Prelude/Explanation of this universe
I first came up with this story line when I was 13 years old, so nine years ago as I type this now. Lot of it is weird even to me but somehow it all ties in its own weird way.
The two main characters, sisters, are based off of a few shows and one in particular, Serena, is based HEAVILY off of a few friends, one of whom had a bigger hand than the rest who shares the same first name as the character over the years I developed them in my head. Big shout out to her and the others who helped me in the last nine years!
This universe will differ CONSIDERABLY from the original and our own universe. First and foremost, it'll differ in that it encompasses the entire universe and not just the original Star Wars galaxy.
Second, it takes place in our time with a hundred years after Darth Karyat's Empire.
Third, weird part is that this has a crossover from Kim Possible, it'll explain itself out!
Forth and one of the weirdest parts are so called, Super Planets and White Holes. The premiss being that with black holes absorbing ALL matter and energy (even light) and no one knows where that 'stuff' goes, the theory behind a white hole in this story's universe is that matter comes from another universe and because that matter has gravity it pulls itself around the white hole causing 'super planets' which are always growing, the gravity of said planets will explain itself later in the story.
Fifth and another weird part, vampires are in this story (but they don't sparkle). Weird acts of science created them in this universe as well. If you've ever watched the movie Van Helsing from 2004, the vampires are like that but again there will be differences, but just like with the Super Planets and White Holes, this too will be explained!
Sixth is that the ships from the six movies have found new life, with upgrades to their weapons, shields and metallurgy making them stronger as if it was 0 ABY with some Legacy era ships used.
This will contain violence and sex, rated M as a precaution.
Now onto the movie/story! Enjoy…
Star Wars
Return of the Sith
Intergalactic travel has led to new prosperity
from the Andromedia galaxy Jedi and Sith alike
have begun scouring the universe for new students, and pawns.
Not is all as it seems, as a great darkness
begins to cloud the Jedi's visions on par with
Darth Sidious before the Clone Wars.
However not all is lost as a Universal Republic
fleet readies itself for the liberation of tens of thousands of prisoners
from a Sith Empire prison on a modified Executor – class Dreadnought
One Jedi in particular is on a mission to find her sister….
Chapter One – On a Mission
In space loomed a large fleet of Universal Republic ships, ranging from standard revamped CR90 Corellian Corvettes, aka Blockade Runners, all the way up to the flagship Viscount – Star Defender, the Liberator. The ship was aptly named for the fleet's mission, liberating countless prisoners from the Executor – class Super Star Destroyer, called the Vinctos.
Aboard the Liberator, hundreds of crewmembers were hurrying about fueling and arming the latest model X-wings, A-wings and B-wings for the upcoming mission. Safety protocol hadn't allowed such actions to be done before hand.
Kat's room – Liberator
Jedi Padawan Kat Moon sat on the bed within her room meditating. It was a modest room for a low ranking officer under normal circumstances, with a simple full sized bed with an end table on either side. A simple wood desk and chair and a table in the middle with four chairs around it. Though in the expanding Republic navy, mediates were hard to come by as new galaxies were reached by the exploration parties going out across the stars.
Kat, a female human, twenty years old with shoulder length brown hair, with padawan braid, sat with her eyes closed deep in her meditating. She wore a basic Jedi outfit with tan pants and tunic with brown knee high flat boots and belt containing a silver lightsaber hilt. Off to her side was her brown robe. This mission was personal for her, though she knew she couldn't let it as a Jedi. The code had been changed in the last couple centuries but was still strict about connections with others, especially with siblings. And this mission held a high probability of her rescuing her sister, Serena, from Sith captivity.
Kat's meditation was interrupted by a knock at her door, but she kept her eyes closed. "Come in Derek." The door opened with a hiss and slight squeak as metal on metal scraping could be heard, causing to Kat to wince a bit before opening her eyes. "The navy spends countless quadrillions on its fleets but can't lube a door to stop squeaking?" She joked as she opened her eyes, which were blue in color.
In walked Derek with a smirk on his face, a human male of about twenty years old also with brown hair and eyes, fair skin and medium build in an outfit practically the same as Kat's but with his robe on. "You know the navy has more important things to worry about than some squeaky doors right?"
Kat was now putting on her robe in anticipation of having to leave. "Yeah, yeah I know. What's up?" she asked.
"Masters Yola and Sendo are waiting for us on the bridge with Admiral Java." He stated. "We're almost ready to start, need to go over the action plans." Derek was one of the more promising Jedi in the order, already a knight but was a bit of a thrill seeker, much to the annoyance to the High Council but his skills with a lightsaber were nonetheless advanced and he always kept himself from going 'too far' as his Master once told him after he was elevated to knighthood. The two didn't share a connection of any kind other than being friends, the code did allow Jedi to marry but it was a bit more regulated than those marriages from 100 ABY.
