Hey guys, I know I know it's been a while, I've just been lazy and also had a huge writer's block but here's the next chapter!!

Aditional A/N: I've wanted to add on to this chapter because I found it to be alittle short. Well you go!


After a long while of driving, Endymion and Malachite saw a huge castle in the distance. Deciding to park the car in the forest, they climbed out and started walking toward the castle.

They had noticed no guards were stationed at the entrance the opened the extremely large doors and walked in as it was their right.

Inside they took a look around and saw a long hallway that looked to have led to another door on the other side.

"Wonder where this leads to, eh, Malachite?" Endymion said grinning.

'Pretty soon I'll have you my Serenity and then you'll never escape me again' Endymion thought evilly.

Vegeta's Room

"Mate?! Hahahahaha, me be your mate!!? I'd rather be a mate to a monkey! Hahaha!"

Vegeta looking rather annoyed at the moment tried to keep calm but of course knowing his problem that didn't last too long.

"I am a monkey you idiot!"

Serenity's laughter died down and looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"What?! You're a monkey? Hmm, now that I think of it you sort of do look like one, I mean your hair for once is always so unruly, it looks like it hasn't met a comb in a while and-"

"Will you shut up! Did I ask you if I looked like a monkey or not?!?! Now-"

"How dare you tell ME to shut up?! Why you little-"

But before she could finish her sentence Vegeta walked foward grabbed her tightly in his arms as if not to let go and silenced her with a passionate and gentle kiss. Serenity was very surprised by this action and somewhat angry yet when he crept his tongue in her mouth, it caused her to moan. Kissing her was like kissing heaven to him and he just couldn't get enough of it. Since their lungs needed air though they eventually came out of the kiss, leaving them breathless and Serenity at loss for words. Blushing violently she turned away and walked toward the doors, leaving the room. Vegeta somehow didn't mind, he himself needed time to think.

Walking down the corrider Serenity was at loss for words. She was so confused now. 'Maybe I should be his mate, although was DO have our differences maybe he'll turn out in the end.' Not noticing where she was going, Serenity seemed to have bumped into a rather large object.

" Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going-"

Serenity looked up and to her horror found Endymion's form looming over hers.


'What the hell was I doing back there? I know she's beautiful and has the sexiest looking body ever, that doesn't mean I have to go kissing her like that. Great, now what's she going to think? Ha! Like I care anyways, I'm the Prince of Saiyans, I can do what I please, yeah! That's right!' Vegeta thought to himself.

Suddenly a high-pitched scream reached Vegeta and he knew exactly who it was, for there was only one person who could scream that loud and high no to mention. Deciding against going after her he stayed in the bedroom.

'She shouldn't have run out, she can take care of herself, humpf!'

The scream continued and Vegeta began to panic, pacing the room frantically, he thought to himself.

'Maybe something happened, maybe I should go for her....what AM I thinking, am I getting soft? Of course not, just a little worried, okay maybe a little more than that....NO! I'm not going after her and that's final!'

A minute later Vegeta ran out the door.

Endymion and Serenity

"Shut the hell up Serenity! You bitch you think that you could get away from me? Well, did you? HA! That's too bad because now I have you right where I want you and you're not escaping or going anywhere." Endymion whispered harshly.

Ripping his cape, he took the cloth and gagged Serenity to silence her. Then he slung her over his shoulder and started to walking toward the large entrance doors, Malachite following behind. Serenity who was now kicking violently against Endymion's back felt hopeless. Her chances of being free from Endymion and the roles of a princess had ended. Tears could be seen rolling down her face as she stopped kicking and thought about Vegeta.

'Oh Vegeta, I should've said yes to being your mate, you would've treated me better than the bastard who's holding me now'


12 year-old Serenity ran down the hallway playfully hysterically laughing.

"You'll never catch me now Luna!"

Bumping into a object she looked up (does this scene seem familiar?) to a smirking Endymion. (He's 16 by the way) He was dressed in the royal prince armour with a red cape attached to it.

"Hey Serenity, wanna have some real fun?"

"Sure, what is it?" A clueless Serenity giggled.

"Oh you'll see"

Grabbing Serenity by the arm he dragged her into a closet room and started to unbuckle his belt and pull off his armour.

"What are you doing Endymion???" Serenity said trembling, wondering what was going to happen.

"Just lay down and I'll show you how to have real fun" Endymion laughed evilly

"NO! Leave me alone!" Serenity struggled but it seemed to have no effect on Endymion, he was too powerful and pinned her down with his body.

Proceeding to remove the rest of the clothing he had on, he pulled Serenity's dress up and hushed her whimpering with a harsh and brutal kiss. Serenity who was now sobbing just went with what he was doing, as it was pointless to try and fight him, he was just far too strong. That was the day Serenity had lost her virginity.

End Flashback

As they were walking down the hallway, they came across what seemed to be another prince in royal armour. He was red with fury and was glowing a deep crimson.


Oh boy things are really heating up. Well, I know I updated fast but it's not going to be this way. I just had a lot to write and a lot on my mind about what to write. So review and I'll try to write more within the next two weeks or so. Thanks for reading and REVIEW!