Naruto: Chaos of the Wronged

This story is one I am going to be working on to get the creative juices flowing when I can't think of stuff for my original stories and characters. I will also possibly incorporate my own characters into this story at different points in time. This story, well first chapter, is from Hooked Reader who stopped writing a long time ago and gave the story to me. There will be a harem of Hana Inuzuka, Yugao Uzuki, Anko Mitarashi, and maybe one more if I decide too.

Naruto will be darker in this story and a lot stronger. Rated M for violence, language, and future actions of adults of legal age (18+).

Naruto will be 17 and the clan heirs are going to all be 16, Hana/Yugao/Anko will be18/19/19. The sensei are each 21. This story begins after the preliminary rounds of the Chunin exams.

Disclaimer: I am only going to say this once. I own nothing of Naruto or any of the other outside sources I pull from. The only thing I own are my original character, if they even show up in here.

"People Speaking"

"People Thinking"


"Demon/Biju/Higher Beings Speaking"

"Those guys thinking"



*Coughing and Sound Effects*

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

"Hey Kakashi-sensei! Can you train me for the finals?" Naruto asked his sensei, Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Cat Ninja.

"No Naruto I can't. You are going against Neji Hyuga, a fellow Konoha-nin and a prodigy from his clan. You have no chance to beat him whatsoever. Sasuke needs to be trained so he can control the curse mark but also so he can beat his opponent who happens to be a homicidal jinchuriki. Sasuke also has the Sharingan so I need to help him master it. But don't worry, I found a good substitute teacher for you…" Kakashi trailed off as Ebisu appeared.

"The closet pervert?! He can't teach for shit!" Naruto growled out in anger.

"Now see here you little fucking demo- err brat! I am no pervert, and I am a great teacher." Ebisu spat back as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Naruto you can either learn under Ebisu or try to find your own sensei." Kakashi said as he used a shunshin to leave.

-Around the Corner-

"Hayate-nii, can you train Naruto-kun please?" Asked a purple haired and teary eyed girl. This was Yugao Uzuki, a newly promoted Jonin.

"Sure Yugao-chan, *cough* I wouldn't mind having a *cough* student to teach kenjutsu too." Said Hayate Gekkou, a sick and frail looking man who carried a katana on his left hip. Even though this 21-year old looked frail and weak he had an air of strength around him.

"Yaayyy! Now go see him and offer your help. I have a mission with Hana-chan and Anko-chan." Yugao said as she used a shunshin to leave and prepare for her mission with her two best friends.

-With Naruto-

Naruto was currently walking to a deserted and far off training ground that no one uses anymore. But when he got there he used a few hand-signs and the whole area shimmered before a beautiful mansion appeared in the center with a small vegetable garden in the back, a fruit tree orchard to the right, flower bed all around the house, an orchard of different looking trees (chakra trees). There was also a small lake nearby with a large waterfall coming off of a rock-face. Around the entire area was a large 30-foot fence that had a locked gate with a swirl as the lock. Naruto cut his hand and unlocked the gate. Upon walking in Naruto had a small smile as he remembered how he got this dream home.

-Begin Flashback-

A 5 year old Naruto was running down an alley, well that was until he hit a dead-end. Behind him was the glow of torches and the sounds of metal hitting buildings and stumbling people. Soon enough Naruto saw a group of men appear, carrying torches and knives and saws and broken pipes. These people started getting closer to Naruto.

"There's the *hic* the demon!" shouted one drunk mobster.

"Getthim!" a few others slurred at the same time. Some people threw their knives or other light weapons/objects at the innocent little boy. These weapons then got embedded into Naruto's arms, legs, and chest. Little Naruto couldn't even make a noise as he went into shock. The people then approached slowly, ready to torture and even possibly kill the container of the Kyubi. Four of the mobsters had saws, and these four then sawed off Naruto's legs and arms at the knees and elbows. Then those with the torches cauterized the wounds so Naruto wouldn't bleed out quickly. After that was taken care of, knives were stabbed into Naruto and torn out at angles, leaving him cut open and bleeding profusely. Lastly the people with pipes shoved one down Naruto's throat to hold him like he was upside down on a metal pike. Another pipe was used to break Naruto's ribs and prop them open so that his lungs, heart, and other organs were available to the world. After this was taken care of the mobsters then left to go back to drinking.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, Naruto didn't die. He did black out from the pain though, but after everything was done. When he blacked out he entered his mind, and upon doing so came face to face with the large gates that held back the Kyubi. Naruto could see the outline of a sleeping Kyubi and even saw the chakra (or red energy as what he considered it at the time) leaving the cage and entering him.

