gloomy.

"That's right!" exclaims Lucida. That's true! Nico, you can enter an angel's dream!"

"He can?" asks everyone, surprised. He nods slowly.


"Perhaps we need to introduce ourselves again," said Indigo. "I am Indigo-Black Night, The Living Nightmare."

"I am Lucida Night, The Living Shadow."

"And I am Nico Night, The Living Dreamscape."

"'Living'..." mutters Sierra. "That doesn't make a lot of sense. If Indigo is a nightmare, wouldn't she be able to enter dreams too?"

"Not without causing nightmares. I'm the only one who can enter a dream and cause the least amount of harm," explains Nico. "I'll relay a message to Miyako. Or at least try. Who knows what the She-Devil has planned."

"So now we have a plan. Nico will talk to Miyako through her dreams. When we have confirmation that she has gotten out message, we will deploy the Sons of Night to go and retrieve her. Nico, just make sure to tell Miyako to leave us the coordinates of the closest Hell Gate to her. Only then can we get in. Is everyone clear?" says Castiel.

"Wait, so when we do get the coordinates, those three will go in and get her?" asks Alice tentatively.

"Not me," says Indigo. "I'll be waiting outside. I am NOT going in that literal Hell hole."

Everyone nods, turning towards the front door to exit the opulent house.

"Oh, and Frieda, dearest," says Indigo. Frieda turns to the angel quizzically. "Before you go back out into the big and bad world, you should train more."

Frieda manages a fake smile as she walks out. After Ninel closes the door, Freida lets loose an infuriated groan.

"I hate that woman! She thinks she's all that! You noticed it didn't you? She intimated that I suck at using a sword!"

"Uh..." The angels stare blankly at the archangel before them.

"I mean, you noticed that she kept reiterating how powerful she is, right? She wouldn't stop hinting it!"


"Seriously! How vain can someone be! Ugh!"

"Really, Frieda?" says Bry with a blank stare.


"Do you have a word of the week calendar?" asks Geno bluntly.

"S-So what if I do?!"

"Or is Slayer making you say all these fancy words?"

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know. Don't ask us."

Grumbling, Frieda follows the group down the street.

"So what do we do now? We can't exactly go on missions," says Sierra sadly. Alice smiles.

"We train, silly!"

"With? We don't have anyone but Sin D to teach us, and she only keeps teaching us pyrotechnics. I mean, when are we ever going to need to disable a bomb? We aren't even in that timeline!"

"She has though. She has that knife that lets her time travel, remember?" asks Geno.

"I'll ask some higher ups for some training missions," says Ninel.

"I'd rather not," grumbled Frieda. "They're all adulterated, with big egos because they're so powerful."

"Not every higher up is like Indigo, Frieda. Relax," sighs Ninel.

"We should train, though," says Alice. "It will give us the fortitude we need to beat powerful demons!"

"Seriously? What's up with all the fancy big words?" asks Bry.

"We may or may not have the same word of the week calendar," says Alice with a cheeky smile. "We should ask Sol to give us training missions! He's pliable!"

"Guys, stop with the fancy talk! You're scaring me!"

"Are you afraid we're too smart? At least we're not like Indigo. 'We can't get in even with my most powerful blast,'" says Frieda verbatively. "What a joke!"

"Stop teasing me!"

Yay! Second chapter! Whoo hoo! So, guys, I have figured out a way to stay on top of updates this year! I may or may not update different stories every week, but for the most part, I'll be working on this and Waves of Grain. I may or may not update Sleepover With Slayer. I might. I know, everyone's waiting for Slendy Riga. I had fun writing that XD Also, I'll be posting the edited version of TGW on DeviantArt, so if you want to reread it soon without all the mistakes (and cussing in the first seventeen-some chapters), then I promise I'll post it over the weekend and then update the new edits on here.

Also, new concept art has been posted recently! Check it out! XD