Mr. Grey gripped my hand tightly as he led the way through his apartment. If it wasn't for him holding my hand captive, I would have instinctively wrapped my arms around myself. I felt so out of place, I was too scared to touch anything because I was positive that I would surely break it. Mr. Grey kept pulling me in and out of all the rooms rather quickly, I was beginning to sense that he wanted to hurry up and get this over with so he could get me out of here.

"You have a lovely home." I managed to say to break the silence.

"Thank you." He replied coldly.

I shuddered inwardly from his lack of emotion and coldness. I couldn't help but wonder if he was mad at me as we made our way back into the kitchen. I was beginning to become quite sad that our time together was nearly over. I realized that I was quickly beginning to enjoy being in his presence it was comforting.

"There is one last room, I'd like to show you…if you're interested." He said shyly.

I raised an eyebrow at him in return. I was intrigued by what he wanted to show me.

"I'm always interested when it comes to you." I said earnestly.

He stared back at me with such intensity for a brief moment I couldn't help but feel as though he was looking straight through me. I blushed red from my head to my toes.

"Is this room your favorite room?" I asked as I hurried after him when he suddenly turned on his heels and headed towards the great room.

He didn't answer me. I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit hurt but I decided to just let it go. I probably didn't deserve an answer.

When he stopped in front of the door, I was immediately intrigued because while all the other doors I saw were solid wood, this door was made entirely of glass. I wasn't able to see anything because he was in the way. I was half tempted to peer around him but I didn't know how he would respond to that. I didn't want him to think it was childish or something of the sort.

"This is my favorite room in the entire house." He finally said pulling me from my eccentric thoughts. He answered my question.

I couldn't help but smile at him even though his back was to me in a moment of weakness I ran my eyes down his back. My mouth watered at the sight of him, he was hands down the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Luckily for me, at this exact moment he ran is hand through his hair and I could see the flex of his bicep through his shirt. He was very well built and toned. I bet he looks even better naked. I quickly shut myself down after that thought. I couldn't have inappropriate feelings about me boss. I didn't want to be one of those girls. Just because he took pity on me and he was nice enough to invite me into his home, doesn't mean he's going to drop down on one knee and ask me to marry him today. He's just being nice to me. He's almost like a friend and right now I could use a friend. I don't necessarily have any. Whose fault is that? My subconscious sneered at me. Sometimes I wished that I was able to look past everything that's ever happened to me and just let people in and be more open and friendly. It pains me being the way that I am. I couldn't help but wonder how Monday at work was going to be. Would Mr. Grey acknowledge me if he saw me or would he ignore me completely because he was embarrassed? Just there mere thought of him avoiding me made my heart ache. I could really use a friend and I wanted Mr. Grey to be that friend. He was nice and kind and those kinds

"This is my music room." He said interrupting my thoughts once again. My mouth dropped open.

"You have a music room?" I squeaked.

I finally decided to hell with my childish tendencies and I peered around him. My heart stopped as I came in contact with the most beautiful room I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in my entire life and I was merely just looking through the glass. I quickly whipped my head back towards Mr. Grey and I silently nodded my head forward as if I was asking permission to enter.

He nodded back and held the door open for me. I barreled past him eagerly and without pause. It wasn't until I was smack dab in the middle did I finally stop moving.

The walls were nonexistent instead there were wrap around windows, the ceiling and remaining walls were painted a bright white and the flooring was a stunning grey beechwood. In the middle of the room sat a black grand piano. My fingers twitched to touch it. As I turned around I noticed that there was a round glass table that was covered with sheet music. On each side of the table were two large ornate arm chairs. I made my way to the table to see what style of music he gravitated towards. I was instantly surprised when I picked up the paper and saw that these were his own compositions.

"How long have you been composing?" I asked while setting back down the music on the table and heading back towards where he was standing over by the windows.

As I got closer to the windows my jaw fell to the floor in shock. I couldn't believe that this was his view. You could see all of Seattle's stunning skyline and Elliot Bay. I was mesmerized. I was half tempted to pinch myself because I honestly believed I was dreaming and I was going to wake up at any moment. How on Earth could I, Anastasia Steele, be standing here overlooking all of Seattle with one of the richest men in the entire world? It made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

"I've been composing since I was around fifteen years old." He said quietly while staring out the window.

"I'd love to hear some of your pieces sometime." I said with a smile as I stared up at him.

He quickly turned his head and looked down at me with wide eyes but yet he remained quiet. I bit my lip in nervousness because he wouldn't stop staring at me. He was making me feel uneasy with his constant stare.