"Wha-what is going on?" Little Naruto cried out, which happened to wake up the Kyubi.

"Urgh, dammit you little shit. You woke me up! And you are injured and need my chakra which that fucking seal steals from me. Why the fuck are you here!" Kyubi growled out in anger.

"I-I'm sorry…I don't know what's going on. The last thing I remember is pain…lots and lots of pain. Who are you?" Naruto said as he wiped his tears away and looked up at the giant fox.

"Me? I am the Kyubi, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. I am the strongest biju and my power can reshape continents!" Kyubi announced himself.

"That's your name? That's not a name, it's just some stupid title. Now tell me your name you big fur ball!" Naruto said, starting to growl. Soon he and Kyubi were in a staring match.

"I will tell you my name when you earn it brat. You haven't earned my respect yet." Kyubi said with a smirk as he and Naruto were still staring.

"Fine, you big ball of fluff." Naruto pouted, which amused the Kyubi because most people would be scared of the fox. Suddenly the whole area started to change and the gates went away. What appeared was a collar on the Kyubi and a field of large oak trees and a lake that made Kyubi look like a regular sized fox.

"What did you do? Why did you change this?" Kyubi said in shock.

"Well, I know I'm not awake and not passed on so I guessed I was in my head. So I decided to make this place look better. I also did this for two other reason, 1) because I want to earn your trust and this is the first step, 2) because now you can make sure I don't get stuck in those weird image things that I have been in before because of some ninja." Naruto said, sounding oddly mature for his age. But before Kyubi could figure out why, Naruto was awoken by a loud scream.

Back in the real world a group of three girls accompanied by a grown woman were the witnesses of what happened to Naruto. They were walking by when the brown haired girl and her mother smelled blood, this caused them to stop and look around. That's when they saw the blonde haired boy and the three girls screamed. The grown woman ordered one of the girls to go get the Hokage while she went to the boy. The grown woman pulled the boy off of the pipe and pulled the other pipes out of his chest. After she did that Naruto fully woke up and first looked to his limbs to see that they actually grew back and then he noticed there were people around him, a grown woman and a brown haired girl who looked a year older than him and a dark purple haired girl that looked two years older.

"Uhh…wh-who are you people? What are you doing here? And please don't hurt me!" Naruto exclaimed as he quickly scrambled backwards, his back hitting the wall behind him.

"Well runt, we aren't going to hurt you, we just found you and I decided to help. Yugao-chan will be back soon with the Hokage so you can be fully healed. But my name is Tsume Inuzuka, the clan head of the Inuzuka Clan. This girl here is my eldest child and only daughter, also currently the clan heir. Her name is Hana Inuzuka. Next to Hana is her friend Anko Mitarashi." Tsume introduced the group. Naruto calmed down a little bit but was still nervous but decided to not be rude.

"H-hello Tsume-obaa (Aunt Tsume), Hana-chan, and Anko-chan. M-my name is N-Naruto Uzu-Uzumaki." The young boy introduced himself to the group, earning a smile and small blush from the two girls and a little smile from Tsume as she saw the boy was doing okay after his incident. Just then the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, appeared with a girl around the same age as Anko but with a lighter shade of purple hair.

"Jiji!" Naruto exclaimed as he ran to the old man. Tsume and the girls were amused by the little orphan boy calling one of the most powerful ninja alive gramps.

"I-I'm so sorry Naruto…" Hiruzen started sadly, getting a strange look from everybody. But before anyone could say anything the old man made shadow clones and used a shunshin to bring everyone to a long forgotten training ground.

