I own nothing! I will answer reviews, so please review! This is a fanfiction where some Merlin characters and the Doctor watch the reincarnations of some of everybody except Merlin (who was alive the entire time :)). The Doctor will also be there.

Enjoy! Hopefully it is not too OOC!

Also, I suck at beginnings, so the following chapters will be better!

First Merlin fic too...:)

And first crossover...

Merlin was in the stocks...again. Arthur had been mad at him, for he had 'spent too many days in the tavern'.

He really had to tell Gaius to come up with a new excuse.

The worst part was the fact that just as Merlin was put in the stocks, Arthur left on his horse, laughing at his expense. He had been telling Merlin about going on a dangerous quest to find a mysterious sorcerer in a blue box near the Crystal Caves, as Gaius decided to name it.

Arthur had made a point to explain just how dangerous it could be, making Merlin feel the urge to go and protect him. Then, the king had switched topics to Merlin's 'alcoholic problems' and put him in the stocks for it.

Then, he left. Merlin knew that he would be needed if it turned out to be as dangerous as Arthur made it sound. He even brought Gaius and Guinevere. The Knights of the Round Table went as well after holding another moment of silence for Lancelot.

All in all, Emrys felt extremely left out.


The king rode along with his queen at his side and the physician and knights behind him. He felt a brief stab of guilt for not letting Merlin go, but Gaius told him that it would not be wise to let him come on this particular quest.

He hoped his loyal servant would understand.

After a lot of riding, they finally arrived at the legendary Crystal Caves, with a blue box outside.

"Police Call Box..." Arthur frowned. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know..." Gaius forehead wrinkled with thought.

"I think it is okay as long as it is a tavern!" Gwaine took a swig from his water skin, which was undoubtedly full of ale.

Carefully, they continued on their quest until they came across a man dressed in weird clothes.

"Sorcerer!" Arthur drew his sword.

The man, surprisingly, put his hands up. "I am no sorcerer."

"He's right, sire." Gaius spoke up

"How can you be sure?" the king asked.

"Wouldn't he have attacked already if he was a sorcerer?"

Arthur slowly lowered his sword. "We'll keep an eye on you."

"I'm sure." he grinned, "I'm the Doctor. There is something I was told to show you. Please follow, it might help you understand magic and your friends a little bit more."

"Can we?" Gwaine questioned, looking excited.

He was definitely drunk.

"All right, but only so we can find this sorcerer." Arthur urged his horse to follow the Doctor.

"So, you are a man of medicine?" Gaius looked generally interested in the Doctor. "What's your name?"

"Just the Doctor...and I could be a man of medicine. Sometimes I am. Others, I am not."

They continued on in silence.

Eventually, they reached where they were destined to go.

"I've been told that one of the most pure forms of magic is also the one that can never be destroyed." the Doctor started.

"Which is this?" Arthur gripped his sword.

"Reincarnation. I have been told to show you the reincarnations of some of your friends and even one that was not a reincarnation by the blue box over there. It really can mess with your head." he made a good excuse.

"What do you mean one that is not a reincarnation?" Gaius looked kind of nervous.

"There is someone you are all familiar with who has several names. One of those is Emrys." he paused as he noticed Gaius's face become guarded. "But I will not tell you who Emrys is, even though I know. Emrys in the language of the Old Religion means immortal, or so I've been told." he skillfully crafted his lie. "He will live on until magic dies, because that person is magic in flesh. I was sent by the box to show you moments from some reincarnations and one of Emrys in two thousand years. In two thousand years, he looks exactly the same as he does now."

The Doctor watched as the expressions of the knights became stony.

"So, one of the people close to us is magic in the flesh?" Arthur asked, grip tightening on his sword.

Gaius swallowed.

"He means you no harm. It is his destiny to protect you Arthur, his mission, as you are the Once and Future King." even the Doctor was testing his memory at this point.

"The Once and Future King?" the king raised an eyebrow.

"The one destined to be the greatest king who ever lived and ever will." the Gallifreyan continued.

Arthur suddenly felt a lot of pressure on him as he went silent.

"I will show you those clips now if you could come into the caves with me." the Doctor turned into the caves.

The blue box technically didn't send him, but he hoped it was a good enough lie for now.

Arthur, Guinevere, Gaius, Gwaine, Percival, Leon, and Elyan quickly came into the caves, hoping to not only learn about their friends' reincarnations but also who Emrys was.

The Doctor swallowed as he willed the crystals with his Gallifreyan touch-telepathic skills to show the reincarnations of them and Merlin's future self, since Emrys would not die for a while yet.

They were all quiet as the show began.


The following chapters will be better, trust me!