So things have been different in the new Hummel household. For one it isn't just Kurt and his Dad, it's now Carole and Finn too. Kurt feels happy for his Dad that he's found someone to share his life with, and in no way is Carole a replacement for his mom. At first Finn wasn't the best addition to their family, with him being very uncomfortable around Kurt and the 'incident' in the basement, but they've all moved past that now and things are good.

But… not all that good.

Kurt has found that with having these new people in the house he is being pushed aside a lot by his Dad to make them feel welcome, and that's okay. Kurt's pretty sure it will all work out and will go back to normal pretty soon. Well as normal as it can be with two more people.

So Kurt will just bite back the hurt he feels when he sees his Dad and Finn watching a football game together or are cracking jokes that Kurt just doesn't find funny. It pains him to see his Dad look as if he finally now has the son he never had, and although Carole is great for talking with about fashion and baking he just really misses those moments that were purely Burt and Kurt. Father and son.

Time passes, a few weeks, and Kurt is living in hell. Not only does he have to live through daily torment that is David Karofsky at school, he comes home to a father who is blind to his pain. He's too busy buddying it up with Finn to notice that his son is so close to breaking down most days and that he can't even sit back properly at the dinner table in fear that he hits the big purple bruises that litter his back.

So Kurt just withdraws.

Like they'll notice. Like they'll see him becoming more and more depressed as each day passes.

He kissed him. Kurt feels like he can't breathe as he stands in the dirty locker room. Without caring about his pants for once, he sinks down to the cold tiled floor trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

Karofsky just kissed him.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Kurt knows he needs to get out of here but in that moment he just can't. He doesn't even know what to do, hot to move on from this…

Is this his breaking point…?


It can't be.

Kurt Hummel was better than this. This was not how his Dad raised him…

Oh god….His Dad.

What the hell is his Dad going to say when he finds out about this, he'd flip. Maybe it isn't the best to tell him, Kurt thinks. He doesn't want to be the reason for his Dad to have a second heart attack.

No. Kurt will just have to deal with this on his own…but he could really do with one of his Dad's hugs. He smiles as he thinks of the almighty bone crushing hugs his father always gives when Kurt is at his lowest, but then… Kurt has been at his lowest recently and his Dad hasn't even batted an eyelash.

And oh does that hurt.

Maybe he isn't the best for Kurt right now… but who is?


An even bigger smile graces his features as he thinks of the dapper young man from Dalton Academy.

Yeah. That's who he needs right now.

Once his Dad does finally find out about Karofsky and the death threat things look a little better for Kurt. I mean his Dad doesn't know about the kiss or anything but Kurt could see the genuine concern and anger that crossed his face when Kurt finally admitted to what had been happening at school. It was like reassurance for Kurt like his Dad hadn't forgotten him.

And as Kurt stands in front of his full length mirror trying to fix his new Dalton Academy tie for his first day, he thinks to himself, 'Things will get better.'

Or so he thought.

Things in the house are a little strained due to the lack of money because of Daltons extortionate tuition fees but that isn't what's been bothering Kurt. Yes, he feels incredibly guilty for putting his family in this position and for stealing away his Father and Carole's honeymoon but ever since Kurt has been going to Dalton it's as if…they really have forgotten about him.

He comes home late every day because of the stupid two hour commute and he's exhausted already. The curriculum at Dalton is ten times harder than at McKinley that on top of intense Warblers rehearsal and Kurt is ready to just collapse. However every time he comes home it's straight to the dinner table, where he is once again ignored, everybody asking about each other's day but him, and then he's told to do the dishes which Finn never has to do because there's always some form of game on.

As the weeks go by this just keeps chipping away at him, constantly breaking off piece by piece, and the way he deals with it is just by disappearing in the background.

It's not as if they'll notice.

Kurt has been lying awake all night, just staring at the ceiling, counting down the hours till he has to get up and ready for school. It's at six that he finally sits up, the sun getting too bright for his eyes as it streams through his blinds, but his attention is soon taken by a bright text alerting his phone. He smiles as he reads it.

Blaine Morning gorgeous, happy birthday! Can't wait to see you today! Xxx

Kurt sighs happily as he falls back onto his bed feeling a small amount of contentment from the precious words from his boyfriend.


It still makes his stomach do a funny flip as he thinks about how these last few weeks have turned out for Kurt at Dalton. Kurt remembers Blaine rambling his way through the sweetest little speech and giving him the best kiss of his entire life right there in that common room as if it were yesterday, when actually it's been three whole perfect weeks of complete and utter bliss.

Kurt thinks sadly, 'This is the only slice of happiness I have right now…'

And yes. It is his birthday. His seventeenth to be exact... and Kurt is dreading it.

Kurt huffs slightly as he hauls himself up from his bed to start getting ready for his day. So what if his Dad hasn't mentioned the fact it's his birthday these past few weeks, few days, it doesn't mean he's forgotten…has he?

No. that's ridiculous. He hasn't forgotten. He just wants it all to be a surprise. Yeah… that's it.

Kurt spends extra care through all his vigorous regimes this morning, might as well, and takes a deep breath as he prepares himself to leave his room to go downstairs to where his father is always waiting for Kurt on his birthday, in the kitchen with his mother's pancakes ready.

Kurt steals himself as he opens his down and makes his way down the stairs, each footstep being drowned out by the sound of his fast beating heart. He turns into the kitchen…

There's his Dad… reading the newspaper. Like he does every day.

He looks up at him and grunts his hello.

That's it. Nothing else.

Kurt thinks he can literally feel his heart rip in two. For once Kurt actually wants his mother here instead.

Kurt high tails it out of the room, running back up the stairs and into his room. He slams the door, hard, in frustration and he quickly locks it not wanting to face anyone right now. He curls under the covers, wishing today was already over.

Burt sits at the little kitchen nook comfortably and reaches for his newspaper going straight to the sports section, not really paying much attention to his surroundings, it's too early. He sips on his hot coffee sighing in satisfaction as the warm liquid coats his throat as it goes down nicely.

He soon hears footsteps that could only be his sons, as he's the only other one up at this time so he can get to Dalton on time. Although Dalton costs his family way more than it should he's entirely grateful for what it brings his son which is his safety and his own piece of mind as he doesn't have to worry about him so much.

He watches as his son enters the room and looks at him… expectantly? Burt is a little lost… why does he keep staring at him…? He, in his voice still rough from sleep, says, "Hello."

And that's when he sees is son so overcome with sadness he just runs out the room as if it were on fire and speeds his way up to his room, which is then followed by the loudest slam.

What the hell was that?

Kurt hears his Dad try and get into his room and the threaten him with every punishment under the sun to at least get him out of his room, but Kurt isn't having it, he will not budge from his safe place under his duvet where he can just hide and pretend the world doesn't exist around him.

He does not want to see his father right now.

And he knows it isn't fair to Blaine who will just be worried about him for not turning up today but Kurt just really needs to be alone right now.