"Naruto, before you say anything let me explain. The same goes for you four." Hiruzen started with a sad tone to his voice earning nods from the five people in front of him.

"Naruto, due to what has been going on with the civilian council I have had to lie to you about your parents every time you ask. Every time you asked I put $10,000 (A/N Ryo and USD will use the same symbol. 10 Ryo equals 1USD.) and some jutsu into a scroll. I am done lying, consequences be damned. In these two scrolls you will find a total of $2,860,000, 16 jutsu, 5 weapons, and 10 books to teach you certain skills. I will help you train with a shadow clone but I will also have one of my most trusted Anbu train you. Not only that but this training ground I have given to you and I am having another trusted Anbu come here tomorrow to help build a new home for you. I am doing this now because my old heart can't stand to hurt you any longer. Within the scroll are some personal jutsu and letters from your parents along with pictures of them both separately and together and when your mother had you in her belly. I understand if you cannot forgive me, but I hope you do." Hiruzen Sarutobi said as he teared up, as did Hana, Yugao, Anko, and Naruto.

"Hokage-samae, are you going to tell him about the other thing as well?" Tsume asked, holding back any clue of tears.

"Do you me-mean the big fur ball Kyubi in my mind?" Naruto asked curiously, wiping away his tears.

"H-how did you learn about the fox?" Both of the adults asked in shock.

"Well I met him after the villagers hurt me last night. He doesn't seem that bad. I mean his red energy stuff helps me heal faster and he didn't seem like a monster-y killing machine." Naruto said.

"Well, just be careful and don't let him out of the seal. That could kill you or you could be taken over by him. Also don't tell anyone else about him, that goes for you three as well because it is a village secret of the highest level." Hiruzen said.

"Uhm, Jiji, what about my parents?" Naruto asked.

"You may tell who you please but they cannot tell anyone, that secret is yours and only you can share it." Hiruzen told the boy. After this the old Hokage gave the small boy a hug before going back to do his paper work.

"So uhm…Hana-chan, Anko-chan, and…uhm?" Naruto started but realized he didn't know the last girls name.

"Oh I'm Yugao Uzuki, I'm friends with Hana and Anko."

"Well Yugao-chan, my name is Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto said with a foxy grin, making the three girls blush at how cute he looked to them.

"So would you three like to go play ninja or something?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Well, Naruto I am sure that they would love to but I need to take them shopping first. But you can come join us." Tsume offered with a gentle smile.

"Okay!" Naruto said excitedly and happy to finally have some friends. This day is when Naruto Uzumaki bought his orange jumpsuit, much to the dismay of the ladies with him. They let him buy it but he had to buy a few more ninja style clothes after he became a genin.

(A/N: Naruto also knows Tenzo/Yamato because he helped with building the house and some of the trees along with the lake and rock face and waterfall. There will be some flashbacks to the training and jutsu Naruto went through a little later.)

-End Flashback-

Hayate Gekkou snuck in behind Naruto, thinking he was still unnoticed by the young blonde.

"You can come out now and drop the camouflage, I can smell you and feel your chakra." Naruto calmly said, surprising Hayate.

"My my, you are a sharp one Naruto-san. Yugao-chan wasn't lying, you are good. And all three said you were one of a kind, never thought that would be so accurate." Hayate said, surprisingly without a cough.

"Who are you and what do you mean?" Naruto asked, having his guard up.

"Well, I am Hayate Gekkou, one of the best kenjutsu users in Konoha. I am a friend and rival of Yugao-chan and friends with Hana and Anko as well. Yugao-chan specifically asked me to train you. And I already know about your burden, I am a jonin afterall." Hayate said, again without a cough.

"R-really? She asked you to help me?" Naruto asked, still shocked that his friends would do so much for him.

"Yeah, so I need to know what you know already." Hayate said, still wondering about his cough disappearing.

"Sure, and also I know who you are now, and the reason you aren't coughing is because the fuinjutsu around here eliminates all ailments people have as well as my plants keep the air cleaner than the civilians do for the village so there are no irritants. You should cough at all or at least as much when you go back to the village." Naruto said, shocking Hayate.

"Alright so what do you know from all the ninja skills?" Hayate questioned.