"Let's go, shouldn't keep them waiting then and holding up the mission." Kat replied as they both made their way out of her room. Kat was similar to Derek but more aggressive, she too was advanced in in her skills with a lightsaber. She was one of the few practitioners of form seven, Vaapad specifically one of her specialties, though she often performed the others in combat as needed as most other Jedi.
As they made their way towards the lift to the bridge, Derek could sense that Kat was getting anxious. "Relax, treat this just like any other mission and we'll get through this." He said while smiling slightly.
"I know, it's just…" Kat slowly said, looking a bit down.
"You want your sister to be on the ship?" Derek sensed.
"Yeah…" Kat answered.
"Tell me about her, it'll help get it off your chest."
"It's been a year since I've seen her, last time was a mission back on Earth, day before she went was kidnapped by the Sith. But she was beautiful as always, her silky hair as black as a black hole, blue eyes that you can lose yourself in." Kat recalled as they finally reached the lift. Pushing the button for the bridge Kat continued. "While beautiful, she's also very intelligent. I'm not sure what her IQ is but she graduated college at the age of five."
"Wait, five?! How's that possible?" Derek asked, with shock on his face.
"We don't know, her first word was when she was a month old. By the time she was one she was already solving high school level math. Our mom called a few favors some of her friends owed her who were college deans, she took classes but skipped most of them and just wrote the thesis's for them and they gave her, her degree at five years old." Kat answered, trying not to laugh at Derek's facial shock.
"You sound jealous." Derek replied.
"Am not."
"Are so."
"Am not…." Kat took a deep breath, ignoring the smirk on Derek's face. "I'm glad I got to live a 'normal' life, I didn't graduate college till thirteen."
"Yeah, "normal life"." Derek countered.
Kat laughed. "Well a lot of us younger kids in the family had the smarts, Serena for some reason just stood out from the rest. But I'm not bitter about it, she had a lot of pressure on her after that due to her intelligence, everyone wanted her. Government wanted her to help solve its problems, militaries wanted her for weapons development and tactics and strategy. Businesses wanted her to help make them more money, she didn't like the attention to say the least" Kat
"Okay, I can see why you're not jealous." Derek replied, in a less than joyous tone than before. "You miss her though."
"Yeah, I've been on a mission to find her since she was kidnapped a year ago by…" Kat started before the doors of the lift opened on the bridge.
Both Kat and Derek bowed slightly towards Masters Yola and Sendo. Yola, a male member of the Yoda species, short green and was about a hundred years old but just as wise as the famous Yoda. Sendo, a female member of the Togruta species and Kat's master. Both were wearing dark brown Jedi robes and Sendo was wearing a bronze tunic and pants rather than tan and both their lightsabers were hidden behind their robes. Both nodding to the new arrivals, followed shortly by Admiral Java, a male human in his fifties approached the gathered Jedi, along with two other humans, a female and male also in their fifties.
"The rest of the fleet knows what they need to do." Java stated. "This is Brigadier Generals Agareth and Aari." He pointed to the male and female respectively. "They will be leading the various boarding actions. Now this mission is mostly a routine 'board and evacuate as many civilians as possible' like the other twelve super star destroyer prison ships…" The Admiral began to explain until he motioned to Sendo to take over.
"This is no ordinary prison ship." She said, pushing a button that showed the long range scans of the Vinctos' and its internal schematics, areas of the ship are highlighted as she talks. "This is the ship's main power core, as you can see it's been heavily modified with several levels of the ship being removed for this central tower… to house one prison cell."
"What makes someone so valuable to warrant this cell?" Derek asked, folding his arms as he did so.
"We're not sure, our only assumption is that this individual is a high value individual. However we're fortunate that Republic Intelligence got the complete Intel on this ship without as much trouble as the other ships we've liberated the last two weeks." Admiral Java said before looking over to Sendo again.
"That's not the weirdest part…" she began before Derek interrupted.
"It gets weirder?" Derek asked, before getting an elbow from Kat.
"Yes, there are Imperial Knights on the ship guarding the cell, five of them to be exact. From what Republic Intelligence has gathered, they are being guarded by Diane Lowsole." Sendo said, as a holo image of a young woman appeared in black armor similar to that of Imperial Knights of the Fel Empire. Brown hair and fair skin was one of the notable features, only to be eclipsed by her yellow eyes. Derek looked shocked beyond belief.
"I thought Imperial Knights were good?" Kat asked in shock.