I could hear his breath hitch and he ran his fingers through his hair. I couldn't help but stare at him while he did this because I could see the flex of his muscles. My mouth watered at the thought of his strong arms and the fact that his shirt was not doing me any favors to conceal the bulge of his muscles. I quickly realized that I was fawning over my boss and I seriously needed to stop. It was the second time in the span of probably less than twenty minutes, I was becoming a pervert. To distract myself, I turned back towards the window and watched the people of Seattle move about their day. I could feel Mr. Grey smirking at me and I knew that I had been caught during my mindless gawk. At least he didn't see me gawking at him earlier. I was so embarrassed my whole body was flushed. I crossed my arms as tightly as I possibly could around myself, desperately trying to make myself smaller.

It wasn't until I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat that I was finally put out of my misery. We turned in the direction of the door and I saw his driver. I couldn't help but think it was weird that his driver was still here. Maybe it was already time to take me home. I was instantly disappointed that my time here was over. I looked down at my feet in order to avoid showing them how truly disappointed I was.

"Yes, Taylor?" Mr. Grey said rudely.

"Sir, there is someone here to see you." His driver said curtly as he briefly glanced at me before leaving the room.

"Taylor, please escort Miss Steele home. Use the service elevator that way no one sees her leaving." Mr. Grey said, beckoning his driver back to the room.

"Certainly, Sir." His driver responded while holding the door open for me.

"This way Miss Steele." His driver, Taylor, said.

All of my thoughts were now confirmed. He didn't want to be seen with me. Not that I could blame him, I reeked of poverty. I didn't want to embarrass him any further so I decided to just leave things as they were and I walked out of the room without so much as a goodbye. The icing on the cake was that he didn't say anything back to me as well. As I followed his driver towards what I'm assuming is the service elevator, I could feel my insides plummeting. It hurt. I instantly became angry at myself for even letting him get somewhat close to me. I was naïve to think that we could possibly ever be friends. I hung my head in shame as I rode with his driver down to the parking deck. His driver, ever the gentlemen held out the door for me and gave me a sympathetic look. I gave him a full smile in return, throwing him off guard. I'm sure he was expecting me to be heartbroken and torn up from the obvious rejection I just received but that was not me. I was perfectly able to keep my emotions in check until I was in the privacy of my own home.

As I settled into the backseat and before Mr. Taylor got into the driver's seat, I gave myself a two second pity party before I pulled myself together. I pulled back my shoulders and straightened my body and decided it would be easier to maintain composure if I just stare out the window.

All too soon, we were entering the poverty stricken sights of my less than welcoming neighborhood. As we pulled up to my apartment building, I opened the door before Mr. Taylor could. He came around with a tight smile and I instantly knew that I was supposed to wait for him to open it for me. I felt bad.

"I'm sorry Mr. Taylor. I normally don't have people opening doors for me. I simply forgot." I said while staring at my feet normally.

When I looked back up at him, he regarded me with a smile. Which I so graciously returned and then I turned and headed inside toward my apartment. As I made my way towards my apartment door, I could see some strange man beginning to head my way with the clear intention of approaching me. I could feel my anxiety growing as I quickened my pace and lead myself to the front door. I could feel the man picking up his pace as well and I turned back and saw that Taylor was heading straight for the man. He quickly looked at me and gave me a reassuring nod and for that I was beyond grateful and I ran inside and into my apartment. I made quick work of the keys and locked the door effectively behind me and leaned my back against it. I quickly tore off my constricting red scarf and slid my back down the door as I let the tears silently poor down my face.

You are alright. I kept repeating to myself over and over, hoping that this mantra would be able to calm me down. Unfortunately it was failing miserably. Today was not a good day. Dealing with the rejection and brutality I received from Mr. Grey and then that strange man trying to approach me. I felt like I was never going to catch a break. I hated that I could still garner such anxiety from a stranger. I thought I was finally getting better dealing with everything. Not everyone in the world wants to hurt me. I immediately felt emotionally drained and in dire need of sleep. I knew that with a bit of sleep I would more than likely feel better in the morning. I debated on whether or not I should go on my morning run and decided to just see how I felt in the morning. If I was up for it, I'd go and if I wasn't, I wouldn't. I'd just have to wait and see but then again, if I went on my run I'd might just see Mr. Grey again. Unfortunately, I actually wanted to see him again. I really needed to accept that this man wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. I should just make it easier on myself and avoid him at all costs.

I headed to the couch and set up my little make-shift bed. I decided against putting on my pajamas and instead I just took off my pants and slid inside the bed. I said a quick prayer that things would be alright and then I allowed myself to drift off to sleep; allowing everything that happened today to drift away with it.

AN: I'm back. I know it took me a long time to finally get this chapter up and for that I am sorry. I was kind of stumbled on where I wanted to take this story but I think that I have a pretty good idea of where I want to take this. On an even better note, I just bought myself a brand new planner to keep myself organized with everything so now I can actually plan when I'm going to upload/write. I hope you guys like this chapter!