"Ninjutsu: Shadow Clone, Multi-Shadow Clone, Shunshin, Henge, Kawarimi, Kunai Shadow Clone, Shuriken Shadow Clone, and the rest are clan jutsu I have yet to master. One of them I need to find Jiraiya to help teach me it. Genjutsu: none, but I cannot be put under one. Taijutsu: no real style, I have mixed bits and pieces of the basic academy style with some of the ones I have in scrolls like the Hummingbird Style and the Wolf Style among others. Fuinjutsu: I am level 5 with my seals based on the Uzumaki seal grading level. This places me at the level of an average jonin. I do not know kenjutsu or the use of any weapon as I do not have a teacher to guide me in the steps, but I do have 5 weapons to learn with. 1 is a katana, 1 is a claymore, 1 is a battle axe and hammer mixed together, 1 is a pair of special gloves, and the last is a secret that is sealed in a high level fuinjutsu that I cannot yet get it." Naruto informed the jonin.

"Do you know the training benefit from the Shadow Clone?" Hayate asked, amazed at what Naruto knew.

"Yeah, I use it to study scrolls and practice my jutsu already." Naruto informed the man.

"Wonderful, we are going to up the amount from now on. And we will also find Jiraiya to help teach you as well. How far along are you on chakra control?" Hayate asked his new student.

"I can climb trees or any flat surface but I can't do anything else." Naruto fumed.

"Alright, well I have a basic plan to follow for now. I need you to create 300 clones. 150 to practice water walking, 50 to read this kenjutsu scroll and practice the beginner katas, 25 to practice the Chameleon Jutsu, 25 to practice the Transparent Escape, and 50 to practice your affinity." Hayate said. The man noticed the chakra trees and walked over to one before pulling out his katana and slicing the tree to pieces.

"Wh-why did you destroy my tree?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Because we needed chakra paper and the tree is the source of said paper. We are going to be using the raw form so it will work but will change the tree material itself instead of wat normal chakra paper does. If there is an affinity to fire then it will turn to charcoal, wind shreds it, lightning blackens it in jagged streaks, earth will cause the tree to become clay-like, and water will cause it to get soggy and sprout." Hayate said as he sealed all of the slices except for 2 into a sealing scroll for Naruto. Hayate then demonstrated and his turned to shredded saw dust before turning into a pile of coal.

"See I am wind with a small affinity to fire. Now your turn." Hayate handed the last piece to Naruto. Naruto grabbed it and concentrated on sending chakra into the piece. Naruto's paper then shredded into large pieces before being shredded again into small coarse particles. Then one pile of debris grew soaked and a small sapling started to sprout with a clay like material forming underneath. The second pile then shot through the air with sparks flying from them.

"Well…that was different. You are a wind for your primary, and really highly too. Then you have water and earth and lightning for your secondary affinities almost as strong as a low chunin's primary affinity." Hayate said in shock.

"Hmm. That is sweet!" Naruto exclaimed and making the 300 clones. All the clones went to do their jobs, except for the ones to train his affinities. Those 50 remained behind.

"Alright I want 10 on each element. That leaves 10 leftover. I want 2 to focus on trying to mix wind and earth, 2 on wind and water, and 2 on wind and lightning. The last 4 I want to meditate and focus on coursing one of the elements around the body as a sort of shield or armor." Naruto ordered his clones. This impressed Hayate with how Naruto was pushing himself.

"So Hayate-sensei, what will I be doing now?" Naruto asked his new teacher. Hayate just smirked and chuckled before answering.

"Well, Naruto, you are going to go through hell with physical training. You are going to run 5 laps around the area, do 50 pushups, 50 crunches, 25 heel raises, 5 laps, 30 pull ups, 50 reverse crunches, 50 jump squats, and then 3 laps of all out sprinting with no slowing down." Hayate ordered, upon which Naruto paled at the task he had to do, even more so when Hayate pulled out a set of body weights which put even more weight on his entire body (15 pounds on each limb and 20 on his torso).

"D-damn you Hayate-sensei. You are a f-fucking slave driver!" Naruto slowly cursed at his sensei from his position on the ground. Hayate just laughed at his student before removing the weights from his body.

