"Aw come on Pikachu it could be fun". My partner Ash said.

Man I really didn't want to do this. Ash was leaving me at some sort of school for pokemon, apparently he agreed that he should take a break from his pokemon journey and is now relaxing at his home back in Pallet town. Why couldn't I stay with him or with Professor Oak. No idea.

Plus I was the only one who had to go.

He left me at the entrance where tons of trainers were saying good bye to there Pokemon. I had no idea what to do or where to go. So I stood around looking lost. I eventually found one guy who seemed to know where he was going. A Ralts if I remembered correctly.

He went into this giant room called an auditorium. But my following him ended there. Apparently we were all segregated depending on our types. So while he traveled to the psychic section toward the center while I traveled toward the right side.

Im sat myself down next to an Electrike.

"Hi". I said to him hoping to make my first friend.

"Hey". He grumbled back. Somehow I got the feeling he didn't want to be friends so I just sat down and kept my mouth shut. After the rest of the pokemon came in the lights went dark.

A Gardevoir appeared on stage and walked up to a podium. "Greeting to all the Pokemon who have decided to attend." She spoke. "My name is Gardevoir and I will be your principal. Here at PokeAcademy we have a variety of programs to ensure you don't become bored."

"You will all find your schedules in your dorms. Your trainers should have given you a slip of paper. That will have a number on it. That is your dorm number. The wing your in will depend on your typing. Your classes will begin tomorrow, until then you are all dismissed." She ended and disappeared from the stage.

I heard a low rumbling from the other side of the auditorium. I thought everyone was going to leave in an organized matter. I was wrong. The fighting-types led by a Machoke were the first to crowd the exits.

"Hey Electrike why is it that-" Before I could finish he answered. "The fighting types have developed some type of pecking order."

"And no ones tried to fight it?"

"Some have but its not like 5 friends are going to take down all the fighting types in the school. Plus all the types that are super effective on fighting like the psychic don't seem to care."

I sighed wanting to do something about it, but honestly I didn't want to cause any trouble and or get Ash annoyed at me.

Once all the fighting types were out the Dragons and fairies followed them. After that the rock and ground types left. Then the ghost and dark types. Then ice and steel, then finally the fire and electric types moved. I walked beside Electrike. "So were 10th this year, not bad."

I eventually separated from the other electric types deciding to explore the school.

I heard laughing from one of the hallways and went to look at what was happening.

I saw a Machoke, Primeape and a Gurdurr picking on an Abra and the same Ralts from before. They were getting picked on.

"Hey!" I yelled loudly. The three fighting types looked at me, then began to laugh. "Who the heck is this? He's so small!" The Gurdurr laughed.

"I think it's what they call a Pikachu, a little mouse that dares to me with us?.

"Hey kid don't mess with us, my trainer has eight badges and is on his way to becoming a gym leader."

Hm, how many badges have me and Ash gotten over the years. All of Kanto, Johto, the Orange islands, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos gym leaders. Not to mention all of the frontier brains. That's at least 50.

They began to surround me, making sure there was no way I could escape. Reasoning with them now would be pointless, the only way out was to fight. I got into my battle position. I assumed that the Machoke was in charge and most likely the strongest, taking him out first might scare the other two off.

"Not so fast!" I heard a familiar voice said. I turned around to see a face I haven't seen in a while. Buneary sitting on the nose of Mamoswine.

"Damn looks like the little punk has reinforcements". Gurdurr growled.

"Big deal their normal and ice, fighting types like us are super effective against them. The Primeape yelled.

"No Primeape, we will retreat for now."

"But why?"

"To get caught fighting on the first day wouldn't be good, plus I have the faintest feeling I've seen this rodent in the past, and if he's half as strong as he was back then, then... Never mind just fall back". The Machoke said moving back, the Gurdurr followed, and reluctantly so did the Primeape.

Once they were out of sight I felt someone put their arms around me. They were soft and cushiony. I felt so relaxed, heck I even forgot where I was for a moment.

"Pikachu it's been a long time since I've seen you." Buneary said letting go of me.

Man that was true, we haven't seen her and Dawn since back in Unova.

"Yeah I know what you mean time really flies by doesn't it?" I said blushing? "Hi to you to Mamoswine!"

"He looked down at me. "Hi, I'll take to you later". He said before turning around.

"What's his problem?" I asked Buneary.

"Well I think he was pretty tired and was probably just planning to sleep all day, but once I noticed those guys surrounding you I decided I had to help. But I don't exact look like much of a threat, so I got him to help."

"Yeah thanks". I said.

We decided to bring each other up to speed. I told her about how we finished up Unova, then traveled around Kalos and when Ash decided to relax for a couple months and sent me here.

"Wow you guys really did all that?" She asked.

"Yep, but we can't stop just yet, at least not until we beat the pokemon league."

"So I guess your no where near done, your lucky I want another adventure but it seems like Dawn is just content with living a normal life again. Anyway I need to go, I'll talk to you later, bye!" She said before running off.

So all of Dawn's pokemon are here to, this might not be so boring after all.

"E-Excuse me, Pikachu sir, um thank you for saving me and Abra." Ralts came up to me and said.

"No problem." I said a bit startled. "But why didn't you come up early Buneary and Mamoswine helped out as well.

"Well, um the big guy kind of scared me, and I'm no good with girls, anyway thanks for saving me and Abra we really appreciate it".

I looked around looking for the mentioned Abra.

"Where is he anyway?"

"Well knowing him he's probably back in our room sleeping he could've teleported the whole time, but he didn't want to leave me alone with those bullies.

"Why were they picking on you for anyway? I doubt they attack unprovoked. Don't tell me you were picking fights".

"Oh no"! He answered quickly."Then what was it". I had a feeling he didn't want to tell me, but my curiosity was killing me.

"Well you see the leader of all the fighting-types that Machoke you messed with is currently... well dating my sister but you see she was told by my mother Gardevoir to look over me when school wasn't in session you can imagine how that bugged him."

"Mhm". I said understanding his problem.

"When he suggested that my sister ditch me, but amazingly she stood up for me, and slapped him. Obviously he wasn't going to hit her back, so he's decided to pick on me."

"Big deal, just go tell Kirlia about it and she'll make him stop or better yet your mothers the principle right? Just talk to her about it".

"No my moms busy as it is, and I don't wanna be the reason my sis breaks up with her boyfriend."

"Well then you know what the next time those guys bother you just call me, I'll handle them."

Ralts looked up to me and smiled. "Thanks Pikachu, sorry but we need to say good-bye for now, I need to go check up on Abra, thank you again!" He said as he walked off.

I nodded before I turned around and bumped into someone and fell down. "Ouch why don't you watch where your going twerp". That was extremely weird, this guy whoever this guy was he wasn't that much bigger than me but that wasn't the weird part. The weird part was that he spoke in human tongue. I've only met one pokemon who could do that.

I opened my eyes fighting my guess was correct.

I ran smack into Team Rockets one and only Meowth.