AN: This is the first chapter of the sequel All the Little Pieces, this is to see if you guys like were it's going.
Annabeth Chase left behind her pain and love, and moved on. Now engaged to her love, and almost new CEO. She's got her dream life. It's not the perfect time for the thing she left in her past to reappear. What will she do when her old self starts to resurface? Will her perfect life crumble?
The pilot droned on about a storm and the delay it would have, but I missed half of it. My head ached and my eyes felt almost too heavy to keep open, and I was lucky enough that the screaming baby 4 rows back decided to shut up for more than 10 minutes. A plastic looking ginger sat next to me, constantly reapplying an ugly shade of green lipstick, her sickly perfume was invading my breathing space. I was just an inch away from snapping and rudely asking her to stop poisoning my air supply. Only when did we land, did I take the deepest breath I could, sure it was gross Manhattan air filled with gas and smoke, but anything was better than that stench she passed off as perfume. After checking my watching, and panicking for a spilt second, I realized after that 'little' delay of 2 hours, I had only an hour at most to prep for the meeting I was due at. It was the reason I came to New York in the first place. I tried to rush to my hotel, but the rude Taxi driving just smacked his gun at my request to speed it up, and seemed to take his time getting there, slicing my get-ready time in half. Thanks, I think his name was Carl or something like that.
I put on a face of a makeup, a pencil skirt and blouse, pined my hair back, and gathered together my files in record time. But, it still left only 8 minutes to get to the meeting in time, and being late was my #1 pet peeve. I caught a different cab this time, not wanting to relive the awful experience of riding with Carl or whatever.
My heart was in my throat the entire meeting, the eyes of the older CEO's were on me the entire time. I twirled my engagement ring around my finger, a habit I picked up. I texted my Fiancee, Henry, once it was over. He'd kill to be here with me, he had his own meeting with Uncle-someone he loathed-about fully taking over the company. I missed Henry.
I packed up as everyone left, my eyes wandered over to a cafe called 'Steamers' on the edge of the street and my stomach decided with a growl it was hungry and a warm cup of coffee sounded like the best thing in the world.
The shop smelled like cinnamon, it was lit with bronze lights, and it was quiet and calming to be in. I ordered a simple coffee and a carrot cake cupcake which looked perfect. I tucked myself away in the corner, snuggling in a large leather chair, simply watching others move around, meet up with friends. The bell above the door tinkled and I turned to look. My heart stopped.
There he was.
He lives here. Why wouldn't he be here.
He turned and my eyes met his.
His hair was still unruly, but partly tamed by a navy beanie, he looked the same as before. Same sea-green eyes, his shoulder's broadened. His jaw grew to be more defined, and it was covered in a light scruff.
Our eyes stayed locked on each others.
Green on grey.
Percy regained himself and went to the counter, he grabbed his order and hesitantly made his way over.
"Annabeth?" He almost whispered my name, like I was going to disappear.
I felt a smile tug at my lips, "Percy"
The color returned to his face, "Annabeth," He said with more confidence
"Sit" I nodded my head towards the empty chair next to me,
He adjusted himself and set his drink down, "So, what's new with you?"
"I ended up going to Harvard, I'm almost CEO of a architecture firm and..." My voice faltered at the mention of my engagement, my ring seemed to gain 90 pounds, and my hand itched, I suddenly wish I tucked it under my legs.
Percy, thankfully being the oblivious idiot he was and currently still is, didn't notice, "That's great! My mom got remarried, I'm applying for a couple jobs-I just quit being a bartender, I got a dog named her Mrs. O'Leary, well that's about it. Now, tell me what you're doing in Manhattan," He took a large sip from his cup.
I felt extremely thankful in that brief moment, "I'm here on business, working on meetings about becoming the CEO,"
Percy's proud smile made the small lump of guilt in my throat swell, "Your life's coming together just like you wanted it to when we were teenagers. Have you heard from the others?"
"I haven't, have you?"
"Sadly no," He glanced to his phone, he groaned, "I promised my Mom I'd help her cook her birthday dinner, and we need to work on the menu. The dinner is tonight. I have to head out. It was nice to see you Annabeth,"
Part of me-the little teenage me that survived growing up-still made my stomach flip when he gave his crooked grin, or when he bit his lip and that part remembered what it was like to drag it between my lips. Staying here along for the next week, will murder me. One way or another I just know I'll fall into the loop of old 16 year old me. I have Henry now. What Percy and I had was crazy teenage hormones and it meant nothing. What Henry and I have is real love, and I'm engaged to him, and in half a year-I'll be Annabeth Mills.
"It truly was" In the most awkward way possible, we hugged. I tried to ignore the little sigh that rose to my lips when I fit into his arms like a puzzle piece.
Percy went out the door and disappeared into the large crowd. Settling back into my chair, grasping my cup, I felt something inside me awaken. Something almost like a thirst, something I know Percy will only be able to quench.