"Naruto, only wear these weights when training so that way your body can recover better after training. Now I want you to do this every morning but double the amount of clones working on your affinities. All of this should be done before noon. Then in the afternoon we will spar so I can help improve your technique and form. Lastly you will have the day after we spar to yourself." Hayate told the tired blonde.

"Yes sir sensei!" Naruto then hopped up and cracked his back.

"Hey sensei, can you show me where the best ninja shop is?" Naruto asked Hayate, wanting to get some better tools but also to finally buy real ninja clothing.

"Sure thing." Hayate said before he took Naruto to the store. A few minutes later they appeared in an alley in front of a hidden store. Thanks to the Kyubi and Naruto working together when he was younger the genjutsu on the store has no effect on Naruto who walks right in.

"Hello there! Welcome to the Bear Claw Weapons Shop!" Came the deep voice of a big bear of a man at the counter. The man looked to be about 6'7" and almost 300 pounds of pure condensed muscle. He had scars covering his head and arms from what Naruto could see.

"Uhm…hello, I was wondering if I could get some tools I need for the Chunin Exam finals in a month time." Naruto mentioned to the man.

"Certainly young Naruto, and yes I know who you are. Prankster and master of stealth, those were enjoyable seeing those damn civilians and stupid ninja suffer your pranks. And my name is Chikyu Senshi." The now named Chikyu bellowed and introduced himself.

"Oh and I need to get a new outfit as well, something more ninja-like and practical." Naruto said as Chikyu guided him around the store. Chikyu told Naruto that everything would be on the house for this first visit and then the rest will be half to full price. When Naruto heard this he was amazed.

Naruto then went and grabbed some more fuinjutsu supplies and practice sets on different seals. After that Naruto emptied his weapon pouches of all his old kunai and shuriken, which he gave to Chikyu to use as scrap metal to reuse. Naruto then got a set of 200 kunai and 100 shuriken with an additional 50 senbon and a roll of ninja-wire, all of which was made of chakra conducting metal. After all the tools Naruto then walked over to the clothing to find a new outfit. Naruto found a set of clothes he liked and it consisted of: a dark black trench coat with a hood that covers the face, a dark forest green shirt with a tight mesh layer sewn into the shirt, a pitch black pair of Anbu pants with excessive pockets, and a pair of black combat boot/sandals.

"Hey Chikyu-san, I want about 4 more copies of this outfit. I want each of them to have a blood red Uzumaki Swirl on the back of the trench coat and shirt, a dark orange stripe on the side of each leg, and a dark ocean blue trim around the edge of the trench coat." Naruto said as he walked up with the outfit in his arms.

"Sure thing Naruto-san, I will have them ready in a week. And I will also throw in 2 free copies of this outfit but in the training mode. This means that the clothes will have weights built in and will increase every time the movement gets easy for you. The training outfit will also restrict your chakra which will make you have to focus harder and will end up improving you chakra control even more." Chikyu said as he packaged up all of Naruto's goods and placed the order for the outfits.

"Thanks old man! It means a lot to me, so I guarantee that I will always come back for anything I need." Naruto bowed to Chikyu before he turned to leave. But in doing so he bumped into someone and they both fell. Chikyu was openly laughing at the incident.

"I'm sorry!" Naruto said before looking at the person.

"It's alright Naruto. It aint nothing but a little bump." Tenten said.

"Yeah, alright." Naruto said as he stood up and helped Tenten get up. Tenten then saw what Naruto was wearing and blushed because of the drastic change in clothing making Naruto look more mature.

"So whatcha doing here Tenten?" Naruto asked.

"Well I live in the house up stairs and this is my family store." Tenten replied.

"Whoa, really? No wonder you are so good with weapons." Naruto told the young weapons mistress. Naruto then told the family good bye and left for his house to get ready for his next day of training.

End of Chapter 1

Next chapter will cover at least half way through the month of training or all the way up to before the chunin exam finals begin.

Let me know what y'all think. Also please check out my own personal comics that I am making myself entirely from scratch! Have a great one and see you next chapter!