I'ma be real real with you guys.
This story is never getting finished.
I know, I know, and I'm sorry. But the truth is that I started it without a plan and now I don't even like Supernatural anymore. I actually am starting to actively dislike it. I won't go into details about why, because that won't make anyone happy, but just know that it is highly unlikely that I will ever return to the show and almost impossible that I'll ever finish this story. I have matured as a writer and as a person, and my writing style has changed drastically. Me trying to finish this would just be torturing myself. However, me just letting it sit without telling you would be torturing you. So, as it stands, I am officially discontinuing this story.
I won't delete it. Maybe you've enjoyed it so far and want to enjoy it again. I don't know. But it won't be getting new chapters.
I am really sorry about this. I feel bad, but I am parting ways officially with this story and this fandom. I am still writing, though, if you care to check out any of my current projects; I personally believe my writing has improved by a lot. If any of you like anime, well, that's the hole I fell down.
Once again, I apologize, and I thank you for your support.