"Not these." Derek said. "The knights you're thinking about are from the old Fel Empire who guard their Emperor or Empress so long as said monarch doesn't fall to the dark side… these knights… are the opposite, they serve the dark side just like the Sith Emperor and other sith government officials they guard." He said, while looking at Kat before turning his head to the Jedi Masters. "Who's valuable enough for Lowsole and the Sith Imperial Knights to be guarding? They only guard sith officials…"
"That…" Sendo started, turning to Kat with worry in her eyes. "Is where you come in Kat… the prisoner log says your sister is on this ship…" She waited to see her padawan's response. The Jedi Council knew of Kat's sister being taken prisoner and wanted to know that Kat could control her emotions on the subject as she was one of the Vaapad users in the order and sometimes came close to the dark side to use it. Despite several members of the orders like Mace Windu, who created the form, using it and being able to control themselves.
"She's… on this ship?" Kat slowly asked, surprising her anxiety and joy as best as she could.
"That's what the intelligence says." Sendo said, happy to sense Kat attempting to control her emotions. "The Council wanted you here because of this. Given your sister's psychiatric profile and age it was felt by both the Council and President of the Republic that you be here as she'll need a face she can trust given some of her… abilities…"
"Abilit…" Derek tried to say before Kat shot him a look for him not to ask now, which he agreed to.
"I understand. Do we know anything else about her current state?" Kat asked, with worry in her voice. Sendo took a mental note of that, but it was still within the Jedi code as Kat's sister was still a living being and the Jedi had to worry about all life forms.
"Not as much as the rest of the prisoners." Admiral Java said. "In fact her file is one of the few files from all of the prisoners who haven't been fully kept, which doesn't boad well…" He stopped after seeing Sendo shake her head and tilted her head towards Kat who was now looking scared. He silently agreed to stop as he understood what Kat was going through and sometimes it was best not to know until they knew the person in question was safe. "All we know is that she's in that cell and guarded by five Imperial Knights." He finished.
"We're also to expect stiff resistance as well." General Agareth said, motioning to the holo image of the aft section of the ship. "The command bridge is just above the prison cell and thus will be heavily guarded."
"Why is there a cell directly above the power core?" Derek asked.
"It's due to the radiation of the core, the cell and walls are shielded with lead protecting everyone else but this is to also reduce the likelihood of an escape attempt." Yola spoke up, sitting in his hover seat.
"As you can see here." General Agareth pointed towards the bridge walkway to the cell. "This walkway has a shield built into it so when active, people can move freely despite the core being at max power output. When off, you'll be cooked from the inside out."
"Think she's being forced to design weapons for the empire?" Kat asked, knowing Serena's intelligence all too well it wouldn't be inconceivable that they'd force her too.
"That's not why we're here, that'll be up to Republic Intelligence once we rescue her. Though I've seen her academic records, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they were doing with her the last year." Admiral Java said.
"Your transport will take you to this point here." General Agareth said, pointing towards a hanger bay close to the command tower of the bridge. "The fleet will disrupt the power systems of the ship, meaning the main power core will be offline so the backup cores will kick on allowing your mission to take place without too many issues. The sith… are your guys' problem to deal with, I won't ask my men to fight something I don't want to fight and a sith is one of those things." He finished.
"You're men will be needed getting the other prisoners to safety when the Liberator docks with the ship, we can handle the sith." Yola replied. "Is everyone clear on our objectives?" He asked, turning to the gathered people at the holo-table. "May the force be with us." With that everyone headed towards the elevators to the various parts of the ship.
Hanger bay – Liberator
Kat, Derek and Sendo were boarding a transport while Yola stayed on the bridge to prepare using his battle meditation for the fleet battle.
Derek looked at Kat who was visibly nervous about the whole thing. Sendo sensed what he wanted to ask and nodded towards him to ask Kat it as she too noticed how much more calm Kat was when talking about her sister.
"Kat." He said.
"Yeah?" She asked, coming out of her trance like state.
"What sort of… abilities does your sister have that makes her dangerous?" He asked, remembering it being brought up in the briefing but she stopped him from asking earlier.
"I know it's weird, I didn't believe it when I found about until she and some of our brothers and another sister was effected." She started, as the transport lifted off.
"We'll be in a holding pattern around the fleet until we get the go ahead from the fleet." The pilot said over the intercom.
Kat looked back at Derek, while Sendo watched. She had known of Kat's sister's abilities as that was one of the reasons the Jedi thought she was force sensitive when she came into contact with Kat but sensed nothing from Serena.
"Anyway, my two sisters and our brothers were in their tree house when a radioactive comet landed at the family tree house they were in. The comet altered their DNA rapidly after that giving them 'super powers'." She said.
"Super powers?" Derek laughed.
"I know it sounds ridiculous…"
"Sounds?" He smirked, getting a glare back.
"As I said, I didn't believe it until I saw what they could do. One brother got super strength, another can…" Kat started to explain until the pilot shouted over the intercom.
"We're going in! Hold on."
"This is where the fun begins." Derek said, getting an eye roll from Kat and a head shake from Sendo.